Hawk's Way Grooms (34 page)

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Authors: Joan Johnston

BOOK: Hawk's Way Grooms
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Jenny went with Colt to tell his parents they were leaving, and the word spread quickly.

“Hurry up if you want to get a last look at the bride and groom before they take off!”

“Does everybody have some birdseed?”

Jenny ducked and laughed as birdseed caught in her hair and her eyelashes and slid down the front of her dress.

Colt laughed and ducked right along with her. “Hurry up, wife, or we're going to turn into two bird feeders!”

Colt didn't even open the door to the convertible, just dropped her in over the top, then came running around and jumped in behind the wheel.

As they drove away, Jenny reached across the seat and took Colt's hand. He smiled at her, and she smiled back. This was the beginning of a new life. A new love. And happily ever after.


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sweeter word. She still had three more years before she'd feel satisfied that the cancer was truly gone. But she'd been given a respite, a time in which to live life to the fullest. And a husband who was determined to help her do it.

Jenny snuggled closer to Colt, spooning her body against his. She heard him make a sound of pleasure in his throat and whispered, “Are you awake?”

“I am now.”

She pulled his arms tighter around her, and he cupped her breasts and held her close. It was always like this after they made love, holding each other, reaffirming their joy with each other.

“I visited my doctor today,” Jenny said.

She felt Colt stiffen. “Oh?” he murmured cautiously.

“I wanted to ask her what she thought about me getting pregnant.”

“I see,” Colt said. “And what did she say?”

Jenny turned over in Colt's arms, so she could see his face. “She said it was up to me.”

“There's no risk to you?” Colt asked.

“I didn't say that. But I think what we have to gain is worth what risk there is. I want us to have children, Colt. Is that too much to ask?”

“I already feel like I've dodged a bullet,” Colt confessed. “I want kids, but not at the risk of losing you.”

Jenny pressed her face against Colt's throat and felt his arms close around her. “If we have a boy, we can name him Huck.”

She heard him chuckle. “Huckleberry Whitelaw. Now there's a name to give a kid nightmares.”

Jenny smiled. “Growing up in a houseful of boys, I always wanted a little girl.”

“We could name her Becky,” Colt said.

Jenny laughed. “And the next boy Tom.”

“Three kids,” Colt said. “That's a houseful.”

“Not like the eight your parents raised,” she pointed out.

“Three's plenty for me,” he said, lifting his head and finding her mouth with his.

They kissed slowly, letting the passion rise, feeling the hope and ignoring the fear. They would find a way to be happy, living each day and loving each night. For all the rest of their lives.

ISBN: 978-1-4603-0519-5


Copyright © 2008 by Harlequin Books S.A.

The publisher acknowledges the copyright holder of the individual works as follows:

Copyright © 1997 by Joan Mertens Johnston

Copyright © 1998 by Joan Mertens Johnston

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