Happily Never After (12 page)

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Authors: Bess George

BOOK: Happily Never After
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A middle-aged couple raced up the driveway toward them. “Here’s my son. They want me to leave with them, but I’m worried about you. Do you need someplace to go? You can always come to my son’s house. I’m sure he won’t mind.”

Before she answered, the warmth of Bode’s body touched her back. “She has a place to live until we get this mess sorted out. Kelsey, can you come over here for a minute? They want to ask you a few questions.”

“Sure, give me a second.” She gave Mrs. Bradly another hug and promised she would keep in touch. Bode led her over to the foot of the stairs on the side of the garage.

Officer Davis, one of the investigators, met them. Sweat still beaded his forehead from the heat. “Miss Brackston, are you the sole occupant of the apartment?”


“The pumper trucks contained the blaze, but there’s going to be a lot of water damage. I sure hope you have insurance.”

She winced at the man’s words. “Not a drop. I moved in recently and didn’t think to get a policy. Do you know what caused it?”

“Nothing is definite yet. This garage was old so we’ll be checking the wiring and the upstairs appliances. It will take us a few days to make a determination. The steps up to your place are all sound if you want to peek through the door. Tell us if you spot anything out of place or suspicious.” He left to rejoin the other firefighters.

Bode slipped her hand into his large palm. He maintained a tight grip as they climbed the stairway. At the landing, he stopped her from entering. Her knees buckled at the sight of her soaked belongings. Two strong hands wrapped around her waist to steady her.

The room was a complete mess. The fire’s damage was minimal, but the water had destroyed furniture and walls. Ceiling tiles lay sodden on the floor. She choked on the acrid stench of smoke.

Bode rubbed his hands up and down her arms. He bent next to her ear and spoke, his tone soft and gentle. “Take it easy, honey. What’s that thing you do when you get stressed?”

Hands clasped together, she tried to make sense of everything. “I hum. A lullaby. The words help break down the panic and keep me breathing.”

His hands cupped her cheeks and forced her to focus on him. He whispered. “Sing for me, honey.”

Her gaze locked on his and she began humming a sweet tune. They remained like that until she could take an ordinary breath. “I’m okay.”

“I’ll be right back.” He squeezed her hand in support. “Just keep going while I find out if we can leave.”

Her concept of time disappeared while she stared at her saturated apartment. A few hours ago, she was so happy and positive that her life had turned around. Now, her home and all her clothes were ruined.

Able to think once again, she ran her eyes across the yard. A large group of curious people had gathered on the street trying to see what the excitement was all about.

She scanned the crowd, and when her mind recognized someone familiar, she did a double take.
Was that Joe?
What was he doing here?
She stepped to the rail hoping to spot him again, but he was gone.

Police and firemen patrolled the area. Still hard at work to make sure the fire was out. Bode finished talking to one of the officers and climbed back up the steps. He put one arm around her when he reached the top.

“You look spooked.”

She frowned up at him. “It’s nothing. I just. . .”


“Nothing. Can we go?”

“Yeah.” He hustled her down to the ground and out to their cars. She settled in her seat, and he crouched down in the open door.

One of his hands stroked her arm in comfort. “You okay?”

His gentleness brought her emotional turmoil close to the surface. “I don’t know. I feel lost for some reason. It was just stuff. Why do I feel lost?” She rested her head on the back of the seat.

“This was your home. We make our homes and surround ourselves with items we love. It hurts to lose them. We’ll sort through the apartment in a day or two and salvage what we can.”

She sighed. “I guess I’ll drive to David’s.”

“I’m afraid to let you out of my sight. Why don’t you come home with me? That way, I can make sure you’re really okay.”

Her overwhelmed brain cleared. “I am
not spending the night at your house. David’s is fine, or I can find another hotel,” she finished and lifted her head.

“Look, I know you’re strong enough to handle this, but I’d like you to be with me for a while. Will you trust me to take care of you tonight?”

She labored to hold back tears, her question a mere whisper. “What about tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow is another day but for tonight, please, come with me. I’ll be on my best behavior.” His touch was soft as he rubbed her hand.

What should she do? For the first time in her life, she wanted to throw caution out the window and take something all for herself. She accepted that Bode wouldn’t make any promises or declarations.

But right here, right now, she ached to be held in this man’s strong arms. Behaving himself was the last thing she intended. If she agreed to go, it would be to see where the sparks of attraction between them led. His eyes were almost combustible as he waited for her answer.

The decision made she smiled at him. “Go. I’ll follow you.”

Bode scanned her face as if searching for something before he stood. She waited while he got into his truck and drove away. Doubts bombarded her, but she followed him at a safe distance. The smoldering desire coursing through her for this one man pushed everything else away. She would worry about the consequences tomorrow.

Tonight she was going to follow her instincts.

Chapter 14

Bode drove straight home, but his focus darted between the road and his rearview mirror to keep sight of Kelsey. He slowed at the group of townhouses in front of him and punched the control button. The door to the middle unit slid up. He entered the garage and motioned for her to pull in beside him. The room was neat and organized but still a tight fit for both vehicles.

He hurried around to open her door. Before she moved, he leaned into the low-slung vehicle, reached across, and unsnapped her seat belt. He offered his hand to help her get out of the car. The silence loomed between them.

They had got as far as the kitchen before her reserved demeanor became unbearable. He used their entwined hands to tug her toward him. “You sure are quiet. Are you thinking about using the eject button?”

Eyes wide, she looked up at him. “Is it obvious that I’m a little nervous?”

He released a breath he hadn’t realized he held. “There’s no reason to be scared, honey. You’re calling all the shots, okay? We’ll go into the living room to talk—”

“Kiss me, Bode.”

With no hesitation, he dragged her to him and his mouth came down on hers. The kiss began soft but within a few seconds deepened. She tasted even sweeter than he’d imagined in his dreams. He wrapped his hands in her hair so he could tilt her head just how he wanted her.

Kelsey wound her arms around his neck, and their bodies fit together as if made for one another.

“Honey,” he spoke in a husky voice, “it’s going to be torture to stay on my best behavior. Are you sure you want me to?” He rested his forehead against hers while they both caught their breath.

“This might not be a good idea, but I swear if you stop now, I’m going to hurt you.” Her voice came out shaky.

“This isn’t a good idea. It’s a great one,” he replied with a grin.

She pulled back a little more and stared up at him. “Part of me wants to run away as fast as I can. The other part of me, really, really, wants to finish what we’ve started. Rushing into things isn’t normal for me.”

“I’m nervous too, honey, but I think this is good. We are good together. Let me show you.” His heart twisted when her eyes became moist. “Oh, baby, I can’t take it if you cry.”

She reached up to wipe away the wetness. “These are tears of happiness, I promise.”

He came back for another urgent and exploratory kiss. The very air around them crackled with intensity. She molded herself against him. One of his hands ran down along her spine. The other slipped under her shirt, and the clasp of her bra opened. She shivered when he touched bare skin.

Her beautiful features fascinated him. The lids of her eyes were slumberous, and a rosy blush covered her cheeks, like a woman caught in the grip of passion. But, he desperately needed to hear the words.

“Tell me this is what you want, Kelsey. Tell me, or I stop right now while we still can.”

Her head fell back, and a small breathless moan escaped her lips. His hot mouth trailed down her throat to the soft spot between her neck and shoulder where he gave her a little nip that made her jump. “Tell me what you want, honey.”

The desire shining in her eyes left no doubt. “You, I want you.”

His fingers fumbled with her buttons, too worked up for any kind of finesse. Her unique citrusy perfume invaded his senses.
Gawd, she smelled good
. When he lowered the shirt down her arms, one of her hands flew up to cover the now exposed scar tissue.

He carefully lowered her hand and bent down to kiss the puckered skin. His head didn’t raise until he’d covered every delicious inch of her with his lips.

“So beautiful,” he whispered. She yanked the T-shirt he wore over his head and flung it down on the floor. He grasped both her hands in one of his, determined to slow them down. Tonight he planned on fulfilling each and every fantasy he’d had of her.

Kelsey ran her fingertips over his hard body and marveled at the breadth of his shoulders. Bode was all rock-solid muscle, and she couldn’t resist touching him everywhere she could reach.

A caricature of the angel versus devil cartoon flashed through her mind. The devil sat on one shoulder whispering in her ear.
Do it. It’s just sex. Don’t worry about tomorrow.”
The angel sat on the other shoulder.
Don’t do it. It’s just sex. Tomorrow you’ll regret giving your heart away.
She snorted out a laugh and pushed the image away.

He looked down at her, one brow was arched. “If you’re that amused, I must be doing something wrong. Care to share the joke?”

She used his ears to tug him toward her. Her skin ached for his touch, and she struggled to remove any distance between them. Surprised she wasn’t embarrassed by her aggressiveness, her hands explored his body.

Bode swung her into his arms and flipped off the lights. He carried her into the living room. Without turning her loose, he lit the gas fireplace. After he had laid her down on the wide sectional in front of the fire, he tugged on her jeans.

Their eyes remained locked on one another while he tucked his fingers into the band of her satin panties and slid them down to the tips of her toes.

Her pulse quickened in anticipation. She watched with interest while he undid his belt and stepped out of his pants and boxers. The sight of his contoured muscles sent heat coursing from her fingertips down to her toes. Then he was beside her, kissing the curve of her throat.

Forgotten sensations flooded her, and she bit her lip to keep from crying out.

His hands stilled. He gazed down at her with a slight frown. “You still here with me?”

She smiled up at him. “I’m enjoying the moment.”

He raised one brow. “I think I can guarantee that you’re going to enjoy more than just a moment.”

“You’re such a modest man,” she teased playfully.

“Honey, it’s not bragging if it’s a fact.” He trailed kisses along one of her shoulders.

The gentle banter between them helped her relax enough to lose any lingering doubts. Her excitement increased, making her sweat and shiver at the same time.

His breathing grew ragged. When she reached down and touched him, he moved her hands up to his mouth and kissed them. “Keep that up and we’ll finish before we even get started.”

She laughed and couldn’t believe the husky sound came from her. His hand scorched a path down her stomach, and the sound turned into a groan.

“I need you, Kelsey.” His words came out so low it was hard to understand them. “Tell me if you’re sure. Last chance to put on the brakes. I don’t want any morning-after regrets.”

Beneath her hand, his muscles twitched with the tension of holding back. It was too late to worry about tomorrow. She wanted him like she’d never wanted another.

“I’m sure.”

“Hang on a minute, honey, let me protect you.”

Blood rushed through her veins like a raging river. Desire made her tremble while she waited for him to find what he needed and return. Bode kissed a trail up one leg. The sexual tension she’d tried so hard to ignore exploded into an inferno.

The moment they joined together, everything faded away except the pleasure and the man. He brought her long denied senses to an ecstasy she’d never known. She didn’t want this beautiful moment ever to be over.

Bode groaned, sweat dripping down his neck. “You feel so damned good, honey. You drive me completely crazy.”

His warm breath lingered just above her lips and those simple words sent her over the edge. Her back arched, and she was swept along until gentle waves rocked her in bliss. He moaned against her lips, his mouth devouring her cries of pleasure as he followed.

Overwhelmed, by the urge to laugh or cry, she snuggled against him while trying to catch her breath. Emotions buried deep inside roared back to life.

He rained kisses as light as a summer breeze down the side of her face, and she couldn’t stop from smiling.

His teeth nipped at her shoulder. “What is that look for?”

“Your money back guarantee was correct, sir.” Her smile faded. “It’s been an incredible night.”

He nuzzled her ear. “I don’t think one night will be enough.”

Relaxed and at peace, she drifted off to sleep.

She was late for court. The judge would crucify her. When she rounded a corner, a tall figure blocked the way. His arm raised, and aimed a familiar shape at her.

“You killed me.”

“I didn’t. You’re not dead, I saw you.”

“Kelsey! Wake up.”

Her eyes darted around the room. She needed to break free from the bands holding her down. No, not bands. It was Bode holding her tight. She’d had another dream.

“Calm down, honey. It was a nightmare. I’ve got you. You’re okay.”

She concentrated on his gentle expression and worked to center herself.

“Come on, let’s go to bed. We’ll both be stiff if we sleep on the couch all night.” Bode gave her a soft kiss and got to his feet. He reached down and picked her up as if she didn’t weigh anything. The comforting warmth of his arms felt so safe.

First he shut off the fireplace and then climbed the stairs, carrying her up to the master bedroom. A small slice of moonlight slipped through a crack in the curtains leaving the rest of the room in shadows.

He threw the blankets back before placing her in the center of the bed. And then he followed, covering her with his body. The earlier urgency satisfied, she relished his slow caresses and tender kisses. Conscious of every place his warm flesh touched hers, she understood this time would be about erasing her bad dream. Intense desire began to ratchet higher. His musky, male scent made her light-headed.

He licked her as if she were a sweet treat. She was too sensitive. Everywhere he touched a trail of goose bumps rose in his wake. At the end of her patience, she tugged at his hair.

“Please, Bode. Now.”

His head lifted, and he looked up the length of her body with a boyish grin. “My momma raised me right. Never say no to a woman in need.” He began a slow crawl toward her.

Impatient, she hurried him the last few inches.

“Oh God,” she breathed in his ear as she welcomed him inside her. The fire sizzled hotter until a million sparklers flashed behind her closed lids. She shouted his name, and he held himself against her when he found his release.

Spent, his massive body pushed hers down into the mattress. Boneless, she patted his shoulder with what little strength she had left. He lifted up on his elbows and gazed down at her. The tenderness in his face captured her heart.

He rolled to the side, and she snuggled up against him as their legs intertwined. The coolness of the night was a sharp contrast to their sweaty bodies, and he reached down to cover them with a blanket.

His warm breath fanned across her neck as he whispered in her ear. “Sweet dreams, honey.”

Satisfied, they both drifted off to sleep.

Glade sat and waited.

His car was parked a few houses down from the cop’s townhouse. He looked through binoculars and searched the windows. Shadowed glimpses of them appeared as they moved from one room to another.

A light sheen of sweat covered his body.
Dammit, this is all wrong.
One hand pressed down on his thigh to stop the involuntary tapping movement on the floor board.

When the lights went out in the house, he lowered his binoculars. They were in for the night. He needed to leave before someone noticed him, but couldn’t force himself to turn the ignition.

The fingers of the other hand took up the same nervous beat that he’d stopped his leg from tapping. Today didn’t end the way he’d planned.

Following Kelsey today was the first time since he left the prison that he’d felt real peace. He couldn’t take his eyes off her expressive face, as she flitted from one exhibit to another. It was almost as if he could feel again just by watching her enjoy the day. The desire for revenge ate away at his soul like acid. But she was a beautiful angel who soothed the pain.
His savior.

A car drove down the street, and he slouched down to remain invisible. It passed him by without slowing, and he sat back up.

His jaw clenched tight. It was bad enough he had to deal with the cop. Who was the joker in the park? Kelsey’s reaction to the unknown had almost made him come out of hiding to protect her.

A new idea had come to him when she left the park. He didn’t have any reason to run into her since she moved out of the hotel. Showing up at her door now might make her suspicious.

So he’d quit following her and hurried over to her apartment. If he created enough of a fire, it would force her back where she belonged. He would have access to her again.

Unfortunately, somewhere between the park and her apartment, she’d run into the cop. And here they were. At first, his anger had been directed at her but then he changed his mind. It wasn’t her fault. She was weak and broken. No, the cop was taking advantage of her mental frailty.

His chest expanded with eagerness. The time for payback had arrived. Life didn’t end up the way he’d planned. Too many bad choices and the lure of easy money kept him from having the life he wanted. The life he deserved.

He’d spent a lot of time thinking about his revenge. At first, he planned to finish the job and go back to prison. What was left on the outside world for him anyway?

Getting to know Kelsey had changed everything. She needed him to take care of her. His past life was over, and this would be a new chance for him. All that stood in his way was the cop. If he stayed on this path, he would be crossing a line that he could never uncross.

Closing his eyes, a picture of his angel pervaded his mind. A sharp pain pierced his right eye, and he fought against the memories trying to overwhelm him. They would be too much. He couldn’t give in, or he would be unable to execute his plan.
I can’t fall apart now. I have to be strong.

He looked down and noticed his tight fist and made himself calm down. It was imperative that he remain focused and not let his thinking become clouded. Being careless at this point could screw up everything. Forcing air into compressed lungs, he cranked the car and drove away.

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