Healing Gabriel (13 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Kelly

BOOK: Healing Gabriel
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He snorted laughter.  “Deal.”

“Good.”  She kissed him lightly on the lips and relaxed on
the bed.  She widened her thighs, smiling a little at the way his eyes darkened
when her sex was exposed to him. 

“You just gonna look at it handsome or start practicing?” 
She arched her eyebrow at him.

He stretched out on his stomach and kissed the inside of her
thigh.  “Definitely start practicing.”

He bent his head and kissed the soft curls between her legs. 
He slid his hands under her ass and lifted her slightly, tilting her hips up
until his warm breath washed over her.  He kissed her lightly, his nervousness
disappearing when she immediately moaned loudly.  He instinctively searched for
her clit with his tongue.  The pink nub was already hard and swollen and he
licked it delicately.  Her hands knotted in his hair and she arched her hips
into his mouth as he moved one hand to her tight opening.  He slid his finger
into her as he licked her clit, and was rewarded with another loud and husky

Morgan sighed and twisted her fingers into Gabe’s hair.  His
inexperience was actually an advantage as far as she was concerned.  Nervous
about hurting her, every movement he made with his tongue and fingers was soft
and delicate and it was bringing her quickly to the brink.  His relentless
gentle touching was driving her need into a fevered pitch and she twisted and
moaned against him, her hips arching continuously against his mouth.

“Oh my God, Gabriel.”  She panted when he slid another
finger into her warm core.  He slid them in and out and then sucked lightly on
her clit.  She shouted his name, her hips bucking wildly and her entire body
squirming as she came in a burst of sweet pleasure.

Vaguely she was aware of him sliding up her body, of his
hard cock suddenly probing at her opening.  She was completely drenched and her
body accepted his cock eagerly, stretching to accommodate his width as he
plunged fully into her.

“Morgan.”  He rasped her name and her eyelids fluttered
open.  She inhaled sharply at the raw intensity in his gaze and her thighs
tightened around his hips.

“You’re so beautiful.”  He groaned as he moved within her in
a thick slide and retreat motion.

“So are you.”  She whispered immediately.  “I love fucking
you Gabe.  Do you love fucking me?”

“Yes.”  He moaned.

“Tell me.”  She demanded.

“I love fucking you Morgan.”  He whispered against her lips
and she shuddered and tightened her core around him.  Her warm and velvety
pussy clung snugly to him, and he propped himself above her and thrust in and
out with hard movements. 

“Say it again.”  She murmured.

“I love fucking you Morgan.”  He moaned and she kissed him
hard, her tongue twisting and turning in his mouth as she slid her hands around
him and clung to his back.  Her fingers dug into his scarred skin but he
ignored the dull pain and drove deep into her.  She cried out, her body
shuddering under his as a second orgasm flooded through her, and he groaned and
plunged into her twice more before the squeezing of her pussy drove him over
the edge.

He pulled out of her and collapsed on his back on the bed
beside her.  She turned and snuggled up to him, throwing her leg over his waist
and resting her head on his chest.  He stroked her long hair as she ran her
fingers over his scarred flesh.

Morgan sighed contently.  Her entire body was limp and warm
and she was already starting to drift off when his voice rumbled above her.

“So, what’s the verdict?”

“Hmm?”  She mumbled sleepily.

“Do I need to practice twice a day?”  There was a hint of
smugness in his voice and she pinched him lightly.

“Maybe just once a day.”  She yawned and curled up closer to
him.  “Stay with me tonight?”

“Yes.”  He whispered and pulled her tightly against him. 
“Good night honey.”

“Good night handsome.”  She murmured.

Chapter 13


“Do you like pancakes?”  Gabe paused in pulling the pancake
mix out of the cupboard.

“I do.”  Morgan confirmed.

It was late the next morning and they were at the farmhouse. 
She was sitting on one of the kitchen chairs and petting the top of Vincent’s
head gently as Gabe made them something to eat.

Gabe stirred the pancake batter as he waited for the pan to
heat up.  “Last night was amazing Morgan, I want you to know that.”

“But?”  She said softly.

“No buts.  It was amazing.”

She grinned at him.  “Yeah, it really was.”

He laughed as she tucked her feet up under her and continued
to stroke Vincent’s soft head. 

“What do you have planned for the rest of today?”  She

“I need to do some work.  How about you?”

She shrugged.  “Not a whole lot.  I need to pack.”

He gave her a puzzled look as he poured batter into the pan. 
“Pack for what?”

“A friend of mine from the city is getting married this
weekend.  I’m going back for that and to visit with some of my friends.  I
haven’t been back since I moved and I miss them.”  She smiled at him.

“When do you leave?  How long will you be gone?”  He could
feel panic rising in him and he tamped it down.  It was ridiculous to be upset
that Morgan was leaving.

“I leave Thursday and – “

“Tomorrow?  You’re leaving tomorrow?  Why didn’t you tell

“I’m only gone for about a week or so.  I’ll be back next Saturday. 
I didn’t tell you because I was too busy trying to seduce you instead of talking
to you.”

She winked at him and he gave her a weak smile before
turning back to the pancakes.  The batter was bubbling like crazy and he
quickly flipped it before it could burn.  His stomach clenched painfully at the
thought of Morgan being gone for an entire week. 

He jumped when her soft hands slipped around his waist and
she leaned against his broad back.  “It’s only a week Gabe.”

“Yeah.”  He cleared his throat.  “Where will you stay?”

“With friends.  I’ll probably couch surf at a few different
places.  My friend Alex said I could stay with him for as long as I needed.”

He stiffened.  “Alex is a guy?”

She squeezed his waist and kissed his back through his
t-shirt.  “Alex is 62 years old and has a boyfriend.”

She laughed when he visibly relaxed and tugged on his
t-shirt until he turned around.  Her eyes were dancing with laughter and he
blushed.  “Sorry.”

“Don’t be.”  She kissed his chin and smiled at him.  “You
know, you could come with me.  You could be my date for the wedding and I could
show you the city and introduce you to my friends.”

He stiffened again and pulled away from her, turning around
to take the pancake out of the pan before pouring more batter into the hot pan. 
“That’s not a good idea Morgan.”

She rubbed his back gently.  “I think it is.”

“Well, it isn’t.  I can’t go with you.  I have the farm to
look after and I can’t just leave at the drop of a hat.”

“Peter and Lacey would look after the farm if you asked. 
You know that.”  She pointed out quietly.

“Drop it Morgan okay?  I can’t go with you.”  He retorted as
he flipped the pancake.


He turned back to face her, steeling himself against the
hurt that would be on her face.  “I think maybe we should keep what’s happening
just between the two of us.  People like to talk in this town and I don’t think
it’s a – “

She backed away from him and crossed her arms over her
torso.  “Do you want to go back to just being friends Gabe?  Is that what this
is?  Because if it is, just say it.”

“No!”  He moved towards her and pulled her against him.  “I
don’t want to be just friends.  I can’t be just friends with you Morgan.”

“Then why the big secret?”  She frowned at him.

He sighed harshly.  “You don’t know what it’s like in this
town.  It’s a small place and people like to talk.  I don’t want people
thinking less of you because you’re dating the town freak.”

She kicked him in the shin, hard enough to make him wince,
and he glared at her.  “What was that for?”

“Don’t you ever call yourself a freak again Gabriel Dern! 
Do you hear me? The next time you do, it won’t be your shin I kick!”  She gave
him her own scowl as she backed away from him.

“I’m just trying to protect you.”

“I don’t need to be protected.  I’m a big girl and I can
take care of myself.  Besides, I don’t give a hoot what the people in this town
say or think about me.”

“I do.  Please Morgan, I want to be with you but right now
I’d feel better if people didn’t know.  I don’t want them judging you.  Is that
so awful of me?”

He gave her a pleading look and she sighed and looked down
at the floor.  “No, it isn’t.  But I won’t hide from people forever Gabe.  Do
you understand?”

“I do.”  He nodded.  “I just – I just need some time.”  He
started to reach for her and hesitated.  He wasn’t sure if he should touch her
or not, and relief rushed through him when she stepped towards him and buried
her face in his chest. 

He put his arms around her and hugged her fiercely.  “Thank
you Morgan.”

“You’re welcome.”  Her voice was muffled by his shirt. 
“Your pancakes are burning.”

“Shit!”  He let her go and pulled the black and smoking
pancake out of the pan as she retreated back to her chair.

She sat and stared silently at him as he started another
pancake.  She understood why he wanted to keep it a secret.  She didn’t like
it, but she understood it.

* * *


Gabe shifted in the lawn chair and wondered if he had been
here long enough to say his goodbyes.  Probably not.  They had only just
finished supper and Peter was planning on having a bonfire.

He sighed and ignored the broad smile that Sally was giving
him from across the yard.  He shouldn’t have come tonight but it was Peter’s
birthday.  Now that he made regular appearances for their barbeques, Lacey had
threatened to disown him if he hadn’t come to the party.  Plus it had been over
a week since Morgan had left and he had been lonely and bored.  She would be
back tomorrow and he couldn’t wait to see her again.  She had texted him daily
and they had spoken on the phone every night, but it wasn’t the same as being
with her. 

From the corner of his eye he noticed Sally making her way
towards him and he stood and walked quickly into the house, hoping to escape
her not-so-subtle advances.

* * *


“Happy Birthday Peter.” 

Peter turned and grinned delightedly at the woman standing
in front of him.

“Morgan!  What are you doing here?”  He hugged her tightly
and she laughed and returned his hug.

“I decided to come back a day early.  Lacey told me it was
your birthday so I thought I’d pop by and join the party before heading home.” 

“I’m so glad you did.  And I know that Lacey will be – “

“Morgan!”  Lacey hurried over and hugged Morgan fiercely. 
“You’re back!”

“Well, I couldn’t miss Peter’s birthday bash now could I?” 
Morgan winked at her.

“I am pretty awesome.”  Peter announced.

Lacey laughed and slapped him on the butt.  “Yeah yeah Mr.
Awesome – get over there and start your bonfire.”

“Yes ma’am.”  Peter tipped an imaginary hat at the both of
them and walked towards the fire pit as Lacey turned back to Morgan.

“So, how was your trip?  Did you have a good time?”

“I did.  The wedding was beautiful and it was really nice to
see my friends again.”  She smiled a little.  “Although I missed this place
like crazy.”

Morgan hoped the truth wasn’t written on her face.  She had
missed the little town she now called home and she had wanted to be home in
time for Peter’s birthday, but it was Gabe that she had really come home early
for.  She had missed him so much it was like a physical ache inside of her.

She glanced casually around.  Gabe had told her he was going
to the party but he was nowhere to be seen.

“Did you go home first?”  Lacey asked.

Morgan shook her head.  “No, I took a cab from the airport
straight to here.”  She pointed to her suitcase that was tucked neatly against
the side of the house.  “I figured I could hitch a ride home with your

When Lacey didn’t reply, she cleared her throat and glanced
around again, her cheeks reddening a little.  “Did Gabe uh, come to the party

“Yes.  He’s – “ Lacey paused and gave Morgan a small,
considering look.

Morgan’s blush deepened and Lacey’s eyes suddenly widened.

“Oh my God.”  She whispered.

Morgan bit at her lip as Lacey grinned.  “You and my brother
are – you’re a couple aren’t you?”

“Lacey – “

“Holy shit!  You are!”  Lacey squealed loudly and hugged her
hard.  “I can’t believe I didn’t see it!  Oh my God, this is amazing!”

“Lacey be quiet!”  Morgan hissed at her.

“What?  Why?” 

“Because your brother and I haven’t told anyone, and he’s
asked me to keep it quiet.”

“Keep it quiet?  Why on earth for?”

Morgan sighed.  “It’s a long story and I’ll tell you later
okay?  Just for now – can you keep it to yourself?”

Lacey nodded and Morgan smiled at her.  “Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it.  Gabe went into the house a few minutes
ago.  I imagine he’ll be thrilled to see you.”  Lacey squeezed her arm and snickered. 
“Why don’t you go and say hello?”

“I think I will.”  Morgan said primly and walked towards the
house, Lacey’s soft giggling echoing in her ears.

* * *


Gabe left the bathroom and started down the hall towards the
patio doors.  He would say goodbye to Peter and Lacey and Natalia and head
home.  He was miserable being here without Morgan, and if he had to listen to
Sally prattle on for another minute he’d –

“Hi Gabe.”

He looked up, groaning inwardly as he pasted a neutral smile
on his face.  “Hi Sally.”

The small and busty blonde was standing in the doorway of
the living room, blocking his path to the patio doors that were at the far end
of the room.

“You’ve been avoiding me tonight.”

“No I haven’t.”

She smiled a little and took a few steps forward until she
was standing in front of him.  “Have I done something to upset you?”

He shook his head.  “No, of course not.”

“Then why won’t you let me touch you?”

“I don’t like to be touched Sally.”

“Maybe you just haven’t had the right person touch you.” 
She smiled at him, her eyes skittering over the left side of his face, and he
felt the slow burn of anger at the look of pity in her eyes.

“That isn’t it.  It’s – “

He made a muffled sound of surprise when Sally launched
herself at him and mashed her mouth down on his.  Completely shocked, he stood
there as she wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her body against
his.  The feel of her tongue pushing at his lips broke his stunned stillness. 

He pushed her away and she drew her full lips into a pout. 
“Gabe, you – “

“Am I interrupting something?”

Sally spun around and frowned at Morgan as Gabe’s heart took
a soaring leap in his chest.  “Actually you are.”

“Well, I need to use the bathroom so I’ll just slip by you
then.”  Morgan gave her a brittle smile and, ignoring Gabe completely, slid by
them and down the hallway.

Sally reached for Gabe’s hand and he yanked it out of her
grip.  “Stop it.  I’m not interested in you.  Do you understand that?”

She flushed and her soft and pretty features turned ugly. 
“Frankly Gabe, you should be happy that someone like me is interested in
someone like you.  I can’t imagine you have many women knocking down your door
to date you.”

He ignored the flush of embarrassment rushing through him
and gave her a look of such cold hatred that she withered a little under it. 
“Get lost Sally.  You’re pathetic.”

She snorted angrily and stomped away as he turned and
hurried to the bathroom.  He knocked lightly on the door.  “Morgan?  Please,
let me in.  I can explain.”

“It’s not locked.”  Her soft voice came through the door and
he turned the handle gingerly and stepped into the small room.  He closed the
door behind him and stared at her.  She was standing next to the tub and he
couldn’t tell what she was thinking from the expression on her face.

“Morgan – what you just saw wasn’t what it looked like.  I
swear.  I had no idea she was going to kiss me.”

She remained silent and panic gnawing at his belly, he spoke
again, the words spilling out of his mouth.  “I was avoiding her all night.  I
was coming out of the bathroom and she trapped me in the hallway.  You have to
believe me.  I’m not interested in her.  If I had known that she was going to
do that I wouldn’t have -“

“Gabe – stop.”  She said softly.

He trailed to a stop and gave her a miserable look as she
took a step towards him.  “I believe you.”

“You do?”

She nodded.  “Of course I do.  I saw her throw herself at
you and I saw you push her away.  Besides, you’re not the kind of guy who
screws around on a woman.”

“I – thank you?”  He replied.

She laughed.  “You’re welcome.”

He stared at her, feeling awkward and unsure, and she gave
him a small grin.  “Are you going to just stand there Gabe or are you going to
kiss me?”

He reached for her, his heart thumping loudly in his chest,
and she crossed the small distance between them and tucked her body against
his.  He cupped the back of her head and kissed her firmly on the mouth.  She wrapped
her arms around him and returned his kiss.  Their tongues stroked each other’s
softly at first, and then with more urgency as he reached down and slipped his
hand under her dress.  He gripped her firm thigh and pulled her leg up around
his waist before grinding his pelvis against hers.

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