Heart's Ransom (Heart and Soul) (18 page)

BOOK: Heart's Ransom (Heart and Soul)
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She arched an eyebrow.  “A reasonable suspicion.  So that’s why you abducted me.”

“Aye.  I took you to barter for Rose’s return.  But you know the saying; Man plans, God laughs.”

“You do not know who took her?”

“Nay.  Montfort’s writ arrived and the crofter came bearing a message from her abductors and one of these.”  He lifted the lock of hair.  “If I sent men to join Montfort’s army, they would kill Rose.”

“So that’s why you changed your mind.”

He nodded.  “Now things have changed again with new demands.”  This time he held up the note.  “I am to write a letter to Montfort demanding Edward’s release.”  He snorted cynically.  “Can you imagine me demanding anything of Montfort?  If I were to do something so daft I would enrage him and destroy any trust or advantage I may have.  That would make me, and therefore Rose, worthless, resulting in her death.”

“But if you do not write the letter, it will also result in her death.”

“Aye,” he said softly, his voice thick with anguish.  He returned to the divan and sank down, covering his face with his hands.  “What am I to do, Gwen?”

She sat beside him and held him in her arms.  “There is an answer to this, Talon.”

“Saints have mercy, but if there is, I cannot find it.”

She closed her eyes, cradling him to her, and praying with all of her heart.  Now everything made so much sense, especially Talon’s behavior.  He loved his daughter and this was tearing him apart.

She desperately tried to think of a solution.  “Talon, surely these people can be made to see reason.”

He lifted his head and stared at her as if her hair had turned green.  “Did I hear you correctly?”

She felt the blush burning on her cheeks.  “I know, it sounds daft, but hear me out.  This is all due to political wrangling, and did not begin without some forethought.  If you demonstrate to them that doing exactly as they say, you will destroy Montfort’s trust in you, and the result will be the failure of their plot, then they have no choice but accept your actions.”

“But what actions can I take?”

“Perhaps you can write a letter hinting it would be politically advantageous for Montfort to release Edward.”

Talon snorted again.  “That would result in Montfort laughing his arse off at me.”

“’Tis better than inciting his wrath, is it not?”

Talon blinked at her.

“And you have done as the abductors demanded, therefore Rose is safe.”

He thought for a long moment, his brow furrowed.  “Plus, with this invasion threat, who knows what the future holds.”

“’Tis true.”

“Very well,” he said, nodding slowly.  “I will think on this, Gwen.  Perhaps I can find a way to placate Rose’s abductors and not anger Montfort.”

“I am certain you can, Talon.”

They sat in silence for a long moment then Talon gazed at her.  “This is indeed amazing.”

“What do you mean?”

“I find it strange that the lady I stole on the trail has now become something greater.”

“Something greater?”

His fingers lightly caressed her cheek.  “You not only help me, Gwen, but you have also shown me the truth.”

“About what?”

“About my marriage, about Eleanor, about me.  Making love to you was more glorious than anything I have ever experienced.  I hope you forgive me for using you but I had to find refuge from the pain even if only for a short time.”

“Using me?” she asked in shock.  “Talon, you did no such thing.  I wanted to make love to you and I’m glad I did.”  She paused, her fingers caressing his face.  She so clearly remembered the feel of his body against hers, the wonder of his touch, the fiery passion.  Even now, just gazing into his eyes, what they had shared felt as a powerful energy between them, binding them together. 

Her gaze focused on his mouth and she lightly caressed his lips, soft, warm and strong.  “If making love to you sheltered you from the pain I would gladly do it again....” She brushed
her lips over his.  “And again....” A second brush.  “And again....” on the third brush Talon captured her face in his hands and kissed her deeply.

He pulled away a feral spark in his eyes.  “I hope you do not regret your words, my solace,” he said his voice husky.  He rose and suddenly scooped her into his arms, blowing out the candle and carrying her to his room.

A nervous laugh escaped her as Talon deposited her on her feet before the hearth fire.  His gaze was heated, desire obvious in his eyes, but she also noted the tight set of his mouth.  Fear remained strong within him. 

But now she knew the whole truth of Eleanor and what the woman had done to him, Gwen understood so much more.  She understood what drove Talon and what held him back.  For the first time, she truly thought she might be the woman to reach beyond his pain.  He had said she had shown him the truth of his past, but Gwen knew he hadn’t come to terms with all of it.

His great heart had been terribly wounded, and she wanted nothing more than to heal him of that pain.  Although she knew so very little of carnal pleasures, she had the feeling it would be up to her to become the aggressor if his fear bested him.

Talon stared at her a long moment, then brushed her cheek with his knuckles and stepped away.  Gwen’s heart crashed as he turned his back to her and poured two cups of wine, his hand clenching the carafe so tightly it was a wonder he didn’t shatter it.

Remembering her resolve, she loosened her girdle and then hooked her arm behind her to untie the laces of her gown.  They were difficult without someone to help her, but manageable.  She loosened them enough to tug the gown from her shoulders then slowly pulled it down to her waist.


He took a long drink from his wine cup, then picked up hers and faced her - coming to an abrupt halt.

For a long moment he remained unmoving, his gaze raking over her in a primitive lust.  Gwen sucked in a breath, fighting not to tremble, but she was shaking like a leaf.  Her first instinct was to cover herself under Talon’s blatant gaze, but she resisted the impulse, instead reaching out for the cup.

Talon took two steps toward her and handed it over.

Her fingers purposefully brushed his as she accepted the cup and drank deeply.  “Thank you,” she murmured.

But Talon’s gaze did not waver; his body seemed coiled, as if he prepared to do battle.

“Do you not like what you see?” Gwen asked.

“On the contrary,” Talon replied, his voice a hoarse whisper.  “I like what I see...very much so.”  He started to reach for her, froze, and then dropped his hand.

Damn his control.  She slowly pushed the fabric of her dress over her hips, until it fell into a heap at her feet and she stood before him with nothing but what God had granted her.

Talon still did not move.

Gwen gritted her teeth.  He was proving to be a tough nut to crack.  She reached up and slowly began to remove her hair from its plaits, until it cascaded around her shoulders and down her back.

“Sweet Jesu,” he growled.  He took a step forward and his mouth found hers.  He kissed her deeply, immersing his hands in the wealth of her hair.  Gwen gave herself to his kiss, her hands working to rid him of his tunic.  He stepped back only long enough to haul it over his head then returned, his mouth assaulting hers.

Her fingers explored every inch of his chest and
stomach; she reveled in the feel of him under her hands.  If only he would let go, give free rein to his desire.  In a sense, Gwen understood his restraint.  His passion was intense, threatening to burn out of control.  But what he did not understand was that Gwen craved his passion - all of it.  Her fingers dropped to his waist and she struggled with the laces of his hosen.

Talon tore his mouth from hers, moving to her throat, nipping softly and lightly raking his teeth over her tender flesh.  She groaned and tossed her head back.  He fisted his hands in her hair and she pressed her body against his, moving her hips suggestively against his fully aroused manhood.

Talon suddenly gripped her hips in both hands and pushed her back slightly, his mouth tracing from her throat to the valley between her breasts.  She shivered, remembering the delight he had once granted her, and wondering if he would do it again.

She was not disappointed as his mouth closed over her breast and he suckled her.  She cried out softly, cradling his head.  The ache between her legs grew stronger.  He moved to her other breast and a brand new sensation assailed her.  She murmured his name, her hands again reaching for the laces of his hosen.  But Talon moved away, his mouth traveling down her belly, his tongue tracing a path of liquid fire.  He dropped to his knees and stopped long enough to look up at her, his hands gripping her hips.

“Tell me now if you wish to stop.”

“Why would I want to do that?”

He softly kissed the curls just over her cleft.  She sucked in her breath.  One hand still gripping her hip, the other moved to open her to him.  She stared down at him in shock as he hesitated, gazing at her most private place.  Then he kissed her.

But it was not only a kiss.  His mouth closed over her and his tongue...sweet Jesu...his
tongue began to do the most wonderful things to her.  She moaned softly, her fingers weaving through his hair.  She opened herself to him, her legs braced apart, as he worshiped her with his mouth.  Good glory, she had no idea such a wonderful thing could be done.  He found the hard nub of her femininity and his tongue tortured it mercilessly.  But she could do nothing to stop him.  She could only gasp his name and move her hips in time to the actions of his mouth.

He stroked her, he suckled that tender place, lightly raked his teeth across it.  When it became too much she sought to back away but he forced her to remain and then caused tremors to leap through her body.  And all she could do was beg him for more at the same time she begged him to stop.  The energy within her built painfully but also perfectly.  Her legs threatened to rebel but Talon kept her locked in place.

The tremors grew more intense, her fingers tightened in his hair.  Suddenly, everything exploded in shattering glory.  She cried his name as his mouth continued to move and suckle her; he lapped at her essence, wringing every ounce of pleasure from her body.  She moved against him, open, wanton, and enraptured in ecstasy.  Suddenly her legs folded, but Talon easily caught her in his arms and held her to him as she descended from her heights.

She felt his hand caress her face and he gently lifted her into his arms, carrying her to his bed.  He removed the remainder of his clothing.

“I gave you the chance to leave me,” he growled.  “But you did not.”

How daft can the man be?
she wondered.  Instead of speaking she cupped his cheek and drew him to her, kissing him.  Tasting herself on his lips, she deepened the kiss.  Let him think her wanton, she cared not, for she was wanton. 

“Make love to me, Talon,” she whispered.


Talon lifted his head.  His fingers threaded through her hair as he cupped her face in his hands.  He savored the feel of her soft skin and the artistry of the cheekbone underneath, the warmth of her temples leading to her silky hair.  For a long moment he simply gazed at her, memorizing every detail and nuance of her face, the rich green of her emerald eyes burned with a desire that stole his breath.  She wanted him.

Propped on his elbows, his hips settled firmly between her legs.  He felt her move underneath him the tip of his shaft brushing her wet folds.  Her legs wrapped around his waist and her hands lightly stroked his back and sides, sending shivers of delight through him.

He lowered his head brushing his lips over hers wondering how his kiss could possibly convey what he felt.  He traced her bottom lip with the tip of his tongue.  She opened her mouth encouraging him to kiss her deeply.  He happily obliged.  Her tongue battled with his, never retreating, matching him at every turn.  Her arms tightened around him, pulling him closer.  She lifted her hips again, warm and inviting.

She wrenched her mouth from his.  “Talon, please,” she said hoarsely.  “You’re making me insane with want of you.”

Again he gazed down at her, marveling at her.  She wanted him.  With a gentle thrust he filled her completely.  She arched her back her expression one of pure ecstasy.  Her arms and legs tightened around him.  For a moment he remained motionless, savoring her sheath tight around him.  And this time there was no pain.  He slowly moved, with long deep thrusts.  His body trembled with his want of her, and he marveled at the sensation of being buried inside her.  She whispered his name over and over.  Talon squeezed his eyes closed at the pleasure raging through him and the sound of her voice calling his name.  His climax built within him and his tempo increased slightly.  His muscles coiled as he battled it back.

Gwen writhed under him, panting and moaning.  Her body convulsed in a second climax and the glory of hearing his name on her lips as she became a slave to it was too much to bear.  Her walls shuddered around him, bringing him to the edge where he cried her name and buried himself deeply, spilling his seed and giving her all of himself.

He collapsed in her arms trying to catch his breath.  She nuzzled his cheek, his hair caressing her face.  Her arms and legs remained wrapped tightly around him.  Joy and pleasure surged within the very core of his being.  “You truly are my solace,” he whispered.

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