Gypsy Wedding (36 page)

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Authors: Kate Lace

BOOK: Gypsy Wedding
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‘Mrs Liam Connelly,’ Liam had whispered as he’d taken her in his arms and began to kiss her. First her face then her neck, before his mouth had moved lower. The tenderness with which he’d explored her body had left her aching and longing for the moment of fulfilment and when it came, when he finally entered her, it was as if it was the moment her body had been waiting for since the day of her betrothal.

And afterwards, as they lay panting and satisfied, their bodies still intertwined, Vicky thought she might cry with happiness but instead, overwhelmed by the day and excitement, she’d fallen asleep with Liam’s arm curled protectively around her.

Now wide-awake, Vicky looked across at her new husband. Pale lemony light filtered through the yellow curtains of their trailer and gave him a golden glow. She caught her breath as she remembered the previous night and thought that no one could be as happy as she was right now.

‘Where’s my tea, wench,’ murmured Liam, looking at her through half-open eyes.

‘Where’s my tea, wench,
,’ corrected Vicky with a giggle.

‘Where’s my tea, wench, or I’ll have to carry on where I left off last night.’

Vicky’s insides turned somersaults. ‘Is that a threat or a promise?’ she whispered.

‘A promise,’ murmured Liam back, his hand already slipping down her body as Vicky shivered with pleasure.

And she’d nearly jeopardised all this for the sake of making frocks. What had she been thinking about? A life, a future with Liam, a future of sharing his bed and loving him and being loved back in return was all that she wanted now.

She could see her future ahead of her and it was perfect.

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Version 1.0

Epub ISBN 9781446473184

Published by Arrow Books 2011

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Copyright © Kate Lace, 2011

Kate Lace has asserted her right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.

This book is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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First published in Great Britain in 2010 by Arrow Books
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A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 9780099564539

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