Guilty Pleasures (50 page)

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Authors: Donna Hill

BOOK: Guilty Pleasures
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“Eva, it's Sebastian.”

“Hey, Bass. How are you

“Not so good. When will you be coming back
I know you said about a week. But we have some discrepancies with the inventory.”

Her heart slowed. At least that was something she could deal with.

“What kind of discrepancy

“We got a call today from our supplier in Hong Kong. They were asking did we get the double shipment that you ordered and wanted to know when they would be paid. I have no idea what they are talking about, and there are no records of any recent shipments from Hong Kong.”

The ship suddenly gave off a loud horn blast.

“What in the world was that
Sounded like the horn from hell.”

Eva chuckled nervously. “Oh, uh, I have the television on. The uh, History Channel. Anyway, I'll take care of all that as soon as I get back. It's obvious that they must be mistaken.”

“Hmmm. I certainly hope so. Because if I find out that someone on this staff is lining their pockets, heads will roll all up and down Seventh Avenue.”

“How is everything else going with the line

“Hectic, to say the least. You are definitely missed. And it's getting harder for me to be in two places at one time. Your cousin picked a fine time to get ill. How is she, by the way

“Coming along day by day. Thanks for asking. Have you found another architect

“I'm still interviewing and paying rent on a space that I can't use. It's really draining the budget.”

“You'll find someone, and all of this will be a forgotten headache in no time.”

“From your lips.”

She could hear the noises of the studio in the background and could pretty much see the chaos and comings and goings of the designers. She had a moment of nostalgia. Quiet as it was kept, she really liked her job. She liked the normalcy of that part of her life. She would miss it dearly.

“I should let you get back to being Florence Nightingale, although it is beyond my capabilities to see you in that role.”

Eva laughed. “You take care, Bass, and I'll see you soon.”

“You do the same and give my regards to Rita.”

“I sure will. Bye.”

She disconnected the call.


“So far, Traci hasn't called, but the order that I placed for the zirconia for this gig of ours popped up. I really didn't think the vendors would call.”

Jake chewed on his thumbnail. “He can't get into your computer, can he

She shook her head. “No. Thank God it's password protected. I was holding my breath, thinking he might ask me for the code.”

“Small favors,” he murmured. “There's not much you can do about it from here.”

“True.” She plopped down in the chair by the bed. “I really feel bad about leaving Bass in the lurch like this. Things are so tough for him right now.”

“It's not your fault.”

“At least if I was there … maybe I could help. If he can't get the financing he needs, he may actually lose the business.”

“Is it that bad

She nodded.

They were silent for a moment, each caught up in their private thoughts.

Jake snapped his fingers and looked at Eva. A slow smile crept across her mouth as she watched the wheels spin in his head.



Rita wandered around the casino until she found an empty seat at the roulette table. Games of chance weren't really her thing, but she'd give it a shot.

She hadn't seen Xavier since earlier that morning, and there were no messages from him on her phone either. That worried her. It was imperative that she gain access to his room, and she couldn't very well do that if someone else was beating her time, namely Traci Jennings.

She placed her bet and watched the wheel spin.

“I didn't think this was your kind of game,” a voice from behind her whispered.

She glanced over her shoulder. “Well, hello. I'd given you up.”

“Never.” Xavier glanced at the roulette wheel. “I have been very busy. Things that needed to be taken care of before we dock in Miami.”

“I see.”

“Would you care to join me for a drink … before dinner

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