Hellhound Born (Kasadya #3) (18 page)

BOOK: Hellhound Born (Kasadya #3)
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“Did you?” I couldn't voice it.

“Yes, he needed to be stopped; they all needed to be stopped. I can’t believe my mother betrayed me like that. That Marcus betrayed me like that.” Her emotions were flying all over the place.

That’s understandable, given her situation and what she had had to do.

“I am so sorry Nina.” I had no way of making things better for her and I suddenly felt real guilty asking her to do something for me.

“You have nothing to be sorry for. You warned us and we didn't believe you. Next time, I will be listening when someone warns me.”


“You couldn't have known it was your mother, or Marcus. Hell! Seth wasn't on my list. Imagine how I reacted.” I wish I could have spared her all of this.

“There were signs, Kas. Signs I ignored. My mother was always doing something hush-hush. And Marcus, the idiot, was always doing it with her. I should have opened my eyes and stopped them.” She was up and pacing around the lounge.

“Nina, it doesn't matter. You did stop them in the end. Even more so, you saved my life. And now I have a chance to repay you and everyone else.”

Bad opening line but, I need to finish this

She stopped and looked at me, “What do you mean?”

I leaned back in the chair and started to explain to her about the visions, the battle, and our part in it. By the time I told her about my suicide, she was very pale.

“You can’t be serious?” She was in a little bit of shock.


“It actually makes sense. I can’t ask Max to stop Chax, because he will try and save me. That goes for everyone else. But you will. You of all people now know that a sacrifice is sometimes needed to ensure the safety of others. I know you can do this, and I have seen you do it,” I encouraged her.

She was pacing around again, thinking about it.

“It's not going to be easy. Of all of the Fallen, it’s hardest to fool Chax. He’s pretty observant and always knows what’s going on. I believe that’s how he found us.” Her words had me frowning.

“What do you mean? Didn't you call him?” I was confused.

She stopped in front of me and looked down.

“I couldn't. If I used corra the others would know that I just called for help. I was standing there, trying to think of a away to get both of us out of there alive, when he shifted in and showed me that we were about to attack together. I can only guess how he stumbled upon us. But, now that I think about it, he wasn't surprised at all, he knew exactly what he was walking into. His weapons were already drawn,” she explained.


How the hell did Chax find us?

Placing it at the back of my mind to mull over later, I looked back at her.

“So will you help me?” It was strange to ask someone to help you kill yourself.

“Yes. When the time comes, I'll make sure to do my part,” she agreed.

With a huge weight off my shoulders, I stood up and hugged her. Her shocked expression caused me to a laugh.

“Thank you, Nina. I really appreciate it.” I released her.

“No. Thank you, Kas. Because of you, we will have a future to live for after this. I will always remember what you did. And I will make sure that everyone else will too.”

I could feel my own tears starting up. Unable to reply, I nodded and shifted to my room at Chax’s house. I hit the floor, tears streaming down my face. The air moved and Chax was suddenly in front of me.

He grabbed me, “What happened?”

He was trying to calm me with feelings, but mine were really out of control. How could I tell him that I had just found love for the first time, and was about to lose it, because I wanted to save him and everyone?

“She lost so much, it’s just hard to see her so sad and know that she lost two people that day,” I lied.


He soothed me for a while and kissed my head, waiting for the worst of the crying to pass.

“Come it’s late, and you need to rest.” He shifted us to his room.

He gently pushed me into a chair and strode to the bathroom. I heard the water running and sighed. A good shower would work. He came back and bent down to look at me.

“There is a warm bath waiting, go and relax a little bit. I'll fetch some food and something to drink.” He pulled me up when I didn't make any attempt to do so myself.

Shooing me into the bathroom, he closed the door and shifted out. Without much effort I tore the clothes off of me and got into the water. It was so lovely. I closed my eyes and focused on the day I had spent with Chax. Soon, old memories of other fun times also made their way into my mind. Max and the first day at the compound. Nanini and her signing. Lada and Lotan's devoted love for each other. Ben and Ryan's jokes. All those great, funny moments came back to me.


They reminded me why I was going to do this. For Chax and all my friends, I was going to make sure that they survived this battle and continued making new memories. Max and Nanini had just found each other; they still had such a beautiful future ahead of them. I would have loved to see their kids and what kind of parents they would have become. My mood dropped at that.

Yeah, I'm never going to know what that would be like.

A tear rolled down my cheek again. But it was okay, at least they would. Would Chax be alright? I was worried about him. Now that we were really bonded, would he survive after I was gone? I was sure that everyone would take care of him, and I knew the war against evil would keep him busy.


There was a knock at the door.

“I have some food here and drinks. When you're done, come to my lounge,” Chax said behind it.

After a few more minutes of thought, I finished bathing and got out. I noticed that I didn’t have any other clothes, so I quickly shifted to my room, grabbed some and shifted back. I found Chax in a small lounge just outside his bedroom, sitting by the coffee table, waiting for me.

“Wow! This looks nice.”

He had moved some of the chairs away, and placed pillows on either side of the table. In the middle was a small pot steaming with oil.

“It’s a fondue. Have you ever tried it?” He smiled, pulling me down next to him.

“No, I've heard about it but never tried it before,” I confessed, looking at everything.

He gave me a glass with something in it, and sweet wine hit my lips.

“Mm, this is good.” I turned the glass in my hands, looking at the clear liquid.


“It's Drostdy Hof's Adelpracht. Great wine with a very heavy kick, so be careful,” he teased me. “It’s made in South Africa and the estate has been around since the 1800’s. I had the pleasure of meeting the first creator,” he explained its origins.

I had to admit, this wine was to die for. I rolled the sips I took around my tongue.

“Now, fondue. First you grab a fork, and then select which one of the foods here you want to cook.” He grabbed a piece of meat and stuffed it onto a small fork.

“Then you place it into the oil and wait for it to cook. I also have a few dips here you can try out.” I followed his lead and forked a sausage.

Soon, we were accusing each other of stealing. A few times my sticking maneuver didn’t work and Chax stole my pieces, the ones that popped up to the surface. We laughed and talked like a normal couple. No demons, no war. We even started to feed each other. Soon the wine and food took its toll and I yawned.

“Come on.” Chax picked me up and carried me to the bed.

Placing me under the covers, he joined me. I drifted away with my head on his chest, his heartbeat lulling me to sleep.



















Chapter 15


 It felt as if a boulder had dropped on my chest. Gasping for air, I flew up and grabbed my chest.

 “Kasadya what wrong?” Chax was up and looking me over.

“I don't know. It feels like something is crushing my ribcage,” I wheezed out.

I tried sucking in some air, but it hurt. Instead, I changed my breathing to short and quick inhales.

 “Kasadya?” Chax hands were on my arms, his face filled with concern.
You must save them!
The child's voice rang in my ears and I covered them with my hands.

What the hell?
Was it time already
I thought we had another day?

My Hellhound slammed into me so hard I screamed.

Get up, move!
She forced me up, but I grabbed hold of Chax and when she shifted I took him with us.


We landed in the old grub spot, kids where screaming and there was chaos. Looking around, I tried to find the source of all of it. I stopped when I saw the dread on Chax’s face.

“It's impossible,” he said, just as a small roar ripped through the grub spot.

I turned my head and sucked in a breath. There, throwing chairs and tables, were two little Hellhound
. They were about two heads taller than the others kids, who were frantically trying to run away from them.

 “What the hell?!” I voiced, looking at them stunned.

“Chax please! I beg you! Please don't!” Maia screamed, running towards us.

Vulcan was with the small hellhounds, trying to keep them away from the other kids. He was also shocked and uncertain of what to do. Maia reached Chax and grabbed his arm.

“They are just babies Chax, just babies!” Tears were running down her face and she was frightened.

It sunk in so quickly, I took a step away from Chax.


The agony on his face as he looked from her to the
would be in my mind for a very long time.

“I... I have no choice,” his voice broke.

Oh my God! He is going to kill them!

Again my chest was assaulted by pressure. I grabbed it, looking around. There was chaos everywhere. Caim shifted in, his face also in shock.

“Raven's gone
!” he yelled, but as he looked towards the noise he froze, stunned to see the little hellhounds.

My chest was hit again, just as the pressure released, another one assaulted me. It repeated six times. And every time someone shifted in with dread all over their face. All the hellhounds had started to go

“Chax something’s wrong!” I yelled.

I could feel it. It felt like a spider crawling up your leg. You could feel it making its way up, creepy and afraid that it was going to bite you. Something was really, really wrong.
Save them!
The child's voice rang in my ears again. I wound up on the floor from the force of it.


“Chax please! Don't do this!” Maia was trying to stop him.

His face hardened and he looked down at her, those murderous green eyes locking with her’s.

“Do you think I like the idea of killing children?! Do you see pleasure on my face?!”

He was losing control. Everyone was losing control.

e need to save them!
My hellhound was going insane inside me.

I looked at the two little
, now cornered by Vulcan and two more Fallen. They were keeping them in place for Chax to take the final blow. I looked back at Chax and sucked in a breath. He had pushed Maia away and was advancing towards them. His eyes fixed on them, and then a tear rolled down his face.

NO! NO! NO! I used whatever was turning inside me and let it out. My roar rose above the two little hellhounds. I could feel myself grow; I could feel my own
responding. But with it, I could feel something else happening.


I stormed forward and pushed the two Fallen in front of me away. I grabbed both of the hellhounds and shifted, taking them with me. I landed at the new arena and training spot. My Hellhound knew something was about to happen. She turned her head, still holding the now insane hellhounds. They were both biting and clawing at me. Zurita and Max shifted in with Raven. Lada and my father shifted in with another one. And so it continued until a total of seven new hellhound
were held in place by those already
. We were all in
form, and I felt no connection with Chax. Looking at them, I knew that they had no connection with their mates either, but they were calm. I dragged the roaring hellhounds closer to the others.

 “Protect them!” I ordered, and they roared in agreement.

Fallen were starting to shift in around us. Chax, Nanini, Caim and my mother were the first ones to try and approach us.

“Kasadya!” Chax yelled at me. I turned my head, taking in the sight.


All of the Fallen were here, armed and ready. Chax also held his swords.

“Why aren't they responding to us?” Nanini was looking at Max, fear on her face.

“I don't know,” Chax replied, as they took small steps towards us.

A woman was yelling and screaming at the back, two Fallen holding her down.

“Don't kill my baby! Please don't kill my baby!” she begged.

My hellhound reacted to the mothers’ plea, and rose up and slammed her fist into the ground. The Fallen shook under the impact and many lost their footing. I rose up again and saw all the Fallen transform at the same time. The hellhounds had just become their new battle.

“Stop!” I yelled at Chax when he tried to come closer.

“Kasadya, I need you to calm down,” he pleaded with me.

But my hellhound was far from calming down. Quick, rapid breaths were slamming in and out of her.

 “Stay away!” I yelled again.

But they didn't listen. Chax was the first one to storm forward, followed by those behind him. In return, the hellhounds responded with a roar and attacked.

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