Heart's Ransom (Heart and Soul) (15 page)

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His lips lifted but his smile was bitter.  “There is nothing anyone can do.  I have battled to find a solution but it eludes me.  It steals sleep from me at night and because of that it weakens my soul.”

“Is there nothing you can do to give vent to this frustration?”

He shook his head.

She frowned, thinking for a long moment.

“You have an intriguing spark in your eyes, lady,” Talon murmured with a surprising smile.

“I was just thinking when I need to relax; I like to enjoy a long hot bath.  It soothes the tension from the muscles.”

The flame that leapt in his eyes was absolutely feral and startled her.  He took her hand and pulled it to his lips, lightly brushing her skin in a fashion that made her heart pound.

“I just realized.  I have not shown you all the wonders of Montgomery Castle.”

“What do you mean?”

“Come,” he said, rising to his feet and tugging her after him.  He paused to fetch his keys from a wall peg.  They silently left his room, moving like wraiths down the stairs.  Gwen suddenly felt like an errant child who would be beaten if caught lurking in the halls past bedtime.

Talon led her to the kitchens and lit a small candle on the table.  Then guided her to a door in the corner, unlocking it.  A dark stairwell descended.  Talon held the candle aloft and descended.

Gwen’s grip tightened on his hand.  “Does this lead to the cellars?”

“Nay,” he whispered.  “That is another door.”  The stairs turned in a sweeping arch.  To Gwen’s surprise she noticed the air growing warmer and she heard the sound of flowing water.

“The cisterns?” she asked, suddenly frightened.  Why would Talon bring her down here?

“Not exactly, lady.  The cisterns to the castle are near.”  He unlocked another door and they entered a small room.

Gwen gazed around her as Talon released her hand to move about the small room and light several candles.  She was surprised to notice it wasn’t a room exactly but a cavern in the rock.  Hot steam dampened her skin.  She noticed a small pool in the floor, bubbling with water.

“Perhaps you are aware of the Roman springs at Bath,” Talon said as he continued to light candles.  Dozens of them were scattered through the room.

“Aye,” she said, gazing around her in surprise.

“Hot springs were discovered in the rock when the castle was built.  We have our own personal bath house my lady.”  He finished lighting the candles and faced her, a devilish gleam in his eyes.

Gwen instinctively knew she skirted dangerous ground although she could not exactly define it.  She took an involuntary step back and swallowed hard.  “This is excellent, my lord,” she said wishing her voice didn’t shake.  “In fact, I have something that will help as well.  I will fetch it for you.”

He arched an eyebrow at her.  “I never imagined I would see the day in which you ran from something.”

“What mean you?”

His lips tugged upward in a wolfish smile that Gwen found strangely compelling.  “You have a looked of an ensnared rabbit.”

She bristled.  “I am not a rabbit,” she said tightly.  “And I speak honestly.  I have something that will help.  I’ll be right back.”

His soft chuckle told her he didn’t believe her.  Angry, Gwen hurried up the stairs and back to her room.  She fetched two small jars of oil from her medicant chest and quickly returned.  A coward she was not.

She entered the bath and closed the door behind her.  But she stopped short when she saw Talon already in the pool.  His clothes were shucked into the corner and he lounged in the water with his head against the edge, his eyes closed.

He cracked open one eye.  “You are right, lady.  A hot bath does much to relieve tension.  And it soothes my sore shoulder.”

She stepped forward, offering the small jars.  “Rub this on any muscle aches.  It will help tremendously.”

Talon reached for the jars but suddenly snagged her arm instead.  She dug her heels into the unyielding stone.  He gazed at her a long moment, the fire in his hooded eyes burning intensely.  “And will you grace me with your healing touch again?” his voice was low and rough.

“Talon,” she said, a sudden fear jumping through her.

Abruptly the fire in his eyes died and he released her, looking away.

Gwen felt terrible and could not explain why.  His heart was in so much pain, his soul burdened with something so dark he could not speak of it.  Throwing caution to the wind she stepped behind him and dropped to her knees.

“Sit up a little more,” she said softly and opened one of her jars.  Within it was a combination of herbal extracts.  It was similar to an oil when applied to the skin but it washed off easily in warm water.  She applied a liberal amount to her hands and began to rub it into his shoulders.

Talon groaned, bowing his head.  Gwen allowed her hands to travel firmly over his neck and shoulders, rubbing the extracts into every cut and curve of his muscles.  The scent of lavender filled the air.

“You will have me smelling as pretty as a flower,” Talon grumbled.

“Nay,” she said smiling.  “It will rinse off in the water.”

Talon remained stock still as she worked.  Strands of hair clung to her face with the damp steam and her clothes rapidly felt as if they were soaked.  She worked down his back where the
waterline came to just below his shoulder blades.

Suddenly Talon moved forward, away from her touch.  He stood in the pool and faced her, the fire once again burning in his dark eyes.

Gwen’s body quivered under his gaze.  She tried to keep her attention locked on his face but rivulets of water streamed down the deep valley of his chest to his flat stomach.  She followed the path down where the water trickled to his navel and into the dark line of hair descending lower.  The waterline interrupted her view.  She felt the heat rise within her, she shouldn’t stare.  She was a healer and accustomed to a man’s body.  So why did seeing Talon like this shake her to the very core of her being?

Slowly he touched her chin with his fingertips, drawing her face upward.  “My solace,” he whispered.  His mouth descended on hers, hot and passionate.  Gwen suddenly realized she had absolutely no desire to resist him, to back away from a kiss that threatened to ignite a firestorm within her.  She no longer cared about what was proper in the face of the wondrous sensations rioting within her.  She acceded completely to his kiss, allowing his tongue to delve deeply into her mouth.

He cupped her face in both hands, stepping closer.  Warm water streamed down her cheeks as Talon ravished her senses.  A tiny groan escaped her.  Talon drew back slightly; reluctantly ended the kiss and Gwen felt the loss keenly.

He gazed down at her, his fingers moving lightly over her face.  Slowly, the fingers of his right hand traveled down her throat.  Gwen remained lost in his gaze unable to move, her heart pounding so hard her body trembled with its force.  He lowered his head, kissing her again, nibbling on her lips,
and his tongue battling with hers.  His fingers deftly untied the laces of her robe at her throat and his skillful hands pushed it from her shoulders.

His kiss changed subtly still strong with urgency but growing gentler, encouraging.  He traced his lips across her cheek then down her throat.  She groaned again, her head tilting back to allow him free access.  Again his hands moved, unlacing the tie of her shift and slowly pushing it from her shoulders.  His lips trailed after the fabric, igniting a path of liquid fire against her skin.  He drew the fabric lower, exposing her breasts.  Talon pulled away and gazed down at her.

She suddenly wanted to grab her clothes and cover herself.  Cold reality slammed into her, replacing the heady fire of passion.  Dear God, she couldn’t let him see her like this.  Once he saw the evidence--

“Nay,” Talon said, stopping her hands as she automatically tried to cover herself.  “You are beautiful, Gwen.”

She froze, her entire body shaking with a mixture of fear and passion.

He picked up one of her jars and poured a small amount of the extract on his fingers.  Moving slowly, he reached for her, his fingers lightly brushing over her nipple.

Fire shot through her body as her nipple pearled under his touch.  She squeezed her eyes closed.  “Oh God.”

“Aye, my solace,” he whispered.  His fingers continued their exquisite journey.  He lowered his head, and captured her other breast in his mouth.

Gwen could not breathe, she couldn’t think, all she could feel was the fire his touch ignited within her.  She heard herself pant a startled cry but it was as if she no longer had control of her own body.  Talon’s mouth suckled while his fingers cupped and molded her.  She found herself wrapping her arms around his neck, encouraging him.

She had to stop this
somehow, she could not bear this wondrous torture but neither could she resist him.

Talon wrapped his powerful arms around her and suddenly drew her into the pool, her shift still caught at her waist.  The water pulled it down her legs and she kicked slightly, sending the fabric floating away.  She felt herself pressed firmly against the power of his body.  His shaft was hard against her belly.  Talon returned to ravish her mouth, his hands sliding up and down her back under the wealth of her hair.

Oh God, not my back!

But sane thought appeared too late.  Talon hauled himself away.  “What the--?” Before she could utter a word he spun her around and pushed her hair aside.

Gwen closed her eyes as tears of shame poured down her cheeks.  “Talon, please,” she gasped, struggling to free herself.

But Talon’s grip could not be broken.  He did not hurt her but neither could she move.  “Saints have mercy,” he whispered.  “What happened to you?”

Self-loathing rose within her and she choked on a sob.  “Let me go.”

He remained motionless for a long moment.  Gwen’s tiny sobs echoed mockingly in the cavern.  With his free hand Talon reached up and touched one of the narrow welts that began at the top of her shoulder and stretched across her back to the other.  He traced its length, his fingers feather light.

“Who did this, Gwen?” he asked, his voice nothing more than a low growl.  His fingers reached the end of the first welt then began to travel a second, then a third.  The scars crisscrossed her shoulders, back, all the way to her buttocks and thighs.  Her sobs grew in strength becoming uncontrollable.  “Please, Talon.  I never meant you to know.”

“Who did this?” Despite the fury she heard in his voice, his touch remained gentle.  She squeezed her eyes against the sensation of his fingers traveling over the paths of hatred permanently marked into her flesh.  With his soft caress she could so clearly see the ugliness she bore.

“My...my father,” she gasped around another sob.

Talon suddenly spun her in his arms again, cupping her face in his hands and forcing her to look at him.  The shock and horror she saw in his eyes startled her.  “Your own father did this to you?”

A huge tear welled in her eye and dripped down her cheek.  Talon wiped it away with his thumb.  “I...I was a rebellious child.  My father had to thrash me when I disobeyed him.”

Gwen could never truly explain the expression on his face.  He gazed at her with such outrage that she was certain he would send her from Montgomery forthwith.  “Forgive me, Talon, I never meant for you to see my hideousness.  This is why only Fitzalans would take me to wife.  No other man wanted me because of the scars.”

“Nay,” he choked.  “You are not hideous, Gwen.  Dear God, never that.”  He hauled her to him and embraced her tightly.  She froze in shock as his hand once again traced lightly over her back.  “Sweet Jesu, to think a father could do this to his own daughter, his own flesh--”  He sucked in a deep breath.  “My solace,” he whispered, his voice shaking.  “You are beautiful to me, no scar can change that.”

Tears exploded, sobs wrenched from the core of her being.  She buried her face against his throat, clinging to him with all of her strength.  “I cannot go back, Talon,” she gasped.  “You know he wants me dead.  Please don’t send me back.  I am sorry.  If you took me for leverage against my father it won’t work.  He hates me.”

His arms tightened.  “I won’t send you back,” he said his lips brushing her ear as he spoke.  “You have your sanctuary, Gwen.  I won’t ever force you to return to that horror; I vow it on my soul.”

Something within her shattered, stealing her ability to think.  She could only cry.  Talon held her close, speaking in soft soothing whispers.

Chapter Ten


Talon’s heart raged in fury.  What kind of knave would visit such pain on his own daughter?  But in truth Talon knew the answer - just as Marcus had said.  Not every man loved his daughter as he loved Rose.

Talon thanked God he had not been raised to be so brutal.  He disciplined Rose if she transgressed but he would never ever beat her.  The scars on Gwen’s back were old and numerous.  She had suffered the lash many times.  Now he understood all too well why she needed the sanctuary of Montgomery.

He cringed; worried he had misread the situation with Rose.  If Powys had her, by giving Gwen sanctuary he would not be able to make the exchange unless he went back on his word.  But seeing this - it was doubtful Powys would take Gwen in exchange.  He prayed Rose had not fallen into the Welshman’s clutches, if he could do this to his own daughter, what would he do to the daughter of an enemy?

Talon shivered.

Gwen still sobbed against him.  While she had suffered at her father’s hand, at least the abuse had not broken her.  She was still fiery and courageous, yet vulnerable at the same time.  He lifted her into his arms and carried her from the pool.  Setting her on her feet, he scooped her robe from the floor and placed it over her shoulders, then snatched a bath sheet and wrapped it around his waist.

Before she could gather herself, he again lifted her into his arms and carried her up the stairs.  He didn’t want her to hurt any longer.  He took her straight to his solar and eased her onto the bed.

Her sobs had faded into hiccupping gasps.  He fetched her wine cup and held it to her lips.  She took a deep gulp and it helped calm her a little more.  But all too quickly she realized her surroundings and gazed at him fearfully.

He smiled and cupped her cheek.  “Do not fear, my sweet.  Tonight we will find haven from our demons.”

Her eyes widened and he saw a vein pulsing in her throat.  “And...and if I say nay?”

“You won’t say nay,” he said and kissed her.

She stiffened, her hands pressed against his chest.  He nibbled on her lips but she was so still that he almost backed away despite his overconfident words.  She wanted him and he wanted her but he would not make the same mistakes he had in the past.  Suddenly she relaxed and returned his kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Talon rejoiced, encouraging her with his weight to
lie back on the bed.  He freed himself of the annoying bath sheet and then pulled the robe from her shoulders.  His body trembled with the need coursing through him.  Never had he felt such a thing, never had a woman drove him so close to insanity.  And just for tonight, he needed her to love him.

He slowly slid his lips down her throat, lightly nipping her tender flesh.  She groaned and lifted her head, her reaction only adding to the riot within him.  His hands caressed her body, marveling at the sweet form he felt.  Her skin was warm and soft, every line seemed perfect to him, exquisite in its artistry.  Her wealth of hair trailed around him, sometimes brushing his skin, feeling finer than silk.  Her hands grew bold, lightly traveling over his back and chest, exploring him with her sensitive fingers just as he did with her.

She wrapped a leg around the back of his, pushing her hips closer.  He shivered as his shaft moved against her.  Dear God, he felt as if he would explode.  A deep ache settled within him, startling him with its intensity.  His entire body coiled with longing, his muscles trembling as he battled to maintain control.

He kissed her lightly, between the valley of her breasts, braced on one elbow he allowed his free hand to travel down her side, caress her hip, then her thigh.  She was so perfect yet the fact she thought herself ugly stunned him.  He slowly trailed his fingers back up then cupped her breast, brushing his palm over her nipple.  She gasped as it pearled instantly. 
Further encouraged he drew her breast into his mouth.

“Oh,” the word came out as a startled pant.

Talon swirled his tongue around her breast, gentle suckling, lightly brushing his teeth against her skin.  Gwen threaded her fingers through his hair.  He noted with some surprise and pleasure that she pulled the locks to trail over her, caressing her other breast.

She shivered underneath him, making soft noises of pleasure, tiny pants and moans that spurred him forward.  He released her breast and turned to give the other his same devoted attention.  Her hands caressed his shoulders and slid slowly down his back.  He gently pushed his hips forward then relaxed, mimicking the action he eventually wanted to take with her.  Her body responded instinctively moving in wondrous harmony.

The fire deep within burned brighter turning into an inferno so hot it was a wonder he didn’t explode in flames.  He fought back his feral desire.  As hope grew within him, so did his fear.  Fear that she would push him away, fear she would hate him for doing this to her.

“Talon,” she whispered.

Her voice was wonderfully rich.  He pushed himself up, kissing her mouth again, settling in a more aggressive position between her legs.  The tip of his shaft brushed against her soft folds, the damp heat of her body shot through him.  He stopped and groaned, his body quivering so hard he was certain she could feel it.

She opened herself to him, moving as nature demanded, without fear.  Desire cut so powerfully through him that it darkened his vision for a split second.  Sweet Jesu, he could not bear this another moment.  He reached down and touched the soft curls of her mound.  She moaned again and arched her back, he instantly lost the ability to think,
and any shred of logic abandoned him.  His body moved of its own volition and he thrust deep within her, tearing her maidenhead asunder.

Gwen choked on a cry and recoiled in pain.

Talon froze, horror coiling through him as sane thought slammed into him.  Sweet Mary have mercy, what had he done?  He gazed down at her.  Tears formed in her eyes.  Self-loathing filled him, raising the bile in his throat.  He had hurt her, just like Eleanor.  Bloody daft fool!  Anguish tightened his chest and he felt a burning in his own eyes.

“Gwen, I am so sorry,” he whispered, shame battering his soul.

She stared at him, trembling, blinking furiously.  A tear escaped and rolled down her cheek.

“Nay,” he choked.  Unable to look at her, he started to retreat.

“Talon,” Gwen said suddenly wrapping her arms around him and holding him in place.

He froze, his body shaking.  He was still buried inside her and he knew it caused her pain.  Again he tried to retreat.

“Nay,” she said forcefully, her grip tightening.  “Do not pull away from me, Talon.”

Slowly he lifted his head, scarcely daring to look into her eyes but unable to avoid her gaze.  “Forgive me.”

She moved her hands to cup his face, gently but also firmly, not allowing him to move.  “For what, Talon?”

“I hurt you.”

Her lips tugged upward.  “I’m all right.”

“You need no more pain in your life.”

“I need this.”  She pulled him to her and kissed him powerfully, her lips soft against his.  He shuddered, knowing he could not fight his desire if she continued.  She became the aggressor, her tongue caressing his.  The sudden role reversal robbed him of his resolve and a hot and heady desire again filled him.  He found himself returning her kiss with everything within him.  Her hips moved slightly causing him to shift within her.  He gasped once again trying to back away but her throaty moan stopped him.

“Talon, please.”

Saints be merciful, he couldn’t stop himself.  He buried his face in her hair.  “Sweet Gwen forgive me.”




Gwen battled to keep Talon from backing away.  She cursed herself for allowing the pain to get best her.  She had heard enough randy talk to know it was always painful the first time.  But the fear in Talon’s eyes had cut her to the quick.  Never could she have imagined seeing him so torn, his confidence so terribly stripped away.

She wasn’t sure exactly what to do but the initial pain faded rapidly, leaving her vibrantly aware of Talon’s body filling hers.  Somehow she knew it was vitally important that she not allow him to back away from her - if she did the consequences to him would be grievous.  Why she thought this, she didn’t know.

She kissed him, remembering how wonderfully he had kissed her.  She moved against him, hoping she wasn’t doing everything wrong.  But the wondrous pleasure increased within her.  Talon groaned, his body shook as he battled against himself.

She trusted her instincts, using his brief lessons and turning them against him.  She kissed, she touched, she explored, she opened herself and prayed he would not deny her.

If only he would let go of his fear.

“Talon, please,” she said again.

With a groan that sounded more like a growl, Talon pushed himself up on his hands.  She almost snatched him back, fearful he would truly retreat but he withdrew only slightly then thrust deep within her.

Glory ignited within her and she found herself swept away with its intensity.  She murmured Talon’s name and moved with him.  His rhythm increased subtly but he was still fighting himself.  How could she reach him?

She lightly traced her fingers over his chest, mesmerized by the power she saw and felt.  Talon again picked up the pace slightly, moving with long deep thrusts.  This was the answer but she wanted more.  She wrapped her legs around his waist, trying to tell him with her body.

Talon’s steely control crumbled instantly.  He gasped her name and moved without restraint.  Ecstasy exploded within her.  She couldn’t think, she couldn’t even define what she felt but her body moved in perfect time with Talon’s. 

“Oh Talon that feels wonderful.”

His eyes flew open and he stared at her, his gaze a molten gold that stole her breath.  Yet she also saw surprise.

“Tell me,” he growled.  “Tell me again.”

Her lips curved upward.  “It feels wonderful.”

His action increased tenfold and Gwen cried out in pleasure.  “My sweet solace,” he whispered.

A strange energy built within her, she clawed at his back, clinging to him as her only foundation.  She heard herself speaking, encouraging him but couldn’t make sense of her own words.

Suddenly the glory exploded and tremors rocked through her.  She cried out his name as her body convulsed in a wondrous release of perfection.  Talon coiled, every muscle standing out in sharp relief under his gleaming bronze skin.  He shuddered repeatedly, driving deep within her, whispering her name, then suddenly collapsed on top of her.

Gwen blinked, her body still shaking in a marvelous aftermath.  She held him close, her fingers toying with his hair.  He panted for breath and she felt his heart slamming against his ribs.  The power of what they had shared danced around them, moving with a gentle ebb and flow, an energy binding them together.  She never wanted to move, never wanted to let go of this moment.

Talon held her tightly and remained still, as if he too did not wish to break the spell.  Then he drew a deep breath into his lungs and slowly lifted his head.  His eyes once again seemed to glow with a rich amber fire.  “Gwen, I....” abruptly words failed him but he continued to gaze at her intensely.  Instead he kissed her, hard and passionate, his mouth liquid fire.  Gwen returned his kiss, joy rioting within her.

Was this possible?  Had she truly found her knight?  The man she could love with all her heart?

She wanted it to be true, desperately.  But she dared not examine the feeling too closely in fear the answer would rip her heart to shreds.




Talon awoke alone to the hazy light of dawn, amazed at how wonderfully he had slept last night and at the marvelous dream of making love to sweet Gwen.  He stretched luxuriously and turned, wrapping a pillow in his arms.  He inhaled deeply, savoring her sweet scent.

Wait a moment.

If it was a dream, why did her scent linger on the pillow?  Why did her sweet femininity mix with the musky scent of his own sex?

He sat up seeing the bath sheet strewn on the floor where he had left it.  Gwen’s robe was gone.  He shoved the blankets back and stared at the evidence of their joining.

Dear God, what had he done?

He had stolen a maiden’s innocence, a woman betrothed to another man, all so he could find a temporary peace from the demons tormenting him.

Self-loathing rose within him, squeezing his heart.  He covered his face with his hands.  God forgive him, he had used Gwen terribly, finding comfort in her innocence and her love only for his own benefit.

But where was she?  He clearly remembered falling asleep entangled in
each other’s arms.  Had she slipped away from him last night, ashamed?  Would she seek to return to her father who would only beat her for something that was not her fault?  Would she return to the man who ordered her death in order to escape the pain and humiliation Talon had brought upon her?

Sweet Mary have mercy, he had to do something to amend his folly.  The only way to correct such a terrible sin was to marry her.  But how could he when Rose was missing?  How could he expose Gwen to such vile treachery by making her his wife?  Her father wanted her dead, what lengths would he and the cutthroats go to if she was his wife?

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