Heat of the Storm (6 page)

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Authors: Elle Kennedy

BOOK: Heat of the Storm
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“Of course, anything.”

She hesitated. “If I saw…if I told you I’d seen something dark in your future, would you want to know?”

Paula’s face went pale. “You saw my death?” she choked out.

Mac quickly touched the other woman’s arm. “No, not at al . I promise. This is strictly hypothetical.” Paula visibly relaxed, and then her features softened. “Wait, you’re thinking about poor Mr.

Garber, aren’t you?”

“Yeah,” Mac lied.

“Aw, honey. You know you shouldn’t feel guilty about what happened. You couldn’t stop it.”

“No, I couldn’t,” she said sadly. “The vision came too fast. He died before I could even cal the police.” She swal owed. “But…if I saw something ahead of time, about you—hypothetical y—would you want to be warned? Even if you knew it was set in stone?” Paula paused thoughtful y. “Is it real y, though? Set in stone, I mean?”

Tears stung Mac’s eyes. “So far. I’ve never seen anything that didn’t happen. It always comes true, Paula. Always.”

“Then, yes.” Paula gave a brisk nod. “I would want to know.”

“Real y?”

“Sure. I’d get my affairs in order. Make amends.

Leave nothing unsaid. I’d want to enjoy every second I had left.”

Mac fel silent, wondering if that’s what Wil would do. Straighten his affairs, enjoy his last moments?

Somehow she couldn’t picture it. Knowing Wil , he’d push everyone away—for their own good, of course.

He’d say a quick goodbye and disappear, wanting to protect the people in his life from unnecessary heartache.

And although she hadn’t seen or spoken to him in days, the thought of him leaving turned her insides. If he knew he was going to die, he would push her away, while she would want nothing more than to keep him as close as she could.

A helicopter falling from the sky…

She shoved the horrific image aside and straightened her shoulders. She might not be able to change the future, but she sure as hel could change the present.

“Tomorrow,” she burst out.

Paula looked startled. “What?”

“If I don’t hear from Wil tonight, I’m cal ing him first thing tomorrow.”

Paula grinned. “Good girl.”

She drew in a calming breath and repeated the word in her head.



Wil stared into Shelby’s excited blue eyes and wondered if he was nuts for actual y seeing the merit of this crazy scheme. It didn’t help that he was feeling pretty disoriented, considering the two women had come knocking on his door at six in the morning and interrupted his much-needed sleep. He hadn’t slept much since his night with Mackenzie. Too much tossing and turning and cursing her for being so damn stubborn.

Okay, so he wasn’t nuts then. Lack of sleep, that’s what was making him contemplate Hol y and Shelby’s plan.

With a groan, he rubbed his tired eyes and rose from the couch, where the two women had sandwiched him after he’d led them into the tiny living room of his even tinier bungalow. This place had never quite felt like home to him. It kept him close to the base, but that was the only draw about it. To him, home was Hunter Ridge. And not the two-story redbrick house he’d grown up in, which was now occupied by another family. Oh no. Home was Mackenzie’s creaky old farmhouse, the only place where he felt truly like himself.

Home was Mackenzie.

“Come on, Wil ,” Hol y said as she trailed after him into the kitchen. “You know this is a good plan.”

“You know it is,” Shelby chimed in, fol owing them.

“Would you at least let me make a cup of coffee before we discuss this juvenile idiocy?” he grumbled.

Striding over to the counter, he clicked on the coffeemaker and then grabbed a mug from the cabinet over the sink. “You guys want any?” he offered.

Both women shook their heads, then waited patiently as he fixed himself a cup of black coffee, but he could see the unrestrained enthusiasm in their eyes. Leaning against the fridge, he gulped down the scalding liquid and waited for the java to do its thing.

Almost instantly he felt alert, his mind sharpened by the caffeine. But while the sharp mind should’ve kick-started his usual y superb common sense, he stil found himself intrigued by the women’s outlandish plan.

Obviously picking up on his interest, Shelby gave a delighted laugh. “You think it wil work, don’t you?” Sipping his coffee, he eyed both females from the rim of his mug. “I’l admit, it’s not a bad idea.” Hol y grinned. “So when do we leave?” Sighing, he set down his mug and scratched the stubble on his chin. “I’m not saying I’l do it.”

“Of course you’l do it,” Hol y said. Her grin widened.

“This is going to be so much fun.”

Wil eyed the brunette. “Have you spoken to Carson about this cockamamie idea? You know, your
? I hardly think he’s going to agree to this.” Hol y shrugged. “Sure he wil . He’s been saying for ages how you need to settle down.”

“I’m perfectly wil ing to settle down. It’s the woman I want to settle down with who’s not being cooperative.”

“Which is why we’re going to kick some sense into her stubborn head,” Hol y said breezily. “Trust me, no woman wants to see the man she loves with another woman. The claws always come out when a chick feels threatened.”

Wil chuckled. “Sure you want to face those claws, Hol? Mac’s a lot tougher than you think.” Hol y smirked. “I can handle her.”

Next to her, Shelby let out a laugh. “Can I be there when we tel Carson about this?”

“I stil haven’t agreed,” Wil interjected, reaching for his coffee again.

But the protest was futile, because they al knew he would do it. Childish as this plan was, he suspected it might be exactly what Mackenzie Wade needed.

Although he wouldn’t go as far as to say she’d taken him for granted, he did believe there was some truth to that. Since they were fifteen years old, Mackenzie had leaned on him for support. Whether she’d been complaining about her older sister, who’d been appointed Mac’s guardian after their parents died, or upset about the visions, Wil always offered his ear, and his shoulder. He’d watched her date other guys, listened to her talk about her sexual fantasies, and through it al , Mac had continued to ignore the chemistry between them, the feelings they so obviously had for each other.

But while she’d had no problem introducing Wil to whatever boyfriend she was with at the time, he’d never taken a woman back to Hunter Ridge before.

And there had definitely been other women, warm, wil ing females with whom he’d passed the time and dated in an attempt to forget Mackenzie.

What would she do if he brought a woman home?

Would it tear at her insides the way the sight of her with other men tore at his?

Would she final y find the strength to admit she loved him as deeply as he loved her?

He didn’t know the answer to any of those questions, but he was damn wel going to try and get


He slammed his mug down on the counter and set his jaw. “You know what? Scratch that. I
agreed.” He fixed a determined stare at Hol y. “We leave tomorrow.”

“You want to
my girlfriend?” Carson shouted later that afternoon, promptly dropping the box in his hands. The cardboard smashed onto the floor of Carson and Hol y’s new glorious kitchen with a resounding thunk and the distinct sound of glass shattering.

“My new plates!” Hol y wailed, immediately sinking to her knees. She ripped open the tape closing the two flaps together and peered into the box then looked up at Carson in horror. “You’re a monster!” Carson scowled at her. “I’l buy you new plates.” The scowl deepened. “That is, if I decide not to break up with you. I can’t believe this was your idea. I
Garrett you and Shelby shouldn’t hang out. The two of you are trouble together.”

“They’re just trying to help me out,” Wil pointed out, experiencing a jolt of sympathy at the despair on Hol y’s face. He swiftly knelt down and tried to pry her hands out of the box. “Quit sticking your fingers in there, Hol. It’s fil ed with broken glass.” Carson let out an enraged roar. “Don’t you dare console my girlfriend.
girlfriend!” Hol y got to her feet, planting her hands on her hips.

“Now I’m definitely going,” she shot out. “You broke my plates.”

“So you’re going to play house with my lieutenant as punishment?”

“He’s in love with another woman!”

“Wel , I’m in love with
!” Hol y’s eyes softened. “Doesn’t it make you love me more, knowing I’m wil ing to help out one of your friends?”

A sigh slid out of Carson’s mouth. “What is it with you and helping people? Didn’t we just decide you’re not going to drop everything for your family anymore?”

“This isn’t my family. It’s

“Wil and I aren’t related.”

“You’re SEALs. Of course you’re related.” Another sigh. “Yeah, you’re right.” Carson took a step forward and pul ed Hol y into his arms. “Fine, you can go.”

“Real y?”

“I just said it, didn’t I?”

Hol y threw her arms around her boyfriend. The two proceeded to make out as if Wil wasn’t in the kitchen.

He shook his head to himself. He wasn’t quite certain how they’d gone from furious to calm to horny in a matter of seconds, but he wasn’t complaining.

Ever since Hol y and Shelby had burst into his house this morning, he’d been warming up to the plan, starting to believe it might actual y work. He was glad Carson hadn’t put up more of a fight.

Slipping his hands in the pockets of his khakis, he let the couple smooch a while longer, then cleared his throat. “Uh, guys?”

The two pul ed apart sheepishly. “Sorry,” Hol y said.

“Forgot you were here.”

Story of his life, women forgetting he was standing right in front of them. Hopeful y not for much longer, though.

“So how is this going to work?” Carson asked, bending down to retrieve the fal en box. He glanced at his girlfriend. “I’m sorry about the plates, sweetheart.

We’l go out and buy some tomorrow, ’kay?”

“I’m holding you to that.” With a stern look, she headed for the fridge and grabbed a can of soda.

Flicking the tab, she raised the can to her lips, sipped, and then said, “Wil and I are going to Hunter Ridge tomorrow. Apparently there’s some fair going on this weekend.”

“Carnival,” Wil corrected. “It’s an annual thing.” Last year he’d skipped the carnival. Mac had been dating Dan, the owner of the hardware store, and Wil hadn’t been keen on the idea of seeing them. When they were teenagers, he and Mac had always gone to the carnival together. They used to ride the Ferris wheel for hours, talking about everything and anything while they shared a bag of cotton candy. Nothing had changed after they’d gotten older. They stil rode that Ferris wheel and munched on that cotton candy every year when the carnival came to town. Last year was the first time he’d missed it.

And this year, wel , this year
be the one with the date. A part of him got perverse satisfaction from knowing Mackenzie would final y feel that same bitter jealousy he’d experienced when she’d decided to go to the carnival with another man.

“So you’re taking my girlfriend to a carnival in your no-horse town?” Carson rol ed his eyes. “Sounds like, uh, fun.”

“We’re going to make Mac jealous,” Hol y reminded him. “The carnival is their

“We’l only be gone for two nights,” Wil told his friend. “I promise to have her back Sunday morning.” Carson narrowed his eyes. “And where exactly wil the two of you sleep?”

Wil shrugged. “Only one place to stay in town, old Harriet Jones’ B&B.”

“Two rooms?”

He glanced at his feet. “One.” Before Carson could start yel ing again, he quickly added, “I’l sleep on the floor. Ful y clothed.”

“I’l sleep naked,” Hol y piped up.

Carson shot her a glare. “If you do, I’l smash every piece of china in this place.”

“Fine.” She smiled impishly. “I’l wear that black lace teddy you bought me for my birthday.” Wil let out a sigh. “That was way too much information.” He glanced at Carson. “So are you cool with this, man?”

“Do I have a choice?”

Hol y smiled broadly. “No.”

Chapter Five

The carnival workers were setting up when Mackenzie strode out of Paula’s general store on Friday afternoon. She wasn’t sure how she felt about the carnival this year. It had always been her and Wil ’s thing, except for the previous year, when he’d been out of the country…though a part of her stil suspected he’d been happy to miss the event. She’d been dating Dan then, and she’d gotten the feeling Wil wasn’t comfortable around her ex-boyfriend.

Oh, who was she kidding? Of course he wasn’t comfortable. What man would want to spend time with the boyfriend of the woman he loved?

Love. For fifteen years she’d tried not to think about that word, but after what had happened between her and Wil last week, the staggering, unbelievable sex, she couldn’t bury her head in the sand any longer. Wil loved her. She’d seen it in his eyes that night, heard it in his voice, felt it in his kiss.

And instead of welcoming that love into her life, she’d slammed a door on it.

Swal owing, she pushed the disturbing thoughts from her head and walked toward her car, which was parked at the curb in front of the general store. The sound of the carnival coming to life made her heart ache, the screech of metal as the Ferris wheel cars were tightened into place, the mechanical rings of the game booths, the melody of the carousel as it whirled around on its test runs.

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