Harrison Towers, Memoirs of a Mogul (Glass Towers Trilogy) (14 page)

BOOK: Harrison Towers, Memoirs of a Mogul (Glass Towers Trilogy)
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Chapter Twenty


Three days into the conferences and trade shows and I successfully manage to keep Marion at an arm’s length. Having Garrin here has been more useful than I originally thought it would. I always sit by my father and then Garrin sits next to me. It is an easy way to keep her from being close to me, though she is never far. The last night of the trainings they have a formal gala and tastings. This is what I have been looking forward to. Everyone dresses in black tie as it’s a rather formal affair. The hotel and conferencing area is actually just outside of city limits so it has meant most of our time has been spent at the facilities. Garrin and I decide to grab a taxicab and venture into the city before the event, which starts in a couple hours. Decked out in our tuxes, we head out. 


After checking out three bars on a quaint cobble stone street, we wander out to a main road and hail a taxicab back. Once in the back seat, I realize I have had a couple too many. Now I have to make it through a stuffy dinner and my favorite part, the tastings. I fight to keep myself alert when all I want to do now is head up to my room. Garrin does not seem as snookered as I. Perhaps playing babysitter requires that of him I think sardonically. We arrive back to the hotel conference area and Garrin takes care of paying the driver. I stumble out of the backseat but quickly recover by pointing out these small cars backseats are not made for someone of our height. Garrin just smiles and nods. Probably a good choice on his part to say nothing. Once inside we find our way to our table joining the others.


My father looks up with a grimace on his face, “You’re late, where have you been? You missed the first of the presentations.”


“I’m sure I will live, now where is our waiter, I’d like to order a drink.” I shoot my father a challenging look just as it appears he was about to say something. He must have changed his mind as he turns to Derek who is sitting next to him and says something to him instead.


Without realizing I left myself wide open for what came next. I am busy taking a swig of my whiskey sour when several of the people at my table stand up. Looking up at the stage, I cannot see anyone so I remain seated. As the men sit down I feel an elbow in my ribs, Garrin’s elbow to be exact. I look at him, he nods to the other side of me, and I look and see Marion standing next to the empty seat to my right. Derek had scrambled like a desperate schoolboy to pull out her chair for her then he returns to his seat with a forlorn look on his face. She must have really rocked his world in order for a grown man to be so affected so deeply by a banshee. I ignore her and continue on with my conversation with Harold, our distribution specialist who is sitting on the other side of Garrin. Once salads have been cleared, mine I had hardly touched, I feel a warm hand on my leg.


Mission accomplished, she now has my attention. I turn to look at her and damn if she didn’t look fucking hot tonight. All I see is red pouty lips and a bosom that appears to have grown with age busting out of the top of her deep red gown. I quickly grab her hand off my leg and with a firm grip around her wrist I hiss under my breath, “Well, look at what I just found caressing my inner thigh, does this belong to you?”


She actually looks taken aback, but regains her composure quickly. “It
mine, now may I have it back before you bruise it?” I didn’t realize how tight I am squeezing and I immediately release it.


“Just watch that it doesn’t go where it doesn’t belong.”


She downs the rest of her cocktail and then to my horror, her hand darts back under the table grabbing my balls, “Well, maybe it belongs here.” She purrs into my ear.


Before I could reach her hand she has given my balls a quick squeeze and then removes her hand, placing her errant hand on the table. I find that I am clenching my jaw again. Every time I am around this woman I am practically giving myself lockjaw.


“That, is quite enough. I suggest you mind your manners so I don’t make a scene.”


“You wouldn’t dare make a scene in a room full of so many esteemed winemakers and perhaps even colleagues.” She sticks her chin in the air, “No, I believe that would be a monumental mistake. Now, can you pass the pepper please?”


She points to the shaker sitting near my plate and I feel like steam is about the escape through my ears. I place the pepper in her hand and look away quickly. I will just make every attempt to ignore her until dinner is over, then I will take my leave, or escape may be more like it.


We make it through the rest of the meal and the pairings. I have downed several more rounds of drinks and the room is mighty hazy. Once again, Marion is trying to push my buttons. This time, she places her hand higher up on my thigh and then looks at me licking her lips. I’ve had enough of her taunting me. I hate this vile creature. She is very well behind all of my pain and suffering and loss...my horrible loss. I stand up and Garrin stands up with me.


I shake my head no, “You can stay here if you want, I am going back to my room. I suffered through the keynote speaker and dinner, I’m heading to bed now, I had way too much to drink.”


“Do you want me to help you back?”


“No, I’m fine, but thank you. Stay and enjoy the music and dancing. Maybe one of those women over there would like to waltz with you!” I point to a group of elderly distinguished looking women. I elbow him and he elbows back.


“Yeah, thanks a lot. I think I’d rather be single the rest of my life.”


I walk outside on the terrace for some fresh air just as the music changes from a fast song to a slow dance. The dance floor is filling in and I imagine what it might have been like to dance the night away with Adelaide. Oh dear God Adelaide, my heart is hollow with the emptiness you left behind.


After my lungs feel full of crisp evening air I make my way back through the banquet room all the way back through the hotel up the elevator and into my room. I sank down on the floor against the door onto the cold marble floor. I drank way too much and I miss my Adelaide. I am lonely, and I am horny. All three combined is a horrible mix. I clumsily stand up, make my way into the sitting room, pour myself another stiff scotch, and take a swig. I loosen my bow tie and step out of my shoes. I walk over to the windows and peer out at the view. Though we are on the outskirts of the city, I can still see the tower lit up in all its glory. We never made it here together. I promised her I would bring her here but we never found the time. Or maybe
just never found the time. I wonder if I had been up there more if the course of events would not have happened. I was there the night of the crash but if I had been there more frequently or permanently maybe things would have been different. This and many other things I will never know.


I am so deep in my sorrowful thoughts that I don’t hear the door at first. I look out the peephole and don’t see anyone. So I stand and wait, maybe I was hearing things. After a few seconds, I hear a soft knock again and I throw open the door.


“Shit! What the hell are you doing here?”


“Oh come on, I brought some liquid fun! I just won it as a door prize. Or maybe it’s more of a booby prize!” She tucks the  bottle of champagne into the bodice of her dress parking it between her boobs.


“What do you want? You know I despise you and don’t want you anywhere near me why the hell would you show up to my room. You want more verbal assaults or do you just want to be rejected by me again?”


She sticks out her bottom lip and pouts. “But Harry, I thought I would share my winnings with you. Besides, when’s the last time you had a woman? Have you gone chaste or can’t you get it up anymore?”


I grab her by the wrist and bark at her, “I can get it up just fine. I don’t need you to insult my manhood. I can still fuck the living shit out of you or any other woman if I so choose!”


“Hmm, that sounds good,” she purrs, “Get me a glass.” She jerks her arm away from my grasp and walks past me into my suite. She pulls the bottle out of her dress and thrusts it at me. “Don’t spill when you pop my cork!”


“What do you think you are doing? Get out of here!” I am still standing in the doorway with the door wide open and the bottle of champagne in my hand. “Marion! I’m serious, I want you out of here!” I am hollering now. Just as I am about to say something else the door across the hall opens and a man pokes his head out telling me to keep it down. I nod and then shut my own door. Damn it!


As I storm into the sitting room in a loud voice, “I’m fucking serious, you need to…” Then I stop dead in my tracks as Marion is standing in the middle of the room with nothing on but her necklace, heels, and red satin skimpy panties.


She looks at me under hooded eyes, licking her lips, “I’m serious too.” Then she holds up two drinking cups, “Look, I found glasses.”


I shake my head at her and start to walk out of the room toward the front door, she grabs the bottle out of my hands and says “If you can’t pop the cork then I


I whirl around, “Enough of your innuendos, what do you want from me? I’m really trying to keep my cool but I am about to throw you out on your ear, no clothes and all.”


She turns around and aims the bottle at the wall. POP! Goes the bottle with a minor amount of spillage. She licks the bubbly liquid off the bottle, taking care to wrap her full lips around the mouth. I sigh knowing full well what she is trying to do. It’s not working for my head but my damned dick has other ideas. I ignore my nether region’s betrayal and wait for her to answer me. I continue to watch as she pours two glasses, picking both up and delivering mine to me. I have a hard time not focusing on her naked body and her boobs jiggling as she walks toward me. I also have a hard time with her closeness knowing full well that she is a fun fuck.


With my back to her, I set the glass down, refill my own glass with more Scotch, and then slam it followed by another.


“Whoa, slow down captain!”


“I’ll drink however much I want. You have no right to be here anyway and I’d like you to get dressed and leave. I turn around to see her standing in the same place with her glass empty. She picks up my discarded glass and takes a few sips looking at me over the rim of her glass.


I feel like we are at an impasse. She is silently refusing to leave and I have not physically forced her yet. With all my being, I just want the bitch to leave, but something is stopping me from insisting. Must be the liquor.


I take the last of my drink into my mouth and swish it around then swallow the warm rich liquid. She is watching me as I am watching her. She doesn’t flinch as I take a couple steps toward her. “I’ll ask you for the last time, what is it you want from me?”


She laughs and drinks the rest of the bubbly liquid. “What are you stupid. Are you really asking me that? Isn’t it obvious, I want you to screw my brains out and I think you want me.” She grabs my bulge and then coos, “Oh yes, I do believe you want me really bad. It’s been a while hasn’t it.”


I grab her hand away but she drops her glass and wraps her arm around my back. She pulls herself into my body grinding hers on me. I know I should push her away but her warm body feels good against mine.


She grabs my ass and pulls me closer, as I find myself giving in to her persistent advances. Before I realize what I am allowing myself to do, I take back control, push her up against the wall, and aggressively return her kiss. She bites my lip and I feel a moment of pain and the taste of blood as I hear my own voice yell out. I push my knee up between her legs forcing her to spread. I shove my hand down her panties and force my fingers inside her hot sex. She moans and throws her head against the wall. I work my fingers in and out of her as she writhes between me and the wall. I withdraw my hand from her as she works on removing my pants. Once I am naked I push her toward the sofa knocking over the coffee table in the process. I trip over the leg of the coffee table landing on the edge of the sofa knocking the wind out of me. I have never been a klutz. It’s due to the alcohol. My head is so fuzzy I can hardly focus. She is grabbing at me urging my body onto hers as she spreads herself wide open for my entry. Once I am fully inserted into her welcoming body, I begin moving in and out while losing almost all sense of reality.


I look down at Adelaide and smile. I settle into a steady pace focusing on keeping myself erect. Fighting the effects of the alcohol. She moans and claws ferociously at my ass while I increase my speed. I don’t realize that I am pounding her so hard that she has now given up clawing my back and is hanging onto the edges of the sofa for support. I hold off my release as long as I can when I finally can’t take it any longer. As I blow, I yell out her name over and over again, “Oh Adelaide, Adelaide, my love!”

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