Hearts on Fire (The Hunter Family) (16 page)

BOOK: Hearts on Fire (The Hunter Family)
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I turned to see what she was looking at and Zane and Logan looked like they had just stepped out of a fashion magazine.  Zane was absolutely gorgeous, and I had forgotten just how striking the two of them were together.  They came over to us and Barbi still stood there, speechless.


Zane did not take his eyes off of me.  “I was looking for you, I thought you left.”


Butterflies danced in my belly as my eyes searched his.  “No, I told you I’d be here.”


“I’m glad you’re still here because I couldn’t believe that I ran into you.  We haven’t seen each other in three years and here you are at the opening of my bar, it has to mean something.”


I have to say I was really surprised that he was saying that in front of Logan and Barbi, he had no idea who she was and he was being quite open about his feelings.  Speaking of Barbie, I realized that I had not introduced her. I turn to her and put my arm around her.


“Oh, how rude of me, this is my friend Barbi, Barbi this is Logan and Zane.”


Logan smiled at Barbi and then looked at me. "It's really good to see you, Abby. It's been a really long time, how have you been? How is your sister?”


“It’s good to see you too, Logan. I’ve been good, busy with the dance company, and Claire is good too.”  I didn’t want to get into the specifics about my rift with Claire, especially since I had not seen either of them in such a long time.


“Oh, that’s good to hear.  Tell her I say hello.”


I looked at him and smiled. "Okay, I will. Congrats on the bar by the way.  Zane told me that this is your second bar and I think it’s awesome that you guys were able to do that! Plus this place seems really cool.”


“Thanks, yeah, we’ve been pretty lucky.”  He turned his attention to Barbi.  “So, Barbi, what do you do?”


While they were talking, Zane gently grabbed my elbow and steered me toward a more secluded corner of the bar.  He stood there for what felt like forever just looking at me.  I felt everyone around us fall away until it seemed as if it was just me and him, alone in the bar. 


His eyes slowly perused my face as he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, before they settled in my eyes.


“So.”  That’s all he said.


“Yes?”  I didn’t know what else to say.


“It’s good to see you.”


“It’s good to see you too, Zane.”


“The last three years look like they have been good to you.”


“Thanks, the same goes for you.”  I looked around the bar and then my eyes landed back on him.  “It looks like tonight was a huge success, I’m sure you guys are ecstatic about that.”


“Yeah, we’re happy that it worked out.”


“How many bars do you guys want to open?”


He didn’t say anything so I didn’t know if he heard my question, so I started to repeat it and he interrupted me.


“I heard you, Abby.  But are we really going to make small talk?”


“I’m not sure I know what you mean.”


“I mean, I’m really glad we ran into each other and I don’t want to spend my time with you making small talk.”  He took a step closer to me and I was finding it hard to breathe.


“What do you want to talk about?”  I could barely get the words out.


“I want to see you.  Can I take you out to dinner?”


I was stunned.  I totally did not expect him to say that.


“Do you think that’s a good idea, with the history we have?”


“Yes, I do.  I’m sure we’ve both grown up in the last three years, and to be honest, I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind.  Look, I didn’t handle things with us the right way.  I should have been more understanding about your feelings because my world was completely new to you.  I should have had more patience with your questions and I guess my pride got in the way.  I really messed things up.”


Was I hearing him right?


“Wow.  I didn’t expect that.  But I can’t let you take all the blame.  I should have trusted you because you never gave me a reason not to.”


He took a deep breath and smiled.  “Well, it’s too bad we didn’t talk like this back then.  I’m really sorry, Abby.”  His eyes were so sincere. 


“I’m sorry too.”


“I’d like to try again.  Will you go out to dinner with me?”


I didn’t even hesitate.  “I would love to.”


He leaned down and kissed me on the cheek and that familiar pitter-patter came rushing back.  It had all happened so fast that I was still trying to tell myself that it was real.


“Logan and I have to go check on a few things and then we have to go to the other bar, so can I give you a call tomorrow?”




“You still have the same number?”


“I do.”


“Okay, I’ll call you tomorrow.  Stay and enjoy yourself tonight.”


We made our way back over to Logan and Barbi who was completely mesmerized by whatever he was saying, and I tapped her on the arm to let her know we were there.


“They have to get going.”


Barbi looked totally bummed and didn’t try to hide it.


Zane gently put his hand on my arm.  “Before we go can I get you girls something to drink?”


The martini I had been nursing was long gone, and after what had just happened I did want another drink.


“Sure, I’ll have a dirty martini.” 


Barbi chimed in. “Make that two.”


Zane grabbed a waitress and told her to bring us our drinks on the house.


Logan was whispering something in Barbi’s ear and she giggled like a lovesick schoolgirl.  It seemed like he was into her, which surprised me, because she was nothing like my sister, in fact, she was the exact opposite.


Zane stood there looking at me for a few seconds and then he gently caressed my cheek.  “It was really good to see you again, Abby.”


I smiled at him.  “It was good to see you too.”

Chapter 8


I was a nervous wreck as I got ready for my date with Zane later the next week.  It was going to be the first time I was seeing him since the previous Saturday night and I was shaking as I applied my lipstick.  I smeared my lipstick and put the tube down and took three deep breaths to try to calm down.  It was ridiculous that I was so nervous, but I couldn’t help it.  I’d had all week to allow myself to remember all of the things Zane and I had done together when we were dating, and my feelings for him were as strong as they were back then.  I didn’t want to screw things up and I really wanted us to work this time.  The fact that he wasn’t in the band anymore was probably a good thing because I wouldn’t have to deal with his “fans” anymore, and I had to be honest, that was huge relief for me.


My doorman buzzed up a few minutes later and I felt super giddy as I told him to let Zane come upstairs.  I had just enough time to fix my smeared lipstick.  He knocked on the door and when I opened it he completely took my breath away.  He looked so gorgeous as he leaned against the doorframe with a sexy smile on his lips.


“Hi beautiful.”


I instantly had butterflies and I was so happy to see him.  I smiled at him and before I could say hi back he pulled me to him for a big hug.  We held each other for at least a full minute and as a deep sigh escaped my lips he whispered in my ear.


“I’ve missed you.”


I pulled away a bit and looked at him.


“I’ve missed you too.”


He leaned down and gently kissed my lips and it felt like no time had passed between us.  All of the feelings I had for him before washed over me and put my heart right back where it was three years before.  I was so happy.


“So you wouldn’t tell me where we were going for dinner, can you tell me now?”


He gave me a sexy grin and gently patted me on the bottom.


“Just grab your purse, you’ll see when we get there.”


A few minutes later we pulled up to a really cool little vintage firehouse.  Zane linked his fingers through mine as we walked up to the door and when we stepped inside I was blown away.  The lights were turned down low, It was so warm and intimate and the vibe was very sexy.  The walls were painted a deep burgundy with a neutral cream accent wall.  There were a total of 10 tables, two private booths, a beautiful bar and that was it.  It was a very chic little place.


We were seated at a private booth and the waiter gave Zane a knowing look as he seated us, which I found to be a bit strange.  And then I remembered that Zane was super popular when he was in the band so the guy must have been a fan.  After we ordered I took a minute to really look around and take it all in.


“Zane, this place is fantastic, how did you hear about it?”


He took a deep breath and smiled.  “Well, this is my place.”


I was completely shocked.


“Wait, what?”


“This is our other bar.”


“But, it’s a restaurant.”


He winked at me.  “We like to think of it as a bar/restaurant.”


“Zane, I had no idea, I’m shocked right now.  It’s just so awesome that you guys made this happen.”


My words trailed off as I realized how much he had accomplished in the past three years while I was pretty much in the exact same place in my life.  Zane went after his dream and made it happen while I let my fear get in the way and did nothing.  I should have been further along in my life also, and I suddenly felt like a huge failure as I sat there thinking about what I had not accomplished in the last three years.


The disappointment in myself must have been obvious because Zane immediately looked concerned and gently placed his hand over mine.


“What’s wrong?”


I felt embarrassed that I was even feeling the way that I was, but if anyone was going to understand how I was feeling it would be him because he knew how much I had been struggling with being Claire’s understudy for so many years.


I looked down at my hands for a few seconds and then raised my eyes to his. "I am really happy for your success, I mean that, but I look at how much you have accomplished and the time we have been apart, and then I think about what I have not accomplished.  I am pretty much in the same place as I was before, and I wonder what have I been doing?”


“Abby, don’t beat yourself up, when you’re ready to make a change you will.  I know you’re not happy with your position in that dance company and I know you can be the lead if you really wanted to.  I think what you should be asking yourself is why you don’t want to work harder to be able to showcase your talent as the lead ballerina.  You have it in you, I know you do.”


He was right.  Something in me was holding me back.  My sister and I had been together most of our lives and she had this intangible quality that I couldn’t explain where she could charm the pants off of anyone.  We were identical twins but Claire was more striking than me so I think I always felt like I was second best because people always noticed her first.  There was probably a subconscious thing going on where I naturally felt like I had to take a back seat to her.


“I appreciate that, I really do, Zane.  Thanks.”


“Any time.  So, how are things with you and Claire?”


I hesitated but then told him everything.


“The only time we speak is during rehearsals.”


“Really?  You guys don’t live together anymore?”


"No, but we still live in the same building. It's weird how things have changed but I think that the competition between us has really damaged our relationship.  Claire isn’t the same person she was three years ago, I think her success in the company has really gone to her head.”


"Really? That surprises me because she didn't strike me as that type of person. Can I ask you something without you getting upset?”




"I know how long you were her understudy and I know how much that used to bother you.  Do you think
the reason that you guys aren’t as close as used to be, or has Claire really changed?”


I thought about what he said for a few seconds and then I answered him. 


"You know, I thought about that and I really do think that she has changed, but I guess it's partially me too. It's probably a combination of both of us. All I know is I wish we had the relationship that we used to have, I miss her.”


“You really should tell her that, Abby. Life is too short.”


"I don't know, I'm not sure she would even listen to me at this point. I'll say something to her eventually. Anyway, let's change the subject.  How long has this place been open?”


“Okay, I won’t push. We have been open for about two years now.  We’ve been really fortunate because the place is packed every night and we have a month long waiting list for dinner reservations.”


“Well, the food is delicious so I can totally understand why there is a long waiting list. Thank you for bringing me here tonight.”


“Thank you for coming. I want to share my world with you, Abby so I’m happy that you were able to see this tiny piece of it.  So, what’s next for you with the dance company? Any big shows coming up?”


“They just announced we will be performing Swan Lake for a six week run.”


“Abby, that is perfect for you.  You are going to audition for the lead, right?”


“Claire has wanted to be the lead dancer in Swan Lake for as long as I can remember. Even if I tried my hardest, I don’t think I would be able to win the role this time. She is going to put everything she has into these auditions.”


Zane looked at me, his eyes intense. “You can do the exact same thing.”


“I want you to know that I really do appreciate your support, we’ll see what happens.”


We must have been at the restaurant for hours because we were the last people there.  Zane looked around and then smiled at me.


“Looks like we’re the last ones here.  I swear the time flew by, I feel like we just sat down.”


I smiled at him.  “Thank you for dinner.  We had a lot to catch up on.”


His eyes searched mine, fell to my lips, and then rose back up to my eyes.  “You’re welcome.  Yes, we did.”


Zane linked his hands through mine as we walked to his car and he turned to me before he opened the door for me.  He gently brushed my hair over my shoulder and softly caressed my arms.


“I had a really good time tonight, Abby.  When can I see you again?”


“Can you come over for a late dinner on Wednesday night?”


“Wednesday night sounds perfect.  What time works for you?”


“Is 9:00 okay?”


He smiled at me.  “That’s perfect.”


He drove me home, came upstairs and stopped at the door of my condo.


“I should say goodnight here.  It’s probably not a good idea for me to come inside.”


I looked up at him and took a step closer to him, my heart thumping against my chest.


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