Her Chocolate Fantasy (5 page)

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Authors: Jamallah Bergman

BOOK: Her Chocolate Fantasy
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I took the dark chocolate bonbon with the small white dot on top
. Peppermint…one of my favorites. Picking it up between two of my fingers, I looked back over to his office. He stood there watching me, and I decided to tease him a bit. I rubbed the tender morsel playfully against my lower and then upper lip, then popped the bittersweet treat into my mouth. I gazed over at him while slowly licking my lips. He heaved a deep sigh into the phone, closed the door to his office, and slowly started to close the blinds. I knew what he was up to.

“I better leave you alone then
,” I told him, knowing full well what he planned to do in there.

, no, you’re going to listen in this time, Sarah. I want you to hear what I’m doing.”

ay, this isn’t happening. We can’t be doing this here at work. This is completely insane.

, what are you doing? Are you crazy?” I whispered frantically, looking around.

, I’m not crazy. I’m horny as hell right now. I don’t know what it is about you, Sarah, but just watching you like I have over the years has driven me insane. But for some reason, when I watch you eat anything chocolate, you don’t know how horny you get me. Every day I’ve watched you, and now I get to watch you eating one of my favorite confections. Tell me…how did it taste along that pretty tongue of yours?”

, he had to be crazy, or I was crazy as hell for listening to him talk to me that way. But I couldn’t help myself, and the sound of his voice was beckoning me to answer him. I couldn’t help but listen in as heslowly started jacking off.

“I wish you were in here with me right now
, watching me. You don’t know how hard you got me, Sarah. I’ve never been like this. Would you like to see how hard I am?” His voice had turned ragged.

I found myself getting flustered and bothered
, but I said, “Yes.”

Listen, there is a hallway next to the elevators. Knock on the second door on the left and bring the candy with you.”

He hung up the phone
, leaving me dumbfounded by what just happened. But he was waiting for me to come to his office, so I grabbed the box and slowly walked toward the steps that would lead me to the hallway. I kept wondering if anybody was watching me, but of course, everybody was busy with their work. I made my way to the small hallway, but before I went to the door, I looked behind me to see if anybody was there. I breathed a relieved sigh to find the area empty.

I knocked
softly, heard a
, and then the door slowly open and I walked inside. The darkness inside that room was unbelievable; even though the blinds were down, I’d expected more light. I looked to my left and saw him sitting down on a leather loveseat in the corner of the room. His pants were down around his ankles, while his black briefs hugged his muscular, tanned thighs.
If I go slowly
, I thought to myself while moving closer to him
, I won’t be as shocked

Boy was I wrong

I had always thought black men were well endowed
, but this guy was more
than anybody I had dealt with. He was nothing like I had ever seen, and I just couldn’t stop staring, while he softly fondled himself.

“Sit down right there.” He motioned at the chair in front of him.

I did what he said, putting the box in my lap.

the box, baby, and enjoy yourself.”

With a small smile, I chose
a truffle, all the while keeping one eye on his rapidly moving hand stroking his cock. I sucked the chocolate powder from the truffle off my fingers, and his hips shifted a bit while he fondled himself. I continued with another truffle; not only did they taste good, but I enjoyed watching him squirm. He continued to pump himself, licking those full lips of his, whereas I continued to slowly lick and suck on my thumb.

e sight must have pushed him over the edge, because a moment later, he softly moaned out, “Oh God, Sarah, yes,” and flung his head back against the loveseat. The leather creaked beneath the weight of his body as he pushed his hips out and came into the towel he had in his other hand. The muscles in his thighs tightened as he strained while stroking himself. A couple of minutes passed before his body calmed, and when he looked at me, his gaze travelled over me as he cleaned himself up quickly.

I swear
, if we weren’t in his office at that moment, I would have mounted that huge thing between his legs and just rode him like a bucking bronco. But knowing me, I wouldn’t have kept quiet, because honestly, I never am when I’m making love or fucking somebody. He got up, continuing to clean himself while walking over to the already opened window. He breathed in the fresh air, and then he looked back over at me. It was so quiet in his office at that moment; I honestly didn’t know whether to start something or just get up and leave. I decided on the latter, and I slowly got up with my box and headed to the hallway door.

“Where are you going?” he asked
, holding the door closed with one large hand as I tried to open it.

I glanced up to finding him towering over me, oh-so-close. I turned a little, putting my
back up against the door, and that’s when his cheek brushed up against mine. His cologne was strong but smelled so damn good that I honestly wanted him to stay this close to me so I could continue smelling him. But then he kissed my cheek softly, causing me to shiver a bit, whether from the coolness of the door at my back or from the feeling of his lips against my flesh, I didn’t know. I rested one hand against his chest. God, why did I do that? Feeling him like that, even with just one hand, was making the situation even hotter between us.

“Thank you for helping me
come. I promise to return the favor tomorrow.”

, why was he so close? Why did I have my hand on his chest? Why was this happening at work, instead of someplace else? If I didn’t have a lot of willpower, I would have let him do anything he wanted to do with me, but I wasn’t about to get myself fired for fucking one of my bosses. I looked into those eyes, gulping hard when I saw how intensely he was staring at me.

“Have you ever had a man get up close to you
like this, Sarah?”


“Did you enjoy the show today?”

Honestly, I wasn’t going to lie, but I did smile when I said, “Yes.”

chuckled in my ear, and his warm breath against my neck made me close my eyes for fear of fainting. My heartbeat grew more rapid, while he rubbed his cheek and nose against mine.
God, this can’t be happening
, I told myself. If he kissed me, I knew that would have lost it completely and would end up losing my job for fucking this man. But thankfully, he stopped himself.

“I better let you go before I end up getting all hard again. I’ll see you tomorrow at seven.”

He took his hand off the door, and I reached behind me to open it. I turned and poked my head around to see if anybody was out there. No one was around, so I scurried out into the hallway, pulling the door shut behind me and breathing a deep sigh.

I could only imagine what would happen tomorrow night at the opera.




The damn curl I tried to create three times, still didn’t want to curl right, so I just pinned the unruly piece of hair up against the French roll I had created for that night. I had gone to a local shop that catered to the full-figured gal and got real lucky when I found this beautiful, wine colored, strapless dress that showed off my long, thick legs. It came with a wrap to match, which I thought was beautiful, and I put on my pair of black high heels and went into my closet to get a black clutch purse I hadn’t used in forever. I glanced at the clock. Six fifty-two…only eight more minutes, I thought, while sitting there on the bar stool waiting.

Can you tel
l I’m a nervous wreck already?

reached for a grape from my fruit bowl, but before I could pop it in my mouth, my doorbell rang. I slipped off the stool and slowly made my way to the door. When I opened it and saw him standing there, wearing a black tuxedo and looking so sharp and handsome, I could have sworn he was a model or something. Instead of putting his hair in a ponytail like he always did for work, he’d left it down, and it hung over his shoulders, which only made him even more handsome.
God, he’s gorgeous
, I thought. He looked me up and down, one eyebrow cocked.

“Wow,” he said with a smile
, as I showed him in. He took my hand and slowly twirled me around to get a good look at me. “I’m going to be the envy of the opera tonight. You look beautiful, Sarah.”

I grabbed my wrap
, but he took it from me and placed it over my shoulders, and that’s when I noticed he held a single red rose.

“How sweet
. Thank you.” I smiled and took the flower from his hand.

utside my building, a limo sat at the curb, the driver standing next to it. I glanced at Max, stunned.

“You sure are full of surprises
, aren’t you?” I asked him.

The driver smiled at me while opening the door
. I got inside, with Max right behind me. Once the driver climbed behind the wheel, we drove off to the concert hall. Max wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, his hand resting comfortably on my hip. I looked over into his eyes and he leaned in, his cheek softly brushing against my own. His irresistible cologne filled my sense, and the heat radiating from his body gave me chills. Lord knows, I was getting myself into a heap of trouble sitting so close to him like that.

But h
onestly, I just didn’t give a flying fuck…I wanted this man…

When we got to the concert hall, I was shocked to find out we had a private box seat that sat up high enough to overlook the entire
arena. The view was gorgeous, and I surveyed the people sitting in their chairs, taking in the buildup of excitement as everyone waited for the show to begin.

“Is this your first time coming here?” he asked me.

I nodded, still watching people entering the hall to take their seats, but eventually, I sat back and looked over at him.

“Thank you for bringing me here tonight
. This is going to be a treat.”

, the lights began to go down and the crowd around us applauded. I joined in, thrilled that The Phantom of the Opera would be my first experience at the opera. Even though I had seen the movies, seeing the play performed live was a dream come true. The opera started off so nice, and as it gradually went on, I became entranced. I could feel Max’s fingers softly running over my hand, and his touch along my skin caused me to lose my focus on the opera and look over at him.

His eyes flashed in the darkness, like a panther’s
when it looked upon its prey. Slowly, he moved his hand from my own, down toward my knees, and then he ran his fingers up along my inner thigh underneath my dress. Never had I been so scared before, thinking maybe someone could see us, but then he moved in closer to me and whispered softly against my neck.

“No one can see us up here
. We are so far up and away from everybody. They can’t see what we are doing, Sarah. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show, baby.”              Without a word, I continued to watch the opera, feeling his hand go farther up my dress. My entire body was on fire from his touch, and I knew when he got closer to the juncture of my thighs, he would notice just how wet this was getting me. Softly, I licked my dry lips, inhaling deeply when I felt his fingers slip between the outside of my panties to find my already swollen clit.

sighed and leaned over against me again. “Damn, you are hot down there, aren’t you?”

is finger probed deeper, into my pussy, while he used his free hand to pull my leg wider and gain better access. “Slip off your panties.”

I shot him a look like he was crazy
, but I could tell he was serious. After a moment’s hesitation, I did as he’d asked, feeling a bit reckless.

Two of his fingers went deep inside me
, as I tried my best to concentrate on the opera. But you know that’s a little hard when you a hot guy fingering you and rubbing his thumb against your clit.

“I bet you taste sweet
, too.” Quickly, he removed his fingers from inside my panties. He held them up a moment, and noticed how they glistened with my juices, and then he stuck them in his mouth. His eyes closed while he sucked on his fingers, and then he looked at me, his gaze smoldering. “Damn, now that I got a taste of you, I think I want just a little bit more.”

He looked back and forth, then got
up from his chair and walked toward the back. Uncertain what he was about, I shrugged and went back to watching the opera. But then I felt hands pulling up my dress, and I nearly jumped out of my chair. He’d come around the other side of me and had gotten down on all fours in front of me. He grabbed underneath my thighs to pull me toward the edge of the chair.

“Continue watching.”

Somehow, I kept my eyes pinned on the stage as I felt his lips and tongue along my clit.

I couldn’t believe this was happening
. My dream was finally coming true. Even though I wanted so badly to enjoy the opera, it was no use. I was getting so into how his tongue was playing with me. God, he had mad skills, using that tongue of his to probe and tease every part of me to the point that I feared I’d scream when I came and draw way too much attention our way.

, shit, Max. Oh, shit!” I whispered while running my fingers through his hair, softly rocking my hips so I moved back and forth against his tongue.

His fingers dug into my hips while that tongue continued to play with me
, and then he grazed my clit with his teeth and I about shot up out of my chair.

chuckled. “Sorry about that, baby; I won’t be doing that again.”

And you know what
? He didn’t, but he kept up his pace, causing me such pleasure I honestly couldn’t contain myself. Whimpering like a puppy, I quietly came, while he continued to eat me out like I was his first meal in decades. My body kept shaking, even while I tried my best to push him away. But no, Max was going nowhere; he was staying put, right where he was.

With one small lick
, he said, “Damn, you really do taste just as sweet as Cadbury Dairy.”

I laughed a bit while catching my breath
. “You better come up from there before someone comes and sees you between my legs.”

This time
, he was the one who chuckled, which only puzzled me.

First of all, this is my private box. Second of all, I locked the door. And third, I plan on staying down here and eating you out throughout the entire opera. I owe you, remember?”

I cried out, and then quickly looked around to make sure no one heard me. Luckily, I was in the clear; no one was paying a damn bit of attention to us.

“Enjoy the show
, baby, because I plan on enjoying myself down here with you.”

, you know what? He stayed down there the entire night.

All I can say is that after that night, I would never look at
The Phantom of the Opera the same way again.


* * * *


Once the opera ended, we both collected ourselves, and I went straight to the bathroom to clean myself up. My clit still tingled every time my legs moved, which made walking a little difficult. It took what seemed like forever for me to get to the stall, and when I did, I sat down in one big heaping mess. Even though I couldn’t believe what just happened, I found myself feeling like some childish school girl who had just gotten into trouble for necking with her boyfriend. Never in a million years would I have thought I would have a hot guy go down on me during an opera.

After cleaning up and collecting myself, I walked out of the bathroom refreshed. He was standing up against the wall
, smiling my way.

“Let’s grab something to eat
,” he said.

He held
out his arm, and I took it as we walked down the stairs to the outside, where the limo awaited us.

“You are a very bad boy
, Max, do you know that?” I told him.

“I couldn’t help it
. Besides, this is something you can’t say you won’t remember for the rest of your life.”

He kissed
me on the cheek and nudged me, and I smiled.

,” he said. “I couldn’t wait to get my hands on you, and now I can’t keep them off. Listen, why don’t we skip dinner, go back to my place, and continue where I left off?”

“But I’m hungry for some food
, Max.”

But before I knew it, things
really started to get kinky between Max and me, as he unzipped his pants and delved inside to pull out the most delicious specimen of manhood I had ever seen. I still remembered that moment in the office while he was jacking off, how beautiful his cock looked. God, I could devour him for hours. I couldn’t help myself and grabbed hold of him. My gentle brown fingers wrapped along his long veiny phallus, and I licked my lips to keep from slobbering all over myself.

, you look gorgeous, Max.” I kept my eyes on his cock like as if it were a snake charming me, completely mesmerized by how he felt so perfect in my hand.

“Go on
, baby,” he said, ushering me toward his cock, “have a taste.”

There was no way I was going to pass up the chance
to go down on my dream man. I couldn’t believe how wonderful he tasted, and I made slurping sounds while I sucked my way down his shaft.

“Damn!” he hissed when I
took him completely in and then slowly sucked my way back.

I released him
with a
, looked up at him, and said, “We can order when we get to your place.”

His apartment was big for a two bedroom
, at least by my standards. My place was nowhere near as big as his was.

“Really nice place you got here
,” I said, while walking over toward the living room area.

But instead of staying there,
he grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the back hallway. I soon realized he was leading me to his bedroom. When we reached the doorway, my eyes went wide.

Even though his bedroom was massive and made just for a bachelor,
I couldn’t take my eyes off the huge, California King bed in front of me.

“A big bed for a big man
, huh?”

I could feel my zipper going down my back
, and I sucked in a shaky breath. His fingers touched along my sides as my dress fell to the floor. His lips felt like a feather on my skin, and he held me close, his arm wrapped around my thick waist.

, you feel so good,” he whispered against my shoulder.

He didn’t know how much he had made me feel when he held me like this. It had been such a long time since I had a man hold me much less make me feel this way.

“Can I take down your hair? I have always loved it down.”

I nodded
. He released me, and a moment later, fingers tugged my hair a bit, as he removed the hairpins. Before I knew it, in just a few minutes, he had all of them out, and my head finally felt a bit of relief. Heran his fingers through my hair and massaged my scalp ever so softly.

“Does that feel better?”

“Very much so, thank you.” By this time, I had stepped out of the dress that had pooled around my ankles. I walked to the bed and slithered my way onto the mattress, looking over my shoulder to see him taking off his jacket. I laid there watching my Max wrestle with his tie along with his shirt. Damn, he looked too good for words.

well-toned, muscular arms flexed as he shrugged out of his shirt. His chest, broad and muscular like his arms, showed exactly how much he worked out. Oh, the ideas that flooded my mind as I gazed at him! If I was to live out my chocolate fantasy with this man, I knew just by looking at his body I was going to need a lot. Soon, he stripped off his boxers and stood before me, completely naked.

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