Heat of the Storm (10 page)

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Authors: Elle Kennedy

BOOK: Heat of the Storm
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One more night in his arms, in his bed. Didn’t she deserve at least that before she informed him of his impending

Her heart pounded as she watched him kick off his shoes and shut the door. The stark desire on his face took her breath away. No man had ever looked at her like that before, as if she were a juicy feast he couldn’t wait to devour, as if she were his entire world.

“You didn’t listen,” he said huskily, moving toward her with catlike grace.

“What?” she stammered.

He reached her, his strong arms encircling her waist. He bent his head and licked her neck with his warm tongue. “You’re stil dressed.” It took every ounce of strength she possessed to shrug out of his seductive arms. “What happened with Hol y?” She kept her voice firm, calm, determined not to let him steal her common sense the way he’d done less than an hour ago.

Wil seemed irritated by the question. “I told her I was coming home with you.”

Mac gaped at him. “And what, you left her alone at Harriet’s B&B, in a strange town where she doesn’t know a soul? God, Wil , you real y are an ass!” The cal ousness of his actions was just what she needed to get her brain in check. It was far easier to be angry with Wil than to lust over him like an animal in heat.

“No, I didn’t leave her alone.” A sigh rol ed out of his chest. “Her boyfriend is on his way to pick her up.” Deafening silence fil ed the room.

Mac stared at him in shock, the implication of his words whipping around in her head until an uncharacteristic growl ripped out of her mouth. “Her boyfriend?” she exclaimed heatedly. “You…you brought her here…
her…and she’s not even your girlfriend?”


His cavalier tone intensified the jolt of betrayal in her bel y. “You
me? Why the hel would you do that?”

He shrugged. “To make you jealous.” She’d known the answer before he even said the words, and she suddenly felt like a total idiot for playing right into his hands. Of course Wil wouldn’t have fal en into bed with someone else a mere day after he’d slept with Mac. He wasn’t that kind of man.

Oh no, Wil was loyal to the core, ridiculously stubborn, dead-set on getting what he wanted, and for fifteen years, he’d wanted
. So much so that he’d resorted to juvenile tactics to get her.

And he’d succeeded, that son of a bitch. Mac knew without a doubt tonight’s vision wouldn’t have come true, she wouldn’t have let him bring her to orgasm in that damn al ey, if Hol y hadn’t been in the picture. The sight of Wil with another woman had made her insane, hammered her with nails of jealousy and resentment, and driven her to give Wil exactly what he wanted.

“Oh, don’t look at me like that,” he said with a dry grin. “You would’ve done the same thing in my place.”

“Maybe in the
sixth grade
,” she huffed. “Damn you!

It’s not fair to play with people’s emotions like that.” He moved closer again, the spicy, masculine scent of him fil ing her nose and weakening her resolve. She held up a hand. “Don’t you dare come any closer. I’m furious with you.”

Another shrug. “Good. I’ve found angry sex can be damn hot.”

She swatted at his outstretched hands. “I’m not having sex with you.”

“Yes, you are.” His voice was smoky with heat and seduction.

Almost immediately, her mind cleared of everything but the desire she felt for this man. She forgot about the vision of his helicopter, her anger about his lie, everything.

Damn it, she wanted just one more night with him.

Mac’s breasts grew heavy and her muscles clenched in anticipation as he thrust his hand in her hair and angled her head to accommodate his approaching mouth. The kiss was electrifying, molten hot and deliciously erotic. His tongue pried her lips open, delving into her mouth and flicking determinedly against her own tingling tongue.

And then his lips moved, and he was exploring her neck, nibbling her flushed skin. “You are going to have sex with me,” he murmured, his breath fanning over her flesh. “Tonight, tomorrow morning, tomorrow night, and the night after, and the one after that. I’m going to fuck you every second of every fucking day, until you won’t remember what it’s like not having my cock inside of you.”

His mouth returned to hers, his tongue tracing her His mouth returned to hers, his tongue tracing her lower lip. “Now take off your clothes. I want to look at you.”

She feared he might’ve cast a spel on her, because she found herself doing precisely what he’d asked. She stripped off her shirt and bra then wiggled out of her jeans and panties. Just like that. He commanded, and she obeyed. Damn it. She should hate herself for her weakness, how easily she gave into this man’s husky orders and persuasive hands.

Wil ’s dark eyes studied every inch of her exposed body. Each time his gaze lingered, on her breasts, her tummy, her thighs, her sex, flames licked at her skin. She was unbearably hot, painful y aroused.

Damn him.

Features strained, Wil unceremoniously ripped his shirt over his head then tackled his jeans. After he shucked his boxers, he stepped toward her, naked, beautiful, his thick cock jutting out eagerly.

Moisture pooled between her legs. She wanted him inside of her. She wanted every inch of him buried deep inside of her.

“Widen your legs,” he rasped out.

She did as he asked, shivering wildly as he sank to his knees and kissed the inside of one thigh. His big hands rested on her buttocks, drawing her toward him, toward his waiting mouth.

Mac threw her head back and cried out when his tongue found her clit. The sensations swirling through her body were too much, too fierce and too hot and—

“More,” she squeezed out. “Give me more.” He did, burying his face deeper, sucking harder on her clit until she couldn’t stay upright anymore.

Noticing her floundering equilibrium, he tugged her down to the floor and repositioned her so that she lay flat on her back, legs wide open, her moist center exposed and aching for him.

“You’re so fucking beautiful,” Wil said gruffly, his gaze fixed on her most intimate place. “I want to eat you up, baby.”

“Do it then.” The wanton words slid out before she could stop them.

He shot her a faint half-smile then dipped his head.

Her hips surged toward him, and she rubbed herself against his mouth, desperately grabbing every bit of pleasure he had to offer. He brought his tongue back to her clit, licking, gently scraping his teeth over it, while two long fingers worked their way inside her hot channel. The resulting orgasm sent a bolt of lightning up her spine, seizing her body and lighting it on fire.

She heard her moans fil the room, but the reckless, blissful sounds seemed to be coming from far away.

Al she could hear, see, feel, was Wil , and his tongue, his fingers, his hot breath on her clit.

Mac barely had a chance to come down from the orgasmic high when Wil climbed up her body and drove his cock inside her. There was nothing gentle about his movements. Long, hard strokes, his cock slamming into her, his fingers digging into her hips.

The hardwood floor beneath her back was cold, unforgiving, but it only added to the rising urgency, the rough, unrestrained thrusts and desperate groans.

It had never been like this with any other man. So good, it was so damn good. Her arms tightened around his muscular back, fingernails digging into his sinewy flesh. Wil let out a harsh curse, muttering, “Too fast,” even as he was shuddering over her, jerking wildly as he fil ed her with his hot seed.

His breath came out in pants, his shaft pulsating inside her, and Mac found herself smiling as she looked up at his sexy, dark eyes, thick with passion and arousal. She liked seeing Wil lose control. He was always so serious, his emotions never quite reaching his eyes, but not now. Now, she could see everything he was feeling. The raw desire, the tenderness, the love.


The notion made her stiffen, and Wil quickly captured her mouth and kissed her. “No,” he ordered into her lips. “You are not pul ing back from me again.” She tried turning her face away from the possessive kiss, but he wouldn’t have it. “No,” he said again, and then before she could even blink, he withdrew, lifted her to her feet, and carried her into the bedroom.

Chapter Seven

It only took two days for Wil to accept that he would simply never be able to get enough of Mackenzie, and it was a truth he wouldn’t be complaining about any time soon. He wondered, as he strode out of the bathroom on Sunday night, if this was even natural.

He and Mac had stayed in bed since the night of the carnival, only getting up to grab a quick bite or take a shower, though both activities had resulted in yet another round of ridiculously hot sex. But again, no complaints.

The only downside was that he sensed there was something on her mind. Every now and then, she would grow silent, bite her bottom lip, or look at him with a troubled frown. Since he had a feeling it had to do with residual doubt, he hadn’t pushed for answers.

The last thing he wanted to do was remind her of her previous reservations about him. About them.

“Your phone rang again,” Mac said as he settled himself on the bed.

Her raven hair was tousled, and the sight of her red cheeks brought a smile to his lips. She’d come only moments ago, as he’d slid his fingers into her tight pussy, and he loved seeing the remnants of that climax on her flushed face.

Drawing her warm, naked body toward his, he absently stroked her bare shoulder as she he reached for the cel phone sitting on the dresser. The missed cal on the screen was from Carson.

Wil sighed.

Next to him, Mac peered at the phone and laughed.

“Oh, cal him back already. He can’t kil you when you’re here and he’s al the way in San Diego.”

“Wanna bet?”

“At least check your messages then. Maybe he’s not even angry.”

“Again, wanna bet?”

Stil , he punched in the code for his mailbox then pressed the speakerphone button. A moment later, Carson’s voice came on.

“You kissed my girlfriend? My fucking
? I don’t give two shits if you’re my Lieutenant. I’m kicking your goddamn ass, Charleston!”

Wil glanced down at the naked woman in his arms.


“Let’s hear the next one,” she said with a laugh.

He hit delete, and moved to the fol owing message.

“Hol y just told me you had your hands on her ass. I swear to God, Wil , I’m tearing out your throat.”

“Had enough?” Wil grumbled, about to toss aside the phone.

Laughing uncontrol ably, Mac grabbed the cel from his hands. “One more,” she begged.

Carson’s voice again. “Okay, I may be starting to calm down. Hol y just reminded me that I had sex with my best friend’s wife not so long ago and—”

“What?” Mac’s eyebrows shot to her forehead.

“—a kiss isn’t as bad as sex. Nevertheless, asshole, it’s stil pretty bad.”

“He had sex with his best friend’s wife?” Mac asked, looking startled.

“It was a threesome,” Wil answered, as if that explained everything.

Funny enough, she nodded. “Okay.” She studied him curiously. “Have
ever had a threesome?”

“I’m afraid I’m a one-woman guy.” He grinned. “I’d rip the head off any man who tried to touch you in front of me.”

“Interesting. I’m in bed with a barbarian.” She tilted her head. “Does that mean I can rip Hol y’s head off?” He laughed. “Not unless you want to contend with Carson. Besides, that kiss meant nothing.” She narrowed her eyes. “So you didn’t get hard?” A shrug.

“You did!” she exclaimed, jabbing an accusing finger into his bare chest. “I can’t believe you!”

“I only got hard because I knew you were watching,” he said sheepishly.

“Even when you knew it was driving me crazy with jealousy?”

Another shrug.

Mac’s lush lips curved in a devilish smile. “I think it’s time for some payback.”

“Oh real y?”

“Mmm-hmmm.” She shoved away the sheets tangled between their bodies and moved to straddle his lap. “Maybe it’s time I drove

“Baby, you drive me crazy just by breathing.” Stil , her naughty threat had intrigued the hel out of his cock, which was now harder than concrete and jutting out hopeful y. Mac grinned when her gaze landed on his erection. She reached down and circled her fingers around the base of his shaft, tugging gently.

A shudder wracked through him. “I was about to make us some dinner,” he protested.

“Ha! Your cooking is as bad as mine. We’l order pizza after I’m finished with you.” Despite the fact that he’d fucked her, oh, about five times today, his arousal levels skyrocketed. The tip of his cock tingled, anticipating Mac’s next move.

And his dick wasn’t disappointed, because her next move consisted of sliding down his chest and taking him into her mouth.

Heat speared into him like a harpoon. His bal s tightened, his muscles grew taut. He would never tire of this woman. She was fucking incredible. Her mouth was hot and moist and tight, and he groaned as her tongue teased his cock, sucked and licked. One hand pumped his shaft, the other cupped his bal s, pumped his shaft, the other cupped his bal s, fingernails scraping over the aching sac.

Wil moved his hands to her hair, stroking the silky strands, guiding her head over him. It was hard to control himself, to stop from thrusting deep into her throat, as far as his cock could go. His pulse pounded in his ears, pleasure sizzling through his bloodstream as the hot suction of her mouth and insistent strokes of her hand brought him closer and closer to the edge.

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