Hard Tail (26 page)

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Authors: JL Merrow

BOOK: Hard Tail
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Finally, Matt nodded. “Yeah. I mean, I do.”

“Thank God,” I breathed and kissed him.

His arms were warm and trembled slightly around my neck, and he tasted of lager and salted crisps and relief. Funny how I’d never liked the taste of lager until now. I explored his mouth hungrily, memorising its contours, tracing his broken tooth with my tongue. I couldn’t hold him tightly enough; there were clothes in the way, for a start. Matt’s work-roughened hands slid from my neck to my chest, bared by my open dressing gown

“I can feel your heart beating,” he whispered.

A hundred corny clichés quivered on my tongue but, thankfully, died unspoken. “Let me feel yours,” I said instead, tugging at his T-shirt. Matt pulled it over his head in one easy motion, and I pressed against him, revelling in the feel of his skin on mine, cool after my overheated bath. My hands roamed over his back and dropped down to slide inside his blessedly baggy jeans and reach his arse. It was firm and tight from all the cycling he did, and I kneaded it gently through the cotton of his boxer shorts, hardly able to believe this was finally happening.

Matt ran his hands over my chest, rubbed his thumbs over my nipples. My grip on his arse tightened involuntarily. “Ah—sorry,” I gasped, breathing hard.

“Don’t be,” he said, looking up at me with wide eyes. I wanted desperately to kiss him, but I needed to look at him more, to burn the sight of his face into my memory so that maybe, finally, I’d believe he was mine.

Was he mine? He was obviously—very obviously—interested in having sex with me, but did that mean anything, really? “I don’t want a one-night stand,” I said in a rush, worried I’d bottle out before finishing the sentence otherwise.

Matt looked at me for an interminable moment. “Me neither,” he said at last.

I closed my eyes for a moment in sheer, blessed relief. When I opened them again, he was smiling at me.

“What?” I asked, paranoia rising.

His smile widened. “Nothing. Only—you’re not like a lot of blokes I’ve known.”

“In what way?” I asked suspiciously.

“Oh—it’s just, most blokes only seem to care about getting their end away, you know?” His smile wobbled for a moment. “It’s nice to meet someone who’s not like that.”

I had a brief but strong urge to demand names and addresses. “Matt, you know it’s never been like that for me. Not with you,” I added, in a sudden burst of honesty. “Not that I don’t want to—you know, but that’s not what it’s all about.” I took a deep breath. “If that was all I cared about, I’d have stayed with Adam.”

It was mean of me, and I’d probably burn in hell for it—God knows, I deserved to—but I was glad when Matt flinched at the mention of my ex.

“But I’m here with you now,” I carried on. “And that’s the only place I want to be.”

Matt seemed to melt in my arms. I pressed my lips to his, kissing him with a passion I hadn’t even known I possessed. He answered, his arms tightening about me and his mouth devouring mine, invading it. Our erections pressed against each other with heat that seared even through our clothes. “God, I want to get you naked,” I breathed as he released my mouth to gulp in air. I ran my hands up and down his back, then let them creep down to their favourite resting place, Matt’s arse. “Is this too soon?” I asked, humping against him. “I mean, we’ve both just come out of relationships—”

“Yeah. Probably,” Matt muttered, sucking on my left earlobe. “Maybe we ought to take things a bit slower.” His hand slid down the back of my boxer briefs, which were all I was wearing under my dressing gown. Which, by the way, was beginning to feel way too hot.

“Be sensible about it. Don’t try to—ah!” I gasped as Matt’s finger slipped into my crack. “—walk before we can run.”

“Take it easy,” he breathed, nibbling a way along my jawline.

“Or,” I suggested, grinding myself into him, “we could just fuck like bunnies and worry about it later.”

“Sounds good to me.” I felt Matt smile against my neck. “And anyway, you’re the boss.”

“I hope that doesn’t mean you’re going to throw me over for Jay as soon as he gets out of hospital.”

“Nah—no offence to Jay, but he’s really not my type.” Matt nibbled at my collarbone. “Why would I want to swap when I’ve already got the best-looking one in the family?”

“Flattery will get you everywhere,” I muttered weakly, overcome. “Can we take this upstairs?” I felt more than a little uncomfortable at the thought of getting up to anything—all right, anything more—in the kitchen with Adam snoozing in the next room. Plus, I hadn’t seen Wolverine since I’d got back—he hadn’t been on my bed—which meant he might slink through the cat flap at any moment. I wasn’t anxious for a repeat of what had happened the last time I’d tried having sex in front of him.

“Yeah. Sure.” Matt seemed to be having trouble speaking as we disengaged from our embrace. My prick strained obscenely at the front of my boxer briefs, a clear wet patch at its tip.

Matt reached down to give it a gentle caress, and my eyes fluttered shut. “Upstairs, now,” I begged.

As we got to the bottom of the stairs, I took a quick peek into the living room, my dressing gown pulled shut just in case. This was really not the time to be sending mixed messages to Adam.

The man in question was flat out on the sofa, snoring gently while Wolverine purred in counterpoint from his lap. It looked like my ginger theory was a bust, anyway.

God, I hoped Wolverine hadn’t really been defending my arse. Maybe I’d better lock the bedroom door, just in case.

There seemed to be twice as many stairs as usual, or maybe it was just that we couldn’t keep our hands out of each other’s clothes, which tended to hinder our progress a bit. When I finally shut the bedroom door behind us, I leaned on it for a moment in sheer relief, then let my dressing gown fall to the floor with a soft towelling thud. “Jeans. Off,” I said succinctly.

Matt scrambled to comply, fumbling at his zip until it gave way. His baggy jeans slid easily to the floor, and I grabbed his hand as he stepped out of them. This would be the worst possible moment for him to trip and brain himself on the bedpost. It also made it easy to pull him back into my arms.

Matt was careful to avoid my major bruises as he returned the embrace, but I still winced as he put pressure on a sore patch of rib. “Fuck—sorry.” He backed away from me with a look of concern. “Are you sure you’re up for this?”

I gave a pointed glance down to my groin. “If I was any further up for this, I’d be coming already. I’m fine. Just—just don’t stop,” I begged. “And can we lose the underwear?”

Matt hooked his thumbs into his boxer shorts and gave a little wiggle as he pushed them down. It was so unbearably cute I couldn’t wait to kiss him, so I grabbed him and pulled him tight against me, our lips pressed together and his naked cock burning a hole in my boxer briefs. Mindful of the fire risk, I held Matt with one hand and pushed them down with the other, fumbling a bit as the elastic caught over my erection.

“Oh, God,” he breathed as our cocks finally got to say hello to each other. It was a fair comment. I wrapped a hand around us both, my whole body aflame and my head reeling.

I wanted him in so many ways, my mind was an unholy mess of pornographic images.

“Do you want me to suck you off?” Matt asked, and the images blurred and refocused into one, very specific picture.

“No,” I said and dropped to my knees to take him in my mouth. The saltiness of his precome swept over my tongue like a tsunami. His cock seemed a lot bigger than it had in my hand, stretching my jaw wide, the head of it bumping the roof of my mouth. My only regret was that I couldn’t fit even more of him in. Matt groaned. I wondered if it felt anything like as good for him as it did for me, just knowing who it was I had in my mouth. I swirled my tongue around Matt’s cockhead and poked the tip into the slit.

“Fuck!” Matt exploded, thankfully not literally, and I sent a silent
thank you
to Adam for ensuring I wasn’t totally ignorant when it counted. I alternated licking along the length of him with sucking at the tip, the musky male scent of him filling my lungs and intoxicating my mind, and when the pressure in my own groin became unbearable, I took myself in hand. “Oh, God, yeah… Oh, fuck,” Matt kept repeating. I’d thought it was pretty damn good, receiving a blowjob. It had never even occurred to me that giving one could be even better. And this was Matt I was sucking. To have him inside me like this—the intimacy of it was overwhelming. Next time, I thought hazily, maybe we could try sixty-nine, but right now I was way too close to even suggest it.

“Oh, God, Tim, I’m going to—Tim!” I resisted all Matt’s efforts to pull away with an iron grip on his left bum cheek, and he jerked and spurted and filled my mouth with salty, viscous fluid.

I swallowed it all. The thought of his come inside me, becoming part of me, was so hot I couldn’t hold back any longer. I came too, ecstasy tearing through me in an unstoppable tide. “God—Matt—” I gasped as pearly white streams shot up his legs, and then I all but collapsed, panting, against his hip. He held my head and stroked my hair as I came down from that high.

We were both a bit sticky when he finally helped me up so we could stumble into bed. I grabbed a handful of tissues from the box on the bedside table—thoughtful of Jay to be so well prepared—and we wiped ourselves down and lobbed the used tissues in the general direction of the bin. When we’d finally made it under the duvet, I clasped Matt in my arms and held him tight, plastering come-flavoured kisses on his lips and navigating his mouth lazily with my tongue.

As I negotiated his jagged tooth for the umpteenth time, I broke the kiss, feeling suddenly sick. “Did that bastard do that?”


“Your tooth. Did Steve fucking Prick-tard break your tooth?”

“Oh—nah. Green Day album.”

I stared. “Did someone dare you to try eating it?”

Matt grinned, and I was so busy feeling my heart melt at the sight I nearly missed his next words. “I had it in a carrier bag on my handlebars. Only it sort of swung into the spokes, and I went arse over tit and landed on my face on the ground.”

I winced. “Ouch.”

“Yeah, I got a right bollocking from Dad about it.”

I stroked his hair. “Guess he did care about you, in his way.”

We were silent a moment, just enjoying the closeness, and I was starting to drift off when Matt spoke again. “You know—what I said before, about why I left Steve?” Matt said, then hesitated.

“Go on,” I encouraged him.

“Well, it was true—but it wasn’t the only reason.” I waited. “It was partly, well, seeing you with Adam. It just made me realise—well, if you could come out for him, then if I hadn’t been with someone else, maybe I’d have been the one you’d have come out for. I mean, I didn’t really think I would have been—but there’d have been a chance.”

My mouth was dry, and my heart ached for him—for us both. “You were the one I came out for,” I said hoarsely. He looked at me, startled. “If it hadn’t been for you—seeing you in the shop every day—realising what I was missing out on by hiding—”

“That’s just how I felt,” Matt burst in. “Like, it was my fault I didn’t have anything better, because I didn’t have the guts to end it with Steve.”

“We’re a right bloody pair, aren’t we?” I wrapped my arms around him so tightly anyone trying to separate us would have needed a crowbar and possibly high explosives. “We should get some sleep,” I whispered. “It’s been a long day.”

And tomorrow, I’d find out just how far-reaching its effects would be.

Chapter Twenty

I woke up slowly, which was probably just as well. Wolverine appeared to have migrated in the night from the duvet to my chest, his fur tickling my nose. Startling him could easily have resulted in multiple lacerations. Except…wasn’t that fur the wrong colour? I blinked, blearily. If that was Wolverine on my chest, then whose arm was around my waist?

My heart gave a leap as events washed back into my memory. It wasn’t Wolverine; it was Matt, and he was finally mine. I blew gently on the curls tickling my nose, and Matt stirred, making a “Mmmmph” kind of noise. It was easily the most adorable thing I’d ever heard in my life. I shifted around until we were lying on our sides, chest to chest, with my arms holding him tight. Matt still wasn’t more than half awake—at least, most of him wasn’t. Part of him was very definitely bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

So to speak.

I kissed the top of his head, and he mumbled again and shifted until his lips met my neck. As we nuzzled, our cocks got busy saying good morning to each other, and Matt managed to get a hand down between us to help them along, obviously more awake than he’d appeared. He pumped us together in a sleepy rhythm that was far more effective than it ought to have been. I could feel my orgasm building rapidly. “That’s…God!” I gasped.

“Mm, yeah…” His strokes speeded up, getting harder as they got faster.

“Matt!” I shouted as my climax thundered through me. His eyes sprang open as if I’d just shouted
“Shit,” I panted. “Sorry—did I put you off?”

Matt grinned. “Nah, just made me jump. But, you know, not in a bad way.” He let go of our cocks, mine now very deflated and frankly grateful not to get any more stimulation, but his still hard as a rock.

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