Hawksfell Manor 04: Derek's Dare (3 page)

BOOK: Hawksfell Manor 04: Derek's Dare
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“Oh?” Derek found a smile. “Well, we’re all half somethings, aren’t we?”

Evan shrugged. “I suppose it’s nice to have family.”

Derek laughed out loud. “Spoken like a man who doesn’t have one. Or at least one like mine.”

Evan leaned closer. “I don’t have anyone.”

Derek saw the sadness in Evan’s eyes and felt a different kind of pull. This went beyond sexual attraction, and he couldn’t resist it. “You’re an orphan?”

“Influenza took my parents years ago.” He drank from his mug. “I’ve been alone for some time.”

“I sometimes wish I was.” It was the first time he’d said that out loud. Damn, but it felt good to admit.

Evan’s smile was full of compassion. He had a lovely mouth, really. Derek was seized with the desire to taste his compassion. To feel a connection to someone tonight. He didn’t dare take that step with Diana, knowing that would only bring disaster. But with Evan? With this man, this night? It might be just what he needed.

“Are you expected anywhere this evening?” he asked.

Evan’s pupils dilated, and his cheeks turned a little red. “Nowhere at all.”

Derek smiled now as he had when he first saw him seated at the table. “Excellent.”

They fell into the easy exchange they’d had that first night they’d met, but there was an undercurrent of heat flowing between them. Derek didn’t do a damn thing to contain it, either. He wanted to get laid, but there was more to this than release. When the serving girl came back with fresh mugs of ale, she must have sensed it, too.

“Why, aren’t you two just the chums tonight,” she said, leaning over the table. She was all but panting.

Evan eyed her breasts for a moment then glanced at Derek. “Baron Holbrook and I are getting reacquainted, Clara.”

“You and me know each other right well, Mosley.” She tossed her long dark hair back over her shoulder and arched her back. “Well, I wouldn’t mind gettin’ to know the both of you better.”

Evan’s nostrils flared and Derek guessed he was picturing it, both of them fucking her together. One of them could take her mouth while the other rode her from behind. He himself had a ride just last night, so a new pussy wasn’t what he wanted tonight. Right now he couldn’t get Diana’s kiss out of his mind, though. Maybe he and Evan might share something tonight, but he didn’t want any pussy but Diana’s. And he couldn’t take her.

“I think we’ll be fine on our own,” Evan said at last.

Derek didn’t hide his approval of his new friend’s assertions. Right now he couldn’t wait to get him upstairs and find out just how “fine” they could be.

A bit later, after deflecting more come-ons from Evan’s previous partners and a few of his own, they went upstairs to Derek’s rented room.

“So you’re staying here?” Evan asked.

Derek shrugged and slipped off his jacket. “Just for the night. I have to go see to my mother’s house tomorrow.”

“Your mother? I thought—”

“She’s dead. It’s her house that my damn father gave her.”

Derek saw that he wanted to ask more but didn’t press for details. Another point in his favor. He stepped closer and placed his hand behind Evan’s neck. He had a strong neck.

“I don’t want to talk anymore, Evan. Not about my parents and not about Diana.”

Evan’s eyes widened. “Diana?”

Derek shook his head. “My third cousin. I left her behind with the other Holbrooks.”

Evan stroked his cheek, his eyes warm now. “You love this girl?”

Derek laughed softly. “Hardly. I don’t know what I feel for her exactly. I want to fuck her, though. Hard.”

Evan licked his lips. “Have you had her yet? At all, that is?”

“Do you mean have I licked her?” He leaned closer and flicked his tongue over Evan’s lips. “Has she sucked me?” Evan’s lips parted and his tongue slipped inside. He tasted fresh and hot and his cock filled. He pulled back, letting his hands drop to Evan’s fine ass. “No.”

“You want her to.” Evan placed his hands on Derek’s shoulders. “You long for her to take your big Hawk cock in her mouth.”

A shiver coursed through Derek’s body. “Yes.” The admission was rough to his own ears. “I want to suck you now, though.”

Evan blinked rapidly. “What?”

Derek smiled and stepped back. He took off his shirt and tie and Evan finally stripped to the waist. He was beautifully made. He wasn’t as muscular as Derek, but every inch was smoothly muscled and strong. A dusting of gold hairs narrowed to a line that disappeared into his waistband. The bulge in his trousers told him he was as ready to go as Derek. He cupped him and Evan hissed through his teeth.

“God.” He closed his eyes as Derek stroked him. “That feels so damn good.”

“Have you had a man before, Evan?”

Evan shook his head then opened his eyes. “I want you, though. I’ve been thinking about you since that night we met.”

Derek unbuttoned Evan’s trousers and released his cock. It was as beautiful as he was. Thick and long and so hard. “You’re hiding your own assets, my own fine Hawk cock aside.”

Evan’s eyes sparkled. “I’ve never had any complaints.”

Derek fell to his knees as Evan braced his legs apart. “Did sweet Clara from downstairs suck you?”


He flicked his tongue over the broad head of Evan’s cock. He tasted fresh and hot, like his kisses. Evan moaned, his narrow hips thrusting. Derek hardly ever sucked his lovers. They sucked him and he fucked them stupid, but he never really had any desire to share this particular intimacy before.

“Tell me what she did.” He wrapped his fingers around Evan’s shaft and squeezed lightly. “How she sucked you.”

“She took all of me,” Evan whispered. “She sucked me hard until I…came.”

Derek looked up at him, amazed to see Evan’s cheeks reddened again. “It’s a shame you’re so fair, Evan. I can read every emotion on your face.”

He chuckled and blushed deeper. “As opposed to your mysterious Hawk visage?”

Derek laughed and engulfed Evan’s cock in his mouth. Evan moaned again as Derek sucked and licked him. His balls were heavy, tight and hot. He cupped them and used his mouth as he wanted Diana to. Would she suck him hard? Or would she be excruciatingly gentle until he spilled in her mouth?

“That’s so…I can’t even say.” Evan groaned. “Your mouth!”

Derek held on to Evan’s firm ass and took him deeper now. His taste was sharp, his cock harder still. He moved a hand to his own cock and rubbed. He was nearly ready to explode. He began to moan himself, and the vibration of his mouth must have sent Evan over the edge as he came. He glanced up to find Evan’s head thrown back, his hands fisted at his sides. Every spasm shook his body and brought the beast out in Derek.

He stood and opened his trousers. His cock was pounding, his blood so high he could barely breathe. “Can I fuck you?”

Evan opened his eyes. They were glazed with passion. He gave a shaky nod.

* * * *

Evan’s mind was still muddled from his orgasm. Derek had sucked him dry, or so he thought. The prospect of letting him take him now had his cock stirring again. How could that be?

He’d never seen a better-looking man. That was certain. Those dark eyes, that muscular body. Dark hairs swirled over a broad chest that promised strength. He stared at Derek’s cock. It was even larger than his own, which was astounding. He’d always believed he was quite well endowed. He wanted Derek to love him now, though. To feel Derek inside of him.

“You’re huge,” he said.

Derek smiled and stroked himself. Evan stared at the long fingers wrapped around his shaft. “So I’ve been told.”

Evan laughed. This was so strange, their camaraderie from the dining room so easily following them upstairs. There was passion, yes. There was heat between them, certainly. But that connection he’d felt last month was stronger tonight. He found he liked it very much.

“I want you, Derek.” It felt right, those words. True.

Derek’s dark eyes glittered and Evan felt anticipation tingle in his every nerve. Derek brought his rough, beautiful mouth to his and kissed him again. Their limbs intertwined, their cocks hard between them. How could he be hard again? When Derek turned him toward the bed he grabbed onto the iron foot rail with both hands. Derek reached around to stroke him and Evan watched as his hands made him fully hard now. Liquid pearled on the head.

“You’re ready, aren’t you?” Derek asked, his lips close to Evan’s ear. “You want me?”

There was a touch of uncertainty in his voice, but how could that be? He was a Hawk, after all. Everyone wanted him. He had to be used to that.

“Yes,” Evan bit out.

Derek’s cock rubbed between his ass cheeks, hard and hot. He pushed his fingers into his hole and Evan stiffened for a moment. In the next he relaxed and just felt. Derek pushed into him, slowly at first, until he was fully seated. It was amazing. His hand continued to tease his cock as he began to thrust.

Evan arched back as Derek fucked him, reaching one arm up and back to wrap around Derek’s neck. Derek moaned and nipped Evan’s neck. He began to come, pumping now as his hand pulled and stroked Evan’s cock. Evan began to tremble, his second orgasm so close. When Derek exploded, deep inside, he came in hot spurts onto the bed.

Derek held him close as they both regained their senses. He kissed the back of his neck and withdrew. Somehow they made it onto the bed and collapsed in sated exhaustion.

“I’ve never been with a man,” Evan admitted again.

Derek leaned up on one elbow. “I have.” He smiled that wicked Hawk smile. “I never came so hard, though.”

Evan knew he blushed again. “What are you going to do about your Diana?”

Derek shrugged a shoulder. “I have no bloody idea. She needs a good hard ride. That’s certain.”

“But not from you? What about your…” He didn’t finish the thought.

“My curse? Yes, of course you would have heard of it. Saw it firsthand as the earl fucked anything and everything at the manor, I bet.”

“He used to. Until he married.”

His dark brows rose. “So that’s true, then.” He rolled onto his back, pillowing his head on his arms. “And this half brother of his. He married, too, didn’t he?”


Derek pushed his thick brown hair back from his face and let out a whistle. “I can scarcely believe it.”

“I never knew any other Hawks, but I’m guessing that’s unusual?”

“Damned bizarre, truth be told. My father fucked and abandoned my mother, as Hawks have done for generations now.”

Evan heard something in Derek’s tone of voice, an echo of deep hurt. They weren’t truly close, though. Despite just sharing something more intimate than he’d ever encountered, he wasn’t comfortable prying. Who knew when he’d see him again? He didn’t need a complication with a Hawk, and Derek certainly didn’t need an attachment in Yorkshire.

“So you’ll stay at your mother’s?” he asked, changing the subject.

“I must. Someone has to see to the pile of stones my father left her.”

A tapping came at the door. Derek looked at Evan, who shrugged. “Come,” Derek called.

The door opened, and Clara stood there, a big grin on her face. She closed the door and locked it, turning to run her eyes over their naked bodies. “Oh, don’t you two look just lovely.”

“Clara,” Evan began. “You don’t need—”

She stripped off her dress with lightning speed, which effectively shut his mouth. “Oh, but I do need.” She climbed onto the bed. “I need both your lovely cocks right now, I’m thinkin’.”

He envisioned the two of them fucking her together and flushed. He exchanged a grin with Derek and drew her down between them.

After taking Clara in every way possible, they sent her on her exhausted way. When Derek let out a lusty yawn, the ale and his orgasms apparently catching up to him, Evan took that as his cue and rose.

“I believe I’ll bid you good night as well.”

Derek sat up, his brows drawn together. “You don’t have to leave.”

“I’m expected back at the manor.” It wasn’t precisely a lie, but no one except maybe Lily would be looking for him.

Derek appeared to think for a moment, and then he nodded. “Perhaps I’ll see you again?”

Evan smiled. “Perhaps.”

He dressed and left the room. He stood in the hallway a moment, wondering if he’d ever really see Derek again. Maybe if he paid a call on the earl, but that didn’t seem likely. Disappointment bit at him. He’d never been to the manor before, not in the year Evan had been there at least.

Whyever would he go there now?

Chapter 4

Derek stretched out against the cushions of the back seat, wishing he hadn’t decided to leave his mother’s house so soon. He’d stayed there only one night, but it had been enough. He could no longer withstand the walls crushing in on him. Could no longer take the echo of his mother’s nightly crying jags faintly ringing in his memory. He’d seen her room emptied and completely redecorated over the past year, yet he could stand in the doorway and still see her prone body wasted on the bed. It was like her ghost haunted the place as she drank and pined for his absent father.

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