Hereward 04 - Wolves of New Rome (42 page)

BOOK: Hereward 04 - Wolves of New Rome
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This is a great canvas for the ongoing story of Hereward and his men. We don’t know for certain what happened to the hero of Ely after its fall – there are competing theories – but it’s very likely that those warriors who escaped the slaughter would have gone east in search of gold and glory.

One final word on place names. You’ll have noticed that not once was the word ‘Byzantium’ used in this book. That’s because it’s a name imposed by latter-day historians. At the time, this was still considered the Roman Empire, and the people who lived within its borders called themselves Romans.

I also took the decision a long time ago to refer to Constantinople only by that name. Every place in the world at this time was called more than one thing, depending upon who was speaking. But in storytelling, clarity is paramount. I could have had the English calling the city Constantinople and the Vikings calling it Mikkelgaard. And the same with Ceuta/Abta/Sabta. But that could lead to confusion. Better to choose one name and stick with it, I think. (As, no doubt, the mercenaries of the time would have done. If all your comrades in arms were saying they were on the way to Constantinople, would you bloody-mindedly insist on calling it Mikkelgaard? I doubt it.)

Even greater drama lies ahead for Constantinople and the Roman Empire: war on several fronts, conspiracy at home. I’d quite like to see how Hereward and the spear-brothers deal with it all …


James Wilde


James Wilde
is a man of Mercia. Raised in a world of books, he went on to study economic history at university before travelling the world in search of adventure. Unable to forget a childhood encounter – in the pages of a comic – with the great English warrior Hereward, he became convinced that this great fighter should be the subject of his first novel.
was a bestseller and two further successful novels, chronicling the life and times of the near-forgotten hero, followed.
Hereward: Wolves of New Rome
is the fourth book in the series. James indulges his love of history and the high life in the home his family have owned for several generations in the heart of a Mercian forest. To find out more, visit

Also by James Wilde





For more information on James Wilde and his books, see his website at

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A Random House Group Company


A BANTAM PRESS BOOK: 9780593071830
Version 1.0 Epub ISBN: 9781448167364


First publication in Great Britain
Bantam Press edition published 2014


Copyright © Emerald Eye Limited 2014


James Wilde has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.


This book is a work of fiction and, except in the case of historical fact, any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


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