Harry Truman's Excellent Adventure: The True Story of a Great American Road Trip (34 page)

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Authors: Matthew Algeo

Tags: #Presidents & Heads of State, #Presidents, #Travel, #Essays & Travelogues, #General, #United States, #Automobile Travel, #Biography & Autobiography, #20th Century, #History

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Italicized page numbers denote photographs

A. E. Staley (company), 67

Abbott, George, 155

Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, 59–60, 213

Acheson, Dean

college roommate of Cole Porter, 144

tributes to Truman, 121–22

Truman correspondence to, 219

with Truman in Washington, 116

Truman’s last day as president, 13

Adams, Edith, 155

Adams, John, 224

Adams, John Quincy, 11

African American music, 195–96

African Americans, 44–46, 90, 96–97, 134, 194

Air Force One, 189, 190

Albertazzie, Ralph, 187

Allen, Lewis, 69

American Airlines, 188

American Legion convention, 138

American Road Builders Association, 49

Amidon, Edna, 183

Anan, Kofi, 164

Anderson, Charles Arthur, 212

Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, 120

Anti-Defamation League, 199

Archer Daniels Midland, 67

Architectural Record, The,

Armstrong, Louis, 197

Arnold, Kenneth, 174–75

Astor, John Jacob, IV, 151

Astor, William Waldorf, 151

Automobile Club of New York, 165


air-conditioning in, 40

of Chrysler collectors, 30–33

death statistics due to, 36–37

driving accidents and safety issues, 37, 41–42, 82, 171

first cross-country trip in, 87

fuel efficiency, 61

growth of industry, 89

1917 cost of, 89

postwar demand and production statistics, 90

of Truman, 26–30, 27,
28, 32,
219, 233–38,

WWII rationing of, 90

“Barbara Frietchie” (Whittier), 110

Barker, Warren, 154

Barrow, Clyde, 63

Barry, Marion, 114–15

Bastian, Bob, 97

Baton Rouge bus boycott, 45–47

Baughman, U. E., 36, 37

Beasley, Fred, 182

Bellevue-Stratford Hotel, 134, 138–39

Berlin, Irving, 64

Berliner, Emile, 196

Bernstein, Leonard, 154

Beveridge, Mark, 29–30

Blair, Frank, 157

Blauvelt, James, 150–51

Bliss, Henry, 36

book contracts, 25–26, 54.
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