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Authors: Jamie K. Schmidt

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Club Inferno

by Jamie K. Schmidt

Available from Loveswept

“I hear a lot of excuses, my dear. A few sessions with me and we can strip those away.”

Clint broke into the conversation. “Hey, you two.” Anya had been so transfixed by Master Dante that she didn’t even see Clint come up. “What’s going on?”

“Hello, Clint. I was just telling Anya here that we have a breath-play exercise about to start. You’re welcome to join us.”

“Thank you, Dante. I’d like to observe, if you don’t mind.”

Anya’s eyes whipped back to Master Dante to see how he took being called Dante, but he didn’t seem offended. There was a mild amusement behind his eyes.

“Are you staying, Anya?” Master Dante asked. “Because we really should get started.”

Both men were looking at her.

“Why not?” she found herself saying. “I’ll watch too.”

“Good. Why don’t you make yourself comfortable on the lounge chairs and we’ll begin momentarily.”

Anya was super conscious that she was wearing a form-fitting one-piece bathing suit and a silky sarong around her hips. She adjusted her lounge chair to more of a seated position and wasn’t sure where to look when Clint dragged a chair next to her.

“I’m Clint Reyes, by the way.” He held out his hand. “You’re Mallory’s friend, right?”

“Anya Litton.” She shook it, but he didn’t let go. “I teach a class on both sides of the fence. Accessories and Sexy Talk.”

“I’ll have to check that out. I’m mainly on the members-only side. I teach a pole dancing course. I’m hosting a dance party next week. I’d love for you to go.”

“Sure,” Anya said.
Was this a date? Or was he trying to drum up business?
“What kind of dance party?”

“Clothing optional. It’s called Dirty Dance Drop Your Pants.”

Anya gaped at him. “Do you drop your pants?”

“What kind of host would I be if I didn’t?”

“I’m there,” she said.

“Erotic asphyxiation,” Dante began, his deep voice rolling off the cement floor and walls, “is dangerous. You can die if you are not careful. So we’re not going to teach you strangulation or chest compression. That’s a more advanced class. You need to have a mastery, a control and trust. We’re going to play around in the pool. Find a partner and get in the water. Get used to the temperature. As always, swimsuits are optional.”

Anya realized she was still gripping Clint’s hand and she let go. “Sorry about that.”

He was sitting more facing her than facing the pool. “Are you into things like this?”

“I’ve had people want to strangle me. Does that count?” she quipped.

“It’s pretty intense,” Clint said. “But Dante’s right. You have to know what you’re doing.”

“Do you like to choke girls?” she asked, a nervous tremble in her voice.

“If they ask me to,” he said.

Anya’s breathing was already messed up. His naked leg was inches from her.

“Get warmed up. Kiss your partner. Touch them. We’re going to have fun.” Master Dante stood between his two submissives and stroked their heads lovingly. They, in turn, rested against his legs.

“What’s it like?” Anya said.

“I like to use a black glove. Either silk or leather. I prefer to be inside her before it starts.”

Anya wrenched her gaze from the people groping and kissing in the pool and focused on Clint’s dark eyes. Flecks of gold sparkled in them. She licked her dry lips and his eyes dipped down to them, then down further, to her breasts. Her nipples were straining at the fabric of her bathing suit.

“I’d put her on her back and scoot her all the way down to the edge of the bed,” Clint continued in a low voice that sounded like honey over gravel.

Anya was picturing it. Only it was them.

“I’d bend her in half with her legs on my shoulders. Then I would fuck her slow until she was about to come.”

Anya was transfixed. The outside faded as his rough words felt like caresses on her body.

“Then I’d gently place my hand on her throat, pressing on her carotid artery.” He raised his finger and ever so slowly, giving her the chance to stop him, touched her there with the barest
of pressure.

“Good,” Master Dante barked, and Anya jumped a foot. She was shaky and wanted to giggle to release the nervous energy, but she was afraid to break the mood. Fixing her eyes on Master Dante, she tried to get some sense into her scrambled brains.

“Lack of oxygen is going to heighten your orgasm. But as I said, you aren’t trained enough to cut off someone else’s supply. Ladies first. Put one hand on the side of the swimming pool and go under the water. Men, do your best to make your partner come. I don’t want anyone drowning, so, men, keep your heads above the water. Underwater sex is another class. Ladies, try to hold off as long as you can before coming back up for air.”

Anya felt Clint’s eyes on her as she slowly turned back to him. “Have you ever been choked?” she asked.

He nodded.

“Tell me about it.”

“What do I get?” he said with a smile.

“What do you want?” she countered.

“Nuh-uh, the first one who names a price loses.”

“What the heck is that supposed to mean?” Anya asked, glancing over to see how the men were doing. There were shrieks of laughter as the ladies came up for air. One couple was in a frenzy. She was wrapped around him while he pounded into her. Anya was beyond wet. The only thing stopping her from climbing on Clint was Master Dante’s burning gaze. He wanted to see that. She was too shy for that but, more important, she wanted to be the one calling the shots, not some third party.

“Want to get into the water?” Clint leaned in and whispered in her ear. She shivered from the heat of his body and the movement of air against her face.

“Clint,” she said, not sure if she was begging for more or asking him to take the next step.

“Do you want to hear my story? That’s the price. We go in the water and play some breathing games.”

For one wild, brief moment Anya considered saying yes. But she thought about all those eyes on her naked body. She couldn’t bang a stranger with ten other strangers watching. She shook her head reluctantly.

“It’s not my thing. The public display. I’m sorry.”

Clint smiled. “So counteroffer.”

She blinked. “What?”

“You’re not going in the pool, but to hear my story you will …” He let his voice trail off seductively.

“Buy you lunch?” she countered.

“See, I started the bidding at an outrageous price. Now you’ve got me down to lunch. If you offered me lunch first, I could negotiate up to a kiss.”

“You can have a kiss.”

He leaned in, to be stopped by her palm on his chest. Damn, he felt good. “Story first,” she said.

“Not very trusting.”

“I used to work in Vegas. Always get the cash up front.”

He tried to stare her down with those deep chocolate eyes of his. Master Dante had charisma in spades, but Clint was all sex appeal. Clint made her think of long, sweaty sex up against a wall.

“What did you do in Vegas?” he drawled.

“That’s my story.” Anya slid her hand across his powerful chest. “And you’re going to have to bargain for it. I believe you were going to tell me how it felt when you were being choked. You want that kiss or not?”

“Switch,” Master Dante barked.

Anya jumped and narrowed a glare at Master Dante that would probably have gotten her punished if she were one of his submissives.

“Where are you going to kiss me?” Clint asked.

“On the lips—or are you bargaining for something more?”

He laughed. “I meant here or back in my room.”

“Oh.” Anya pressed a hand to her cheek.

“Of course, I wouldn’t mind your lips anywhere you’d like to place them on my body.”

“Well, this is easier than I thought it would be,” she said, glancing over at the men in the pool. Most of them opted to hook their legs over the edge of the pool and let gravity keep their heads below water. This was the first mass blow job she had ever witnessed. And that wasn’t the sexiest thing in the room.

“What is?” the sexiest thing in the room asked, bringing her attention back to him.

“I was going to ask you out today.” Anya couldn’t believe it—now she was feeling embarrassed.

“Out where?” Clint flipped open the sarong and placed his hand on her naked thigh. Anya inhaled a fast breath, nearly shrieking with surprise. God, she was in a bathing suit. Her thighs were on display for the entire world to notice that she and Clint were touching. He didn’t seem to care. He seemed to like it.

“I was going to start with dinner at Shira’s. It’s a Middle Eastern place upstairs.”

“I know it. Are you going to belly dance for me?”

“Not even if you offer me your baklava,” she said and, feeling bold, placed her hand on
his shoulder. His skin was warm and her fingers tingled. His hand wasn’t exploring, so she would do him the same favor of not groping him in public. “Are you going to say yes?”

He nodded. “Do I get my kiss after dinner?”

“If you’re a good boy and eat all your vegetables.”

“I’m never a good boy, but I think I can manage the veggies.”

“All right.” Master Dante clapped. “Our time is up. Stop what you are doing or there will be consequences.”

“Does tonight work for you?” he asked.

“Uh-huh.” Viola nodded.

He stood up in one graceful movement. She had a moment to see he was as affected by their conversation as she was. And then he tied his towel around his waist.

“Seven o’clock?”

She swallowed. “Yeah.”

“Can’t wait.” He gave her a slow, smoldering look and left the pool room.

It took Viola a good ten minutes to realize she was staring into space, while naked people got dressed around her.

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