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Chapter Ten

Riley woke the next morning, a Saturday, to the smell of bacon. Her stomach rumbled. She’d managed to fend off Dirk and sleep in her own bed. Her body hadn’t wanted to, but her mind knew this was right.

He had a little proving to do, and he could only do that by his actions. She hoped he would. She was getting used to him in her life. Maybe even falling in love with him. That could be dangerous unless he proved himself.

She didn’t need the white picket fence. She wasn’t even sure she wanted kids, so life in a penthouse could fit into her plans. As long as she didn’t have too long a commute to work.

After her shower, she dressed in casual clothing, having no idea what her day was going to be like. She didn’t have laundry. Nor did she have to go to the grocery store. Glancing out the window, she saw that it was a nice day. They should do something outside.

Dirk was in the kitchen. The bacon was on a paper towel.

“Good morning, gorgeous,” Dirk said.

She smiled from the doorway. “You’re being domestic.”

“I actually love cooking breakfast. You need some eggs?”

He handed her a coffee cup, made just the way she liked it. She was going to be spoiled by this new Dirk. He might already know all the right buttons to push. “Eggs would be fine.”

“Omelet? With cheese?”


She sat on a stool by the island. “Are you always up this early?”

“Yes. I wake up so early during the week that it’s hard for me to sleep in on weekends.”

“I see.”

“What’s your schedule?” he asked.

“I usually sleep a little later, but my stomach woke me up. I smelled the bacon,” she said.

Dirk had an apron on and perfectly pressed jeans. They must have been tailored for him because they fit very well. He turned and caught her looking at him. “Like what you see?”

She sipped her coffee. “I plead the fifth.”

He laughed at her, his eyes twinkling. “What are you doing today?”

“I don’t know. I don’t have to do my usual chores since I’m not at home.”

“I was thinking about getting out of the city. We could do another wine tasting. Go horseback riding? Hike?”

“That’s a lot of choices.”

“What do you usually do for fun?”

“Besides watch movies? I like science museums.”

“We could do that,” he said.

“What would you be doing today if I weren’t here?”

“Working or watching football with Zeke.”

That name hung between them. Riley felt guilty, but in the end things would work out. Hopefully Zeke would forgive them.

“Well, then,” she said. “Let’s get out of the city. No matter what we do.”

“I agree.”

“You agree?”

“Yes, sweetie.”

That had been easy. An hour later they were heading out of Manhattan. Riley was comfortable in the passenger seat of the Aston Martin.

“First stop, let’s go look for a car for you.”

“I forgot. How could I forget that?” Riley said.

Her world had been turned so upside down by Dirk that she hadn’t remembered that she needed a car. She wasn’t sure she liked that.

After looking at several cars and test driving one, Riley chose a vehicle. The place was going to deliver it to Dirk’s penthouse later that day. No financing needed.

“Life happens fast when you have the cash to pay for things,” she said.

“I couldn’t imagine being poor. Ever. That may make me a bad person, but so be it.”

“I’m not judging,” she said.

“I know.”

“This is all just new and foreign to me.”

“I hope you can get used to it,” he said.


Dirk laughed. “I was surprised you went with the red car.”

“I’ve never had a red car. Out of my comfort zone.”

“That’s never bad.”

“Where are we going?”

“For a drive. And if we see something we want to do we can stop.”

“No plans?”

“No plans.”

She chuckled and shifted in her seat. This was a new Dirk. “This must be way out of your comfort zone.”

“It is, but I’m trying.”

“I appreciate that.”

She put a hand on his shoulder. He took her hand and kissed it. This was nice. Easy in a way. Fun. Dirk was trying, and she liked that. It meant he was serious about her. Serious about them.

On a country road, they found a winery.

“I’m in the mood for wine,” Dirk said.

“It’s barely lunchtime.”

“So we’ll have lunch after. Let’s go try some wine.”

“I’m in.”

The winery had a tasting room that had a view of the hills outside. The vines were planted in neat rows down the hill. The room itself was decorated with wine barrels.

“This is adorable,” Riley said.

Dirk held the door for her. They tasted a few wines, and Dirk bought a case.

“Can you recommend a restaurant for lunch?” Dirk said.

The staff gave him a few ideas. They drove to the nearest one. This sat on it, a small stream running by it. They were seated at a table on a patio overlooking that stream. This was all very romantic.

Riley had to admit, he wasn’t even working that hard at it and he’d lucked into some great places. Dirk was lucky that way.

“What looks good?”

“I’m getting a salad. That omelet was huge this morning,” Riley said.

This was amazing. Just the two of them. The rest of their worlds had been left back in Manhattan. Riley didn’t think about being in danger. She didn’t think about her job or living with Dirk.

She just thought about being with Dirk and how he was doing his best to woo her. To sway her.

“You look pleased,” he said.

“I’m enjoying myself. I feel as if we have no cares in the word.”

“Good. That was my goal,” Dirk said.


By the time they reached home, Dirk could tell Riley was pretty relaxed. Good. He wanted her to have fun and enjoy herself. He’d enjoyed being with her.

She leaned on him in the elevator. “I had fun, Dirk. “

He put his arm around her. “Good.”

She kissed his chest. Then giggled. He’d never seen her this relaxed. Heck, if it resulted in sex, he’d take her out of the city every weekend. He wouldn’t push. If they ended up in his bed, it was up to Riley.

He knew she wasn’t shy about initiating sex. That didn’t concern him.

She spun and stood in front of him. “Hi.”


He smiled down at her.

“I had a really good time today. I feel like we laughed most of the day.”

“We did.”

She put her hand on his chest. “Now I am starving. We getting takeout or should I cook?”

“I have some leftovers I can heat up. And a nice bottle of wine, I’m sure.”

She laughed. “You have a whole room of wine, Dirk.”

“Yes I do.”

She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him. Her lips were warm and soft. He put his hands in her hair, deepening the kiss. Her lips sent buzzing through his body.

His dick came alive. Hello.

Her hands rubbed down his chest. “If I wasn’t so hungry I’d drag you to bed.”

“Might be better if we get sustenance before we do anything. I wouldn’t want to fail in the middle of things.”

Her gaze raked down his body. “I can’t imagine you failing at anything. Certainly not sex.”

A chuckle rumbled out of him. She was flirty. And sweet and so damned sexy he wanted to take her up against the wall. He took one of her hands and kissed it. “I don’t fail at too many things. I almost failed at getting you back.”

“But I’m here.”

“Yes, you are. “

He smiled. Riley was here and looking at him as if he were a side of beef. She licked her lips, and he longed to have his tongue dance with hers. The elevator doors opened. Riley walked backwards into the hall.

Her hand was fisted into his shirt, so he followed. He fished his key out, then opened the door. She didn’t let go of him.


“Yes, food. A snack just to hold us over.”

He rummaged in his refrigerator and found some cheese. He took crackers out of the cabinet and made a snack. Riley topped a cracker with a slice of Gouda and fed it to him. He sucked her finger into his mouth, and she gasped.

He fed her the next slice. She nipped the pad of his finger. He couldn’t help but smile. This was the Riley he loved.

Loved? Damn. He guessed he’d better admit it. He loved her. No getting around it. He had to get used to the idea before he could tell her. As soon as the cheese was done, Riley grabbed his hand.

She dragged him down the hall into his bedroom. He must have done very well today for her to be so excited to sleep with him. She wasn’t drunk.

She spun around then ripped off her shirt. She started on his shirt.

“In a hurry?”

“Yes. Get naked.”

He laughed as he slipped his shirt over his head. She had her pants off, and she stood in front of him naked, tapping her foot. He slid off his pants, and he was ready to go.

She stalked to him, taking his dick in her hand. Her thumb rubbed over that sensitive spot underneath. He nearly jumped out of his skin.

“You are a sexy man, Dirk.”

He tugged her to him. “You are one beautiful woman, Riley.”

How had she chosen him? She walked them to the bed. She landed on it then threw her arms out. “Take me, Dirk.”

He knelt in front of her, spreading her thighs. He leaned down and tasted her. She was wet for him already. He licked her folds until he found her bud. He sucked on it as he slid first one finger then his second finger into her warm, wet canal.

She writhed. “Oh, Dirk.”

He moved his fingers around, hitting all the right spots, if her noises were accurate. Her hands fisted on the bed. Then her body went rigid. Her canal clenched around his fingers, and she clearly went over the edge. He watched the aftershocks rock her body as he rolled a condom on.

Then he put her feet on his shoulders and entered her.


He could get in deeper this way. She was slick. He could stay here forever. In and out. This woman who could get him hard with just her laugh. With just the way she looked at him sometimes.

He thrust into her again and again. Could he convey his emotions with just this act? Did she know how he felt? Could she tell by how he wanted her to come harder than she’d ever come in her life?

And then she did. The sound was beautiful to his ears. Riley, with her eyes squeezed shut, her back arched. Teeth bared. She was coming because of him.

He could be the CEO of a company. He could do anything in the world he put his mind to. He felt his most powerful when he made the woman he loved come.

Then he followed her down that chasm of a climax. His hips thrust harder and harder until his seed was done spilling. Then he braced himself on the edge of the bed, his breath coming in pants.

She might kill him, but he’d die happy. He got rid of the condom then lay next to her. She hadn’t moved. Her hair was fanned out across his bed.

“Amazing as always,” she said.

He knew that, but he liked hearing it anyway. He liked that he could make her happy.











Chapter Eleven

Riley looked up from her cubicle to see Dirk standing there with a smile on his face.

“Hi,” she said.

“I’m here to take you to lunch?”

“You came out of the city to take me to lunch?”

“I did.”

Wow. That was commitment.

“I left before you got up this morning and I have a late meeting tonight, so I may not see you today.”

That really was commitment. He held out his hand. She took it, feeling like a princess. Not that she’d ever wanted to be one, but this was nice.

She couldn’t wipe the smile from her face.

“Where are we going?”

He opened the car door for her. “Somewhere scenic.”


He nodded then closed the door for her. She put on her seatbelt, intrigued.

“I looked on Google Earth, and there is a park not far from here. I have a picnic lunch and a blanket so we can enjoy the warm weather,” he said.

God he was good. “I could do you right here.”

“Sadly, sex in an Aston Martin is probably difficult,” he said.

“You’ve never had sex in your car? This sexy car?”

“No, I haven’t. I guess we could do that, but not today. I’m not going anyplace that private.”

She laughed. “A thought for another day.”

He parked in a green area. There were trees and a picnic table. He pulled a basket out of the back seat and then took her by the hand. She waited while he spread the blanket and put out the food. He’d brought sandwiches and salads. Enough for an army.

He couldn’t be sweeter. He was really trying. All because he wanted her in his life. If she could have fallen more in love with him she would have. But she was. In love. She wasn’t ready to tell him.

“You may sit, milady.”

She knelt on the blanket. He handed her a sandwich. He took his own.

“How has your day been?” he asked.

“Not bad. I’m almost done with this project.”

“Have you seen Justin?”

“I have. He’s very cool towards me,” she said.

“He chose to walk out instead of staying and fighting for you,” Dirk said.

“True, but I don’t think he sees it that way.”

“I imagine he isn’t happy about me being in the office today,” Dirk said.

“Somehow I doubt you are worried about him,” she said.

Dirk had more ego than to be threatened by Justin. Dirk had a point. Justin made his choice when he walked out. She might have considered him if he’d stayed in the fight. Not that she wanted men fighting over her, but she would rather be with someone who had no doubts that he wanted her.

Dirk was that way. He’d come here to see her. He’d brought lunch. She sat cross-legged, a napkin on her lap. The day was sunny and warm. Not too warm and no pollen out yet.

“I’m not. You’re with me,” Dirk said, shrugging.

He had no insecurities. It was part of his charm. They ate in the silence that only lovers comfortable with each other could have.

“How is your day going?” she said.

“The usual. No fires to put out. No more leaks as far as I know.”

“How about that dummy customer? Did that net anything?”


“I wonder if the profile wasn’t good enough. The person could have done an internet search and not found the person. Might have made them suspicious.”

“That may be. The FBI hasn’t made any progress either.”

“It isn’t their only case.”

“I know. Let’s not talk business. I have a dinner with my parents on Friday. Will you come with me?”

“Sure. I like your parents.”

“They like you. They specifically asked if we were back together. When I said yes, they insisted I bring you.”

“Will your brother be there?”

“He will. And Luzy. I’m wondering if we can poke them a little. Maybe talk about the case some and that we know that Zeke wasn’t in it alone.”

“You’d do that?”

“Sure. You’re safe. They can’t touch you. If they harm you they will have to go through me.”

Riley thought about it. Might get the case rolling again. “I think it’s a good idea. Are we flying?”

“Yes, and staying overnight.”

“Okay. I can’t be home until six.”

“Pack a suitcase in the morning. Bring it to work. I’ll pick you up here. There’s an airport down the road.”

“You have it all covered.”

“The sooner I get you alone, the better.”

“Alone? With your parents?”

Riley had to laugh.

“We’ll have the whole flight to ourselves.”

He wiped his hands on a napkin. “I’m ready for dessert.”

He leaned into her and kissed her. Sweetly. On the lips. This man was amazing. How had he fallen into her life? Why was she so lucky?

They kissed for a while before Dirk brought her back to work. He walked her to the door and kissed her again.

“Don’t wait up tonight. I’ll be late,” he said.

She watched him walk back to his car. He had a nice ass. She spun around and ran into Justin. “Sorry.”

“I see you’re back with him.”

“I am.”

“Is he treating you properly?” Justin asked.

She glanced over her shoulder at Dirk, who was driving out of the lot. “Yes, he is. I wouldn’t be back with him if he wasn’t.”

Justin nodded, then walked around her to the parking lot. She wanted to say so much more, but there was no point. He’d chosen to walk out. Dirk had chosen to walk in. To her it was all clear.

She knew that if a man wanted to be with you, he’d move Heaven and Earth to make it happen. Dirk had just done that. He’d taken time out of his day to come see her.

Justin had left when things got a little hot.

She didn’t watch him walk away. Instead she went back inside, confident in her choice of man.


Dirk was finishing up his preflight checklist when Riley’s driver pulled into the airport. Anticipation buzzed through him. He loved that woman. He could never wait to see her.

She sprang out of the car then waited for her overnight bag. She bounced over to him when she had it. He kissed her then went back to his checklist. “I’ll be ready in five minutes.”


They were off. She wore headphones so he could talk to her.

“How was your day?”

He always liked to hear about what she did. She loved her job so much that it was infectious. He didn’t understand it, but it didn’t matter. He just enjoyed watching her talk. He had to keep his eye on his flying today, but he’d know what she looked like anyway.

“Routine until the afternoon. We had a fire drill. Then the system went down, so I couldn’t get any work done. Then I had to defend a report I wrote. And now my boyfriend is flying me to Martha’s Vineyard in his helicopter.”

“Sounds like an exciting day.”

“The last part is a little anti-climactic.”

He chuckled. “I could make it interesting?”


“I can fly a little lower so you can see some landmarks.”

“That’s legal?”

“Yes. I have a minimum height I need to keep, but I can do that and show you things.”

He spend the next fifteen minutes pointing out the sights of Manhattan. She was overjoyed. The smile on her face must have hurt, it was so big.

“That was cool.”

Yeah, it was. He’d spent all this time making all this money, and he’d never really enjoyed it until he could share it with Riley. He’d only thought of that at this very moment. Flying to Martha’s Vineyard.

They landed just before dusk. His mother greeted them as they entered the house.

“Dinner is almost ready. I hope everyone is hungry,” Eliza said.

“I am, Mrs. Trent.”

“Please don’t call me that,” she said as she hugged Riley. “Call me Eliza.”

“Okay then,” Riley said.

Dirk kissed his mother. “Anyone need anything to drink?”

“Your father has some wine open in the kitchen. Go on through.”

Dirk led Riley to that room. Luzy and Chad were already there with wine glasses in hand. Dirk’s father Carl was pouring more. He handed a glass to Riley, then kissed her on the cheek. “Welcome back, Riley. Glad this lunkhead of a son of mine realized his mistake in letting you go.”


Riley laughed. She nodded at Chad and Luzy, who listed their glasses in her direction. Dirk enjoyed the family gatherings, but he was a little tense with what he needed to get done tonight. Hopefully all would go smoothly.

Chad spoke up. “I heard you found the problem at your company. Who would have thought that Zeke would do it?”

Dirk glanced at Riley. She nodded to him. He hoped that meant she was on board with what he was doing.

“Well, we aren’t sure he worked alone, so we still involved in ferreting out what happened,” Dirk said.

“You don’t think he could have been acting alone?” Luzy said.

“No. His skills probably aren’t that good,” Riley said. “We’ll figure it all out soon enough.”

“It’s taken you long enough,” Chad said.

“Chad,” Carl said.

“What?” Chad said.

He pouted as the conversation moved away from the subject he brought up. Dirk watched him for a moment and detected a little anger. Their mother called dinner, and they moved to the dining rom.

Dirk caught Riley’s hand and whispered in her ear, “I think we pissed him off.”

“Good. If he’s the one he’ll screw up,” she said.

He loved that she was so smart and quick-thinking. What would he do without her? In fact, he didn’t want to know. He’d have to make sure he never knew.

Monday he’d put a plan in motion. Riley would be his forever.

“You’re smiling like you’re up to no good,” his mother said when he sat at the table.

“Not at all. Just happy to be here,” he said.

He squeezed Riley’s hand. Oh yes. He was going to make sure that Riley would always be his.

“How have you been feeling, Mom?” Dirk said, changing the subject again.

“Very good. Docs say all is fine. I’ve had to change my diet a little, but that’s it.”

“Glad to hear it.”

“What have you been up to, Riley?” Eliza asked.

“I have a new assignment, but it is almost over. I had to write some security code for a company, and that’s just about done. I have to run it and test it this week. Then who knows what the next job will bring.”

“Certainly not another boyfriend,” Chad said.

Dirk glared at his brother. What was he doing? Riley wasn’t going anywhere. He’d make sure of that. He loved this woman, and he’d never felt like this before her.

“Uh, I doubt it,” Riley said.

She glanced at Dirk, but he just shrugged. He couldn’t interpret his brother any more than she could. The dinner conversation went to lighter topics. His mother had made a roast and potatoes. One of his favorites. He’d have to get the recipe from her.

He could cook this for Riley sometime.

He and Riley cleared the table while the others went out onto the deck.

“I think that went well,” Dirk said. “He’s pissed, and that might get him to do something.”

“Hopefully. Luzy asked me to meet her for lunch on Monday.”

“That should be good. Nice that you two are getting along.”

“Yes, I like her. She just needs a little more independence and she’ll be fine.”

“Yes, she does. She’s had two older brothers to protect her all of her life.”

“I bet you guys gave her dates a hard time,” Riley said as she put another clean dish in the rack.

“We did. We were probably awful, but she’s our little sister,” Dirk said.

Riley gave him a kiss. “I think it’s sweet.”


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