Her Chocolate Fantasy (7 page)

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Authors: Jamallah Bergman

BOOK: Her Chocolate Fantasy
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, but I hate thunderstorms. They scare the shit out of me.” I was shaking still, even though his muscular arms held me close to his chest.

“Like I said, this happens all the time during storms. Give it about fifteen more minutes and it will be on

We didn’t say another word for a couple of minutes
; we just stood there in the kitchen, holding each other. Another crash of lightning vibrated the windows of the living room, and I yelped. Max just held me tighter, and I slowly calmed in his arms.

“Why don’t we go sit down on the couch?”
he asked.

“What about the food?”

“The food will still be there. Like I said, the lights will come back on in a minute or two.” He assured me as he guided me to the couch.

We snuggled together, and
I had never felt so, nuzzled up against his chest and neck. But the storm still had me rattled, and I kept wishing the damn thing would blow through.
Please go away… Please go away
, I kept thinking. Lord, I could be such a blubbering baby sometimes, and right then, I would have preferred to have behaved like a mature adult. I mean, there I was, in a thunderstorm with the man of my dreams holding me close to him. He ran his fingers along my back slowly and softly while the rain continued to pour down along the windows.

“This feels so nice
, doesn’t it?” he asked.

I nodded in agreement.
I ran my hand over his chest, and when I looked up, I found him staring back at me. I smiled, and his lips touched mine, and the fire I always felt when we kissed raced through me, warming me.I entangled my fingers in his soft, long hair, and our kiss deepened. He dug his fingers into my hip, tightening his grip along my jeans, and pulled me up on top of him. As he cradled my back for support, I ran my fingers through the back of his hair, then along his earlobe. God, I could kiss on the man for hours, our faces brushing, his hands roaming over my back and up toward my chest.

“You look a bit uncomfortable with all of these clothes.”

Before I could respond, I felt a tug, and then a ripping sound filled the room. I looked down in shock as I realized he had ripped my blouse completely open in the front. Those big hands of his held my breasts and he used his thumbs to massage my nipples. I rubbed up against him as I swear, his touch alone drove me insane. He cupped my face, and I turned a bit to capture one of his fingers between my lips. Softly, I rolled my tongue around his finger, and hestared at my mouth, watching my every movement. I could tell my actions were getting him harder down there.

“I swear
, woman, you sure know how to get me horny as hell.”

I kept
up with my objective, sucking on his finger, while he tweaked my nipples through the cotton material of my bra. I grinded my hips against his hardness, knowing where this all would lead.

“You’re going to get yourself into all kinds of trouble
, little girl.”

“You’re dealing with a woman
, sir; remember that.”

, really? A woman, you say?
I like the sound of that. But you know what’s missing from that description?”


“The word
…as in

Was he serious? He honestly couldn’t be serious.
Suddenly, the seriousness of the situation replaced my horniness. I took a good look at his face. The playfulness in his eyes had disappeared, and his expression had turned very sincere. As I watched, he smiled softly, but his eyes still said he meant business.

“You’re serious
, aren’t you?” I asked him.

He took my hands in his for a moment
. God, his hands looked so big and strong compared to mine.He made me feel delicate and special.

“I’m very serious
, Sarah. You’ve got to understand something because I’ve wanted you for years now. I’ve had my eye on you since the first day I came to the office. I even remember what you were wearing that day. You had on a beautiful, light blue blouse that showed a bit of these lovely breast.” He lifted them a little, as if to illustrate his words. “I also remember the black skirt you wore that day, and the way it hugged these hips of yours real good. I would watch you go back and forth from your desk to the break room or restroom, those hips of yours swaying back and forth when you walked. The whole time, I fought my desire to grab hold of you and just fuck you senseless.”

I couldn’t believe he remembered something I had worn about four years back.
I held him close as I kissed his forehead and traced my fingertipsover his ears and along his cheekbones.

? What do you say? Will you be my girl, or do you need some time to think about it?”

“What’s there to think about
?” I laughed. “Since we are being open now,
for years too. I just didn’t know what you thought about me, not to mention the fact that you were higher up the business ladder, and I was just one of the common drones that worked in a cubicle. I always thought you were so handsome, and I wanted so badly to get the nerve to at least talk with you. But I’m glad this is all out in the open now. It makes me feel good to hear you wanted to get with me, too, but as far as being your woman? Yes, I want to be yours and only yours.”

e tickled up along my back, and I squealed like a little girl.

“Stop that
!” I screamed and tried to regain my balance.

“Is my girl ticklish?”

“Just a little bit. Don’t do that again, though.”

“You mean this

He went
for my ribs, and I lost it laughing. I kept hitting him on his shoulders, but he just grinned and kept at it.

Please stop, Max. Please!”

Not only did he ignore me, he
tickled me even more, and I squealed and shouted out pleas for mercy. Finally, I made a last-ditch effort to stop him by grabbing hold of the back of his head and drawing his mouth to mine. He returned my kiss, and I felt his hands at the back clasp of my bra. I ran my fingers through his hair as our kiss turned even more passionate. Soon, I found myself lying back on the sofa, his body slowly crushing me as I sank into the soft cushions. But truly, I didn’t care; I loved how he felt—on me, under me, or around me. We had each other now, and I was happier than ever.

, yeah…The lights
come back on about fifteen minutes later.


Chapter Seven


I hated how fast the weekend flew by. I often wonder why the hell the weekdays always goes so damn slow, but the weekend always seems to go so damn quick. We both woke up early Monday morning, took a shower together—punctuated by a quickie—got dressed, and then grabbed coffee and a bagel with cream cheese for me to go. When he parked the car outside the office, we sat there for a minute, quietly drinking our coffee, and I finished off the last bite of my bagel.

“I get off at six thirty
. What time do you get off?” he asked me.

“Around five
,” I told him.

“Come by my office
, and you can wait there while I finish up. I can take you on home then. Why don’t we do this every weekend? Just pack yourself a bag for the weekend, and then on Friday morning, I’ll pick you up from home and bring you in to work. That way, you can just come straight home with me. What do you say?”

“I swear you think of everything
, don’t you? Yes, that sounds like a wonderful idea.”

He leaned over and
gave me a kiss on the cheek, and although tempted to stay there with him all day, kissing, gazing into his eyes that were filled with love, I knew we needed head on inside. I pulled back with a sigh.

“See you at five
then, sweetheart,” I said.

We got out
of the car and went into the building, walking along with a crowd of people. When we got up to the fifth floor in the elevator, we stepped out, and I did my best to pretend I wasn’t interested in him. But when I went one way, and he went the other, down the hallway to the other entrance to his office, I looked over my shoulder and found him gazing at me and with a handsome smile. He winked, and my knees turned to jelly. A moment later, he disappeared inside his office.

, girlfriend, how’s tricks?” Darla asked me when I sat down at my desk, coffee in hand.

“It’s been interesting
, to say the least.”

, I heard your secret admirer gave you a big box of chocolates from a very expensive chocolate shop.”

I swear
, I don’t know where Darla gets her info. Even when she is off for the day for some reason, she always gets the latest scoop on office gossip.

, I did, Barbara Walters, and they were delicious. I got bonbons, truffles, and petit fours from my favorite chocolate shop.”

this box came with a card too. What did the card say?” She had a smile on her face that made me laugh and shake my head. Even though she was my friend, she was sometimes too nosy for her own good.

“Sweets for the candy lady
,” I told her. “That’s all it said.”

, that was nice of whoever sent it to you.Uh oh…there goes lover boy.” She poked me in the side, and I looked over to see Max opening up his blinds, still holding his coffee cup in one hand.

If only she knew how much of a lover he really
is. Lord have mercy… I would never hear the end of it then

As my day progressed, I didn’t hear
anything from Max…No phone call or anything. Apparently, everybody was busy, including me, and I figured that was a good thing, because work distracted me from thoughts of Max for a bit.

Lost in my typing, I absently answered the phone when it rang.

“Hello, this is Sarah.”

Hi, Sarah this is Don. How are you?”

I smiled.
Don was my boss, and honestly, he was probably the coolest boss I ever had. He was completely understanding with everybody. When one of my co-worker’s brother had gotten into a huge car wreck back in their hometown, and she needed to leave out right away to see him, Don had offered her use of the company jet, since it would have been too late for her to say her goodbyes to her brother had she flown commercial. Talk about a good guy…

“I’m doing just fine
, Don, and you?”

“Doing pretty good here
, thanks. Listen, the reason I’m calling is because I need your help with a new employee that will be coming in tomorrow. I need for you to train him in everything you know. Can you do that for me?”

Sure. Anything I can do to help out. What’s his name?”

“Erik Monroe, Erik with a

, then, I’ll make sure his first day is a good one.” I smiled.

, Sarah. I knew you would be a great help. Talk with you tomorrow.”

“Good bye
, Don.” I hung up the phone.

“What did Don want?”
Darla asked.

“Looks like we are going to have another employee coming in
tomorrow and it’s a guy.”

She moved
in closer to me. “What’s his name, what does he look like, is he single?”

His name is Erik Monroe. I have no idea what he looks like or if he’s married. He’ll be here tomorrow, and you can look him over yourself and see if he’s worthy.” I laughed and returned to my work on the computer.

For the rest of the morning
, up until around lunchtime, I remained busy, on the phone talking and making deals with people to get things I needed. In a way, I thought it would be good to have some fresh blood in the place. My phone rang again, and I snatched up the receiver.

, this is Sarah.”

“Want to have lunch together today?” Max asked.

I glanced over my shoulder to see if Darla was listening, but she was absorbed in her own phone call.

“I don’t know if I
can. I’m completely swamped and have been all day.”

“Would you like me
get something and bring it back for you?”

“That would be great
. Just a hamsandwich from the deli down the road and some iced tea would be wonderful. Make sure they only put lettuce and tomato and just a tad of mayo…and have them cut it in half.”

…cut in half…got it. Would you like any dessert?”

, not really. I think I’ll have dessert…later.”

chuckled, obviously getting my meaning.

“Check you later
, sweetheart.”

I hung up the phone and continued
on with my work, busier than I could ever remember. Lord only knew how it was going to be when the new employee came in the next day. I would have to figure out what all I needed to teach him and wondered if he had any experience. I figured training him wouldn’t be that hard foreverything we did was self-explanatory, and if he had half a brain, he’d be just fine. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of Max leaving his office and turned to look. He gave me a quick wink, and I turned back to my work with a smile.

I swear that man was such a

bout twenty minutes later, a guy came to my cubicle with a white paper bag in one hand and a Styrofoam cup in the other. “Are you Sarah?”

, I am.”

He handed me the bag and the cup
, smiled, and then turned to leave. Darla looked at me all crazy like, as I noticed the word “Enjoy!” written on the bag in black lettering.

“First candy and now lunch
. Someone has a secret admirer. What did you get?”

Opening up the bag, I saw the sandwich
, along with something else wrapped up in waxed paper. I pulled out the sandwich and the little bundle, realizing Max also got me a kosher pickle.

It’s a
sandwich too my favorite along with a pickle.”

“Lucky girl
. Well, enjoy your lunch, my friend. I’m going to grab me something to eat, as well. I’ll be back in a bit.”

“See you then.”
I turned back to my lunch, opened the white paper wrapped around my sandwich, took one half and began to eat. I sure did need the sustenance; I was starting to get a bit hungry. I ate half the sandwich, while I took a little break from the phones and computer. I wished I was spending the time with Max, but I could wait until after work to spend some quality time with him.

You know
, just because you constantly look at the clock, that doesn’t mean time will go any faster. But I couldn’t help checking the time every once in a while throughout the workday. Lord knows, I wished I had some kind of magic ability I could use to make the day go by faster. I wanted away from the office, away from Delia’s silly remarks, away from the reports and the phone calls. I wanted to be in Max’s arms, immediately, to have him hold me with those big arms of his while rubbing my back. I remembered that Saturday night after we had made love twice…

e laid there in bed for the longest time, and he ran his fingers lightly up and down my back until I had to giggle because he tickled me. I never felt such comfort as I did when I was in his arms. I would rest my head on his chest while tracing my fingers along his ripped stomach. Feeling and hearing him take a breath only made me desire him more, because just being with him like that was something I had dreamed of for years. To be with him and to love him for as long as we both lived. Sometimes, he would run his fingers through my hair, which really relaxed me, especially when he massaged my scalp. Unable to wait a moment longer to hear his voice, I grabbed the phone and pressed the button that would connect me to his office.

, this is Max.”

“I had to call you
. I missed your voice.” I whispered.

“Glad you called
. I missed hearing your voice too.”

My heart skipped a bit
at his response, which was honestly, what I needed to hear after dealing with so much.

“You only have about an hour
and a half before you clock out. I’ll close the blinds, and you can come in the back so I can hold you again.”

“I honestly
don’t think I can wait that long. Do you think maybe I can just come and get a hug from you now?” I smiled.

“Can you meet me at the freigh
t elevator in about five minutes?”

“Uh huh, I’ll see you then.”

“Wait a minute. Make it in two, instead. See you.”

Going into my
drawer, I grabbed my purse and told Darla I’d be right back. I got up and headed to the hallway that would lead me toward the freight elevator. Not many people came down that way, except for delivery guys who brought up packages. But for today and only today, it was our meeting place. I went and pressed the button, waited for the elevator to arrive, and that’s when I heard footsteps coming. I turned, figuring I’d see Max, and sure enough, he came around the corner, wearing his suit and a smile when he saw me. The heavy doors to the elevator opened, and he followed me inside the oversized car. The doors slowly closed.

“Press nine.” Moving in closer
, he took me in his arms.

, I thought,
just feeling him nuzzle up against my ear like this felt so good
. I could smell his cologne on his jacket, and I inhaled deeply, filling my nose and lungs with his scent. His lips touched my neck and then he grazed my skin with his teeth.

“Have you missed me?”

I smiled. “Of course I’ve missed you. Why are we going to the ninth floor?”

Just for some alone time.”

The ninth floor
contained several thousand square feet of as-yet-undevelopedspace, which would sooner or later, be converted into more offices. We stepped out of the elevator, and Max took my hand and led me to another door. He tried the knob, but it was apparently locked.

Never mind,” I told him. “We don’t have to hide; it’s not like anyone else is up here. Just hold me, please.”

He smiled, took me back in his arms, and
lightly kissed my temple. My head resting against his chest, I simply stood there in his embrace, and I have to tell you, I had never been happier than I was at that moment.

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