Head On (The Head On Trilogy) (14 page)

BOOK: Head On (The Head On Trilogy)
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"Okay," says Greg, sounding almost bored, "let's cut and move on to the scene where you fuck on the floor. Good job, guys." Suddenly, he glances across the room and our eyes meet. He stares at me for a moment, and I stare at him before quickly moving back and out of view. My heart racing, I quietly get to my feet and hurry to the front door. Unfortunately, I can't get it open, and the lock appears to be jammed.

"Forget something?" whispers Greg.

I turn to find that he's standing right behind me.

"Lost an earring," I whisper back to him, panicking. "I was just looking for it."

"You were, huh?" he replies, smiling. "That's cool."

"Don't tell Dodo I'm still here," I say. "She doesn't know, does she?"

He shakes his head. "She's too busy lubing up for the next scene."

"Lubing?" I pause for a moment. "Oh, right..." I swallow hard and turn back to the door, trying to get the lock open. Suddenly Greg reaches past, flicks the side of the mechanism, and the door opens easily.

"It sticks sometimes," he says.

"Right," I say, stepping outside.

"Did you find it?" he asks.

I turn to him. "What?"

"Your earring."

"What earring?" I stare at him. "Oh, yeah. Thanks. It was on the floor, like I..." I smile nervously, realizing my story is coming apart quickly. "I'll just be off," I say, turning to go.

"Hang on!" he says, stepping after me. He
reaches into his pocket and pulls out a little card, which he hands to me. "Don't take this the wrong way," he says, "but if you ever need to earn an extra five hundred bucks, cash in hand so to speak, give me a call."

I look at the card, which is plain and bare apart from his name and number. "What do -" Suddenly I realize what he means. "Oh, no, really... No."

"I mean it," he continues. "There's something about you. You're the kind of girl my customers would really dig. If you change your mind, get in touch."

"No no no," I say, blushing as I hand the card back to him. "I'm really not interested." I can't even look him in the eye as I turn and hurry away across the lawn. I don't dare to look back until I'm on the sidewalk. Finally, I glance over my shoulder and see that the door is shut again. I guess Greg has gone back inside to carry on with the filming. Starting to relax, I try to get my head around what just happened. How could he possibly think that I'd be willing to take part in one of his videos? Do I
like the kind of girl who'd be willing to do stuff like that? I'm so insulted, I feel like I should march back to that house and tell Greg exactly what I think of him. How dare he even suggest that I'd do such a thing? Clearly, the man has no manners, and no sense of decency. Feeling strangely flustered, I start walking away. Dodo might be fine with this sort of thing, but I'm certainly not. I'm just going to go home, take a nice cold shower, and start preparing dinner for my loving, sweet, kind husband and my adorable son. That's where I belong.

Coming soon from Sophie Newsome


Hold On

Book #2 of the Head On Trilogy


When she learns the truth about Parkin's past, Kathryn is more determined than ever to find a way to help him. Unfortunately, the man she loves seems to have been totally crushed by his recent experiences, to the point that he's lost the will to fight. As Parkin starts dragging Kathryn deeper into his misery, she realizes that she's the only person who can find a way to uncover the dark secrets that looks set to destroy her happiness.


Whatever It Takes


Unable to make ends meet, Marie is desperately looking for a job. At the same time, her best friend seems to have money to spare. When Marie discovers the truth about Dodo's unusual employment situation, she's initially horrified. Soon, however, she realizes that she might be on the verge of a unique solution to her problems. Can Marie swallow her pride and do something so shocking, and so exposed, that it could destroy her family if the truth ever came out?

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