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Dirk sighed. “I’d like to come over and tell you in person what I said with the flowers.”

“Might as well. I have a bottle of wine open and a lasagna and no one to share it with.”


Was he in for a treat? Had Justin stood up Riley? Could he hope?

“I had a date here when the flowers arrived.”


Dirk would be lying if he said he wasn’t jumping for joy inside.


















Chapter Nine

Riley reheated the lasagna when she knew that Dirk was coming over. She hadn’t eaten anything after Justin left. She’d lost her appetite. Justin leaving meant that she had to face her feelings for Dirk. She cared about him. Deeply. She wished she didn’t. Justin was a good guy. He’d take care of her, not that she wanted that.

Now she was a little nervous with Dirk coming over. Her phone rang again. The same number. She didn’t answer. No reason. No one would be there. She stared at the phone as if it was going to explode

She hated feeling this unnerved in her own apartment.

A knock on the door broke the spell. Dirk. She opened the door for him.

His tie was undone. His hair was a mess. He’d probably been running his hands through it. Glad he wasn’t driving. He might have gotten into an accident. She’d never seen him like this. Almost defeated.

He looked tired, and she couldn’t resist hugging him. He tucked his head into her neck, clearly needing the contact.

“Must have been awful to fire your best friend.”

Dirk kissed her cheek. “It was. Now I need some good food and some wine.”

She stepped aside to let him in. Despite his state, his presence was still a little overwhelming in her small apartment. “Come on in. I have both.”

“You never cooked for me.”

“No, and this time I didn’t either.”

He followed her into the kitchen. “Right. You cooked for Justin.”

“I did.”

“And he left you here alone.”

Yes, he had, but she didn’t completely blame him. His competition was a billionaire who always got what he wanted. What mere mortal could compete with that? Justin didn’t stand a chance.

“Because you sent me flowers. I had just told him that you were out of my life. He didn’t believe me when the bouquet showed up.”

“I am sorry for getting mad at you, Riley.” He put a hand on her arm. “You did a great job.”

His apology warmed her, especially because she’d bet he didn’t give out too many of those.

“Thanks. I didn’t want it to be true,” Riley said.

She pulled the lasagna out of the oven for the second time that night. She put a slab of it on a plate for both of them. She poured herself more wine and Dirk a big glass.

“I need another hug,” Dirk said.

She acquiesced. He felt good, but desperate. He’d had a hard day, but she was happy to comfort him. It all felt right. As much as she’d resisted this, it all felt good. Like she was coming home.

Dirk whispered in her ear. “I missed you.”

“Am I back?”

“I hope so.” He let her go. He ran his hands down her arms. “I’ll be honest. You are a hard woman to be with sometimes, but I wouldn’t trade any of it.”

That was brutally honest. She blinked, not sure if the first part was a compliment or not. She’d never thought of herself as high maintenance. “Thanks. I think.”

They sat down to eat. “I’ve been thinking,” she said.

“About what?”

“That I’ve been looking at this leak for weeks and all of a sudden it all falls into place. Evidence points to Zeke, but it seems too easy to me.”

“How so?”

“Like I said, it has suddenly all fallen into place. You have the evidence to fire him when I’ve been looking at this for weeks.”

“You think someone is framing him?”

“I’m wondering.”

“You mean I may have fired my best friend for no reason?”

“You might have, but I’m thinking maybe it’s a good thing?”

He put down his fork, turning to her. “Explain.”

“If the culprit thinks we’ve stopped investigating then he or she will make a mistake. Then we can catch them.”

He took her hand in his. “That actually sounds like a great idea.”

“You’ll have to keep Zeke in the dark. He can’t give anything away,” she said.

“Right. Damn. Wish I could tell him,” Dirk said.

Riley wished he could too. “He’ll forgive you, I’m sure.”

“I’m not sure I can forgive him. He let something slip.”


“He mentioned something in an elevator.”

Riley gasped. “He told you that?”

“What happened?”

She waved a hand. “It doesn’t matter now. It’s in the past.”

He squeezed her hand, his face serious. “Tell me.”

She looked down at their intertwined hands. “He came on to me that first day I visited you in the office. He said that you guys shared everything.”

“Damn. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Would you have believed me?”

He rubbed his chin. “Probably not. I’ve known Zeke for years. We’ve never competed for a woman. We have different tastes.”

“Doesn’t matter now.”

“I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“That he did that to you.”

She shrugged. It really didn’t matter anymore. She wondered what Zeke would think if he knew she and Dirk might be a real couple again. What did she think about it? It all seemed so right.

Not easy the way Justin had been, but right. That scared her. Why was she choosing Dirk over Justin? He’d walked out, but she hadn’t stopped him. Maybe, deep in her heart, she knew that Dirk was the one. No substitute would do.

“It’s not your fault, Dirk.”

“If I hadn’t insisted that you dress a certain way.”

“That’s not right. I was playing a part. Besides, if a man is going to do that, it doesn’t matter what the woman is wearing.”

“Well, I’m sorry that I tried to change you.”

“Dirk, I was playing a role. If you’d shown up with me and how I dress normally, that would have raised suspicions.”

She forgave him for being controlling. She was just going to push back more now if they were to be together. Changing for a man was never good. Never right.

“You are wonderful, Riley. Whether you are in jeans or a sexy dress. I’m going to take you places where you might have to wear that sexy dress.”

“As long as I can watch my movies in my sweats.”


Her phone rang. She jumped. Same number. “Damn.”

“What’s wrong?”

“This number. Someone keeps calling me and no one is there when I answer.”

“That’s creepy. How long has it been going on?”

“A few days now. Maybe it’ll stop once news of Zeke’s firing gets out.”

“No, Riley. I don’t want to chance that you are in danger. Come back to the penthouse.”

She bit her lips. It was tempting. She always felt safe there, and these calls had gotten under her skin. “I don’t know.”

“Then I’m moving in here. You choose.”

She looked around. Dirk was larger than life, and he’d be cramped in her place. They’d both be cramped.

“No, I’ll move back in with you.”


“Let’s get you packed when dinner’s done,” Dirk said.

He was excited that she was coming back to him. He couldn’t screw this up this time. Riley was too important to him.

“Okay. I feel as if I’ve lived out of a suitcase more in the last few weeks than I have in my entire life.”

“I can have a driver take you to work.”

She blinked. “You really think that’s necessary? They’re just phone calls.”

“And someone ran you off the road recently. I’m not taking any chances. If I could lock you away in my penthouse I would, but I think you’d hate me for that.”

“I would.”

“Then please at least let me hire you a driver. He’ll be a bodyguard.”

“How will I explain that at work?”

“We’ll think of something. Now finish eating. The sooner I get you back to my place the happier I’ll be.”

She laughed. “I’m done. Let’s clean up.”

She had a point, but he wanted her home. Right now. He made quick work of the dishes while she went to pack. He made come phone calls. He wanted everything to be right.

He’d been tired when he entered her apartment, but now he was energized. Riley would be back. Hopefully in his bed. She returned to him with two suitcases. “That was quick.”

“I’m getting good at this.”

“Here’s my question. Do you want your own room?”

She cocked her head. “Is that an option?”

“Whatever you want, you can have. I’m doing this properly this time, Riley. Romance is on the agenda. You can sleep where you want.”

“Then I’ll take my own room.”

He was disappointed, but he could woo her. He knew how, and it would take more charm than money for Riley to be back in his bed. Of that he was certain. She could be in his arms within the week.

He grabbed her suitcases. “Anything else?”

“No. I can carry one of them.”

“No, I have them.”

She followed him out. His driver was waiting. They were on their way minutes later. Dirk felt belter that Riley would be under his roof and not in her apartment. Not just because he could woo her more easily. He wanted her safe. His future depended on it.

Their future, he was sure.

She unpacked when they arrived at his place. He opened a bottle of wine then turned on the fireplace. He settled on the couch to wait for her. Riley finally arrived, plopping down next to him.


He handed her a glass of wine. “Hello, roomie.”

“That fire looks nice. Always wanted a home with a fireplace.”

“Gas is nice. I can turn it on whenever I want. I think I’ve used it more since you’ve been in my life.”

She smiled. “I appreciate your concern and your willingness to let me have my own room.”

“Doesn’t mean I don’t want you in my bed, Riley. I’ll be honest. I think about you all the time. I’m going to be persistent.”

“If you weren’t I’d worry, but I think we need to set some ground rules.”


If she insisted, he’d play along. “I promise not to knowingly put myself in danger if you please trust me.”

He pondered that. He was a control freak. He’d been successful all of his life by taking care of the details. “It will be hard, but I’ll work on it.”


“You let me shower you with things.”


“I love to buy you stuff. I know you don’t need a lot of material goods, but, for instance, let me buy you a new car.”

“The insurance will cover that,” she said.

“I know, but with my help you can buy a nicer car.”

“I don’t need a nicer car.”

“Then a safer car. An SUV or a truck or whatever your heart desires.”

She sighed. “You’re insistent on this?”

“I am. Not backing down,” he said.


He could have done a happy dance. He’d won that concession. “Good. We can go car shopping this weekend.”

“I don’t have the insurance money yet.”

“Doesn’t matter. You can sign it over to me when you get it.”

She eyed him. “Why is this so important to you?”

“It goes along with keeping you safe. A good car will do that.”

She took a sip of her wine. “Shopping this weekend.”


She laughed. “Do I still need a driver?”

“Yes. Until this case is over. Then you can drive your new car to whatever job you have.”

“Fair enough. What’s your input on this?”

Dirk laughed. “I just want sex. A lot.”

Riley laughed. “Figures.”

“Seriously? I just want to keep you safe, Riley. I don’t want to ever have to worry about you. That doesn’t mean I need to know where you are at all times.”

“Good. Unless I’m worried about something; then I’m going to turn off location services on my phone.”

“Okay. I don’t have an argument against that. Just let me know where you are at times.”

“All the time?’

“No, I can’t ask that, but a courtesy heads up would be nice.”

She put a hand on his face. “You really want to keep me safe.”

“I do, Riley, I’m just not sure I’m so good with boundaries. I tend to barge in and take over. It’s just who I am. It’s how I’ve become successful. So you have my permission to push back.”

“Good. I plan on it. I’ve been on my own for a while, Dirk. It’s a little chafing to me to have someone trying to take care of me. Some part of me appreciates it, but not all of me.”

He smiled. “I do want to take care of you, Riley. Why did I have to choose such an independent woman?”

Why indeed. Any of the women he’d dated would have killed to be in her position. Riley was bucking against it.

How’s that for irony.





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