Head On (The Head On Trilogy) (4 page)

BOOK: Head On (The Head On Trilogy)
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Normally I'd be annoyed at receiving such a direct order, but things were a little different this time so I turned and got on all four, presenting my ass to him. I felt him grip my waist, repositioning me slightly, and moments later his throbbing cock slid smoothly into my open pussy. I gasped as I felt him filling me so deep, and he proceeded to start pounding away at me. Feeling his balls slapping against me, I steadied myself and focused on the pleasure of the moment. I'd made love to men before, of course, but I'll be honest: this was the first time I really felt like a guy was properly fucking me. He was just thrusting into me, with none of that touchy-feeling stuff that all the 'modern men' of Manhattan like to practice. This was just a guy who'd seen my pussy and wanted to fuck it, and there was a part of me that really liked his assumption that he could just do what he wanted.

I grunted as he thrust even harder. I could feel the ridges of the tip of his cock as they ran along my vagina. He shifted position a little, changing his angle so he was pushing harder against me with the tip. I was already starting to feel the unmistakable early signs of an orgasm, though I felt I should hold back for a while. After all,
was the one paying
, so I figured it was his needs that came first. Strangely, I felt totally okay with that. All I wanted at that moment was to be used by him for his desires. I felt almost like a doll, like a purely sexual creature that this man wanted to use. I didn't even mind if I reached orgasm, just so long as he did. Taking a deep breath, I found it fairly easy to suppress the orgasm and prevent it from peaking. For now, at least...

Figuring that I should let him know that I was enjoying it, I let out a high-pitched moan as he increased the pace. He was getting ready to cum now, I could tell, and I braced myself. I usually made my partners wear a condom, but this time I didn't bother. I just felt the feeling of skin against skin, and I was waiting to feel him explode inside me. I wanted it, just to feel his pleasure. Finding it hard to stay focused, I felt him thrusting into me harder and harder, and I felt my breasts bouncing more and more below me. Steadying myself on one arm, I reached down and started rubbing my clitoris, which had become swollen and engorged. With sweat starting to drip from my brow, I started pushing and pushing against myself, hoping to bring myself to orgasm at the same time as Parkin prepared to ejaculate deep into my body. Hell, he hadn't told me not to cum, so I figured it was allowed. As I rubbed my clitoris in circular motions, I felt myself getting closer and closer, and I held my breath for as long as possible before finally letting out a pained, desperate moan.

Grunting loudly, Parkin suddenly starting to cum. I felt him filling my pussy, but after a couple of seconds he pulled out and literally grabbed my body, twisting me onto my back and climbing on top. He had his hand on his cock and he thrust it at me, rubbing himself furiously as strands and blobs of milky white sperm shot out all over my body. I kept one hand rubbing my clitoris, while I rubbed the other hand over my breasts, smearing his creaminess over my rock-hard nipples. As I did that, I kept my eyes on his huge, throbbing cock and I felt myself starting to cum. I couldn't hold back any longer; it felt like the orgasm was a knot that had been tightened and tightened and tightened, and finally it broke and I couldn't control myself, writhing on the bed. With my mouth wide open, I felt Parkin shove his cock between my lips and down to the back of my throat, almost choking me. I reached up to grab him, to pull him out, but the orgasm seemed to be lasting forever and becoming more intense and finally I put my arms around his waist and pulled him closer, before, finally, everything went black.

Drake Parkin


I took her lack of consciousness as a compliment and went to grab a shower. I'd had a girl pass out on me during orgasm once before, and I couldn't deny that it felt good.

As the hot shower water ran down my bare chest and I soaped myself up, I found my mind constantly drifting back to thoughts of her tight, toned body. It's strange, but with hookers, I always felt as if I could feel traces of other men's hands on their flesh; this woman, however, had felt completely fresh, as if she'd been with very few men before. She'd also been extremely pliant and obedient, which I liked. Most girls obeyed in a kind of clockwork, mechanical way, but her nervousness had seemed totally real. As a result, I'd felt more turned on than in years.

It wasn't just her body that had excited me, though. There was a look in her eyes, beyond fear and embarrassment, of real intelligence. I'd always heard other men talk about the importance of a woman's mind, and I'd understood the principle in abstract terms, but this was the first time I'd really seen it in the flesh, right in front of me. There was a part of me - a fresh, mostly undisturbed part of my mind - that wanted to get to know this woman. I wanted to talk to her, to take her out to dinner and get to know her. All those rituals, which I'd always considered to be so fake and meaningless, suddenly seemed to have value. I wanted to fuck her again, but not until I'd sat opposite her at a table in my favorite restaurant.

More than anything, though, I wanted to fuck her again. No matter how much it might cost, no matter how difficult it might be to get her back into my bed without seeming desperate, I wanted to touch her and to enter her over and over again. I'd never felt this way about a woman before, and there was a part of me that was worried about where this might end. At the end of the day, she was still just a prostitute, and there was no way I could ever spend any serious amount of time with such a woman. It was a pity, but that was just how things had to be. She was a prostitute, and as such it was her job to seduce her clients. She was clearly good at that job, but I wasn't going to let her overpower me. The whole situation felt insane, though. Now, of all times, it would be a very idea to get attached.

Realizing that I only had a few more minutes before I had to get out of the shower, I reached down and grabbed my hard cock. I leaned one hand against the back of the shower cubicle and started to masturbate, thinking all the while of Kathryn's obedient, compliant approach to sex, and the way her hard nipples had pressed into my chest, and the way her body flinched as she reached orgasm. More than anything, though, I thought about her face, and about the pained look of total concentration and total pleasure as she came. I prided myself on always being able to tell when a woman was faking, but Kathryn had seemed genuine. With the shower water still flowing over my body, I continued to jerk off, rubbing my cock harder and harder as I focused on the memory of her naked, orgasmic body.

It took me only a couple of minutes to reach orgasm, and the warm shower water soon washed my ejaculate down the drain.

As I caught my breath, I realized something was wrong. I was thinking about this woman way,
too much. I should get rid of her and make sure I never let her anywhere near me again, but I wasn't sure if that would be possible. I wanted her again.



I lay on my back in the luxurious, air-conditioned hotel room. The bed-sheet was pulled down to my waist, exposing my breasts. Still a little breathless, I stared over at the window, through which I could see the tips of a few nearby skyscrapers.

Sitting up, I realized I was sore. Really sore. In five or six different places. I blinked a couple of times. Looking down, I saw a clear bite-mark on the side of my left breast. There was dried semen on my belly. I lifted the bed-sheet and saw more semen drying in my hot, sticky crotch.

"Huh," I said, still a little shocked. It had been, by any stretch of the imagination, a fucked-up day. I heard a sound from the bathroom and realized Parkin was in there, showering. For a moment, I thought perhaps I should go and join him. After all, we'd just fucked like animals. But then I glanced over at the door to the main room, and I saw the money sitting on the counter. I sighed. Prostitutes didn't go and canoodle in the shower; they just grabbed their money and left. Getting out of bed, I felt a new soreness in my ass. Walking a little awkwardly, I headed out to the main room and began to gather my clothes.

Catching my reflection in a nearby mirror, I started at my naked, sweaty body and realized that something had changed. I'd only ever made love to men for the 'right' reasons before. Until an hour ago, I'd have considered myself to be a perfectly normal and respectable woman, kind of vanilla and not particularly adventurous. Now I'd fucked a billionaire for a thick wedge of cash, and it was kind of hard to believe how far beyond my moral safety zone I'd gone. In just an hour, I'd done something I never, ever thought I'd do. Was it the money itself that had pushed me over the edge, or was it just that Drake Parkin had unleashed a hidden side of my personality? In other words, was it nature or was it nurture: was I born a whore in sheep's clothing, or did Parkin turn me into a whore? Either way, I was stunned by my own behavior, and as I continued to stare at my reflection, I felt as if I didn't even know myself anymore.

Before getting dressed, I ran a hand between my legs. I was sweaty, with dried sperm everywhere. I reached around and felt that there was more sperm all over my ass. I began to get dressed, but I was interrupted by the sound of Parkin emerging from the bathroom. He walked through, completely naked and with his large cock now swinging freely. The guy certainly seemed comfortable being naked, and for a fraction of a second I was tempted to rush over and start running my hands over his body again. Fortunately, I was able to stop myself. After all, I didn't want to seem desperate, even though I wanted him again.

"Going somewhere?" he asked.

"Yeah," I murmured. "I thought you were in a hurry." To be honest, I felt embarrassed to even look at him. What we did went a long way beyond my comfort zone, and I wanted to just get out of there as fast as possible. I figured Parkin saw me as nothing more than a dirty whore. To him, such huge sums of money were probably nothing. Sure, I wasn't the kind of girl who hung out on street corners in fish-net tights and a leather jacket, but I was only one step up. I'd totally and utterly debased myself, and I just wanted to crawl under a rock and die.

He smiled. "It's a shame we had to rush, but I really
need to get to my next appointment. Those people won't fire themselves."

I smiled awkwardly.

"Have you got another client today?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said absent-mindedly before realizing what he'd said. "I mean, no. I just..." I pulled my panties up and grabbed my trousers. My head was spinning and I was starting to feel the shadow of those pesky morals again.

"Do you have a card?" he asked.

"Er, kind of," I said, pulling my shirt on. I was about to head to the door when I spotted the money. I paused for a moment, wondering whether I should take it. If I left it, wouldn't that restore some moral pride to my actions? Then again, I needed that money, and there was no way I could go through with my original plan of asking Parkin for my job back. Allowing my mind to go blank for a moment, I grabbed the money and stuffed it into my pocket before hurrying to the door. I kept telling myself that I wasn't doing anything wrong, but it was impossible to shake the feeling that this whole situation suddenly felt extremely sordid.

"Hey!" Parkin called out. "Stop!"

I stopped, as if I was a soldier who'd just been given a command by a superior. I felt Parkin walking up behind me, and I knew that if he tried to fuck me again, I'd let him. There was clearly something wrong with me, because I was absolutely certain that I'd be powerless to resist him.

"I asked if you had a card," he said. "Didn't you hear me?"

I paused. "Yeah," I said after a moment.

"Yeah what?" he asked.

"Yeah, I heard you," I replied.

"So you don't want to give me your card, is that it?"

"I..." I paused. I had a business card, but I couldn't give it to him because then he'd see that I used to work for him. Besides, it had my old office number and email listed, so it wouldn't be any use. "I just realized I'm all out," I said, somewhat unbelievably.

"Been sharing them far and wide, huh?" he replied.

"Something like that."

"I'll call Evelyn, then," he continued. "I'd like to book you again. I'd like to go... deeper with you. For longer. I'm afraid time was tight today. I was expecting something quicker and less satisfying, but I can assure you, when I don't have other engagements, I prefer to let things stretch out a lot longer."

I flinched as he leaned closer and kisses the side of my neck.

"Uh-huh," I said, reaching out to open the door, but he put his hand on mine to stop me. As soon as he touched me, I felt a whispered tingle run through my flesh. Damn it, I felt bad, but not as bad as I
have felt. I figured there was something wrong with me, since I wasn't sick to my stomach over what I'd done. In fact, at that exact moment, I wanted to rip his clothes off and fuck him again.

"I'll pay," he said. "Twenty-five grand was for a first session, but I'll pay more in future. I might have longer jobs too. Weekends away, that sort of thing. I need a companion sometimes, for parties, and you'll do. You're smart, you're fuckable. It's win-win for both of us, right?"

"Right," I said, swallowing hard.

"It won't be forever. There are certain... limitations... It'd be a fairly short-term deal, just something to bide us both over, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing. It might even be a good thing. I don't know your situation, Kathryn, and I don't particularly feel like sharing mine. But I want to do this again."

I smiled politely.

"So I'll be in touch," he said.

"Yeah," I said.

"What was your name again?"

"My name?" I said. I realized I hadn't told him. "Belle," I said finally.

"Belle?" he asked, sounding as if he didn't quite believe me. "Like in
Beauty and the Beast

"Yep," I said, even though I knew it was obviously bullshit. I took a deep breath and turned to face him. "That's the name I use. My real name is -"

"Belle's fine," Parkin said. "And what if I want to contact you direct, rather than through Evelyn?"

I paused. I had no idea who Evelyn was, and if I made Parkin call her if he wanted to see me again, he'd have no luck. After a moment, I reached into my pocket and pulled out my business card holder. I selected a card and carefully tore off everything that I didn't want Parkin to see. Finally I handed him a little scrap of cardboard with nothing on it but my phone number.

"Great," he said, putting the piece of cardboard on the side. "Now how about another fuck? Right now, against the wall. I've got seven minutes before my car's due. One minute to get wet, three minutes to fuck, two to clean up and one to spare."

"I can't right now," I said. "I've got to go."

"Thirty grand," he said. "I'm not the kind of guy who takes -"

"Another time," I said firmly. "Okay? In a few days. I just need time to..." I paused. Time to what? Time to get used to being a prostitute? Time to run off and join a convent? Time to buy some fishnet stockings and develop a meth habit? "I need time to attend to some other business," I said finally. I pushed his hand away and opened the door. Checking my watch, I saw that it was three minute after eleven. "Your hour's up, Mr. Parkin. I'm sorry. But call me," I added. "I'll fit you in soon."

And with that I was gone, hurrying along the hotel corridor toward the elevator. As I pressed the 'call' button, I was careful not to look back, in case Parkin was watching me. I felt as if my mind was full of contradictory urges, impulses and beliefs, and I was certain that once I got out of this place, I'd be overcome by all these thoughts. Right now, however, all I could focus on was the fact that I had to get back to the 'real' world. Finally, the elevator door opened and I stepped inside. The bellboy glanced at me with a very faint smirk in his eyes.

"What are you looking at?" I asked as the doors closed. As I tucked the money into my purse, I realized my hands were shaking like crazy.

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