Hearts Awakened (22 page)

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Authors: Linda Winfree

Tags: #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Love Stories, #Family

BOOK: Hearts Awakened
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“Like the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.” His hands stopped her from tugging the shirt into place.

“Really?” she whispered, staring at him.

“Really.” He kissed her, a quick, soft caress, and lifted the T-shirt higher, stripping it over her head in one smooth movement.

“Yours too.” She gripped the hem of his shirt and tugged upward. Laughing, he helped her, the maroon T-shirt hitting the floor next to hers. The breath stopped in her throat. She’d seen him shirtless, in St. Augustine, but this was different. Tonight he was
. Stepping closer, she ran her hands over the hard muscles under a layer of warm skin and dark hair.

The tattoo over his heart drew her attention. She traced the infinity swirl. Forever. It wasn’t a symbol a guy chose without some meaning behind it, and she probably wouldn’t have to look far.
Forever, Jenny
. The name might as well be tattooed below the swirl. She closed her eyes, pain settling around her heart.

He palmed her neck, his thumb brushing the scar below her jaw. She didn’t have to look in the mirror. He stroked the thin white line marking the point where Reese’s knife had slipped. His tattoo, her scar. Signs of the past. She was moving beyond hers, simply by being here with him. Was he ready to move beyond his?

Some of her pleasure dimmed. Her first time, but she was far from the first for him. It shouldn’t matter but it did, and she needed something that said she was different from the others, special.

“Tori.” He spoke near her ear, his mouth caressing the sensitive skin. “What’s wrong? Too fast?”

She opened her eyes, catching a glimpse of them in the mirror. The light gilded their skin, shadows highlighting the curve of her breasts against the solid wall of his chest. With a sigh, she rested her mouth against his shoulder, turned her face into his neck. “I’m not like any of the others you’ve brought home, am I? I don’t know what I’m doing, and—”

“No, you’re not like any of the others,” he said, her heart jerking despite the gentleness of his voice. “I don’t want you to be. I told you, I’ve never brought anyone here. Just you. You’re the first, honey.”

She lifted her head to meet his gaze. Honesty lurked in his stormy gaze and she smiled, touching his face. The urge to say she loved him gripped her throat again and she swallowed against it. She was too insecure of him still. He wanted her, said he cared for her, but it didn’t mean he loved her too.

He caressed her sides, from waist to ribcage. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

Was it? She hesitated. He’d stop now if she wanted. There was no going back from this. Making love with him would change everything, but she wanted it to. She’d hidden from this for far too long. No more.

She pulled his mouth down to hers. “I’m sure.”

Silence descended on the room, punctuated by sighs and whispers, her soft moans, his strangled groan as with hands and lips, they discovered each other. Her stomach jumped when he kissed her abdomen, nuzzling her navel ring. His fingertips brushed just inside her waistband, the warmth of his touch setting off fires all along her nerves.

He unfastened her button, slid the zipper down, and denim whispered as he peeled the jeans away, cool air kissing her skin. His lips followed, touching above her hot pink panties, brushing her thigh, the inside of her knee. She squirmed, delicious shivers racing down her spine.

While he shed his own jeans, Tori watched the ripple of muscle under skin. Heat built in her and she bit her lip. White boxer briefs hugged his hips and thighs, clung to the thick line of his erection. Her mouth dried, but tiny tendrils of fear unfurled in her stomach. Telling herself she could do this and facing the reality of it were two completely different things. She let her eyes slide closed, trying to pull the anxiety under control. He stepped behind her, arms still sheltering her, the line of his chest heated against her bare back.

“Open your eyes.” His voice rasped next to her ear, for a moment conjuring the memory of another voice, one associated with unbelievable pain. She shoved the haunting sensation away, struggling to hold onto the fire he was building within her.

“Tori.” His mouth caressed her shoulder, his fingers stroking magic to life along her nerve endings as he slid a palm down her stomach and lower, fingers hovering but not quite touching. “Open your eyes, sweetheart.”

She lifted heavy lids with an effort. The sight before her wrung a moan from her throat. The mirror reflected everything—the strength of his thighs behind hers, the width of his hand covering her most intimate secrets. It showed everything and she wanted more.

“Look how beautiful you are.” His rough murmur rumbled at her ear once more and this time there was no fear. His sturdy body supported hers, deepening her sense of safety and security. As she watched, his other hand came up to curve around one breast. Sensation burned in his wake, the muscles jumping and clenching beneath her skin, the restless wanting between her thighs growing stronger. Under his worshipful touch, she did feel beautiful.

She spun in his arms, cradling his face, lifting her mouth to his.

He eased her down, the comforter smooth and cool on her back. Breaking the kiss, he placed a knee on the bed and she tensed. His gaze on her face, he merely lifted her foot, massaging the sole, stroking her ankle. His palm embraced her calf, caressing up to the hollow behind her knee.

“Relax,” he murmured, kissing the tender area of her arch. “All you have to do is say ‘stop’, and it’s over right then. I promise. We’re not going to do anything you don’t want to.”

“I’m sorry.” She closed her eyes on the torn whisper. Tears pricked her eyelids again. She wanted to come to him whole, without the fears and hang-ups. Giving herself to him should be the most natural thing in the world and it wasn’t.

“You don’t have anything to be sorry for.” Roughened fingers left trails of fire along the inside of her thigh. With her eyes closed, nothing existed but sensation—the rhythmic circles he traced on her skin, the smooth cotton beneath her, the hot humidity of his breath on her ankle. Against the sensitive skin there, his mouth was a little damp, tongue teasing her. “Trust me?”

“Of course.” She opened her eyes, finding his gaze heavy on her. The words came without hesitation, as simple as breathing. He leaned forward, leaving open-mouthed kisses up her leg, and slid a finger along the edge of her panties. His knuckle nudged her and a sharp stab of desire hit, firing through her.

With his lips and tongue, he explored the bend of her knee. “Then relax and let me love you.”

Oh, she wanted him to, in more ways than one. “Mark—”

“Hush,” he whispered against her thigh, the sight of his dark hair touching her skin sending that achy flutter piercing her stomach again. His hand rested against her now, not moving, but allowing her to grow accustomed to the intimate weight. With his other hand, he kneaded her hip and thigh, warm, sweeping strokes that soothed and aroused.

Shifting upward, he kissed the jut of her hipbone above her panties, but didn’t move his hand from between her thighs. The scratch of his chest hair added to the sensations surrounding her. He rubbed his cheek against her abdomen and Tori stroked his short hair, loving the springy feel of it. She tingled and itched all over, her breasts heavy and stinging, almost as if they craved his touch. The warm weight of his hand at the juncture of her thighs made her restless, filled with the urge to press into his touch.

She raked her fingernails over his nape in a light sweep and he moaned, his shudder vibrating through her body too. His hand tightened on her upper thigh, finger rubbing against her with the movement. Delicious tremors slid through her. Her hips tilted, as if out of her control, an attempt to duplicate the sensation.

“Mark,” she whispered, sliding her palms over his shoulders, “I want you to touch me.”

With a low laugh, he nuzzled the underside of her breast and edged his fingers beneath the thin satin covering her. “Like that?”

The slow circling of his fingers took her breath and she dug her nails into him. “Oh, yes.”

“So beautiful.” He framed her breast with his palm, mouth taking in the hardened nipple. The soft tugging of his teeth and tongue seemed to zing straight to the tension he was building between her legs. “Hot.” He raked his tongue over the very tip of her nipple. “Wet.” Her other breast received the same attention before his mouth closed over that nipple in a strong sucking. Moaning, she arched, wanting more, wanting everything. “Perfect.”

She couldn’t keep her hands still, wanted to chart every inch she could reach—neck, shoulders, arms, back. Meanwhile, with his mouth and hands, he drove her closer to something wild and wonderful she couldn’t yet see. With the edgy desire pounding in her, she moved against his hand, seeking, needing more. He kissed down her stomach and hooked his fingers in her panties, easing them away.

“Mark,” she moaned as his fingers left her, “please.”

More cloth rustled, the bed dipping with his weight. “I will, honey, I will.”

He touched her, the pressure in her growing with the one simple caress. He nuzzled her thigh, nipping softly, before kissing his way back to her breasts. Wanting his mouth on hers, Tori linked her fingers behind his head and pulled him up. His tongue entered her mouth in a gentle invasion and she welcomed him, even as he slid an experimental finger into her body.

“All right?” he whispered against her lips. Eyes locked on his, Tori nodded. He nuzzled her ear and neck, thumb moving against her in intimate circles.

She put her arms around him, never wanting to let go. “Oh, that’s…wonderful.”

Low in her belly, the aching heaviness grew, flowing into the liquid fire between her thighs. She pushed into him, reaching for whatever he offered. She closed her eyes, breathing in soft pants.

“That’s it, honey,” he murmured, his deep voice rushing over her ear. Sensations shivered through her and her body tightened more. “Relax. Let it happen.”

“Mark.” She shook her head, the pressure unbearable now, almost painful in its intensity. He caught her mouth, a firm, deep kiss, fingers upping their tempo. The sensations exploded within her, tremors that spread up and out through her entire body, waves of feeling that flowed over and over, until she thought she’d scream, until she thought she’d shatter.

She tore her mouth from his, gasping for air, aware he was caressing her thigh, kissing her throat. The incredible pleasure continued in tiny shockwaves. Still trying to catch her breath, she pressed the back of her hand to her damp forehead. “Oh. My.”

He laughed and slid his hand up to the side of her breast. “Good?”

She turned her head to look at him. “Good? That was…incredible.”

Propped on his other elbow, he grinned down at her. “I’m glad.” He nipped at her earlobe. “And we’re not finished yet.”

“Really?” She chafed her hands over his shoulders. Now that she was aware of something other than the sensations in her own body, other impressions filtered in. His skin was damp as well and his eyes smoldered a smoky gray. With his free hand roving her body, her nerves tingled with reawakening desire. Against her thigh, his naked body was hard, aroused. And she felt normal. Beautiful. Special.

She blinked away a film of sudden tears. He’d done that for her. She rolled to her side, wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed close. Hot and heavy, his erection nudged her stomach. Trailing her mouth over his neck in light kisses, she tasted the salt on his skin, felt the tremors running through him. “Mark,” she whispered, “I want you inside me.”

His hand tightened on her hip. “You sure?”

She took his face in her hands, traced his mouth with her tongue. He shuddered. “Quit asking me that. I’m

He plundered her mouth in a quick, hard kiss. “Be right back.”

Rolling away, he disappeared into the bathroom. Once he returned to sit on the side of the bed, Tori ran a teasing finger down his side to his hip, loving this freedom to touch him, reveling in the intimacy between them. Plastic crinkled, and the muscles in his back and shoulders rippled as he sheathed himself. He turned back to her, rose on his knees, hands caressing her thighs.

Leaning over, he kissed her and eased her legs apart. His weight settled between her thighs and his arousal nudged her. A tiny bead of sweat dropped from his neck and hit her collarbone. Tori tensed, darkness hovering at the edges of her mind. Suddenly, it wasn’t Mark looming over her, Mark’s chest rubbing hers, Mark’s hair-roughened thigh brushing her leg. She closed her eyes, fighting off the panicky memories.

She flattened her hands on his chest. “Wait.”

He was gone instantly, pulling away, and when she opened her eyes, he looked down at her, concern darkening his eyes to slate. “I’m sorry,” he said, his voice shaky, caressing her side with a hesitant hand as he knelt beside her. “We’ll stop—”

“No.” Sitting up, she pushed her hair back and took a deep, steadying breath. “I just…I can’t…with you on top of me.” Memories of the
article she’d perused in the hospital waiting room rose in her mind and she shot him a shy look. “There are other ways, right?”

A slow, very male grin curved his mouth. “Oh, yeah.”

She was sure her slow smile was very female. “So show me.”

He crooked a finger at her. “C’mere.”

Rising to her knees, she edged closer and he reached out, pulling her in for a long, sexy, tongue-tangling kiss. He found her breasts, shaping, teasing, until she was moaning his name, the desire spiking once more.

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