Hearts on Fire (The Hunter Family) (21 page)

BOOK: Hearts on Fire (The Hunter Family)
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            Mom put her arms around me and gently consoled me.


            “Alright, calm down, calm down.”


            I saw her glance over at my father and his face was filled with disgust.


            “We’ll talk about it later.”  She patted my arm and it did make me feel a little bit better. 


            I was glad they dropped it because I was not in the mood to get into how they were going to threaten to cut me off again.  My dad actually said that to me years before when I considered going after Zane and begging him to take me back.  I remember the day I told my dad I was going to get Zane to take me back, I was in the lowest, saddest place I had ever been in my life and I missed him like crazy.  My dad was so angry that Zane had hurt me he didn’t even want me to say his name around him.  He said if I started seeing him again they would cut off my inheritance. My mother, of course, was not happy with my father at all for saying that and she immediately told me that was not true.  That was one of the few times I saw my parents argue, but my mom won.


            Just as we were pulling up to the house, my dad had to get in the last word about Zane.


            “Abigail, you are not to see that man again, is that clear?”


            I looked him in the eye and my voice was trembling but I had to stay true to my feelings.  “I can’t promise that.” 


Even though I was pissed at him, I loved Zane and I was planning to talk to him once everything settled down.  I was super emotional so I wasn’t thinking clearly, but I felt like I overreacted with him earlier that day.  Maybe he wasn’t lying about the realtor. 
Wait, what am I saying?
  I felt like a crazy person because one minute I wanted him back and the next minute I thought he was a lying snake.  My head was pounding and I didn’t want to think about it anymore.


I trailed behind my dad who was yelling about staying away from Zane as I walked into our house that was filling up with guests.  I went straight to my room to freshen up and make myself look presentable because I was sure that my eyes were puffy and swollen.  I literally jumped back when I saw myself in the mirror.  Mascara was smeared all over my face, my eyes were red and puffy, and once again I was pissed.  This time I was pissed because I let Zane get to me and allowed him to affect me to the point where I was balling like a baby, until I looked like shit.  I stared at myself in the mirror. 
What is it about him that does this to you?


I thought about his eyes, his smile, his touch, his kisses and I couldn’t help but feel sad again.  I wanted to check my phone to see if he called, but I couldn’t find it.  I splashed water on my face, changed my clothes, and touched up my makeup.  I finally looked more like myself and it was time for me to go downstairs and greet everyone.  I put on the best smile I could muster and I went downstairs.

Chapter 11


I said hello to everyone and I had never seen my brother look happier than when he was standing next to his girlfriend Sklyar.   She was beautiful and very sweet but unfortunately I was in a horrible mood and I am embarrassed to say I was not so nice to her.  The last thing I wanted to see as I wallowed in my misery was a couple that looked head over heels in love.  It was best that I kept my distance and that is what I tried to do.


My Aunt Lauren and Uncle Jake were also there chatting with my parents, Claire was already there and her boyfriend Keegan was coming later, my grandmother, Nana Bunny, was baking her delicious pumpkin pie and the rest of the family was arriving a little later.  I couldn’t find my cell phone anywhere so I had to interrupt my parents.


“Mom, dad, have you seen my cell phone?”


My mom looked at my dad and he shook his head.  “No honey, we haven’t.  If you don’t find it let us know and we’ll order a new one for you.”


“Okay, thanks.”


I looked over at Claire chatting with Jonny and Skylar and there was no way I was going over to that group so I decided to help Nana Bunny in the kitchen.


After she placed the pie in the oven she grabbed my hand and led me to the table.  Our chef’s assistant brought us each a cup of tea and Nana Bunny looked at me with her sweet eyes and smiled.


“I can tell that something is bothering you sweetheart.  What’s wrong?”


“I don’t want to bother you with my problems.”


“Nonsense, maybe I can help.”


I told her all about Zane and what had happened and I could feel myself welling up again.


“If you need to cry dear, go ahead and get it out, it’s okay.  You’re in pain because you love this man.  Let me ask you, has he ever done anything to make you distrust him?”


I wiped away my tears.  “Well, when we broke up there was the girl in his apartment.”


“Yes, the one in the towel, but he told you that is his sister, right?”


I hesitated.  “Yes.”


“Do you think he was lying to you?”


“After thinking about it for three years, I guess not.  I don’t think he has ever lied to me.  We talked about everything.”


“So what makes you think he’s lying now?”


“Because I saw him kissing that girl.”


“Sweetheart, that’s not what you told me.  You said you saw them in the corner and her hand was on his shoulder.  Did you actually see them kiss each other?”


“No, Nana Bunny, but…”


“Abigail, men are very simple creatures, if they don’t like what they have they go find what they want somewhere else.  Once they have what they want, most of them are satisfied.  This young man, Zane, sounds like you are what he wants.  You haven’t told me anything that leads me to believe he has been dishonest with you.  I know he was in that rock and roll world before, so maybe that jaded you a bit.  But darling, you might want to give him a break and give him a chance to explain.  You said he had something more to tell you?”


“Yes, he said I didn’t let him finish but by that time I was so mad I didn’t want to hear anything he had to say.”


“Maybe you should have coffee with him, dear.  Hear him out and then decide what you want to do.”


I took a sip of my tea and let her words sink in.  My Nana Bunny was so wise and I knew she was right.  As soon as I found my cell phone I was going to give him a call.


“Thank you for listening Nana Bunny, I feel a lot better.”  I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.  “I love you.”


She smiled at me and held her frail hand to my cheek.  “Anytime dear and I love you too.  What do you say we go join the others?”


I smiled at her.  “Sounds good.”




Thanksgiving dinner was wonderful the night before and I was really happy that my partner in crime Barbi had finally arrived.  The next day we all went ice skating which was a family tradition for us.  None of us were very good so it was extra fun to race each other. 


Barbi and I had just beat Claire and Skylar racing around the rink when I heard that familiar deep sexy voice call my name.  I got chills all over and it wasn’t from the cold.  I looked over near the entrance and there was Zane looking gorgeous as ever.  I was completely frozen in place as I felt my heart skip a beat.  Just as I was about to skate over to him I heard my father’s voice boom across the rink warning Zane that if he didn’t leave my dad was going to throw him out.  Zane scurried away but before he did he yelled out that he loved me, he was sorry and he would call me later.


To say I was on cloud nine was an understatement.  Maybe Nana Bunny was right, I was what he wanted and he was coming to get what he wanted.  I would have to find my cell phone when we got back to the house because I didn’t want to miss his call.


Later that night, exhausted from searching high and low for my phone I went to the kitchen to get a snack.  Skylar seemed to have the same idea and I was actually happy to see her because it gave me the perfect opportunity to apologize to her.


We had a really nice talk and, thankfully, she accepted my apology.  It was weird but I felt really comfortable telling her about Zane and she opened up to me about her feelings for my brother.  We chatted for a good while and then we both turned in for the night.  I was going to bow out of morning family activities so that I could practice for a few hours.


The next morning I was practicing in the dance studio when Claire came in to watch me, again.  I stopped what I was doing and turned to look at her, my hand on my hip.


“Claire, why do you insist on watching me practice?”


“I just want to help, Abby.”


My words were biting.  “Maybe I don’t need your help.”


Were those tears in her eyes?  Yep, those were definitely tears.


Tears rolled down her cheeks as she held my gaze.


“Can we please just stop?  I miss you Abby, I want my sister back.”


Okay, that totally threw me off guard and it was the last thing I expected.  I walked over to her and put my arm around her.


“Well, don’t cry.”


She laid her head on my shoulder and put her arm around me.


“This has gone on for way too long.  It’s time to make up.”  She lifted her tear stained eyes to mine.  “I’m sorry for everything.”


I smiled at her.  “I’m sorry too.”


She finally smiled and wiped away her tears.


“Why were we even fighting?”


“I guess I finally got to the point where I want to have a lead part and I still keep losing to you.  Since you always got the lead I felt like your ego took over and you got a pretty big head.”


“Abby, I’m really sorry if I came off that way, I did not mean to be that way toward you at all.  I guess I felt like you were pulling away from me so my defenses went up and I probably acted cold toward you to protect my feelings.  I always want the best for you.  I have told you a million times that if you really apply yourself you can get the lead roles because you have more natural talent than me.  I know you can do it and I would love to see that happen for you.”


I gave her a big hug, she hugged me back and we didn’t let go for what seemed like forever.  She pulled away and had that look of excitement in her eyes that told me I needed to brace myself for one of her kooky ideas.  Except this time the idea was not so kooky.


“I have a brilliant idea.  You’re staying here for the next few days, probably until Thursday, right?”


“Yeah, how did you know that?”


“Well we do have that twin thing going on.”


I giggled and playfully swatted her on the arm.  It felt good to be in that place with her again.


“No, seriously, how did you know that?”


“I assumed you were going to use the studio to practice this week since auditions are on Friday.  When we’re out here no one from the dance company can interrupt us, we won’t be distracted, and we can focus 100% on practicing.  I am planning to do the same thing.”


“You’re practicing here too?”


“Yep, in the room next door.”


“Claire that is so perfect!”


“Abby, I have an idea and I don’t want you to get mad.”


“Okay, I won’t, I promise.”


“Let’s practice together at the beginning of each day and you can see what I’m doing and perfect it.  I always get the lead so if you are better than me, which I know you will be, you
be the lead.”


I wasn’t sure about that at first but then I shoved my ego aside and realized what a huge help it would be.


“Okay, sounds like a plan.  Claire, thank you, I mean it.”


She winked at me and smiled.  “You’re welcome sis.  I’m going to go change and I’ll be right back.”

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