Hard Way (4 page)

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Authors: Katie Porter

BOOK: Hard Way
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“Don’t do it,” she pleaded in a strained whisper.


“Don’t do it. Please. I’ll…” She licked her lip. Something had changed in her eyes. The defiance was gone, but the desire—the outright, blazing pleasure—shone like a beacon. This was turning her on as much as him. “I’ll make you like it.”

Dash almost groaned, but that could wait. He was still in charge.

Squatting eye to eye, he slipped two fingers between her pussy lips. Drenched. Absolutely
. Her lids lolled shut on a quiet gasp then he shoved those fingers deep. Sunny cried out. He kept fucking her with mean strokes until the clench of her inner walls told him she was close.

He pulled out. Her shriek of frustration filled the bedroom. There was no one to hear her but Dash, and he only grinned and stood.

“Open that whore’s mouth for me.”

Eyes watching him, she parted her lips a fraction.

He seized the back of her head and squeezed tight. “Wider, bitch, or I slap you again.”

Maybe she was past the point of fighting back so ardently. Maybe she’d only goaded him as far as he needed to turn into a stark, raving beast. Because she did as she was told. Those slick, full lips opened wide.

“Tongue out.”

Again, compliance.

Power hit his chest like surging past the sound barrier. He pushed his swollen head against her little pink tongue. The motion painted her saliva over his sensitive skin.


She stroked from hilt to tip, languorously wetting every inch of his shaft. Dash gritted his teeth. That her hands and ankles were still implacably bound hit him with another rush.

With a caress that was so gentle, so out of place amidst that depravity, he cupped her face and spread his thumbs across her wide, defined cheekbones. He stretched farther to drag damp mascara across her skin.

With a wide grin, he licked where she’d bit him. The faintest taste of copper. “Open again.”

He positioned his prick atop her tongue then resumed his hold on the back of her head. Fingers interlaced.

“Now, my pretty…”

With a quick buck of his hips, he thrust deep. His thick, throbbing head hit the back of her throat. Sunny squealed around a mouthful of cock before she gagged.

“Fuck, yes.”

He withdrew, only to plunge again. And again. He ground her lips down around the base of his shaft, then held her there until her whole body shuddered. She tried to wrench free. He only tightened his grip.

Her moan was the most erotic thing he’d ever heard.

Chest tight, panting, Dash pulled back enough to admire her glazed eyes. “Now, my pretty, the fun really begins.”

Chapter Four

Sunny didn’t know what would happen beyond the next ten seconds. Dash was about to shove his powerful cock in her mouth. That was all she knew.

It was all she
to know.

Everything else in the world dropped away.

Her hands were bound behind her back, and the ties cut into her wrists with a pinching pain. Her knees pressed into the soft carpet. Air whistled through her nose because there was no way for her to breathe through her mouth.

Because he’d filled her.

His smooth, slick column slid in and out of her lips. Her gaze slipped up, up the sculpted length of Dash’s body. He’d always been lean. She loved how lines of sharp muscle carved down his abs and the sweep of his pecs. His shoulders curved, then arched into the strong definition of his arms in a narrowed triangle that ended at her. His hands were implacable at the back of her head, pushing her down over his length until she thought she might choke.

Until she
she might choke. There was something wicked about the way her throat clenched over his head.

She would have braced herself by now, maybe grabbed for a little power. Except he’d taken that away from her. Behind her back, her wrists were trapped. Her fingernails dug into her palms as if she needed an ounce more pain.

Maybe she did. Maybe she wanted him to take her even further.

Mostly she wanted to know that he had finally let go.

The tight line of his mouth was fierce. Every feature of his face said he’d lost control. The way his eyes narrowed on her was intoxicating. That much focus was enough to make her feel like a queen. A lost, depraved queen. She let herself drift away on the pull and stroke of his body in her mouth.

Suddenly, he growled. “Jesus.”

His grip deep in her hair tightened and yanked backward. She mewled at the sudden loss. Her tongue darted out, trying to reach him again, but he held her away. The red, swollen head of his dick and its glistening slit were just out of reach. She couldn’t taste him. Instead she pressed her tongue against her teeth and the inside of her lips and found a salty trace of his precome.

He pinched both sides of her jaw in one hand, his thumb hooking over her bottom lip. He held her open and wide. “You like this, don’t you? Have you been my pretty whore all this time and I didn’t know?”

Her body clenched on nothingness. She wanted to be filled again. The wetness of her body was unmistakable, but she shook her head. Part of the movement was to test whether she could dislodge his grip. He held her too firmly for that.

She tried to bite down on his thumb and missed. “Don’t call me a whore.”

“Don’t fucking act like one,” he spat. “Having a boyfriend while you’re married is pretty goddamned slutty.”

“He’s not my boyfriend.”

Dash shoved his cock into her mouth. With one move he thrust all the way in until her eyes watered. He jerked his hips back, pulling out of her again.

slut, even. Because don’t think I missed how your nipples tightened.”

Oh, Jesus. She liked this too much. His hard-as-diamonds cock pointing toward her, out of reach of her mouth. She knelt before him and needed to look up at his mean, fierce face. The benefit of being bound at hand and ankle meant her shudders of pleasure were easier to conceal. She tried to curl into herself, flinching back toward the vanity chair.

Sunny didn’t want to deny it. Any of it. Because if she denied it, or claimed she wasn’t turned on, he might believe her. He might stop. That suddenly sounded like the biggest tragedy of all.

Neither could she
him to keep going either. She wanted him to take. She wanted him to take
. Then she might be able to find more of the float-away feeling she’d had in the living room, when he’d first torn her clothes.

Instead she folded her lips shut, biting them, but even that tiny pain didn’t do her any good. She couldn’t hold the words in. “It would serve you right if I’d sucked him off. If I’d fucked him.” She sneered. Goading him wasn’t the smartest move. It was dumb, and one of the most reckless things she’d ever done. She couldn’t stop herself. “What would you do if I’d let him take me up the ass?”

His neck bulked as tension leapt down through his muscles. The grip at the base of her skull was fierce. He held her tighter, then pulled her up by the hair. She scrambled fast. Her feet flew underneath to support her clumsy body, and her toes splayed in the soft carpet, searching for purchase.

She only had what he let her have.

Dash threw her down across the bed so roughly that she bounced. The raw silk comforter was made cool under the constant air conditioning. She let her eyes close for a minute. A second. Was she really letting this happen? Was she really rolling around in this sick game with the husband she meant to leave?

She was.

More than that, she was loving every second.

She even loved how his roughness brought out her reflexes. She kicked backward blindly. The flat of her foot caught him in the upper thigh, right where sharp bone led to his pelvis. So near his groin. He grunted, but he wouldn’t be deterred.

One of his hands braced the back of her neck, shoving her face into the bed. His other hand came down on her ass. The blow stung.

“This ass? Did he put his little dick in here?” His fingers stroked and rubbed down the split of her globes, then over the tender pucker where she was still dry. His fingertips circled her with enough pressure that something sick and frozen jolted inside her chest.

She buried her cry in the comforter. “Fuck off, Liam.”

“No.” He leaned down over her ear. “
fuck off. I think that’s the subject at hand. How much of a whore have you been? But you know what, Sunita?”

She couldn’t answer. She needed all her resolve to keep her hips from bucking the air, moving up into his every touch. She wanted this so much. It was goddamn perverse. Between her teeth she caught a tiny, tasteless snag of the comforter. She’d bought that blanket—picked it all by herself. Liam had been home, but he hadn’t been
. He’d been studying for a recertification with such joyless determination that the home-goods store had seemed like a brilliant place of refuge.

She managed to collect herself. “What’s that?”

“It wouldn’t matter.” His fingers moved down from the pucker of her anus. He shoved two fingers in her pussy, then three. Wet sticky noises filled the tense air. “It wouldn’t matter if you’d picked up a new guy every time you flew back. Wouldn’t matter if you let every single one of them take this cute ass.”

She couldn’t hide the way her breathing was changing and hitching, the way she was so close to coming with the shaking pleasure jammed up her spine. Her bound hands clenched into fists at the small of her back. “You’re goddamn right, it wouldn’t matter,” she managed to grit. “Because I’m still leaving you.”

“Are you?” His voice was a rough promise. She shouldn’t like it as much as she did, but every cell in her body woke up. She was his, at least while he was paying attention—when he was being
. “Well, then I might as well get what I can.”

He removed his fingers from her pussy and wiped them casually, almost negligently against the back of her thighs. She shuddered with something close to physical satisfaction. She was debased but she didn’t feel lessened. She felt like he’d marked his territory.

With a sharp slap, he grabbed her hips. She’d never been one to bruise easily, but she thought his pinching fingers might leave marks. He hauled her backward so that she dragged against the comforter, rucking it up as she went, until she bent in an L across the edge of the bed.

He wound a hand through her hair, hauling her head upward. “Is this what you want?”

The angle of her neck was so extreme that her breathing…grated. Turned raspier. Without the support of her hands, she was one long, vulnerable, arcing curve. Air washed over her stomach and tits. The beads of her nipples were so tight that the air-conditioned breeze felt like a caress.

His other fingers delved in her pussy again, circling through her tender flesh. She tingled and floated. She was outside of herself. It could be beautiful if she disappeared into him, even for a while.

She worked to swallow. Behind closed eyes, white sparks bloomed. “Fuck me,” she whispered.

“What?” He leaned closer so that his whole body hunched over her. His warmth and his strength were promises, were threats. “What was that, my pretty little whore? Do you want my prick?”

The sound that worked out of her throat was something like a moan, something like a lost mewl. Tears gathered in the corners of her eyes, which made no damn sense. She was more alive than she’d been in years.

“Please. Take me.” She sobbed. A raw ache came all the way up from where she’d once been so hopeful. “Use me.”

He growled and let go of her hair. Sunny slammed back down to the bed. He palmed her ass and pulled her soft flesh apart until she stung and wanted. Only the first nudge of his broad head provided warning before he filled her. He was harder than he’d been in years. She flinched from the fullness, then arched back into his movements.

“There,” he said all grunts and mean, frothing words. “That’s my slut. Fuck that needy pussy back on my cock. You want it so goddamn bad.”

“I do,” she said on another sob.

“Leaving me? You’re

In pleasure and in pain, lost and found, she didn’t know if she could come—not with the raw way he plunged into her. He wasn’t hunting for her G-spot, not slowly amping up the pace to pull her toward orgasm.

He was
. Every jerk of his hips was about what
wanted and what turned

She was secondary.

The very thought made her explode.

Her cunt clenched as lightning sparks jolted down her legs, up through her chest, where her breathing became raggedy moans. Another flood of her wetness poured between them, and her clit was made of goddamn rainbows.

She sobbed. Liam wasn’t put off. If anything, he fucked her harder. He planted one hand at the small of her back for leverage and slammed into her. His hips twitched and pulsed as he came. He groaned so low and long and mean that he sounded like an animal let loose between them.

Maybe he was. Maybe they were both less than human at that moment.

Sunny closed her eyes and tried to ignore the way her body felt.
Just right
shouldn’t have been the description, but it was the first phrase that surged into her mushy mind.

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