Her Unexpected Detour (15 page)

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Authors: Kyra Jacobs

BOOK: Her Unexpected Detour
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Chapter Eighteen

hot shower never felt so good, and never smarted so bad. Kayla had refused to let Brent leave her sight once they arrived at his place; she’d followed him upstairs and insisted on inspecting him for bee stings. He shooed her out of his master bathroom once the shower was running, refusing to have her see him shiver and shake his way out of his sopping wet clothes. Once they were off, he lunged for the shower, eager for reprieve from the cold…and having forgotten just how damned painful a hot shower on a cold body could be.

He roared as the lukewarm water rained down on his body, turning his bluish skin instantly to red.

“Is it still too hot?” Her voice was laced with concern.

No way would he fess up to that, especially after it’d been her idea to dial it back from the scalding temperature he’d first selected. Brent worked to keep his temper, and his chattering teeth, in check. “N-no.”


Another spasm rippled through Brent’s body. He’d never been submerged in water so cold before. Hoped to never be again. The bathroom door squeaked open.

“You doing all right? Because if you are, I could get these clothes in the wash for you.”

Brent sighed. The woman had gone into Energizer Bunny mode after his plunge in the pond, always moving or talking. Or both. “F-first floor, behind the kitchen.”

“Great. I’ll be right back. Oof! Yes, Bear, you can come, too.”

The door closed behind her, and a blessed silence descended upon the room. Brent turned the water temp up a notch and bit back a cry of pain. Damn, it stung. But not as much as his pride. Right now, he didn’t know which was worse—falling into the pond in front of Kayla, or barely being able to make it upstairs from all the shivering and muscle cramps. And if she insisted on a clinical full-body inspection after his shower, well, that might just kill him.

What a mess.

He closed his eyes and felt the burning sensation start to ease from his skin. Kayla had been in a total panic back by the pond. Insisting they get him to a hospital, that he needed to see a doctor. She’d done that with his hand after the fight at Chevvy’s, too. What was with her always thinking he needed to get to a doctor, anyway?

Then it dawned on him: her mother.

Only the doctors hadn’t been able to save Mrs. Daniels. Her illness had fallen outside the usual range of tests, had gone undetected. It must have been hell for Kayla, to watch the cancer eat away the woman she clearly looked up to. But still, her mother hadn’t been taken overnight, she hadn’t had to learn of her death from a detached police investigator.

God, what he would have given for some advance notice of that plane crash. A chance to tell his parents good-bye, to let them know how much he loved them…

“You still doing okay in there?”

Kayla’s voice woke him from his silent pity party. “Uh, yeah. Starting to thaw out.”


The hot water began to cool, and Brent knew his time was up.
He shut the water off.

“Done already?”

“Old water heater, doesn’t hold much. Guess it’s time to update.” Brent moved to the far end of the shower and reached a hand out from behind the curtain. “Towel, please?”

A warm, soft towel met his hand. Fresh from the dryer? He hugged it to his chest and savored its warmth and the scent of his favorite fabric softener. She had no idea how much the gesture meant to him right now.

“I found some baking soda while I was downstairs and made up a paste for any stings we find. Hopefully there won’t be any stingers still in there—I hate trying to pry those suckers out.”

Brent grimaced at the thought. “Thanks. Why don’t you just leave that stuff on the counter, and I’ll take care of it when I’m done?”

“Nice try, buddy. But unless you grew a set of eyes in the back of your head, you’re gonna need my help. Besides, you aren’t really going to play shy with me, are you? I have seen you without your clothes on before.”

“Says the woman who’s still fully clothed.”

“Yes. And you should know, she plans to stay that way.”

A devious grin tugged at his lips. Her voice had waivered on that last sentence. No waiver meant no chance, but that sound?
Hmm, maybe being naked isn’t such a bad thing after all…

Brent put the towel to his face and drew in a deep breath. He hadn’t had a chance to tell his parents how he felt before they were gone. Was he really going to stand there and do the same thing with Kayla? Because he was definitely falling for her—that warm towel had just pushed him right over the edge. If only he could convince her to give him a chance, to leave Indiana and all that stress and heartache.

“Do you need help drying off?”

“You in a hurry to see me naked or what?” He grinned at the prospect.

“No. I need to make sure you’re not a walking bee stinger pincushion.”


Brent gingerly dragged the towel back and forth across his back. So far, so good. Oh hell, good nothing—it was a freaking miracle he wasn’t covered in stings from head to toe. The cooler weather had saved his ass. That, and the freezing water. He did a quick inspection of his lower extremities. Nope, no stings visible.

“You know, if you did get stung you’re gonna want to get this paste on before the itching gets too bad.”

He tucked the towel loosely around his waist, pushed the curtain back, and leveled a look of mock annoyance at her as he stepped out of the shower. Kayla’s gaze fixed on his naked torso and her cheeks blossomed with pink.

She cleared her throat and stepped behind him. “Now, uh, just hold still while I check you out.”

“You know, usually when people check each other out, they don’t give a play by play.”

“This isn’t that kind of checking you out.”

He grinned at her insolent tone. “Find anything back there?”

“So far, only two stings on each shoulder blade, no stingers visible. Man, I can’t believe how lucky you were.” She dabbed some of the cold goop onto his shoulder. “Do they itch?”

He sucked in a sharp breath as the cold paste met his skin. “No. Maybe I’m still in shock or something.”

The thought only worried him slightly. Right now, he had more important things on his mind. Like how best to take advantage of their tight quarters.

“God, I hope not. It’s been too long since I took a CPR class. I don’t even remember what to do with someone who’s gone into shock.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. And you call yourself a nurse.”

“No. I don’t.” She lifted his arm and inspected the left side of his body. “And besides, I’d make a terrible nurse. I…don’t do well in hospitals.”

Brent watched her work, enjoying that she was too focused on looking for embedded stingers to notice him staring. Kayla’s brows were pulled into a small V as she chewed on her lower lip. She looked absolutely adorable, concentrating like that. Good thing she wasn’t a nurse—who knows how many patients she’d have hitting on her.

She ducked behind him again, brushed her hand gently across his back, and lifted his other arm.

“Find anything else?” he asked.

“Not so far.”

“You know,” he said, hamming it up. “I think I’m starting to feel a sting.”

“You do?” Kayla lowered his arm. “Where?”

“On my face.” She moved to stand before him, that damned bowl of paste in her hands. How could he get her to put it down? “Above my left eye. Do you see it?”

“No. Where?”

He raised a hand to point to his left brow, careful to keep the other hand clamped onto the top edge of his towel.

“I…I don’t see anything,” Kayla said, her gaze intent on where he was pointing. “Bend down a little.”

He did, but only a tiny bit. With a sigh, she set the bowl aside and placed a hand on each of his shoulders, pulling him down to eye level. Her lips were only a whisper away from his. “I still don’t see—”

“Don’t you?” Brent’s eyes drifted shut as he drew in a breath and savored her scent. Lilac and vanilla. He wet his lips. “Maybe you’re not looking hard enough.”

“Well, I don’t know how I could miss it this close up.”

“Me, either.” Brent leaned forward and claimed her mouth with his own. All his worries about stings and shock and last good-byes vanished in an instant.

ayla froze.

What was Brent doing, kissing her
? After he’d just had a near-death experience? Maybe he really was going into shock. Kayla pulled back, breaking the kiss, and ignored the way every neuron in her body threatened to rebel.

“I’m not done,” she said, as much for herself as for him.

“Sure you are.” His voice was low. And seductive. Far too seductive.

Could someone in shock sound like that?

Kayla put a hand on his chest to stop him from stealing a second kiss. His solid, warm chest. She swallowed hard. “Wait.”


He pushed her hand aside and leaned in for another kiss. Kayla turned her face, but Brent simply changed targets. His mouth grazed her jawline and slid down to the hollow beneath her ear. A shudder rippled through her body as his warm breath tickled her neck.

“Because clearly you’re going into shock. How far is it to the nearest clinic?”

“I told you, I’m fine.” His free hand reached up and tugged at her ponytail. Her chin tipped up, leaving her neck exposed. Brent’s lips traveled just beneath her jaw, from one ear to the other. “You worry too much.”

Ha, wasn’t that the story of her life?

His teeth pressed softly into her left earlobe, reminding her that right now, she had every right to worry. And not just about whether or not the man had gone into shock. If he kept kissing and nibbling, she would soon join him.

“But we shouldn’t.” Kayla stepped back and felt the bathroom countertop dig into her hip.

“Why not?” Brent reached out, grasped a handful of shirt at the small of her back, and pulled her toward him. “I thought we were past all the formalities by now.”

Before she had a chance to squirm away again, his lips pressed into hers. The kiss was gentle, nearly a caress. Okay, so maybe he wasn’t going into shock. But if that was true, then what was he doing? Surely he knew whatever this thing was between them couldn’t work. She refused to lead him on or hurt him like that.

And yet she was unable to resist kissing him back, unable to keep her body from melting into his. It was as if she were a puppet, and Brent controlled all the strings. Heat rolled off his muscular, naked torso, sending shivers racing up and down her body. The clean smell of his body wash permeated the steamy air. Something clean, earthy, and all man.

Desire raced through her like wildfire. By sheer willpower Kayla managed to break their kiss, before things got out of control. Before she truly couldn’t say no.

“This isn’t about formalities,” she said, gasping for breath. “I’m trying to be responsible here. And…realistic.”

“Realistic? About what?”

Brent’s face was a whisper away from hers, his stormy gray eyes mesmerizing. He nipped her lower lip and when she gasped in surprise, he claimed her mouth once more. His hand left the small of her back and wove into her hair, trapping her lips against his. The kiss lengthened and grew in intensity. He pulled her closer still, and Kayla found herself again starting to cave, to give in to desire.

But desire didn’t pay her bills, and neither did Brent. She arched back, straining to put space between them.

“Stop, just stop, all right? You’re not thinking clearly. Your life is here, in Mount Pleasant. But mine’s back in Indiana.”

“No,” he said, his face suddenly serious. “You
your life is back in Indiana. But what kind of life were you really living?”

Surprise washed over her. “What are you talking about? I have a good life there. I’ve got my dad, a great job at Wayne—”

“No.” He pulled her away from the sink and turned her around so her back was against the opposite wall. Then he planted a hand on either side of her shoulders, boxing her in. “You’ve fooled yourself into believing that place cares about you. That they appreciate your creativity and your hard work. Well, it’s bullshit, Kayla. They’re using you. Sucking the life right out of you for their own gain. Can’t you see that?”

“No.” Kayla felt her temper rise another notch. “No, I’m good at what I do. One of the best. They know that. They value my work.”

“But they don’t value you.”

He leaned forward and kissed her again, less gentle this time. With more authority. Kayla shook her head and broke free from his lips, refusing to give in.

“Yes, they do.”

“Oh yeah?” He leaned down so his eyes were level with hers, their steel grays barely containing his sudden, inexplicable fury. “Then why didn’t they punish anyone else last Friday?”

She glared at Brent. How many times had she asked herself the same question since that awful meeting in Jacober’s office? Self-doubt washed over her anew, but she fought to ignore it.

“I don’t know, I’m not them.”

“But you
know. And yet you still defend them?”

Kayla thumped her fisted hands on the wall of man before her. “They could have fired me, Brent. Kicked me to the curb with a pink slip in hand. Instead, I got a slap on the wrist. They cut me a break because they do value me as an employee.”

She stared up at him, willing him to believe her. Willing herself to believe the same thing. But his scowl remained, his eyes dark. Kayla shook her head and sighed. “It doesn’t matter, anyway, because I’ve already pulled together the perfect idea for our next big bid. They’ll have to bring me back now so I can help with design and bring it across the finish line.”

“Great.” Brent withdrew and threw his arms up. “So, you’ll go and convince them they can’t live without you, and then what, Kayla? Sweep it all under the rug? Pretend it doesn’t bother you that they didn’t trust you enough to hear you out?”

“Stop it!” She covered her ears. “You don’t understand. I’m not a quitter, and I’m not going to leave just because I don’t think I was treated fairly!”

“No?” Brent’s volume mirrored hers, and he closed the distance between them once more. “Then what would be a good reason to leave? Because I sure as hell think that’s a pretty damned good one.”

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