Haunted Houses (24 page)

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Authors: Lynne Tillman

Tags: #Literary Fiction, #FICTION / Literary, #Fiction

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Frightening, hilarious, and wholly addictive,
No Lease on Life
is an avant-garde sucker-punch, a plea for humanity propelled by dark wit and unflinching honesty. Tillman’s spare prose, frank, poignant and always illuminating, captures all the raving absurdity of a very bad day in America’s toughest, hottest melting pot.

“Confirms and enhances her reputation as one of America’s most challenging and adventurous writers.”


“…should be awarded a special Pulitzer for the most perfect use of the word ‘moron’ in the history of the American novel.”

Fran Lebowitz

“A book anyone concerned with urban life, women, or American culture, as it stumbles into the 21st century, must read.”


“Exquisite… To encounter a writer of Tillman’s acute intelligence writing as well as this is a cause for real celebration.”


“Tillman describes much of the wearing, wearying routine of the city’s daily life—all that garbage, all those druggies and creeps and whores we’ve met in a million Letterman one-liners jammed into a scrawny crevice of land while the rest of America's so huge and airy and free. But Tillman’s book is utopian precisely because it takes those things into account; because its heroine fantasizes about murdering all ‘the morons’ not out of hate, &'squo;but dignity and a social space, a civil space, actually civilian space.’…[Tillman] sprinkles the text with dozens and dozens of jokes… Who can't relate? Isn't every public-transportation-riding, rent-paying, law-abiding urban dweller about two or three knock-knock jokes away from homicide?”

Sarah Vowell

“Richly surreal…yet darkly humorous…Tillman demonstrates her wit, superb observational skill, realism of representation, and verbal eloquence…
No Lease on Life
is a meditation on the realness and the ridiculousness of daily living. Yet again, Tillman tackles issues on her terms, freshly reshaping traditional literary forms.”

Donna Seaman

“We first meet Elizabeth sitting at the window of her East Village apartment at 5 a.m. spinning gruesome revenge fantasies about the noisy hoodlums in the street… this novel [is] graced by flashes of bilious wit, a series of funny, inconsequential jokes and an appealingly loopy milieu.”

Publishers Weekly

“As energetic and raunchy as a New York street.”

San Francisco Chronicle

“A terribly up-close and personal examination of urban angst and fury. It is also a funny, frightening, and utterly brilliant tour de force.”

Bay Area Reporter

“Darkly humorous… [the] New York that one doesn’t see on Seinfeld.”

Library Journal

“In a society that increasingly deals with the unbearable by cleaning ‘it’ up, by sweeping the streets and parks of the homeless and addicted, and/or stashing ‘it’ away (in ghettos, prisons, etc.), No Lease on Life provides a straight-on view and acknowledgment of the unbearable, if not an acceptance. What Elizabeth collects keeps her from sleeping, drives her to thoughts of murder, and yet ‘she [has] to be open…like a window…sometimes transparent, usually paradoxical, and always open to tragicomic views of life.’”

Elisabeth Sheffield
Review of Contemporary Fiction

Someday This Will Be Funny

The stories in
Someday This Will Be Funny
marry memory to moment in a union of narrative form as immaculate and imperfect as the characters damned to act them out on page. Lynne Tillman presides over the ceremony; Clarence Thomas, Marvin Gaye, and Madame Realism mingle at the reception. Narrators—by turn infamous and nameless—shift within their own skin, struggling to unknot reminiscence from reality while scenes rush into warm focus, then cool, twist, and snap in the breeze of shifting thought. Epistle, quotation, and haiku bounce between lyrical passages of lucid beauty, echoing the scattered, cycling arpeggio of Tillman’s preferred subject: the unsettled mind. Collectively, these stories own a conscience shaped by oaths made and broken; by the skeleton silence and secrets of family; by love’s shifting chartreuse. They traffic in the quiet images of personal history, each one a flickering sacrament in danger of being swallowed up by the lust and desperation of their possessor: a fistful of parking tickets shoved in the glove compartment, a little black book hidden from a wife in a safe-deposit box, a planter stuffed with flowers to keep out the cooing mourning doves. They are stories fashioned with candor and animated by fits of wordplay and invention—stories that affirm Tillman’s unshakable talent for wedding the patterns and rituals of thought with the blushing immediacy of existence, defying genre and defining experimental short fiction.

Praise for Lynne Tillman

“Both entertaining and unnerving… If fiction is a mirror that shows the life and slime of our times, then this writer has her finger on the wavering pulse of our century at its closing.”

Time Out
No Lease on Life

“Lynne Tillman has always been a hero of mine—not because I ‘admire’ her writing, (although I do, very, very much), but because I feel it. Imagine driving alone at night. You turn on the radio and hear a song that seems to say it all. That’s how I feel…”

Jonathan Safran Foer

“One of America’s most challenging and adventurous writers.”


“Like an acupuncturist, Lynne Tillman knows the precise points in which to sink her delicate probes. One of the biggest problems in composing fiction is understanding what to leave out; no one is more severe, more elegant, more shocking in her reticences than Tillman.”

Edmund White

“Anything I’ve read by Tillman I’ve devoured.”

Anne K. Yoder
The Millions

“If I needed to name a book that is maybe the most overlooked important piece of fiction in not only the 00s, but in the last 50 years, [
American Genius, A Comedy
] might be the one. I could read this back to back to back for years.”

Blake Butler
HTML Giant

Copyright © 1987 by Lynne Tillman.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Tillman, Lynne.

Haunted houses / by Lynne Tillman

p. cm.
I. Title
PS3570.I42 H3 1987
813/.54 19

Cover design by Charles Orr

Red Lemonade
a Cursor publishing community
Brooklyn, New York

Version 1.0

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