Hanging On 2: Surreal Neal [Awakenings 6] (Siren Publishing Menage and More) (33 page)

BOOK: Hanging On 2: Surreal Neal [Awakenings 6] (Siren Publishing Menage and More)
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“I’m going to come,” I said, a warning because I wasn’t sure I’d be able to keep this up until they both came.

“Go ahead, honey,” Drew said.

I could have smacked him for treating me like I was asking for permission. Handcuffs and revenge, I decided. Neal would help me. I sensed the bits of mischief he was keeping under wraps. Those thoughts and more zoomed in and out of my head. The walls of my pussy convulsed, battered by the waves of my orgasm.

They didn’t stop, though why I thought they might was beyond me. Both of them had stamina. The tide of my climax turned the dynamic of our interaction. Drew became the Master.

“Move her hips for her,” he commanded Neal. He hooked one hand over my shoulder and pounded into me. “Oh, God. Sophie, Neal—you both feel so fucking wonderful.”

At his exclamation, I realized he could feel Neal moving in me. Beneath me, Neal writhed and moaned. His eyes glittered brightly and sweat coated all of us. We slid against one another, slick with the efforts of our exertion. Moans fell around me, and I lost all sense of where each had originated.

My orgasm had never subsided. It pulsed with new life, taking me places I’d rarely been with anyone except Drew. I screamed as another took me, and I was silent when the third carried me away.

Chapter Nineteen




Drew and I limped to the bathroom together, carrying an unconscious Sophia between us.

“I love doing this to her,” Drew said. “She deserves this kind of bliss.”

“Yeah,” I agreed. The more I got to know Sophia and Drew, the more I liked them as people. They were more than a beautiful couple. They were both intelligent and generous, bighearted and very, very human.

Sure, Drew was a little full of himself, but he had every right to be. He had accomplished so much in ten short years, landing a popular cooking show and achieving celebrity status. More than that, he was a good man. He adored Sophia, and I think he meant it when he said he loved me.

Sophia had a reputation among the network movers and shakers for being arm candy. I see now that she didn’t feel the need to share her wonderfulness with anybody but those for whom she cared. She was the brains behind the numbers, and the television industry had a lot of important numbers—mostly those related to money. And seeing her with her family made me realize just how much love she had to give. Her despondency over her brother’s grief was a real, palpable thing. She loved him, and she hated to see him suffer.

Drew and I were both tired. It had been a long day. We rinsed Sophia and ourselves in the shower, and then we turned in for the night.

I had avoided sleeping in their bed for much of our vacation. More than subdrop, I had feared the familiarity that came from sharing this kind of experience. No more. Sometime this weekend, probably because neither Sophia nor Drew had pushed me or questioned my decisions, I had come to trust them.

And I admitted to myself that my feelings for them were edging toward something permanent and lasting.

I woke with Sophia nestled against my back, her breasts pressed tantalizingly close. Her leg was tangled in mine. If she moved her thigh up any more, she’d be squishing my balls, which she did very well.

Drew was asleep on the other side of her. I lay there and listened to their even breathing. I had known these people for two months, and in that time, they’d completely changed my perspective on the world. I had been jaded, hiding the discarded trash that I believed made up my soul. Together, they’d encouraged me to look inside and figure out that my scars weren’t trash, and they weren’t anything I should hide.

I had to tell them the truth about how I’d spent my time on the streets of Rio.

With a sigh, I rolled from bed. I used the en suite bathroom instead of sneaking off to a guest room. I no longer craved that separation.

Sophie happened to come in as I was getting dressed. She blinked blearily at me, and then a smile spread across her face. “Good morning. I’m so glad you’re still here.”

She wore not a stitch of clothing. I let my gaze linger over her long legs, the curves of her hips, the dark triangle decorating her mons, the dip of her navel, the smooth expanse of her skin…I wanted to drop to my knees and worship her the way she deserved.

“Speechless?” She came closer and kissed my cheek. I hadn’t shaved. “Mmm. I like the scruffy look on you. Very sexy. Don’t shave on my account.”

I liked that her orders were temporary. She wasn’t into giving permanent rules just because she could.

“Yes, Mistress.”

I left to give her privacy. I found Drew sitting on the edge of the bed, facing the wall of glass sliding doors. He’d opened the curtains, or Sophia had, and he stared out over the sculpted landscape of his yard.

I sat next to him, noticed that he’d donned boxers. “You have a lovely home.”

He smiled briefly. I noticed that he had about the same amount of beard growth that I did.

“Sophie likes the scruffy look.”

“On you.” He chuckled, a sound that was husky with the rustiness of his unused voice. “She doesn’t care for it much on me. Sometimes I let it grow a little because she’s ticklish when I rub it over her stomach and thighs.”

“I think it’s sexy.” I ran my fingertips over his stubble. It was soft. “It would feel great tickling my balls.”

That got a little more of a chuckle out of him.

I couldn’t help myself. I leaned over and brushed my lips against his. I wanted—I needed—to know that he still felt the same way about me. I wondered when I’d stop expecting the world to come crashing down, but then I cut myself some slack. I’d just arrived at the point where I was open to admitting tender feelings.

He lapped at the seam of my lips, requesting entry. I opened, and he deepened the kiss. It was sweet and hot, full of promise. I felt it spread through my body like a summer breeze.

When he ended it, he kept his hand on my cheek. “Neal, Sophia and I have talked about it, and we want you to move in with us. We want to be a triad with you. I don’t know what kinds of rules or whatever that means as far as your submissive status goes, but Sophia says we can work that out as we go along.”

“Drew!” Sophia stood at the end of the bed, her hands fisted on her hips. She’d gotten dressed in jeans and a red shirt that had frills over the chest area. It made her boobs look larger, which I didn’t particularly like. I preferred her natural assets. “We said we were going to wait until Neal was ready.”

I wasn’t ready. I couldn’t even consider that proposal until I’d told them everything. I eased away from Drew and crossed to the sliding door. I stood there with my arms crossed over my chest.

“Neal, please don’t feel pressured,” Sophia said. “We are serious about wanting to be with you, but there’s not a time table we have to follow. We can go as slowly as you want.”

“There are things about me that you don’t know,” I said.

Drew nodded. “We’ve only known each other for a couple of months. We don’t expect to know everything about you, and we don’t expect you to know everything about us. There’s still plenty I don’t know about Sophie.”

“Important things.” I stressed the point. If I didn’t say something now, give them a chance to bail, then I would take this secret to my grave. And if either of them ever found out about it, they would feel betrayed and hurt, and it might adversely affect our relationship.

Sophia sat next to Drew. “We’re listening.”

I swallowed. I faced the vastness of Drew’s lawn. How large was his property? Shaking away that off-topic moment, I plunged into my confession. “When Geordie left me in Rio, I had nothing. No money, no possessions, no place to stay.”

I was proud of myself for eradicating his title. He didn’t deserve it.

“I didn’t speak Portuguese, and I couldn’t find a job. I starved for almost a week, and then I started turning tricks. I did that for about six months before I landed a job washing dishes in a diner. The rest of the story you know.”

I left out the details, of how I’d hated myself and how I’d lost any sense of self-respect, but Drew and Sophia were smart. They could fill in those details if they wanted.

They weren’t saying anything, and I took that as a bad sign. I’d leave quietly. Just as I made up my mind to exit, I felt two pairs of arms encircling me. Sophia came around and slid between me and the glass. She rested her cheek against my chest.

Drew had us both in his arms. He kissed my collarbone through my shirt. “Sophie still keeps a separate checking account.”

“No, honey. I closed that out yesterday.”

They stared at one another over my shoulder, significant things passing in the air between them. I waited for him to say something about me being a whore.

Sophia ran her palm over my cheek. “I’m sorry you had to go through that. We’ll never leave you high and dry.”

I reeled from the weight of what wasn’t being said. I had to give them a more specific way out. “I’ll understand if you’ve changed your minds.”

Sophia narrowed her eyes. “Neal, does it look like we’ve changed our minds?”

Drew pinched my ass. “The only way this doesn’t work out is if you decide to leave. I’ll warn you now that leaving still won’t make me back off.”

“Yeah.” Sophia giggled. “I dumped him at least four times, and he still got me to marry him. Drew definitely doesn’t take ‘it’s not working out’ for an answer.”

Feelings swelled in my chest, centering around my heart. This moment felt so surreal. “I think I’m falling in love with you guys.”

“Drew, did you hear that?” Sophia asked. Her voice cracked with similar emotion.

“Yep,” Drew said. He raked his teeth down the back of my neck, sending shivers to my core. “Sounds like we have some more convincing to do.”

Sophia lifted the front of my shirt and took my nipple between her teeth. “Then we’d better get started.”

She pushed me back until the edge of the bed hit my knees, forcing me to bend. I landed hard, bouncing once before she was on top of me.

“He’s wearing entirely too many clothes,” Drew said as he lifted Sophia’s hips and attacked my jeans.

I did the same with her jeans. The three of us rolled and tugged at clothing until we were naked. Then Sophia straddled me. Drew lined up my cock so that it slid between her honeyed folds, teasing her clit. He masturbated her that way for a little while. She closed her eyes and enjoyed it.

I ran my hands along her thighs, over her hips, moving up until I cupped her breasts. She made little sounds of contentment, rolling her hips as I rolled her nipples. “God, Sophia, you feel fucking wonderful.”

She opened her eyes and looked down at me, a sly smile curling her lips. “Drew, Neal needs some love from you.”

Drew pressed the tip of my cock until it nestled against her opening. She sank down on me, and he straddled my face. His hard cock nudged my lips, and I opened for him. He fucked my mouth and she rode me hard. I was surrounded by them, consumed. We blended together, our pleasure and affection knitting us into one being. It was surreal, yet so real. I never wanted it to end.

Later, as I made linguine and alfredo sauce for Sophia’s sister-in-law and Drew made sweet potato soup, Sophia set a notebook on the opposite side of the counter.

“Neal, this notebook is for communication. I know you have a lot of baggage and things you haven’t told us, and this is a safe place for you to tell us about what you’re thinking and feeling. Nothing you put down in here can be used against you in any way. If you’re angry or upset, if a scene didn’t work for you and you don’t feel comfortable talking about it, write it down in here and leave it where Drew or I will find it.”

I eyed the blue cover of the spiral-bound paper. Geordie had never given me anything like this. He’d never encouraged me to talk about my feelings, and he’d hated when I’d had an emotion or a reaction he didn’t like.

I knew Sophia and Drew weren’t like that. They wanted me to be happy, but they weren’t going to punish me if I wasn’t.

But I wasn’t sure I could accept the journal. “I never agreed to move in here.”

“No,” she said. “But you have agreed to date us. We’re dominating you, and we’re sleeping together. Whether you move in today, next week, or next month, we need a way to make sure we have open lines of communication.”

I thought back to my time on Elysium. I had freaked out and left them every morning, and I’d blacked out during a sexual encounter. They’d been understanding even though I hadn’t been forthcoming about the reasons behind my angst.

I rolled my dough into the perfect thickness for linguine. “Intense scenes have a way of breaking me down, making me feel too vulnerable.”

Next to me, Drew peeled and chopped sweet potatoes. “Sometimes it’s easier to write about it than to talk about it.”

“One month,” I said. “I’ll move in with you in one month.”

Sophia squealed. She flew around the counter and threw her arms around my neck. I couldn’t touch her because I had flour all over my hands. She peppered my face with kisses, and when she finished, Drew smacked one on my lips.

“Great,” he said. “That’ll give us time to get a bigger bed.”

Love swelled my chest, a lightness that felt more incredible than anything Mistress and Chef had done to me. I could get used to feeling this way.

BOOK: Hanging On 2: Surreal Neal [Awakenings 6] (Siren Publishing Menage and More)
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