Healthy Family, Happy Family (15 page)

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Authors: Karen Fischer

Tags: #Health & Fitness/Food Content Guides

BOOK: Healthy Family, Happy Family
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2 teaspoons mustard seeds
2 dashes mild yellow curry powder
2 dashes ground cinnamon
2 dashes ground coriander
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
2 teaspoons honey or real maple syrup
2x400g (14oz) cans cannellini beans
1x400g (14oz) can diced tomatoes (or 4 very ripe roma (plum) tomatoes, diced) ground black pepper, to season
grainy bread or spelt sourdough

In a frying pan, heat a splash of extra virgin olive oil on high heat and sauté the spring onions, mustard seeds, curry powder, cinnamon and ground coriander for 3 minutes. Add the apple cider vinegar, honey, cannellini beans and tomato, mix and cook until heated and softened (about 7 minutes). Taste and season with ground black pepper and more spices if desired. Serve with sliced grainy toast or spelt sourdough toast.


use gluten-free bread.

No spring onions? You can use 1 medium brown onion (peeled and finely diced) instead. However, cook the bean mix for an extra 5 minutes during the final cooking stage to soften the onion.

Yummy Rice Flour Pancakes (GF, EP, V & Vn)
Serves 4 (2 adults and 2 children); preparation time 10 minutes, cooking time 5 minutes

These look just like white flour pancakes, minus the gluten, girth and guilt. Don’t tell your child they’re not full of sugar—tell them they’ve got apple juice and sparkly fairy dust in them.

1 cup brown rice flour
1 teaspoon baking powder (use gluten-free if necessary)
1⁄2 teaspoon bicarb soda (baking soda)
sprinkle of ground cinnamon
2 eggs, lightly beaten (or egg substitute)
1 cup organic soy milk or milk of choice
1 cup apple juice (no added sugar or preservatives)
1 tablespoon honey, plus extra to serve (EP and Vn: golden syrup)
extra virgin olive oil (EP: butter or rice bran oil)

In a medium bowl, mix together the rice flour, baking powder, bicarb soda and cinnamon. Then add the eggs and soy milk and mix. Add the apple juice and the honey and mix well until lump free.

Oil a small frying pan and cook 1⁄4 cup of mixture at a time. Lightly cook each side, turning when bubbles appear. Repeat the process for each pancake.

Serving suggestion: top with honey or golden syrup and add sliced mango, banana (for EP), ground linseeds and almonds, or see ‘Pancake toppings’ for other options. Spread the filling onto the pancakes. Serve flat or rolled.


If you are allergic to soy milk and dairy, use rice milk (one that is rich in protein with added chickpea protein). If you are allergic to egg or are vegan, use a suitable egg substitute (ask at your local health food shop).

omit the cinnamon, honey, olive oil and mango and see alternative suggestions.

Almond Buckwheat Pancakes (GF, EP, V)
Serves 4 (2 adults and 2 children); preparation time 10 minutes, cooking time 5 minutes

This tasty pancake recipe is gluten free and rich in protein and anti-cancer flavonoids from the buckwheat flour and fruit. Use ‘malt-free’ soy milk if gluten intolerant.

3⁄4 cup buckwheat flour
1⁄2 cup cornflour (cornstarch)
sprinkle of ground cinnamon
1 1⁄2 teaspoons baking powder (GF: use gluten-free if necessary)
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 cup organic soy milk or milk of choice (GF: malt-free soy milk)
1⁄2 cup apple juice (no added sugar or preservatives)
1 tablespoon golden syrup (maple syrup)
extra virgin olive oil
seasonal fruit/fillings of choice (see ‘Pancake toppings’)

In a medium bowl, sift the buckwheat flour, cornflour, cinnamon and baking powder. Mix together. In a separate bowl, combine the eggs and soy milk. Gradually mix into the dry ingredients, then continue mixing until lump free.

Oil a small frying pan and heat to a medium heat. Pour in a thin layer of batter and cook lightly on each side, turning when the mixture begins to bubble. Repeat the process for each pancake.

In a bowl, mix together the filling ingredients. Spread filling onto pancakes. Serve flat or rolled.

Pancake toppings

Whole Fruit Jam: Spread 1–2 teaspoons onto each pancake.

Almond, Banana and Strawberry:
Mash 1–2 bananas and mix with 1 cup diced strawberries and 1⁄4 cup chopped almonds.

Papaya and Agave Nectar:
Thinly slice and dice 400g (14oz) of papaya and arrange on the pancakes. Drizzle with agave nectar. Note: Agave nectar may not be a common sweetener but it has a delicious nectar taste, it’s high in fructose, giving it a low glycaemic index and is available from health food shops.

Lime and Strawberry:
Mix 2 tablespoons whole fruit strawberry jam, juice of 1 lime, 1 cup diced strawberries, 1 small banana, sliced, and 1⁄4 cup chopped almonds (optional), and arrange on the pancakes.

Blueberry and Maple Syrup:
Spread a thin layer of jam and fill pancakes with 1 cup chopped blueberries. Roll or stack pancakes and drizzle with real maple syrup.

Lemon and Honey:
Spread a thin layer of honey onto each pancake and then add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice per pancake (you may need 1–2 lemons).

Banana and Baked Ricotta:
Top pancakes with ricotta and bake in a preheated oven (200°C/390°F) for 5–10 minutes. Then top with banana and drizzle with honey or real maple syrup (or try low GI agave nectar).

Seasonal fruit filling:
Dice 2 cups of seasonal fruit of choice and arrange on the pancakes. Drizzle with real maple syrup, passionfruit or lemon or lime juice. See ‘What’s in season right now’.

EP sensitive option (eczema, psoriasis, hyperactivity):
Omit the cinnamon in the pancake mix and use rice bran oil instead of olive oil. Dice 2 cups of the following low-salicylate fruit: peeled pear (fresh or the tinned stuff), banana, papaw (note: banana and papaw contain amines so if you have rosacea, limit these fruits)—and drizzle your pancakes with real maple syrup.

Power Omelette (GF, EP, V)
Makes 3 small omelettes; preparation time 3 minutes, cooking time 10 minutes

This protein-rich meal contains antioxidants such as quercetin, vitamin C and zinc; omega-3, vitamin D plus B group vitamins including biotin and folate. Great for energy production, muscle building, firm skin, fertility and brain development in children.

9 eggs
2 tablespoons water
2 teaspoons salt reduced tamari or soy sauce
extra virgin olive oil
1⁄2 small red onion, finely diced
2 handfuls baby spinach leaves, roughly chopped
1⁄2 red capsicum (pepper), finely diced

If using a grill (broiler) for the final stage of cooking, preheat it on medium. Lightly beat the eggs, then add the water and tamari sauce and mix.

Add a splash of extra virgin olive oil to a small non-stick frying pan and heat to medium heat. Add the onion and sauté for 1 minute then add the spinach and capsicum and sauté for a further minute or two until spinach wilts. Reduce heat to low.

Remove two-thirds of the vegetables, leaving in one-third for one of the three omelettes. Spread the vegetables evenly across the pan before adding approximately one-third of the egg mix. Cover saucepan with a lid and cook for 1 minute on low heat, being careful not to burn the omelette (check regularly). Then open the lid and add a splash of water on top of the omelette to one side—this will create steam to help cook the top of the omelette. Cover and cook on very low heat for a further 2–3 minutes. If egg is still uncooked on top, transfer the pan to the grill and grill the omelette (keeping the pan’s handle away from heat) for 1 minute or until egg has cooked through.

Remove omelette from the pan and repeat the process for the second (and third) omelette. Cut the first (cooled) omelette in half for the children.


use tamari sauce instead of soy sauce.

to keep the salicylate content low, leave out the vegetables and tamari sauce (as it contains salicylates and natural MSG). Alternatively use chopped spring onions (scallions), parsley, garlic and season with sea salt.

Perfect Fried Eggs (EP, GF, V)
Serves 4 (2 adults and 2 children); preparation time 5 minutes, cooking time 5 minutes

Eggs are rich in energy-producing B group vitamins and protein for firm skin and muscle development. The secret to perfect fried eggs is a dash of water and a lid on your frying pan for perfectly cooked whites.

6 slices grainy bread (2 for adults and 1 for each child)
salt reduced butter or extra virgin olive oil
6 eggs
leafy greens (spring onions/scallions, rocket/arugula, baby spinach, parsley—optional)

Lightly toast the bread and top with a scraping of butter or drizzle with olive oil.

Meanwhile, in a medium non-stick frying pan (one that has a lid), heat a little oil, then carefully crack the eggs one at a time into the pan, cooking them in batches of three (or to fit your pan). After placing the eggs in the pan, add a tablespoon of water gently on the side and cover pan with a lid. Cook for 3 minutes or until the egg whites are completely cooked and yolk remains soft (or to liking). Serve eggs on toast with a side of greens.


use gluten-free bread or gluten-free corn or rice wraps or other unleavened bread.

use iceberg lettuce or flat-leaf parsley on the side.

Perfect Poached Eggs (EP, GF, V)
Serves 2 adults; preparation time 4 minutes, cooking time 4 minutes

There is an art to cooking perfect poached eggs and these tips will turn you into a pro in no time. This recipe is a healthy way to cook eggs as there is no frying involved. Rich in B group vitamins, protein, dietary fibre and antioxidants.

2–4 slices wholegrain or sourdough bread
2–4 large eggs
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1⁄2 avocado; a sprinkling of finely chopped flat-leaf parsley; ground black pepper (optional)

Toast the bread and spread with avocado or spread of choice (butter, Parsley Pesto). Use gluten-free multigrain corn cakes if necessary.

Fill a medium-sized saucepan with enough water to cover the eggs. Bring to the boil and add the apple cider vinegar (the vinegar keeps the egg whites together while cooking). Cook two eggs at a time to ensure correct cooking time. Keep the eggs whole in their shells for the first part of preparation: wash the eggs to remove dirt (if necessary) and then, using a large wooden or metal spoon, lower the eggs into the boiling water for 10 seconds only. This coddles them slightly so the whites begin to bind. Remove the eggs and set aside, continuing the process until all the eggs have been coddled.

Briefly remove the pot of boiling water from heat so the water ceases movement then carefully crack the eggs into the water one at a time. Return the saucepan to the heat and reduce to a simmer and set timer immediately. A 59g (2oz) egg should take 4 minutes to cook for a soft yolk.

After 4 minutes, carefully and swiftly remove the eggs with a spatula/slotted spoon. If desired, rinse the vinegar from the eggs using slow-running hot water from the tap (must be only a drizzle or it will damage the eggs). Drain the water off the eggs then place them bedside the toast and top with parsley and pepper if desired. Serve immediately.


omit the avocado and use Parsley Pesto instead.

Scrambled Eggs (Mr Messy Eggs) (EP, V)
Serves 4 (2 adults and 2 children); preparation time 5 minutes, cooking time 5 minutes

Messy eggs are more fun than scrambled and these ones are rich in vitamins A, C, E, D and B group vitamins for energy and healthy bones.

6–8 eggs, lightly beaten
1⁄3 cup organic soy milk or milk of choice (EP use soy milk)
small handful finely chopped flat-leaf parsley
4 cubes goat’s feta cheese, crumbled (optional)
4–8 slices grainy bread
extra virgin olive oil

In a bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk, parsley and optional feta. Then toast the bread to your liking and set aside.

Heat a little oil in a non-stick frying pan on medium heat. Pour in the egg mixture and cook, stirring often until the eggs are fluffy and mostly cooked (but still a bit moist). Remove from heat.

Serve on toast. If desired, you can use butter sparingly on the children’s toast and hummus, avocado or pesto on the adults’ toast.

Three men walk into a bar, the fourth one ducks.
Egg Soldiers (GF, EP, V)
Serves 4 (2 adults and 2 children); preparation time 5 minutes, cooking time 5 minutes

This meal is fun for children and grown-ups alike. Serve in egg cups with toast dipping sticks.

1 tablespoon white vinegar
pinch of salt
4–6 slices grainy bread
4–6 eggs
2 teaspoons flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped
extra virgin olive oil or butter

Fill a small to medium-sized pot with enough water to cover eggs. Bring to the boil then add vinegar and salt (vinegar and salt prevent the shells from cracking). Gently spoon the eggs into the water and boil for 5 minutes (for a 59g/2oz egg), turning eggs occasionally to promote even cooking. Do not overcook or the eggs will be hard boiled (you need the yolk to be runny). Meanwhile, toast the bread and cut into strips and, if desired, top with a splash of olive oil or a scrape of butter.

Using a dessert spoon, carefully remove eggs from the water. (Tip: if the egg shell dries immediately the egg is hard boiled; if it dries slowly then the egg yolk should be runny.) Place eggs in egg cups and cut off the top third using a knife (not a sharp one, just a metal table knife). If some of the top egg white is uncooked, scoop the runny whites out or put the top third back onto the egg for 2 minutes to allow the whites to set. Sprinkle with parsley and serve with toast ‘dipping sticks’ and a teaspoon (to eat the cooked whites).

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