Hellhound Born (Kasadya #3) (4 page)

BOOK: Hellhound Born (Kasadya #3)
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I looked up when he didn't answer and found him staring at me.

“How do I keep you out of trouble and alive? Yesterday I almost...” He stood up and walked around his hand rubbing his hair.

I was waiting for him to continue, I needed him to continue. I wanted him to make the reason for the cuffs valid and understandable, because it felt just like Draco's cuffs.


“Do you know what Draco's cuffs did?” This caught his attention; he stopped and looked at me.

I didn't drop my eyes.

“When I tried to kill him, it burned my flesh. At first I could bare the pain, a quick lesson in Exsilium, but then it became unbearable and I had to stop. That's when he attacked me and bit me. They also stopped me from shifting away. In short, I became a prisoner without a way out.”

Oh, how many times had I wanted to take Draco's head, if for no other reason, just to get the damn things off.

“That is not their purpose. I wanted to...” He stopped again unable to finish.


  “I know I messed up, and I am sorry. But, I also learn from my mistakes. I was just scared that you would deny her a change of life. That you would have sentenced her to a horrible death like that. Regardless of what really was going on, she was my best friend. I could not just stand by and watch her die.”

But I can now

It was sad really, how her place in my heart had gone from best friend to enemy in a split second. He didn't answer me so I decided to continue.

“We both need to trust each other, but this,” I held up my hands the cuffs shining in the sun’s rays, “give me no option to trust. It’s just another version of a prison.”


  He turned away from me and paced the room. I could see the internal battle in his expression.

Hell, can I trust myself?

Suddenly he was in front of me and reaching for my hands. With his eyes fixed on me, I felt the cuffs disintegrate. Our eyes never left each other.

“You will never be my prisoner, but I cannot protect you again if something like that happens. So I place my trust in you, and it will be up to you to either keep it, or loose it forever,” he said stepping back and away.


  “I understand. Thank you.” I watched his face carefully.

He nodded, but I could see he didn't really believe that I wouldn’t mess up again.

If only he knew that trouble finds me and not the other way around.

No matter how hard I have tried to avoid it, trouble always seemed to seek me out and turn my world into a disaster.

“Let's get some sleep.” he suggested and indicated that I follow him.

We reached a door and he stopped nodding with his head for me to enter. I opened the door to find a simple room. I had been dreading that behind this door would be another cell or something. But to my relief it was just a single bed in a small room.


“Sleep well Kasadya,” he greeted me and turned around to leave.

“Good night Chax,” I said in return.

I watched him leave and turn into the kitchen. Closing the door, I walked over to the bed and lay down. So many things were running through my mind. Most of them involved me trying to save a situation and just messing it up instead. My bravado had no limits.


I might think I was brave, but I was also very stupid. And brave and stupid was a recipe for disaster. I wanted to make up for my mistakes, but most of all, I wanted to undo the biggest mistake I had made so thus far. I wanted to save those who were now in danger because of me. I climbed into bed and closed my eyes, hoping and praying that nightmares won't greet me on the other side. Darkness claimed me and I drifted into another world.



























Chapter 3


I was awakened early in the morning by someone talking outside my room. Sitting up, I kept quiet in order to listen to the conversation.

“I have never heard about something like that. Is it part of the divinity?” Chax asked someone.


“We believe it has something to do with it. But at this stage we don’t have much to go on. I just fear that the hellhounds might interfere with what is about to happen.”

It sounded like Michael.

“You don’t have to fear that. Not anymore. Should I feel another’s touch I will deflect it from her. I will not allow her to bear more than what she will already be facing.”

I smiled at that. There was so much I still needed to learn about Chax. He was a hard person to figure out. One moment he would be all death and dismemberment, the next he would do something that would completely throw me off balance.


“Are you sure? If she has to carry another’s pain she won’t make it.”

Now that caught my attention. My mind drifted back to the fight. True, I felt their pain, every slice and every stab was transmitted to me. How is that possible? I just hope this wasn’t going to end up getting me killed. I got up silently and walked to the door, leaning in close to listen.


“I will not allow it Michael, you have my word. Our bond is growing stronger by the minute. It will not be a problem.” Chax continued.

“Then we will leave it to you. We still, however, are having problems with finding the princes. Do you have any suggestions?” Michael asked.


I turned around and leaned back against the door. Yeah, there was that too. How was I going to find Kali and Ballen? I needed to stop them before all hell broke loose and thousands died. It’s time to grow up Kas. It’s time to fix what you messed up. With a deep breath, I turned and opened the door. I found the two of them sitting on the couches, both looking at me as I entered the room.

“I need my swords and new fighting gear. We have to stop them before they breach the wall.” I interjected before either one could say a word.

Chax and Michael looked at each other for a moment and then nodded.


“I will see to your request.” Chax said, shifting out and leaving me alone with Michael.

 He was looking at me with a grin on his face.

“What?” I asked, slightly defensive.

“Are you ready for this Kasadya?” he questioned.

 I watched as he got up and came to stand before me.

“Yes.” I replied without hesitation.

Nodding, he turned around and walked a few steps from me.

“If you’re set for victory, we will be there with you.” he stated, turning towards me again.

“Thanks,” I replied restlessly, shifting from one foot to the other.

I was more than freaking ready. I would fix this.


“Good. I will go and arrange what you will need on this journey. Get dressed and be ready.” He shifted out leaving me alone.

I went to the shower and bushed my teeth and hair. When I walked out Chax was standing at the window, watching something outside. He was already dressed in his usual fighting clothes. But today his black jeans were hugging his butt in a way that made it hard to look away. I shook my head to clear it.

“Could you find new clothes?” I asked as he turned around.

“Yes, however I think your mother will not agree. But, I knew you would not accept others.” he replied pointing to at the table.

Intrigued, I walked over and saw the shining black leather. I already felt better just seeing them.

“Thanks.” I replied heading back to my room to get dressed.


He had picked a really nice set. Rather than a corset type top, this one had something that looked like a vest, with multipliable sheaths to place weapons in. In fact, it was better than the other one he had ripped apart. Goosebumps broke out all over me thinking about that. I still had my head-cracker boots, so the new looked pretty perfectly. Well, except for my swords. Dressed, I walked back into the lounge.

“My swords?” I asked him.

He turned around and walked over to a black case on another table.

“I had some other swords made for you. I think a change in general would be better for what lies before you.” He turned and had two swords in his hands.


Annoyed and working my way towards pissed, I walked over and took them from him. My not so happy mood changed instantly.

Holy crap! They were beautiful.

I lifted them and gave a few swings to get a feel for them. Perfect. They had a strange grooved handle which fit my hands like magic. I know I had a huge grin on my face, but couldn’t help it.

“If you turn them around like this,” he suddenly said from behind me, his hands reaching over to turn the swords around so the blades pointed behind me. At this angle, it would be easy to stab someone behind me.

 “The handle is designed so the grip on them doesn't change. It will make it easier when such a move is necessary.” I nodded my head in understanding.

It felt as if there was a huge lump in my throat and I struggled to swallow it down.


“I also have engraved them with some other words. See here starting at the base and running down the side of the blade.” He moved one finger down the inscription and I read it while he did it.

In deo speramus, caelitus mihi fortitúdinem
In God we trust, with strength from heaven to me.

A tear fell from one eye and made its way down my cheek.

 “Thank you,” I whispered to him.

He stepped away and walked over to the door. I quickly wiped away the tear and recomposed myself. He was patiently waiting for me when I turned around.

“It is a pleasure Kasadya. Now let us begin.” He opened the door and walked outside.


I joined him and stopped just outside the door. Standing outside was my team, all dressed and ready. And with them all the archangels dressed in what appeared to be battle gear. Golden breast plates were covering their chest. Their wings were fitted with the same type of armor, and I swear I had seen these in a drawing. It was angel armor. I looked at all of them, my eyes drifting over each one. They all smiled back, waiting for me to join them. Chax reached them, and then turned to look at me.

“The demon lords will be well protected and for that we need to protect you to complete your divinity.” Chax said.

With his words, that a huge pulse rocked the air and hundreds of Fallen shifted in simultaneously. I was shocked. Seeing all of the Fallen joining my team was overwhelming.

What the hell?

“Together we will ensure that God's will is done, and better protected for the future.” Thonyn said, nodding to me.


Tears ran freely down my cheeks, and with them Chax projected a feeling of reassurance to me. I walked slowly towards them, stopping to look at my mother and father.

“Kas you can do this,” Father said with a nod.

I nodded back, unable to speak yet.

“And you will be victorious.” my mother continued.

Afraid I was about to break down, I nodded quickly and walked over to Chax and Michael, who were waiting for me.

I can't believe this.

They should be mad at me. They should cast me away, or something. Instead, everyone - even those that I thought wanted me dead and gone - was here to help me. Again, I had underestimated the Fallen. This just proved how badly I needed to stop this war.


I stopped in front of them, watching Chax as he gave me a small smile.

“Archangels and team leaders,” Michael said aloud.

I turned around to see the Archangels and team leaders stepping into the clearing in front of everyone. They all watched Michael.

“Search the globe, find them at all costs,” he instructed.

And with that command, team leaders and teams began to shift out. He turned to look at me.

 “Our scouting parties will notify us the moment they find a demon prince. You must destroy all of them if we are to succeed, in not only in your divinity but also in saving this world.”

I nodded ready to do whatever was necessary.

“We will start in Rome today,” Chax said, with a nod at Michael, before he shifted us out.

We landed in the Coliseum, of all places.

“We have to cover the entire city. Spread out and search in pairs. If you find anything, call it in with corra.” Chax instructed the moment the shift was completed.

I looked at the others. Max and Nanini were standing far away from each other. And Nanini didn’t  look very happy at all. Caim and the new hellhound female stood together, smiling at each other. I was glad to see Chax and I weren’t the only ones with a problem fitting in.

“Let’s begin,” Chax said.

 With one last glance Max gave a nod and shifted out with Nanini.

 Soon, only Chax and I were left. I looked at Chax, ready to begin. We shifted to an alley and started to walk towards the street.

“Why is everyone helping me after I messed up so badly?” I asked when we turned into the street.

“We will always stand together Kasadya; we all want to protect the world.” He answered.

I didn’t have a reply handy, instead, I mulled over his words. True, we all have the same cause, but, I am sure that not everyone had jumped at the occasion.

“Did you arrange it?” I asked finally.

“No. Michael and the others arranged it while we slept.” he replied.


I thought about that piece of info. I really didn’t believe that all of them would just come to my aid. Most likely, Michael had pursued them with some form of threat. Never the less, I was grateful. I had to fix this before doomsday occurred. We walked through the streets for what seemed like hours. Nothing but an ordinary human or two passed us. It's like the demons weren’t even on earth. But, knowing them, it would be impossible to stay away, they needed to feed their sin. Chax stopped in front of me, so I moved up alongside him. He was watching two guys walk down the alley and just in front of them was a girl a bit younger than me. Goosebumps broke out all over me, and I knew full well that this was not good. I moved forward, but Chax placed his hand in front of me to stop my forward progress. Confused, I looked at him.

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