Guilty Pleasures (16 page)

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Authors: Donna Hill

BOOK: Guilty Pleasures
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“Well, actually … I was going to talk to you about next week. I know this is a bad time, but I'm going to have to take a few days off.”

“Now, with everything that's going on

“Yes, uh, you know my cousin Rita.” He nodded. “Well, she's going in for some … female surgery. And she's going to need someone to take care of her for a few days when she gets home. We're the only family. She doesn't have anyone else.”

His mouth formed a firm line. “Will you be reachable, in case we need you

“Of course. You can always get me on my cell phone.” She hoped it would work on the ship.

“Hmmm. Well, family is family. How long will you be out

“All of next week, for sure. I hope it won't be longer than that.” She snatched a glance at her desk clock. Damn, Rita would be walking through the door for their lunch date any second now. “Can you excuse me one minute
I need to check on something with Tara.” She hurried out and reached Tara's desk just as Rita stepped off the elevator.

Eva practically ran to Rita. Thankfully, Tara was busy with one of the designers. She grabbed Rita by the arm and turned her back to the elevator.

“Change in plans,” she said under her breath. “Don't call the office. I'll call you later.” She pushed Rita back on the elevator just before the door closed.

She quickly walked over to Tara. “Uh, Sebastian and I will be busy for a while, so would you hold my calls for me

“Sure thing.” She looked past Eva. “I swore I saw your cousin just get off the elevator.”

” She laughed. “At first I thought it was her too, and I went rushing over to her like a fool. Just someone who got off on the wrong floor.”

Tara looked at her. “Are you sure you're okay
You're acting really frazzled today.”

“I do feel a bit warm. Right after I finish up with Sebastian, I think I'll leave early. Try to nip this thing in the bud.”

Tara nodded. “Okay.”

“Well, let me get back.” Eva hurried away, whispering a desperate prayer.
Please let this work.

“Everything okay
” Sebastian asked when she returned. He scrutinized her with a pinched expression. “I don't see why you didn't just call Tara on the phone. The phones are working, aren't they

“Yeah, but I knew she was working with the designers and wouldn't be at her desk.”

“Hmmm.” He looked at his watch. “Okay, well let's get busy.”

“Sure.” She was more than happy to sit down. Her legs had gone all wobbly.

Three hours later, they'd finished the preliminary work. They'd matched all the inventory with the in-house files and began the process of seeing what could be cut back.

“There really isn't much room for cuts, Bass,” Eva said, rotating her neck.

“Unfortunately, you're right.” He pursed his lips in thought. “Our biggest expenses are the rent for this place, salaries, and utilities.”

“We can't afford to let any of the designers go, especially not now. And they can't work in the dark.”

They both chuckled.

“The only thing we can do, which will save several thousand per month, is to cut back on the hours of operation.”

You're kidding!”

He shook his head. “What choice do we have
The staff is going to have to do more in less time. Since they're all paid by the hour, we can cut that way, and if no one is here, that will save on the electric bill, which is astronomical.”

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