Read Her Secret Betrayal Online

Authors: Jordan Bell

Tags: #erotic romance, #bdsm, #domination, #bondage, #bbw, #bdsm romance, #bbw romance, #bbw erotica, #50 shades of grey, #billionaire erotica, #jordan bell

Her Secret Betrayal (6 page)

BOOK: Her Secret Betrayal
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Sean urged my face to the carpet, my hands
stretched out in front of me. I sighed, the tension from the
restaurant ebbing out of me with each breath. Sean kept his
apartment at a cool temperature which helped to sooth my heated
skin. He paced behind me somewhere, bare feet hushing across the
carpet. He’d been like this all night, a caged animal, a giant cat
hungry for something more than scraps. I’d watched him strip his
shirt off as soon as we’d walked in, muscles tightening and
extending with each emphasized movement. He hadn’t even let me get
comfortable in the space. We’d gone straight to his bedroom, and as
evidence of his displeasure, he’d stripped me roughly down to my
panties and pushed me to my knees within minutes of walking through
the front door.

He paced out of the room. His restlessness
made my anxiety heighten. I knew he wanted to do some intense play,
but he’d been secretive in the car on the way over. He needed
distraction, but I wondered if sex would be enough. I doubted
anything would be enough. I was willing to do whatever it took to
calm him, though.

Sean returned minutes later with leather
strips stretched between his hands. I peeked at him as he crossed
the room until he loomed over me. He reached down, took my hand and
helped me back to my feet, then onto the big bed.

I knelt while he hooked up a series of
leather restraints to his headboard. They smelled new, the leather
still a little stiff. I didn’t struggle when he took up my hands
and secured both to a cuff. As he worked his tension released, gave
him a way to focus and calm. By the last cuff his hands had slowed
and worked the leather as a lover, his grip strong but not

“Kara.” Sean retrieved a box from his bed
side table, a small non-descript thing no one would have given a
second glance, but I recognized it. It was the one thing that I’d
noticed he’d taken with him after he left six years ago. A flutter
of excitement wiped my tension as I watched him unhook the lid.
What was inside was mine. I’d wondered back then why he’d taken it
when he’d left the rest of me behind. Now I thought maybe I knew
the reason. As much as it was mine, it was also his. No one else
had any right to it.

“I remember.” I exhaled when the soft,
well-worn leather collar was revealed. It was blue, as dark as a
stormy sky, well used and well loved.

“May I?” I raised my eyes from the collar to
his face, my hands already restrained so I couldn’t touch him, but
something in his voice made me want to. It was stark, a little
apprehensive. I wondered if he thought I’d say no. If I would deny

“God yes.” I swallowed, blushed. “I mean,
yes. Sir.”

He smiled and slid the curved leather around
my throat. The buckle’s metal burned cold against the nape of my
neck. He had to pull my blonde hair aside to fasten it into place,
and the sound the leather belt made as it slid through the buckle
went straight to my sex. I wiggled excitedly and he gave my pantied
backside a smack before leaning away.

“Stay still, little girl.”

The third leather strap was attached to the
ring at my throat. I had very little room to move, but enough for
me to be laid down if need be. I could turn my head to see him but
that was about it. I lowered my hands to the bed and dropped my
head in the cat-like position he adored. Completely submissive and
giving and trusting. My body remembered and responded. My labia
throbbed, already moist, knowing what was to come.

“Pick a safeword, Kara.” When I turned my
face towards his voice, my breath caught at the back of my throat.
He leaned against the doorway, his pants slung low on his hips,
front buttons undone and partially unzipped. Barefoot, he looked
more relaxed than he had all night. He’d taken his contacts out
too, I realized. He wore small, academic glasses, rectangular and
smart on his young face. He looked too normal, like a teacher, than
a man with rough sexual proclivities. I licked my lips, hyperaware
of his eyes on my hanging breasts, heavy and round beneath me.

“Red. I choose

“Good. Simple.”

I lowered my forehead to the bed sheet in a
position of supplication, which was about as far as I could stretch
the leather straps. I heard him take a shaky breath as he moved
closer to examine me. I could feel his eyes on my back, on the
little heart shaped birthmark between my shoulder blades,
to the curve of my buttocks and the cleft
between my legs that I did not bother hiding. I still wore my
panties for the time being, but they were light pink and hardly
covered everything.

He climbed onto the bed and knelt at my
shoulders. He dropped the palm of his hand to my backside and spent
an agonizing minute traveling down to the large globes of my ass

Then he hooked four fingers beneath my
panties just at my coccyx, pulled them up and down over the swell.
When he let them go they pooled around my bent knees.

I didn’t see him get the toy out, but I
recognized the flogger straps as he gentled them up my thighs,
across my bottom, and up the sway of my back. My reaction was
instantaneous. I shuddered deep and drooped low. My fingers splayed
in anticipation, but not in anxiety. The feel of the straps
swishing across my skin was like being pet and I remembered many
nights with Sean as we fiddled with the toys and got used to them.
Figuring out the right way to handle a flogger sounds so much
simpler in books. We’d giggled together during many nights of
experimentation, especially the night we found out how ticklish I
was along the front of my thighs and stomach. The memory of those
days warmed me from the inside which felt extraordinary with the
warmth that flushed my skin with the caress of leather straps.

With him looming over me, I became very
aware of our opposites - my soft, full body ready and open before
his hard stature, lean and muscular. Feminine and masculine.
Dominant and submissive. Both heartbreakingly beautiful but so
different and so good together. It made me aware of myself in ways
I hadn’t understood before, and unmistakably proud of being his
perfect opposite.

Proud, too, strangely, that I wasn’t willowy
and breakable.

He exhaled as he swatted the thuddy straps
across my bare skin and almost immediately I had trouble focusing.
A trained response, maybe, as he primed my cool skin with the heat
of his light strikes. I wrapped my fingers around the leather strap
attached to my throat and pulled on it, anchored my dissolving
senses. Submission was not passivity and it wasn’t about losing
yourself. It was about giving yourself and actively offering
possession. I wanted him to know, when the strikes became more
intense, when the pain reddened my skin, that I was feeling every
inch and taking it.

Sean passed the straps across the back of my
thighs, the back of my knees, back up over the swell, harder then,
harder still, until each rhythmic lashing made me jump and bounce
to both meet and shy away from the next strike. In minutes he had
me panting from the work out, my abdomen muscles tightening with
each strike. None of them hurt, but together they brought my skin
to a slow burn, a deeper bruise that extended over my sensitive
backside. When I couldn’t hold my shoulders up any more and
collapsed forward with my forehead once more to the sheets, the
straps fell quiet.

“Still a pretty, quiet sub. So meek and
modest.” Sean sighed, regret and pleasure warring in his thick
voice. I shuddered pleasantly as he returned close to my backside
at the end of the bed. “Tonight, darling, I really want to see you
come undone. Make a mess of yourself, Kara. Tell me how it

Confusion gave me pause until I heard the
telltale click and buzz of the vibe and then all at once I
tightened up. I heard him exhale a little chuckle when he saw my
reaction. He caressed the inside of my thigh with its fat head,
cold against my skin, and up to the very wet recesses between my
legs. He grazed the shuddering toy across my swollen lips, pushed
aggressively against my clit. The electricity sent shocks up my
body, shook me and made me gasp and cry. My hips danced
involuntarily, wanting more pressure, wanting relief. Too much all
at once and not enough.

He pushed the tip to my lips once again and
pushed - pushed until they gave way and spread. The vibrator was
bigger than him, I realized suddenly, when it spread me and kept
spreading to a very slight discomfort. It sunk inside me, deep and
thick and it didn’t take long to get me shuddering and convulsing.
It was too much all at once when I preferred the slow build.

Then, to my astonishment, he wrapped a set
of leather straps around my thighs like a harness that clicked to
the end of the vibrator.


He drove the vibrator hard
into me, all the way in, and leaned his body across my ass.

“What did you call me?”

“Sir…sir, I meant…”


He let go and the harness held the vibrator
in place, a wicked, constant tease into my core. Bumps perfectly
aligned with my g-spot, which quickly became too intense, too

This was the point where I would have to
make the choice. Take it. Let him play me like his toy. Or

Active submission. I let my forehead back to
the sheet and raised my hips higher into the air.

“Beautiful,” he breathed, and without giving
me rest, brought the flogger down again. “Give in, my beautiful
pet. Tell me what you are feeling.”

Thud. Thud. Thud. The straps fell into a
rhythm across both large ass cheeks, across my thighs and back up
in a figure 8, circling the vibrator and its delicious intensity. I
shuddered, scratched my nails into the bedding and pushed my ass
higher into the air.

“I feel…ooh…it’s too intense…”

My insides squeezed around the vibrator.
Fluid leaked down my thighs to give away my body’s incredible
pleasure. I bit down on my bottom lip and closed my eyes.

Sean brought the flogger down harder, and I
jerked with a cry, but instead of pulling away from the straps I
pushed into them, a purely thoughtless action.

“Do you like when I hurt you?”

I shuddered and to my great embarrassment I
felt myself humping my hips backwards as if it might push the
vibrator deeper into me, like I was working it like a lover.

“Kara,” he repeated. I shook my head, bit
down on the sheets. He struck harder until my hips let go and I
dropped heavy into the bed. My thighs trembled as he turned off the
vibrator and removed the harness. I hadn’t come. Neither had he.
There was no way he was done.

His hand came down across my left cheek,
surprising but not painful. I jerked against my restraints and felt
him shush me gently and stroke my hair back with his free hand. The
second strike came down against the right, then left, then

“Do you enjoy being used like a toy, Kara?”
he murmured, his voice dark and husky. “Answer me.”

I whined, humiliation making it hard to form
words, but I knew how he loved to make me admit to him my secret
fantasies. He knew I loved admitting them under duress. “Yes,
I…yes. Yes, sir.”

This time when he brought his hand down
there was pain and I screamed when his hand shocked me with its
force. I pulled on my restraints reflexively, but he was ready and
clamped one hand down across the nape of my neck to still my

The next three strikes were just as hard if
not worse and I struggled, really struggled not to balk and flee,
if that were even possible. It never occurred to me to safeword - I
was not in any danger and never was, but that’s the body’s natural
reaction to pain. Get away from it as fast as possible, and even
after so many punishments at Marcus’s hand or Sean’s, I still
reacted with flight. He held my writhing body firmly into the
mattress, which couldn’t decide if it loved the pain or feared it.
I rubbed my cheek into the soft linen and whimpered pitifully.

The next strikes were less deliberately
painful, but by then my backside was already burning hot. Sweat
broke out across my skin and dripped from the small of my back down
to my shoulders. Without a word he dipped his hand between my legs
to cup my mons and finger the wetness growing there to see just how
open I’d already gotten.

“Do you enjoy humiliation, Kara?” He played
it cool but his voice shook from the effort and the thrill of his
administrations. His heart beat through his skin and I felt it
hammering inside my chest with my own heartbeat. Against my hip he
nuzzled the hard bulge of his erection, in case I had any doubts to
his level of arousal.

His question sent a mewl of denial through
me, but he knew as surely as I did that at his hands I craved it.
My dirty secret. Make me submit, please, force my surrender and
teach me my place. What I wouldn’t give for that level of loss of
control? I shuddered and squeezed my eyes and involuntarily opened
my knees to make my shameless sex more open to him. He growled
pleasantly at my wanton behavior, even if I couldn’t voice my love
for it.

“You’ll tell me, little whore. Deny me
.” He shoved his fingers inside of me, unsympathetic
when I tried to buck from their pressure. He tightened his hold on
my neck and I hid my face deeper into the mattress. He dropped his
voice from demanding to promising. “Deny me nothing and I will give
you everything, pet.”

“Yes!” I gasped when he pushed his thumb
against the puckered opening of my anus. “Yes I like it! Yes I want

Sean pulled his sopping fingers from my
pussy and brought the flat of his palm down across my slick lips
with the same force he’d struck my upturned ass, but the pain was
so extraordinary I had to bite down on the sheets to restrain my
scream. He struck my sex again, twice, less hard with a cupped hand
that made so much noise and sent fragile cracks through my
composure. My hips bucked into his hand, wiggled to feel him inside
me again, but he denied me such pleasure, a low, teasing chuckle
escaping from him. I looked over my shoulder up at him, at his
academic good looks. No one would ever think this boy would crave
such animal pleasure, or that I would not only allow him to assault
me with a barrage of exquisite pain, but relish the euphoria of
such a power exchange.

BOOK: Her Secret Betrayal
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