This Broken Beautiful Thing

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Authors: Sophie Summers

BOOK: This Broken Beautiful Thing
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Copyright 2014 Sophie Summers


ISBN 9781311952523


Smashwords Edition, License Notes


This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, places, brands, media and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication and use of these trademarks are not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners. Any resemblances to actual events, locations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

About the Author

Sample of Alexia Eden (
FairyTales Don’t Exist #1)



After tonight I knew things were going to
change. For the better that is…

I had a secret and I was finally going to tell the boy of my dreams, the love of my life,
soul mate and boyfriend of the last four years.

I wasn’t prepared for what

I didn’t expect to lose my boyfriend and best friend in one night…. Things weren’t supposed to end this way.


My heart was ripped out, split in two and stomped on for all to see.

I was humiliated and betrayed.

How deep can the knife of betrayal cut before it’s too late to wrench it out and let the forgiveness heal?

Is forgiveness even possible when you’ve been hurt in the worst possible way?

Can a soul so broken and ruined ever be restored?


How am I supposed to heal from this when I have a reminder of the beautiful man whom broke me looking up to me every day?



Harley is the product of a one night stand. Her mother being an all-out train-wreck and her father the President of a notorious Motorcycle Club. She lives with her mother in a run-down apartment near the strip club she works for, her father lives a few hours away. To say she’s had a rough childhood is an understatement. Her life is the complete opposite to the luxury Caleb was brought up with. He is wealthy but never looks down at Harley since he is completely and utterly in love with her.


Harley has just graduated from High School, it’s their fourth year anniversary and tonight she has a secret to tell him before they head out to college and move into their new apartment together. They’ve been best friends since they met in Kindergarten and haven’t let anyone come between them despite being complete opposites. Caleb is the typical jock and Harley, his dorky sidekick.


What happens when Harley is none other than Caleb? What happens when Harley's secret is revealed? She runs to her father, now she has to learn to adapt to the Motorcycle Club life that her father leads. She has a long road ahead of her, surrounded by possessive bikers with dirty mouths and beautiful tattoo clad bodies she’s forced to understand the place of a woman in this club, even when she doesn’t agree. Will Harley be able to resist Raven, the soon to be Vice President of the Club, when she captures his attention?

To the L
ittle People…


I’d like to thank my family and friends for all their help and support through this little adventure of mine. I’d like to thank all of you who helped get the word out and all of you who took the effort to read my book.

Charmaine, you
are an absolutely star! You don’t know how much your encouragement and enthusiasm to get my books out there has helped and I will forever be grateful.

Lisa, you don’t need to do
shit… you’re just awesome standing there looking pretty, well… thank you for looking pretty while eagerly reading my work.

To my sexy Bumble Bee and your tattoo clad beauty, my true love and soul mate… Thank you for being there for me and inspiring me
through this journey…


Thank You!




  “Harley! Please tell me you’re ready? We’re going to be late!” Ashley, my best friend knocks on the bathroom door. 

I look in the mirror at my
reflection. I’ve left my light blond hair down naturally so it hangs in waves down my back. I’ve done my makeup heavy and smokey, I even went through the effort of placing on fake lashes and boy did that take me a while to figure out. It was worth it though because now my dark blue eyes stand out. I don’t usually go through such effort with my appearance, I’m a less is more type of girl, but since tonight is a special night I wanted to look good for him.

Him, being my boyfriend Caleb, we’ve been b
est friends for as long as I can remember. I was the nerd and he was the jock, cliché I know but that’s exactly how it was, we are total opposites in every aspect. He never treated me like the rest did, he never looked down on me when I was a nobody and since we’ve been exclusive I’m a somebody. He was always there for me when I needed him…and I needed him most of the time.

He comes from a large wealthy family, with both parents in the picture and three brothers, one older than him and twins two years younger than us. My home life doesn’t exactly include a picture perfect family. My mother is a party-holic whom never married my father, her life revolves around hanging out with friends and acting like an eighteen year old. When she met my father she was working at a strip club, the same club she works for now no less.

They weren’t an official couple when she fell pregnant but he still wanted my mother to move near him so he could support us. Momma being the stubborn woman she is couldn’t leave the life she led so she refused to leave our little town.

Daddy, who goes by the name of Grant, wanted to take me home with him as soon as I was born and that
the plan…until I was born. Mom was selfish and kept me even though she knew she wouldn’t be able to raise me right and look after me the way dad could. When I would ask her why she didn’t leave me with daddy, she’d say that she didn’t want me to live with a bunch of dangerous men.

Oh! Did I forget to mention my father is the president of a Motorcycle Club called Devils Grimm? Yeah…well… he is and his road name is Grimm, for obvious reasons…reasons I sure as hell don’t want to know. He also had an old lady waiting for him back home while he was shacking it up with my mother. Daddy introduced me to his wife, Annalie, on my fifth birthday, he came to see me and found me home alone, momma forgot it was my birthday and was on one of her drinking binges again.

He threatened her with taking custody and decided that after keeping me a secret for five years it was time to take me home for the weekend so I could meet his family…his club.

My father and Annalie were never able to have children so she welcomed me with open arms , so did the members of his club and I felt more at home with all of them than I ever did with my own mother.

father is a huge man, he has dark black hair that comes just above his shoulders and is always messy. I get my eyes from my father but my body size and figure from my mother, she is short and skinny with light blond hair but she has brown eyes.

Annalie d
esperately wanted me to live with them and if it wasn’t for Caleb I most probably would have. As the years flew by, my feelings grew stronger toward him, I was hopelessly crushing on my best friend even though in the back of my mind I assumed he would only ever see me as his dorky best friend.

Annalie became a mother to me and I called her mom just like she asked, I’ll never forget the smile she threw my way the first time I called her that. I was able to talk to her about boys knowing she would never betray my trust and tell my father. We both knew how possessive men from the club were over their woman. Dad never let me stick around long enough at the club house to actually get to know the families that were part of it. I spent every moment I could with my father and new mom at their lake house.

Caleb knows about my home life but I never
did tell him about who my father was and what he does, it wasn’t that I was ashamed or anything…I mean…my mother is a stripper for goodness sake , my father is a biker and I live in a Trailer so it couldn’t get any worse. I knew if Caleb met my father though, my dad may scare him away and I didn’t want to take that chance. 

When we
both started High School, the relationship between Caleb and I changed. Even though I was a total dork, once I hit puberty my skin cleared; braces came off, breasts grew and curves formed, guys started to take notice and Caleb didn’t like that, he started looking at me in a way I’ve never seen.

Caleb is the captain of the football team, he is
tall, muscular with raven black hair and bright green eyes, evidently he always had girls hovering around him but he would never pay attention to them.

At the end of eighth grade, Caleb
finally confessed his feelings for me, he told me he was in love with me, how he only ever wanted me and how he couldn’t stand the fact that other guys wanted what was his.  I told him how much I loved him and how I never thought he would see me as anything besides the nerd I am.

We started dating and soon all his
friends, the same ones that didn’t know I existed became my closest friends, the boys from the football team became protective over me and the bitchy cheerleaders knew to stay away.

I turned sixteen on the ni
ght of our grades school Formal. I was in total shock when I found out that Caleb was a virgin, of course he’d done other things with girls but he had never had sex and obviously me being me.. was still a virgin, I mean c’mon Caleb was my first kiss after all… That night we lost our virginity and it was the best night of my life.

Caleb is perfect and I knew how lucky I was to have him and I told him that every day. Girls still tried their luck with him not bothering that we were in fact together but, he only ever did have eyes for me. I trust him with all of my heart. As we got older, Caleb and I experimented and I shared a lot of other firsts with him, our sex life was amazing and that’s probably why I’m sitting in this predicament at the moment. 


 We graduated today and it’s our 4
year anniversary too. Ashley, Caleb and I are all going to the same college a few hours away.  Caleb and I found an apartment while Ashley decided that it would be more fun in the dorms. 

Caleb has been asking me to marry him every month since I turned eighteen and of course I’ve said yes but he says he’s going to propose officially as soon as he can afford to buy me a ring with his own money since he doesn’t want to spend his parent’s money.  I know Caleb won’t turn me away once I tell him the news tonight and that’s the reason why tonight is so special because tonight I tell him…that I’m pregnant.


 “Jesus Harley! Answer me!” Ash yells through the door pushing me out of my thoughts.

I open the door to look at my gorgeous best friend. She is tall and skinny with shoulder length black straight hair. Ashley comes from a very wealthy family too. Both of her parents are doctors, her mother is a Gynecologist and her father a plastic surgeon. Her parents have also basically adopted me when I wasn’t at Caleb’s house.

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