Healing Gabriel (14 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Kelly

BOOK: Healing Gabriel
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“I missed you.”

“I can tell.”  She replied breathlessly.

“Did you miss me?”  He kissed the side of her neck as she
took his hand and guided it between her legs.  The material of her panties was
soaked and a tremor of pure primal need went through him.

“The entire flight home I kept imagining all the things I
would do to you when I finally saw you again.”  She whispered.  “I kept
thinking about how good it would feel to have you between my legs.”

“Let’s get out of here.”  He groaned into her ear.

She shook her head.  “We can’t.  I just got here and there’s
still the bonfire.”

“I don’t care.  I need you right now.”  He whispered
fiercely.  He slipped his fingers under the edge of her panties and rubbed her
wet clit.  “And you need me.  I can tell.”

She moaned lightly and then she was pushing him back and
wiggling out of her panties.

“Morgan?  What – “

“Shh.” She whispered.  She turned around and leaned against
the small cabinet that housed the sink.  “Take me right now Gabe.”

“What?  Morgan – we’re at my brother-in-law’s birthday
party.  We can’t just…” His voice died out as she shimmied her skirt up around
her waist.  He stared at her bare ass, his cock suddenly rock-hard in his
jeans, as she winked at him.

“We can have sex right now or you can wait a few hours. 
Take your pick Gabe.”

He reached for his belt, unbuckling it hurriedly before
unbuttoning his jeans.  He tugged his cock free and Morgan made a soft sound of
pleasure and reached behind her.  She held his cock in one hand, stroking it
lightly with her thumb, as he pushed up against her.

“I’ve missed your cock.”  She moaned quietly as he rubbed
his throbbing cock between her ass cheeks. 

“Quickly Gabe.”  She whispered.  “I can’t wait.”

She bent over the sink and spread her legs.  He could see
her opening glistening wetly at him, and with a soft groan he guided his cock
into her.  He shoved himself in to the hilt, his pelvis slapping up against her
bare ass.

She gasped sharply as he pumped in and out of her, bracing
herself against the sink as he reached around and cupped her breasts through
her shirt and bra.  He could barely feel her nipples, and with a grunt of
frustration he moved his hands under her shirt and pushed her bra up, freeing
her breasts.

He cupped them roughly; her nipples were hard against his
palms and he groaned loudly when she thrust her hips backwards, taking him even
deeper into her wet warmth.

“Shh Gabriel.”  She slapped him lightly on his hand.  “Do
you want the others to know you’re fucking me in the bathroom?”

He shuddered and plunged back and forth, gripping her hips
tightly as she met him stroke for stroke.  Her hand reached down and she rubbed
her clit in tiny circles, her breath coming in harsh pants as he thrust in and
out of her. 

She suddenly stiffened against him, her hand clamping down
on the sink as her climax roared through her.  She buried her face into her
arm, muffling her cry of pleasure as Gabe pushed in and out of her tight core. 
Moments later he muffled his own cry as he thrust once more into her and

She straightened and he hugged her tightly for a moment,
burying his face in the back of her neck, as her hands came up and she squeezed
his arms.

She turned and kissed him lightly on the mouth as he began
to button his jeans.  She fixed her bra and shirt and straightened her skirt before
smiling at him.  “Go back to the party.  I’ll be out in a minute okay?”

He nodded and kissed her again.  “I’m glad you’re back

“Me too.”  She rubbed the tip of her nose against his and
smacked him lightly on the ass.  “Go on handsome.  I’ll be right out.”

Chapter 14


Gabe stood up and stretched.  The fire had died down to
embers and the party guests were starting to leave.  He and Morgan had been
here long enough.  He would find her, they would say their goodbyes, and he
would take her home to his bed.

His dick stirred in his pants at the thought.  The quickie
in the bathroom had only flamed his lust for her.  He was tired of pretending
to be interested in the useless chatter of Peter’s friends.  He had sat across
from Morgan at the bonfire, the flames flickering between them, and every glance
from her had brought a new surge of desire to his body. 

He headed towards the house.  Morgan had disappeared into
the house with Lacey nearly fifteen minutes ago.  He stepped through the patio
doors and scanned the living room.  It was empty and he frowned and headed
towards the door to the hall.  She must be in the kitchen.

“So tell me Sally, are you going home with our resident
freak tonight or what?”

Gabe froze as Sally’s voice drifted in from the hallway.

“Why?  You jealous Derek?”

Gabe stepped closer to the doorway, a mixture of
embarrassment and anger churning in his belly.

“Jealous of what?”  The man scoffed.  “His hideous looking
face or his high-end career as a sheep farmer?”

There was a smattering of laughter as Gabe’s hands curled
into fists.  There were at least two other women in the hallway with Sally and
Derek, and he took a deep breath and told himself to turn around and walk back
outside.  What they were saying wasn’t anything he hadn’t heard before.

A woman’s voice, soft and hesitant, said, “Sally, what on
earth are you thinking?  Gabe Dern is – well, he’s a recluse.  He never leaves
his house and my friend Karen says he’s quite nasty.”

“You’d think with a face like his, he’d work harder on his
personality.”  Another woman’s voice chimed in.  “Am I the only one who thinks
Lacey and Peter’s parties have become a real drag since he started showing up? 
I can hardly look at his face and he just sits there like a lump, staring at
you with those creepy blue eyes of his.”

Sally gave a spiteful little laugh.  “If you think the scars
on his face are bad, you should see the ones on his chest.  It’s like he was
attacked by a cheese grater.”

“And how would you know Miss Sally?”  Derek said lazily. 
“Did you end up throwing the sheep farmer some pity sex when you were so
sweetly taking care of him?”

“No!  I showed up early one night and caught him changing. 
It was awful.  His chest and back are a horrid mess of scars.  You’d have to
see it to believe it.”

“Why did you offer to help him out Sally?”  The second
woman’s voice asked curiously.  “You weren’t really attracted to him were you?”

“No.  I just felt sorry for him.  Lacey’s my friend and I
figured he could use some company.  Lacey said he spends all his time out there
alone and she was worried about him.  I only managed a couple of weeks before I
had to stop going over there.  Honestly, he has the personality of a rock.”

She hesitated and then said, “He made a couple of passes at
me of course.  I’m probably the first woman who’s shown any kind of interest in
him in years.  I turned him down politely but he was getting pretty desperate.”

Derek laughed.  “Why would he be desperate when he has all
those sheep just waiting for him in the barn?  They don’t care what he looks

“Eww gross!  Derek, that’s disgusting.”  Sally laughed
loudly despite her statement and the other two women giggled along with her.

Gabe, his face bright red and his stomach churning, turned
to go.

“What?”  Derek said innocently.  “If you think he isn’t
having sex with those sheep of his then – “

“Shut your fucking mouth you ignorant asshole.”

Gabe’s eyes widened and he made a groan of dismay at the
sound of Morgan’s voice.  He ran towards the doorway as Morgan spoke again.

“Say one more word about Gabriel and I’ll punch you in the
goddamn face.  Do you hear me?”

Gabe skidded to a stop.  Morgan was standing in the hallway.
 Her face was red with anger and her entire body was shaking wildly.  She
glared one-by-one at the group of people in the hallway, her gaze landing on
Sally last, and the woman actually seemed to shrink under the fury of Morgan’s

“Gabriel Dern is a better person than any of you idiotic
mouth-breathers will ever be.”  She snapped at them. 

She stared balefully at Sally.  “Maybe you should try
telling the truth Sally.  Or are you too embarrassed to admit that you hit on
Gabe and he turned you down flat.”

The others glanced at Sally and Morgan nodded.  “That’s
right.  Your shallow little friend here thought he’d be an easy lay because of
the way he looks.  Only it didn’t work out so well for you, did it Sally? 
Remind me how many times you hit on him only to have him say no?  Was it four
or five times?”

“Shut up Morgan.”  Sally replied angrily.

“Why don’t you make me shut up?”  Morgan said softly.

Gabe blinked at the unexpected venom in her voice.  She bore
no resemblance to the soft-spoken school teacher he believed her to be, and he stepped
quickly into the hallway.  “Morgan, it’s time to go.”

The others turned to stare at him.  Morgan glanced at him
and her fury grew at the look of shame in his eyes.  “I’m not finished yet.”

“Uh, yeah I think you are.  C’mon, I’ll give you a ride

She stared at him and then reached out and took his hand. 
“Fine, take me home.”

He started to lead her away but she tugged on his hand.  As
he turned to look at her, she crushed her body against his and kissed him hard
on the mouth.  He took a step back, his hands automatically going around her
waist as she kissed him.

She released his mouth with a small grin and stared at Sally. 
“He turned you down because he thinks you’re awful and boring.”

She shrugged.  “Of course,
don’t think you’re awful
or boring.  I just think you’re the stupidest fucking person to ever walk the
planet.  Gabe’s with me and even if he wasn’t, he’d never be interested in
someone like you.”

As she tugged on Gabe’s hand again and started to lead him
into the living room, Derek spoke in a snide little voice.  “It’s a small step
up from the sheep I guess.”

Beside her, Gabe stiffened in anger.  With a loud curse, he
turned and shoved Derek up against the wall.  A picture fell and the glass
shattered as Lacey came running in from the kitchen.

“What the hell is going on here?”

Gabe pinned his arm across Derek’s throat and placed his
ruined face only inches from the smaller man’s.  “Say one more word about her
and I’ll send you to the hospital.  Do you understand?”

The man, his face drawn down with disgust, stared wide-eyed
at the scars on Gabe’s face.

“Do you understand?”  Gabe shouted and shook the man roughly.

“Yes!  I understand!”  Derek cringed as Gabe snarled at him
and then let him go.

Gabe brushed past the others and took Morgan’s hand.  He led
her towards the patio doors as Derek rubbed his neck with his hand.

“You’re a goddamn freak!”  He shouted as Gabe opened the
door and he and Morgan disappeared into the darkness.

* * *


“Gabe.”  Morgan followed Gabe into the kitchen of the
farmhouse, petting Vincent and Delilah absentmindedly. 

He stared out the window, his hands resting on the sink as
she approached him gingerly.

“Don’t shut me out Gabe.”

He sighed.  “I’m not.”

“You are.  We need to talk about what happened at the

He turned to face her and her heart ached at the
embarrassment on his face.  “What’s there to talk about?  I knew something like
this would happen and it did.”

“It doesn’t matter Gabe.  I don’t care what those idiots
think or say.”

“You shouldn’t have defended me.”

“Shouldn’t have – “

She gave him a look of confusion.  “Gabriel, I will always
defend you.”

He sighed harshly.  “This is exactly why I knew this
wouldn’t work.”

“What are you talking about?  Since when is it a bad thing
to defend the person you lo-“

She stopped and pressed her lips together.  “Tell me why
it’s bad to defend a person that you care about.”

He folded his arms across his chest.  “Morgan, what happened
tonight is just a taste of what you’d have to deal with on a regular basis. 
I’m the town fre – “

“Don’t you dare say it.”  She warned him.

“You and I both know exactly what I am, and there will
always be people like Sally and Derek to remind us of it.”

“So what? You shouldn’t care what those assholes think or
say.  I don’t.  All I care about is how I feel about you and how much I want to
be with you.”

“This isn’t going to work Morgan.”  He said quietly.

Panic went through her and she rushed forward.  She put her
arms around his waist but he kept his crossed firmly across his chest and
stared down at the floor.  She took his chin and lifted it until he was looking
at her.

“Don’t say that Gabe, please.  You’re so important to me and
I can’t – “

“Morgan, stop.  It isn’t fair to you to be dragged into my
fucked-up life.  It was wrong of me to start a relationship with you and I’m
sorry.  I refuse to let you spend your life defending me and being forced to go
places alone because I won’t go with you.”

“Gabe – “

“We’re too different.  You’re outgoing and social and I’m –
well, I’m me.  I don’t like to go out and be with people and you might be fine
with that now but eventually…”

She shook her head.  “You’re wrong Gabe.  I am perfectly
content staying at the farmhouse with you and if I want to go out and you don’t
– I’ll go out.  I don’t need you holding my hand every moment of the day.  You
know that.”

She cupped his face and rubbed his scarred cheek.  “You’re
just scared.  I get that, I do.  But don’t let that fear be your excuse for
living the rest of your life alone.”

He tore away from her.  “What do you want from me Morgan?”

“I want you to believe that you’re good enough for me just
the way you are.”  She replied.

“I’m not!”  He suddenly roared.  “Listen to me for God’s
sake!  I’m not good enough for you and I never will be.”

“Yes you are!  Gabe, you’re – “

“I want you to leave Morgan.  I’m sorry, this was a huge
mistake and I should never have allowed you to get this close to me.”

“Fine.  I’ll go.  Get some rest and tomorrow we’ll talk more

He shook his head.  “No.  It’s not a good idea.  I – we
can’t be together anymore Morgan.  Not as lovers or as friends.”

Her lips started to tremble and she swallowed audibly.  “You
don’t mean that.”

“I do.”  He hesitated and then said the one thing he knew
would drive her away.  “I was just using you Morgan.  I wanted to have sex and
you were willing.”

Her body froze and she gave him a look of such raw pain that
it was like he had been stabbed in the heart.

“Liar.”  She hissed at him before running from the

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