Harvester 7 (11 page)

Read Harvester 7 Online

Authors: Andy Lang

Tags: #space exploration, #space battles, #sci fi action adventure, #alien diplomacy, #space fleets, #alien civilizations, #spaceship and deep space, #alien action adventure

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"Kressa, that
is the most reassuring thing I have ever heard," he answered as he
understood he trusted the wild cat trapped inside a mechanical body
more than any other being he had ever known, "But won't you be
under the control of the landing computer?"

A deep rumble
entered his mind, "If you can't control me when I am stimulated,
what chance has a computer, don't you worry about me, if you need
me, I will be there."

Seconds later
they were guided down onto a landing pad and with no more sound
than a gentle sigh Kressa dropped her side ramp and allowed the
thick methane gases to enter, Maulik breathed deeply.

"So this is
how Terrillia used to be,” the gas tasted pure and unsullied. "So
fresh," he sighed, "This has never been recycled, it tastes so
pure. Well wish me luck." he joked nervously as he stood at the top
of the ramp and studied the reception committee approaching, five
matching exoskeletons, sleek, smooth mottled grey and black, by the
ease of their movement it looked light yet he was sure, light or
not, the armour would be very effective.

"Go'an?" he
questioned and was confused by the silence, "Just typical," he
sighed, "When I don't want him around I can't keep him out, but now
I really need him online... he's sleeping."

The five
Diurians paused before the obvious leader stepped forward.

"Master Maulik
of Terrillia, Welcome."

With surprise
Maulik didn't feel the small translation device that had been
surgically implanted as a hatchling react, it was an expensive but
very useful implant and vital for a Harvester Master, yet it had
not engaged.

"You speak
Terrillian?" he questioned.

"On the
contrary," replied the exoskeleton, "You speak very good

"We share a
common language?" he replied not trying to mask the surprise in his

"You will find
that we share a great deal more than just language," came the reply
and the Diurian reached up to his neck and pressed a small pad that
illuminated briefly moments before there issued a sharp hiss as the
controlled atmosphere inside the armour equalised with the pressure
outside, gently he lifted the helmet gradually exposing shining
smooth silver skin.

Maulik gasped,
it was like looking into a mirror, the face that stared back at him
was Terrillian, the only difference was the lack of a scar above
his eye.

"My name is
Ka'lan... and I think you will have guessed by now, we are probably
distant cousins."

Chapter 7

Ka'lan led a
confused Maulik across the landing pad and into a waiting

"It is only a
short ride to my offices," he announced as he sat opposite his
Terrillian guest, "I am head of Diurian Intelligence, it is my
responsibility to monitor all issues that could affect our

Maulik nodded,
"It's good to meet you, and I don't know how much you know about my
mission here but I am not really acting on behalf of the Terrillian

"We know all
about that Watumian rogue," laughed Ka'lan, "The only reason we
agreed to an audience was because he informed us he was sending
you, we have long discussed if it was time to reveal ourselves to
the people of Terrillia, news of your mission swung the vote."

"So you are
aware of the threat?"

Ka'lan nodded,
"Very aware... you see a planet that has been preparing for the
final conflict for over one thousand years, and now the time is
almost upon us."

"I've lost
contact with Chancellor Go'an for some reason but I know he wants
to propose an alliance with you, with all of the advanced races in
this, and surrounding galaxies, so we can present a united defence
against the Reapers when they arrive."

"The Reapers!"
chuckled Ka'lan, "Quite an apt name for them, we simply refer to
them as the Shadow, because a shadow of uncertainty has hung over
us for so long."

"How did you
learn the truth about them?" asked Maulik.

fleeing devastated worlds, rumours," shrugged Ka'lan, "But how we
discovered is not that important, it was the knowledge of our own
genetic code being used to seed other worlds that interested us
most, that knowledge gave my ancestors the desire to explore beyond
our own solar system, that knowledge led us to the planet you call

"So you have
known about us for some time," questioned Maulik, "So why no

"You weren't
ready, we discovered a race identical to ourselves, yet very
different, you had not developed inter stellar capabilities, you
used verbal communication and you were slowly destroying your
natural resources."

"You could
have advised us, maybe prevented some of the mistakes we made?"

"We have laws
that prevent interference with developing species, we simply
observe until the time is right."

"And now is
the right time?" replied Maulik feeling a little upset that such
close genetic relations could have simply watched as his ancestors
had destroyed his home world.

have pushed us to this decision, it is not entirely popular,
especially as you have developed such a close allegiance with the
Watu, but it was decided that time is short and despite our serious
misgivings combining our forces offers the best chance of success
against the impending attack."

"You talk as
though you know when they are coming... the Reapers?"

"Of course we
know," replied Ka'lan, "At their present rate, they will be here
within eighteen months."

Maulik felt
his skin contract as the information sunk in catching his breath,
Go'an had mentioned twenty years, a number that had stuck in his
mind and eased his initial concerns, "Plenty of time to prepare" he
had told himself.

"Are you sure?
I mean how do you know for sure?"

laughed, "We have been launching sensors for many years, following
the path of destruction, it has taken only very basic calculations
to estimate when they will arrive in our system, it has been a race
for us to develop weaponry that can match them, a race that I am
not sure we are winning, our factories are producing fighters and
battle cruisers at maximum capacity but I am not sure it will be
enough... but just maybe, if the Territes and Watu stand at our
side... then we may stand an outside chance of victory."

"I think that
is exactly what the Chancellor is proposing," added Maulik with
enthusiasm, "And they have quite an advanced fleet now... far more
advanced than our own," Maulik sensed confusion and a little
disbelief blossom in Ka'lan's mind.

"If they have
advanced then it has been in secret, we have always considered
yourselves to be the dominant power in your system, in our eyes the
Watu are little better than the Su'al."

"I hate to
admit it, but it seems we were both wrong, believe me they have
developed ships that have incredible capabilities." suddenly he
felt the urge to hide the information about Kressa that he held in
his mind, creating a mask he hoped the Diurians hadn't developed
the same level of telepathy that Go'an displayed. "I wonder what
has happened to him?" the thought crossed Maulik's mind, it was
very strange to experience a time without interruptions.

"This is
interesting news," replied Ka'lan, "Very interesting, perhaps we
will agree to Chancellor Go'an's offered peace summit...

asked Maulik.

"We never
considered the Watu as a serious ally, in our minds they would
simply add to the numbers but not contribute greatly, our interest
was an alliance with Terrillia, this new development will have to
be debated and discussed by our own Senate, it will not be a
popular decision if we ally ourselves formally," he shook his head,
"Yes, this changes things drastically."

The transport
slid to a graceful halt outside a wide and low, glass fronted

"These are my
headquarters," announced Ka'lan as he led Maulik up the steps and
passed him through the security check point, Maulik flashed a
message to Kressa requesting a secure and private link.

monitoring you," she replied instantly, "And I detect no threat or

"I agree," he
replied, "I just wanted to let you know that I think we are safe
here, and also ask if you have been in contact with Go'an?"

she replied instantly, "But I am sure it will not be long before he
requests an update."

he replied, "I will be back as soon as I can."


"If you don't
mind?" Ka'lan indicated the small hypodermic sensor in his hand, "I
have flouted regulations simply allowing you to enter this building
without submitting a sample, so if you please, let’s get the
formalities out of the way."

shrugged mentally, sampling was common place at home, and standard
verification for most transactions.

"There it is,"
growled Kressa as she monitored the conversation from the landing
pad, it had all been too convenient, everything she knew about the
Diurians promised her hostility and suspicion at their arrival,
their welcome had been far too warm, regardless that Maulik and
Ka'lan were the same species she didn't trust, her feral instincts
couldn't handle the concept, trust was a luxury that couldn't exist
in the wild, even though she had never lived a natural life the
instincts were still strong, she knew she couldn't trust her own
species any more than any other, family members would tear her to
pieces for her fresh kill, and now she sensed the Diurian's

"It's not
deception or threat," she whispered to herself as she attempted to
understand the feeling that had set off her natural alarms, "It's
more like anticipation, trepidation... almost fear... And hope."
she suddenly understood.

"It's just
routine," added Ka'lan as the sensor sampled Maulik's genetic code,
"You would be surprised how many species there are in deep space
that can mimic another entities form, not that I am suggesting you
are a Morph," he added with a laugh, "But I would be in serious
trouble if I took you into the heart of our central intelligence
buildings on face value alone."

"No big deal,"
replied Maulik, "We do this at least twenty times a day back home."
Ka'lan checked the reading before transmitting to the central data
banks, "Well, that confirms it," he laughed, "Closer than cousins,
our genetic codes are identical, the scanner accepts you as

"Where do I
apply for a residents permit?" joked Maulik, "I love the atmosphere
here, so clean tasting."

instructed Ka'lan, "I'm sure something could be arranged if you
were serious." and led Maulik deeper into the building.

"Relief, now
he feels relief, like a burden has been lifted," whispered Kressa,
"What is your true agenda Diurian?" she considered strengthening
her link and warning Maulik, but what would that warning be, that
the Diurian had been nervous and was now relieved beyond what would
be considered normal. "I have nothing more than my instincts," she
admitted, "But no proven threat." frustrated and filled with a
growing concern she decided to wait a little longer, cooling her
growing aggression she forced her reactor to settle, power had been
surging as she fought with the urge to rescue her friend... but
rescue him from what?

"What are your
capabilities, size of fleet, class of ship?" asked Ka'lan as they
sat in his plush office.

"You're asking
the wrong guy," laughed Maulik, "I'm just a Harvester Master, I
have no connection to the military, as I told you, I'm not even
here on behalf of my own people, Chancellor Go'an sent me to
represent him and present his proposal."

Ka'lan nodded,
"That information we can get when official diplomatic links have
been established."


On Watuma
Go'an followed the developments with growing interest, it was by
design not accident that he had remained silent, his input was
unnecessary while Maulik was doing such a good job of first
contact, and he knew that the conversation would flow more freely
if neither party knew of his eavesdropping. It gave him a warm
satisfaction when he learned how under estimated his race had been,
the secrecy and security had been worth the loss of face for such a
proud warrior people, often he had been pressed by the High Council
to reveal the Watumian might, to flex their muscles in the galaxy,
but he was cautious and calculating, and now his patience was about
to pay dividends.

It had been a
gamble on his part, trusting such a vital mission to the wilful and
headstrong Terrillian but he congratulated himself on a wager won.
Of course he could have probably achieved the same result through
diplomatic channels, but that would have taken time, time he knew
was in short supply, it wasn't only the Diurians who had knowledge
of the impending arrival of the Reapers, but it was a knowledge
that he had withheld from the High Council. Their dithering and
scepticism had played right into his hands, true he had pushed his
own convictions in public, but in the background he had secretly
spread dissent, effectively dividing the Council, weeding out his
most ardent detractors and revealing the truth faith of his

His plans were
falling into place very nicely and he allowed himself a rare
genuine smile, a sign of deep satisfaction rather than the feigned
reasonable and approachable façade that he showed both friend and
potential foe alike, "Emperor Go'an." he repeated secretly,
shielding his thoughts from his brother, the Vice Chancellor who
had just entered his palatial new office in the recently completed

go well with the Diurians," he announced with pride, "Our three
fleets, combined with those animals the Su'al should prove to be an
effective match for the Reapers when they arrive, they will not
take our system quite so easily." he chuckled.

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