Authors: Donna Hill
Think girl, think.
Eva rummaged through the lie she'd told Sebastian about needing the time off to look after Rita. She couldn't imagine he'd think she meant on a cruise ship. Geez, this was getting sticky. Maybe they would hit an iceberg and plunge into the ocean.
“Actually it's a mixture of business and pleasure.”
Traci's thinly arched brows rose with expectation. “Oh, really” She reached for the extra glass of water on the table and brought it to her bloodred lips. “What kind of business and pleasure
“The pleasure part is with my husband, and the business part is just thatâbusiness.” She flashed a sneer.
“I see.” Traci took another dainty sip of water. “Is Sebastian about” She looked around again.
“Hmmm, he let you take care of business all this long way all by yourself” Her mouth puckered in a tight line of challenge, daring Eva to cross it.
Eva put one foot across the line and then the other. She balanced her elbows on the table and leaned forward. “Let's not bullshit each other, Traci. I don't like you, and you don't like me. I think you're a gold-diggin' phony that deeply hurt a very good friend of mine, and you're still pissed 'cause I'm around and you're not. And now that we have that old business out of the way, I'd like to get back to my breakfast before it gets cold.”
Traci's near alabaster complexion flushed a deep crimson, almost a perfect match to her lipstick. She jutted her chin upward, giving Eva a perfect view up her Michael Jackson nose.
She tossed down her napkin as if she'd never been insulted before and pushed back from the table. “I was only attempting to make conversation. But I see that you still lack an iota of class.”
What in the name of all that's holy did Sebastian ever see in this bitch“I missed that lesson. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm sure you have some unsuspecting fool lined up in your sights. Besides your perfume is disturbing my digestion.” She proceeded to chew on a piece of sausage.
Traci spun away with a huff, muttering something about a female dog while she marched off.
Eva rolled her eyes. Her hands were shaking. She'd been so pissed off at Jake, she'd totally forgotten about looking out for Traci.
Shit, shit, shit.
She should have tried to make nice, but it wasn't in her to do so. Now she'd gone and ticked her off.
What if Traci called Sebastian just out of spiteOr just caused some yet-to-be-seen trouble just for the hell of it
Shit, shit, shit.
She let her fork clink onto her plate, her appetite gone. Wiping her mouth, she pushed away from the table and slowly stood, testing the readiness of her legs. At least her head had stopped spinning and her stomach was slowly settling down.
Now whatshe wondered as she exited the restaurant. No messages on her cell phone, so all must be well for the time being.
Well, when in Rome, do like the Romans do.
She was going for a swim. She headed back to the cabin, determined to give Jake the cold shoulder if he was still there. All she needed to do was pick up her bathing suit and she was out.
When she walked into the cabin, Jake was busy at the computer and didn't hear her come in. For a moment she stood in the doorway watching him, wondering how things could have gotten so ugly between them.
She knew she was being stubborn and maybe even a little vindictive. It was her own guilty conscience gnawing at her, and she was taking it out on him. They'd promised each other that kids didn't factor into their lives, but she'd decided otherwise without him. She supposed he had every right to be upset. But still â¦
She shut the door. His head snapped up and then turned in her direction. Her heart stilled.
Say something, damnit.
He turned back to what he was doing.
Eva walked off to the bedroom area. She took her swimsuit from the dresser drawer, a pair of flip-flops from the closet, gave him one last look from across her shoulder, and walked back out.
Jake hung his head, feeling like a pin-pricked balloon. Why did he let her walk outHe knew why: He had no idea what to say to her.
He turned back to the computer and tried to concentrate on cracking the combination.
A light knock on the door drew his attention away from his work. He got up to answer.
“You look a little beat down,” Rita said, and stepped inside.
“Rough night” Jinx asked, clapping him on the back. He'd followed Rita in.