Hanging On 2: Surreal Neal [Awakenings 6] (Siren Publishing Menage and More) (31 page)

BOOK: Hanging On 2: Surreal Neal [Awakenings 6] (Siren Publishing Menage and More)
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I wholeheartedly agreed. “Let’s flog him. You take the back, and I’ll get the front.”

Though Drew hadn’t spent all that much time practicing, he had a natural talent and good aim. Once he’d gotten into the swing of things, so to speak, he had impressed me. Still, I took the front side because my aim was better. If I hit his cock, it would be because I wanted to.

I started first with light hits to his pectoral muscles. I worked my way down his chest to his stomach, where I whirled the flogger in a circle. The falls brushed his skin with tiny stings. I wanted light impact play, something to send him soaring, not something to take him completely out of his mind.

When Drew added his flogger, he tried to match my rhythm. Neal gasped and moaned, swaying back and forth. The chains kept him centered, and we’d cranked them high enough so that he couldn’t dance too much. We needed our target to stay where we aimed.

I stopped when his skin was a nice shade of pink, and Drew halted as well. He rolled his shoulders, and I grinned. Stamina would come with time and practice. We’d only flogged Neal for about twenty minutes.

I planted a kiss on Neal’s collarbone. “How are you, darling?”

“A little buzzed,” he said. His words weren’t blurry. I took that as a good sign.

Drew matched my position behind Neal. Together, we touched him. Our hands roamed, exploring every inch of skin. We memorized the smoothness of his abdomen, the narrow trail of hair leading to his erect cock, and the sprinkling of freckles that cascaded down his arms. Neal trembled under our tender ministrations, and when I gathered his balls in my hand, he whimpered.

“Do you want this?” I knew he understood my intention.

“Yes, Mistress,” he whispered. “Oh please do it.”

After making sure his testicles were in a good spot, I twisted his sac.

He licked his lips. “More, please, Mistress. Harder.”

I twisted a little more. He moaned, and a pearl of pre-come seeped from his tip.

“There?” I asked. I hadn’t done this with him before. One day I would be able to gauge what he needed by his reactions, but that day hadn’t arrived.

“Yes, Mistress,” he grunted. “That’s perfect. Thank you.”

I held it for a little while. Drew drizzled lube over a line of anal beads. Slowly, I released Neal’s sac. Tension drained from him as I did so, and I noted his reaction. Perhaps the next time he got persnickety with me, I’d tie him up and twist his sac.

Drew knelt behind Neal. “Breathe out.” As Neal exhaled, Drew inserted all five beads.

I selected one of my favorite vibrators, dragged a chair closer to where Drew was now kneeling in front of Neal, and sat down. Seeing Drew blow a guy was a treat. I’d seen him lick and tease, but I’d never seen him make a man come that way.

He took Neal’s cock in one hand and cradled his balls with the other. Neal sucked in a breath as Drew took him into his mouth.

“Oh, Neal. If you could see what I see, I think you’d lose control.”

He was game to play with me. “What do you see, Mistress?”

“Your Chef is kneeling in front of you. His lips are closed around your cock, and his head is bobbing back and forth. I’ve never seen him suck a man before. Now I see why he likes watching me have my pussy eaten. It’s hot.” I started the vibrator and slid it along my slit.

Drew released Neal’s cock. “And your Mistress is sitting in a chair watching us. Do you know what that buzzing sound is?”

“No, Chef.” His voice came out with a huskiness to it that told me he was close.

Without answering, he resumed sucking Neal’s cock.

Neal rose high on his toes. “Oh, God.”

I surmised that Drew had yanked out one bead. I slipped the tip of the vibrator inside my pussy. I answered for Drew. “It’s a vibrator. I’m going to come on it, and then I’m going to make you lick it clean.”

Neal pumped his hips into Drew’s mouth, a small motion due to the way we’d restrained him. “Yes, Mistress.” He muttered another exclamation as Drew removed another bead.

I watched Drew play with Neal as he sucked his cock. He pushed the beads in and out, drawing them slowly and timing them to distract Neal from his impending orgasm.

After not a very long time, Neal gasped, asking for permission to come. “Please, Chef?”

Drew took pity on Neal and released his cock. The throbbing shaft was slick with Drew’s saliva and purple with need.

I took the vibrator from my pussy, turned it off, and held it to Neal’s lips. “Lick it to my satisfaction, and I’ll give you a reward.”

He sucked at it hungrily, devouring my essence. When I judged that he’d done enough, I turned it on and held it to the dip in the ridge on the underside of his cock. He shuddered and threw his head back, howling at the riot of sensation.

“Don’t come.”

His chest heaved with the effort. Playing with the settings, I teased him mercilessly. I leaned close and licked his earlobe. “Imagine having one of these strapped to your cock while I spanked you. Would you like that?”

“Yes, Mistress. Oh, for fuck’s sake, please let me come!”

I turned off the vibrator and helped Drew get him down. Then we removed his blindfold and led him to the bed.

“On the edge, Sophie. I want him to fuck you while I fuck him.”

I lay the way Drew had asked, with my legs dangling off the side. My feet rested on the bed’s frame. Neal rolled on a condom and bent over me. He kissed a line beginning just above my pussy and ending at my left nipple. I writhed under his attentions as he alternated breasts. Finally I could stand it no longer.

“Now, Neal. I want you inside me now.”

With a slight adjustment to his hips, he slid home and stayed there, buried inside me. He stayed that way while Drew entered him.

“Fuck her to my rhythm,” Drew ordered.

He didn’t bother with slow. My husband wanted this man too much to fool around anymore. We were all hovering at the brink.

Drew came first, slamming into Neal so hard that it shook the bed. I dug my nails into Neal’s shoulders. “Come with me,” I commanded, and he did. We fell over that cliff, shouting as we flew.

Chapter Eighteen




Neal stayed the night. I woke up to two men loving on me, and I really liked it. We made breakfast together around lunchtime and were about to head back to bed when Daniel called me.

“Hey, can you cover my classes today?” His voice sounded tight.

It had been a long time since he’d asked me to cover more than a class here or there. Tiny alarms went off in my head. “What’s wrong?”

“Can you or can’t you?”

My brother had always been there for me. We might annoy one another, but I knew I could count on him for anything, anytime. “I can. Are you going to tell me what’s going on? Danny, you’re scaring me.”

He was silent for several seconds. “I don’t know. Lainie is having more pain, so we’re taking her back to the doctor for some more tests.”

Car accidents were tough things. Sometimes problems took a few days to show up. “Give her my best and let me know how it goes okay? And if you need anything else, just call.”

“Thanks, Sophie. I’ll talk to you later.”

Drew and Neal regarded me intently. Drew stepped forward. “What’s going on?”

“I have to cover Danny’s classes. Alaina is having more pain, so they’re taking her to see the doctor.” A glance at the clock showed that I needed to shower now. I had just enough time to get there. “I need to take a shower.”

“I hope it turns out to be nothing.” Drew pulled my hips close to his. “I don’t think you need to shower now. You’re just going to get sweaty again.”

“I smell like sex, and in an hour, I’ll smell like stale sex.” I pushed him away and kissed Neal’s cheek. “You two can continue to have fun without me.”

Neal caught me in his arms. “I’ll shower with you, Mistress. I have to get ready for work.”

“All right, but showering only. No sex.” I guided his lips to mine.

In the shower, Drew soaped up my body while Neal washed my hair. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the pampering. “Neal, are you coming over after work?”

He finished rinsing the shampoo away and worked conditioner into my tresses. “I’m usually beat after work. I won’t be good for much.”

Drew detached a shower head and aimed the spray at my breasts. “You could sleep here. We have a big bed.”

Neal made a noncommittal noise. “Aunt Danielle texted me. She wants to talk, probably about you guys.”

I reached back and stroked his thigh to let him know I understood. “Perhaps tomorrow, then. Let Drew know. He can give you a ride.”


* * * *


Growing up, Daniel’s studio had belonged to our grandfather. When he’d retired, he’d sold it to Daniel at a price well below market value. He’d been so happy that the business was going to remain in the family. Over the years, things had ebbed and flowed with the economy, but Danny managed to make a decent living.

For several years, he and I had run a self-defense support group for women who had been victims of rape or abuse. That’s how he’d met Alaina—we’d hired her to run counseling sessions before and after each class.

About three years ago, I’d stopped teaching self-defense. Danny had stepped up, written more grants, and still offered the class. It didn’t meet tonight, so I’d be covering classes with which I was less familiar.

The first thing I did when I got there and unlocked the place was to look over his schedule. He had eight sessions scheduled, and his place could run two simultaneously. I saw that he had an assistant coming in. That left me with two beginner level and two advanced classes. At least I’d see if I was still in the shape I thought I was in.

The beginner classes went as they usually did. Full of mostly small children, the lessons were basic. I held the padded gloves while they practiced punching. As each little face came close, I found myself struck at how cute they were. I’d never been one of those people who mooned over babies. The sight of children had never before given me pause.

Now I thought about Drew’s face when he had put his hand over my abdomen and said he wouldn’t have a problem knocking me up. Did he want kids? What about Neal? He didn’t look like he was ready to think along those lines yet. I shook the thoughts away.

I wasn’t ready to think along those lines. Yet.

The first advanced class was fun. I knew some of the kids who had been with Daniel for multiple years. I even remembered some of the parents.

The second advanced class had one of those shit-headed kids in it that made me see all the cute faces of the younger kids through a new lens. He started the class with a challenge to my authority. I knew Danny didn’t put up with this kind of crap, and I certainly wasn’t going to take lip from a sixteen-year-old.

He was a good-looking kid, built in that slim way teen boys cherished before they either bulked up or grew a gut. He had short, dark hair clipped close to his head and a cocky smile. I didn’t like the way he looked me up and down.

I selected him for a demonstration. He came at me, strutting with such confidence that I was surprised he didn’t fracture his ass. He was taller than me, and I used his height against him. In two moves, I had him flat on his back.

He lay there, gaping at me.

“Take a second and get your wind back,” I advised. “And then we’ll try it again.”

With all the swagger of a young man who thinks he’s hot, he got to his feet and walked toward me. I read the intention in his eyes, and I had him on his knees the second he was within reach. I leaned down and whispered in his ear. “I can do this all day. You have two choices. Treat me with the respect I deserve, or continue being an ass and I’ll continue kicking yours.”

He made a good choice.

At the end of the night, as I was getting ready to lock up, Danny came in. He looked like shit. I’ve seen my brother in all kinds of conditions, but rarely have I seen him look this bad.

I abandoned stacking the chairs parents used when they watched practices. I ran across the room and grasped his upper arms. “Danny? What’s wrong?”

He shook his head, and then his face crumpled. He threw his arms around me and buried his face in my neck.

Terror thundered through me, though I managed to put my arms around him. My big brother almost never cried. I’d seen it happen twice since he’d achieved manhood. The first time was when I told him that his friend had raped me, but even those had been angry tears. The second time was at our grandfather’s funeral.

Tears welled in my eyes. “Danny, please tell me what’s wrong.”

“Lainie,” he choked. He had my shirt in his fists. “The baby. We lost the baby.”

I don’t know how long we stayed like that, but I held him until his sobs subsided. We both limped upstairs to the place that had once been his studio apartment. With the two sofas and the huge TV left behind, it had a distinctive man-cave feel.

I led him to one sofa and brought him a glass of water.

He looked up at me. “Sophie, I don’t know what to do.”

My lips still trembled. I wiped away the wetness under my eyes and offered the only advice that came to mind. “Be there for Alaina and Evan. Mourn together. Try again.”

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