Her Perfect Revenge (33 page)

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Authors: Anna Mara

BOOK: Her Perfect Revenge
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With a low moan of satisfaction, he released and experienced a wave of intense pleasure as he emptied himself into her.

As each of their climaxes subsided, their breathing began to slow down and their bodies now satiated with sex, began to calm down too. His eyes focused on her face—as hers were on his—and he watched her reaction intently as he slowly eased himself out of her. She almost winced with the pain of having him leave her.

Suddenly, Bill buried his face down into the hollow between her shoulder and jaw, and muffled words into her hair that she could barely make out—but she did.

"God, Christina… I'm sorry," he whispered hoarsely.

Christina was taken aback. "Sorry? Sorry for what?"

Suddenly, she was worried. Did he regret having made love to her? Was he disappointed with her? Did he not love her after all? Her arms instinctively wrapped themselves around his back and held him tight. She didn't want to let go.

His face came up then and he lovingly gazed into her eyes. His eyes were tortured with regret—but not the regret she thought.

"I'm sorry for this. For taking you like this… here… on the floor… dirty with all this food on us. This was our first time… and you deserve better."

Relief washed over Christina. So that's what was bothering him. She smiled at him then. "You let me be the judge of that. You don't hear me complaining, do you?"

He gave her a half laugh at that. "No, but I'm not an inexperienced teenager and that's exactly how I acted."

"Well, it takes two to tango and I did my fair share of dancing tonight too."

He laughed at her wise quip, then his eyes turned serious again. "And… I'm sorry… that I didn't use a rubber." He let out a gasp. "God… am I ever sorry about that." He shook his head at his own unbelievable stupidity. "That's never happened to me before."

Christina smirked. "I'm glad to hear it," she smartly announced and he smiled at that. She then turned serious herself. "It was stupid on both of our parts but it's done now… and we'll just move forward from here."

She grabbed his face then with both hands, making sure she had his full attention and stared deeply into his eyes.

"You do know that I love you, don't you? And it's not your money, or this damned monstrosity of a house or your posh Havenwood name. I… love… you… for you… and only for you. Tell me you believe me?"

He paused for a second, as he returned her gaze. "I believe you."

Christina breathed a sigh of relief. Then her lips broke into a wide smile as she took in their appearance. He was still on top of her, unzipped and exposed; and she was half naked with her little black dress twisted around her waist, with her breasts and lower half also exposed.

"Do you think William will be coming back in here for his tea anytime soon?" she cracked.

He burst out laughing at the thought of that. "Oh Christina, no woman has ever made me laugh like you do."

"Are you saying I'm your woman?"

He stopped laughing then and grew serious. "No; I'm saying you're my wife." He then added with a smile, "Or you very soon will be."

A surge of happiness shot through Christina at the thought of being his wife. Never in a million, billion, trillion years would she ever have imagined herself married to the man she had hated most in the world only a few months back—not to mention have imagined what they'd just done together. Life could be funny like that. You think you have it all figured out and then just the opposite happens—and you love it!

"What do you say we get up, slink out of here before somebody catches us, go upstairs and take a shower together?" she slyly offered, then added. "Are you…up… for it?"

Bill caught on to her double meaning. "Not yet, but gimme a little time to recuperate; you're a handful, you know." He wickedly winked at her and Christina laughed.



Chapter 57

After they had straightened their clothing while in the dining room, Bill and Christina, hand-in-hand, had carefully crept up the stairs to avoid being spotted. When they'd reached the upstairs landing and saw that the coast was clear, they had run down the long hallway into Bill's bedroom.

Laughing like a couple of kids that had gotten away with doing something naughty, they quickly shut the door behind them. They had made it and no one had seen their disheveled, food-caked, debauched appearance.

Safe, in their own private cocoon, Bill pulled Christina into his arms and began to kiss her again with abandon. Entwining her arms around his neck, Christina responded in kind, brushing her own soft lips over his hungry, greedy ones, slipping away into that mindless pleasure that only he seemed to be able to give her. She just couldn't get enough of him.

Bill's hands traveled from her luscious breasts, down to her waist, to her back and down to her derriere. Cupping both cheeks, he squeezed them and tightly pressed her pliant body against his crotch. He could feel himself getting hard again, and if he didn't put a stop to this now, he was going to repeat his schoolboy, sex-starved performance from downstairs only this time it would be on his bedroom floor.

Breathing heavily, Bill reluctantly dragged his lips off of hers. "God, Christina…" he rasped, "I want you again and again and again."

"And you can have me, again and again and again," she purred before reaching for him, ready to pull him back to her lips.

He stopped her. "No, I want to do it right this time."

Confusion registered in Christina's eyes. What was he talking about? She saw him glance over her head to the bed. Suddenly, she realized that he was still regretting their amateurish performance in the dining room earlier.

She smiled, "My darling, I can assure you, the job was done right last time."

He laughed at that, "Thank you for that; but I think it's about time I start putting into practice some of those… farming credits… I earned back in college, don't you? After all, I have a reputation to live up to."

Bluntly put, he wanted to give her the best lay she'd ever had and he knew he could do it if he could just control his lust a little more where she was concerned and take things a bit slower—but he was finding that almost impossible to do.

Christina studied his pinched expression. She, suddenly, realized he was desperately trying to rein in his ardor, wanting to prove himself to her. That was so sweet of him!

But he didn't have to do that. She wanted him so badly again that the bedroom floor was just fine by her. But, it seemed to be important to him and he was asking for her help in a roundabout way—so she'd help him.

She gave him a wicked smile, "Okay, Farmer Bill, let's play a little game." She put a foot of space between them as she pulled away. "And these are the rules. Why don't we go take that shower together? You'll wash my body. I'll wash yours. But no kissing and no touching any private parts. We'll save all that for later. How does that sound?"

Bill gave her a half smile. "I like your little games."

"Good because I have lots of them."

Pleased with her clever idea, Christina took him by the hand and led him to the bathroom.



* * *

The hot shower spray water was deliciously cascading over both of their bodies washing away the remains of their food fight earlier. With a soapy sponge in hand, Bill began to slowly go over every angle and curve of Christina's body except for her breasts and privates. He studied every twist and turn as if he was a sculptor lovingly crafting a piece of marble that he was working on. Christina felt every sensuous stroke and she'd never felt more alive in her life.

Leisurely, he turned her around and began to soap her back, squeezing the water-filled sponge and letting the droplets trickle down the sexy curve of her derriere. Christina briefly closed her eyes, her heart was racing, her breathing was faster and she desperately wanted him again—now. But she'd told him they were going to take things slow. It was what he wanted—and she'd give him what he wanted.

With her back to him, she felt his lips lightly kiss her shoulder. His hand holding the sponge came around her from behind.

"Your turn," he whispered in her ear.

Christina took the sponge from his hand and slowly turned around. They were facing each other now and it was her turn to study every angle and curve of his naked male body.

Her eyes roamed his form up and down. Yes, he was definitely magnificent. His shoulders were strong, his belly was flat and his legs were muscled. His form was so perfect he could have been a male model—he was that gorgeous.

And he was hard for her again. In fact, he'd been hard for her since they'd started their little shower game together but he was trying to take things slow for her sake. She knew he wanted to please her—and she loved him even more for that.

Christina looked up into his fevered eyes and gave him a wicked smile. "You missed a spot," she brazenly told him as she held the soapy, plastic foam over her body.

He stared at her hard. "Where?"

Without saying a word, she let the sponge gradually travel over both of her breasts before moving down to her crotch. His hot, passion-filled eyes grew even bigger as he watched her hand use the sponge to rub languorously back and forth between her legs. Bill couldn't tear his eyes away. What she was doing to herself was so hot that Bill was on the verge of losing it again.

"No fair, Christina," Bill gasped. "That's not part of the rules."

"I only said you couldn't touch me. I never said I couldn't touch myself," she teased him in a saucy manner.

"God…I'll never last if you keep this up. You're torturing me, you know that?" he pleaded.

"Maybe that's the whole point?" she returned with a vixen's smile.

He gave her a lopsided smile back, "You are a wicked, wicked woman, Mrs. Havenwood."

"Baby, you ain't seen nothing yet," she tartly replied.

Christina removed the sponge from between her legs and taking the bar of soap, soaped it up even more. She then dropped to her knees in front of him and began to leisurely lather up his powerful legs, making sure her soft, pouty lips were mere inches away from the head of his erect penis. Her eyes looked up at him then and gave him a taunting smile.

Teasing him even more, her tongue darted out. It was so close to him—so close, only an inch away—yet she didn't touch him. Bill groaned out loud and his breathing became raspy.

"Christina… I can't take much more," he choked out.

"You will," she confidently announced.

She rose slowly from her kneeling position and let the sponge travel from his leg, around his rigid arousal, up his flat stomach and to his strong chest. Bill's burning eyes were glued to every sensuous move she was making—and he was on the point of losing his control.

Christina then wrapped both her arms around him without touching him. Carefully keeping space between their chests and making sure the front of her body was almost touching his hard erection but not quite, she squeezed the sponge onto his back, letting the soap drizzle down his hard, muscled cheeks.

"Does that feel good?" she innocently asked him, as she watched his aroused reaction flicker across his taut face.

She was driving him crazy with her teasing and taunting—and he couldn't take anymore. Within a millisecond, he had lost it completely and groaned in capitulation.

"To hell with your game," he whispered hoarsely.

Bill swiftly bridged the space between them and pulled her into his arms. He began to kiss her with a deliberate softness and tenderness that surprised Christina. She opened her mouth to him as she dropped the sponge behind his back and wrapped her hands onto his heated skin.

In response, he let his tongue plunge into her mouth and began to dart it in and out, silently telling her that his body was ready to do the same thing to hers. Christina moaned with pleasure.

His hands moved over her wet, slippery curves; and hers tangled themselves into his damp hair. The shower spray was still falling on their overheated bodies and it had been running so long that suddenly, it began to turn cold. Christina and Bill's lips yanked apart as they gasped with the change in temperature on their skin. They laughed and Bill reached over and turned the faucets off.

"Wait until my father goes and takes his shower. All the bedrooms are on the same water tank," Bill cracked.

Christina burst out laughing at the thought of William having to take an unexpected cold shower. "Hope he checks the temperature before he jumps in," she replied.

"Hope he doesn't," Bill retorted with an evil gleam in his eyes and Christina laughed again.

Bill kissed her quickly then pulled away. He gazed in her face. "You are so beautiful." His words came out in a rush. "And I'm the luckiest son-of-a-bitch to have you in my life."

Christina reached up and planted a soft kiss back on his lips before pulling away herself. "I love you, Bill Havenwood and I'm so proud of you," she announced.

Bill was taken aback. "Proud of me? For what?"

It was time to get serious and Christina wanted him to believe every word she was about to say. She lovingly reached up and caressed his cheek.

"I'm proud how you've handled your sobriety. And I'm proud how you've been trying to turn your life around. And I'm proud how you've been standing up to your father. And I'm proud for the good man that you are… deep down in your heart…" she traced his heart with her finger on his chest. She looked back up at his intent eyes. "And I'm proud to be your wife in two weeks time. It'll be an honor."

"Nobody's ever been proud of me before, Christina," he admitted sheepishly, still surprised at her words.

"That's because they don't see what I see and they don't know what I know."

"And what do you know?"

A little voice inside Christina urged her to tell him everything—tell him now. Tell him who you really are—the girl from high school. Tell him what you did, how you spied on him, what you had planned for him, tell him that you know about his involvement with GME—tell him everything now. He'll forgive you, if you confess now. Just tell him.

But Christina lost her nerve and she didn't tell him. Maybe, she'd tell him tomorrow, she reasoned—maybe. She looked up and he was still waiting for her answer.

"I know that I love you very much, and I desperately need you in my life."

He wrapped his arms tightly around her naked body and crushed her to him. "My god, Christina, don't ever leave me!" he exclaimed. "I love you so much too."

"I won't leave you; ever!" she muffled into his shoulder. "I promise." She hugged him back just as tightly.

Christina could feel her lashes getting damp with her tears. She could feel his soul in torment and she wanted to cry for him. She wanted to cry—for the man she had once hated!

She had been so wrong to have judged him and his past actions so harshly. Now that she understood him better, she had come to love him—and she would love him forever, no matter what.

He felt her shiver and mistakenly thought she was getting cold. He planted a swift kiss on the top of her head and reached out past the shower door to grab a fluffy towel.

"Let's get you dried off. I don't want you catching a cold before the wedding," he said as he started to rub her down.

"No, I don't suppose I'd look too attractive in our wedding pictures with a red nose and sniffles."

Bill carefully wrapped the big towel around her. "You'd look attractive to me, red nose and all, no matter what."

Christina beamed. It was what every woman wanted to hear. "You're not so bad yourself. In fact, you have the best shoulders of any man I've ever seen."

"Really?" he replied. "Even better than your boyfriend's?" Bill just had to know. Was it over between her and the lout? Has she given him his walking papers?

Christina reasoned that she'd better come clean about that at least. She could see the jealousy beginning to pool on Bill's face as she turned innocent eyes up at him.

"Which boyfriend are you talking about?"

"How the hell many are there?" He angrily retorted, still unsure of her love for him.

"I don't have a boyfriend."

"So you've broken it off?"


Bill was confused. "Then what are you saying?"

"You said that you haven't been seeing Stephie from even before we met."

"That's right."

"Well, I haven't been seeing anyone either the whole time I've known you."

"What?" The word came out in an unbelievable gasp. "But… you said you had a boyfriend."

"No… you said I had a boyfriend. I just didn't tell you I didn't," Christina coyly added then waited for the explosion she knew was coming.

She didn't have to wait long.

"Why, you little hellcat! You let me believe you were sleeping with someone else? Do you know what it did to me to imagine you in the arms of some other man? Of you being with him, kissing him, making love to him? I was going out-of-my-mind with jealousy."

"I know exactly what that feels like, only I knew her name and her face," Christina launched back.

Bill wanted to say more but he held his tongue. "Everything I told you about her was the truth."

"I know that… now. And I believe you."

Looking down at her, enveloped in that big fluffy towel with her wet hair slicked back she looked like a sweet, innocent, little girl. And he couldn't stay mad at her. He hadn't exactly been a choirboy himself during their relationship. After all, he had forced her to participate in his scheme to fool his father, hadn't he?

With a wicked glint in his eyes, he suddenly scooped her up in his strong arms and stepped out of the shower stall.

"Oh no, you're not going to throw me in the pool again?" Christina shot out.

He walked with her in his arms, into his bedroom. "No. I have a different kind of punishment in mind for bad girls like you," he replied, before dropping her unceremoniously on his bed.

Christina saw he was half smiling and he wasn't angry with her anymore. Her mood instantly lightened. "It's not the handcuffs, is it?" she giggled.

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