HerMatesEmbrace (28 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Airies

BOOK: HerMatesEmbrace
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“I just imagine what I want it to do?” Her head tilted and
he saw the interest lighting her eyes. He knew she’d like the idea of teasing

“If you think it, will it, the magic will do it. Now how
long are you going to keep me waiting?” He raised an eyebrow in challenge. “I
have plans for playing as well.”

“Will it to do what I want…” Her voice trailed off and her
eyes roamed over his chest and down to where his cock strained against the
fabric of his pants.

He took a deep, steadying breath as images slammed into his
head of what she might do. Maybe he should have told her what to do. If she did
any of what he was picturing, he wasn’t going to last long before grabbing her
and showing her how it felt to have the magic pulsing over her. He clenched his
jaw. He needed to let her play and relax with it as long as possible.

“It will do anything you want. If you want it in a certain
form, you just have to picture and want it to be in that shape. Now show me
what you can do.” He smiled at her. He’d have to make sure she got a chance to
practice on Colm too. He wasn’t going to be the only one she tortured.

She cupped the magic in both hands and then trailed the
purple mist from his shoulders to his stomach in a slow, winding trail. Sparks
danced through him wherever the magic touched his skin. The sensation seared
when it touched his
, causing his back to arch, lifting into the
phantom touch. It simply sat there as she trailed the last of the magic over
his stomach, but damn, he wanted it to move. Simply having it trailing across
his upper body teased him when he knew the sensation that magic could give.

“How did you learn this?” she asked softly.

The quiet question caught him off guard. He focused on
answering her and tried to ignore the tingling sensation of her magic moving
over his skin. He’d have to ask her a few questions while he played to show her
how difficult it was to focus on anything other than the promise of pleasure.

“Not nearly as intimately as this. It was a little strange.
The same man who instructed me in basic magic sat and talked with a group of us
about it and told us how to do it. Told us to try it when we were alone and if
we had any questions to come back and talk to him.” He shrugged.

“I think I like this way.” She wriggled her fingers as the
last of the magic drifted onto his stomach. “I definitely like being able to
play and see how you like it. I think I’ll start with one of your ideas.”

Her eyes locked on his chest. He felt the tingling magic
pulse and then the lower end of it began to drift up his body. Heat spread over
his skin as the mist trailed up to his chest. It separated into two distinct
masses and pooled over his nipples.

Prickling sparks spread. He felt nails scraping over the
tips of his nipples, but both of her hands were in sight. His cock hardened
even more and pressed against the fabric of his pants. He wanted to grab her
and show her how good this felt. Maybe he shouldn’t have talked so much about
what he’d do to her.

“This really feels good to you?” she asked softly. Concern
darkened her eyes.

“Gods, yes. You’ll see when I get my turn to play with you.”
He couldn’t wait. The magic swirled over his skin, sending a fiery wave
straight down to his cock.

He moaned and she smiled. Her hand stroked over the top of
the magic. She’d feel a little of the tingle he was feeling. He could almost
see her confidence growing and the torturous ideas bubbling inside her head.
She braced her hand near his shoulder and leaned down to watch. Stinging
pleasure pulsed through him as the mass of magic rolled and swirled over the
darkened skin surrounding his nipples. His hips arched involuntarily.

“Um, looks as if there’s a part of you I’ve been neglecting
here. I’ll take care of that. I wouldn’t want to leave any part of you
untouched.” She licked her lips and straightened. Her hands went to the leather
laces at his fly.

He swallowed, but strained to keep his hands laced behind
his head when his entire body vibrated with need.
You can do this.
encouraging thought did little to quell the heat and hunger burning him. He
itched to get his turn to play with her.

She pushed the fabric apart and his cock sprang free from
the confines. Her fingers brushed the sensitive shaft and his hips pumped
upward. He didn’t know what she had planned, but he ached to feel those fingers
wrap around him. His mind locked on how close those warm fingers were to his

“Much as I’d love to taste you, I think I need to practice a
little more.” She smiled. The heat and anticipation in those eyes stole his
breath. Hazy magic twisted and turned in her palm for a moment before she
tipped her hand and spilled it right over his cock.

Hot sparks flared and burst as the mist rolled over his
cock. His hips bucked up even as his hands jerked from behind his neck. He had
only a second to realize that the mating magic wasn’t just running over his
cock. It surrounded and rippled over his cock. He grabbed her shoulders and tugged
her down.

His lips captured hers. Thrusting his tongue deep into her
mouth, he kissed her. Tugging at her, he tried to draw her onto his aching
cock. She resisted, laughing softly. He growled in frustration.

One of her hands wrapped around the shaft. The warmth of her
hand combined with the tingling torture of the magic drove all thought other
than release out of his head. Her fingers drew up the length. She pumped his
cock, her grip tightening on the downstroke.

The magic rippled over and around the shaft sending sparks
straight up his spine. Her thumb smoothed over the rounded head of his cock.
yet. Not yet
. He wanted to be inside of her first. She swept the pad across
one more time. Light exploded across his eyes. His breath caught and his hips
jerked as he came. The pleasure roared over him leaving him shaking and gasping
for breath.

He looked at Cami and found her licking her fingers. Her
eyes glowed and a small smile curved her lips. A very satisfied little
licking her paw. Determination pulsed through him. The next time he came,
he’d be deep inside her, but first, he was going to see her as wild as she’d
made him.


Cami licked her fingers again. He tasted good. Each lick
reinforced the fact that he was her mate. She occasionally wondered if she’d
taken it a step too far, too fast. Even the way they focused on her once they
learned she was their mate had reassured her.

Still, she wondered if it was really her they wanted or
simply their mate. She wanted more than the physical attraction. Her emotions
already flared high and probably started growing from the first even when fear
urged her to keep her distance. She needed them to feel that same true, deep

She leaned down and brushed her lips across Linc’s. That had
been fun. She hadn’t been this relaxed around her magic ever. His hands
tightened on her shoulders and the fingers dug in a little more firmly than
comfortable. She met his burning gaze and gasped. Hunger and intent burned

“Oh, you’re going to pay for that, sweet Cami. You’re going
to love it.” His hands pressed on her shoulders and he rolled her. Her back
pressed against the bed cover and he knelt over her. “I hope you’re ready for
this, because I’m in the mood to play now.”

His head lowered and his teeth grazed her shoulder. She
shivered at the touch and wriggled in anticipation. The touch of magic had sent
him out of control. If it felt even half as good as she imagined, she couldn’t
wait for him to play. Slick, warm moisture slipped from her pussy as she looked
up at him. She couldn’t stop imagining what he said he wanted to do with the

“Not panicking yet. If you wait too long, I might.” She
raised an eyebrow. He wouldn’t need to watch her face very closely to know that
she was teasing.

“I can give you something else to think about.” His head
lowered again and his tongue swirled over her pulse point.

She expected a kiss or for him to draw back and let her see
him form the magic. As his lips moved over her neck, she felt warmth spread
over her belly. Then tingles spread slowly. The prickling sensation pulsed and
stroked, almost the same as a lover’s hand, but she’d never felt this sparkling
intensity when someone touched her belly. Desire coiled low in her belly. The
inner muscles of her pussy clenched in anticipation. How would that feel when
it touched her breasts? She squeezed her thighs together.

“You sent me right over the edge.” His lips trailed over her
jaw and his tongue swept across her lips once before it thrust into her mouth
in a fierce claiming. “I loved it, but let me show you how intense the mating
magic can be when you combine the magic with touch.”

“Show me what you can do. Maybe I’ll learn something and try
it out on Colm later.” She grinned at the thought of doing to him what she’d
done to Linc. She might need a few extra tricks to take him over the edge.

“You’ll definitely be playing with him later.” He licked her
lips. He kissed her cheek and then nibbled his way down her neck.

She shivered and ran her hand over his back. Her palm itched
with the heat of the magic. She’d love to rub it across his back and shoulders
to excite him as he did her. Now that he’d shown her this new kind of magic,
she wanted to use it, but held back. He wanted to show her pleasure. She wasn’t
going to take that away from him. Relaxing on the mattress, she enjoyed the
sizzle of magic across her belly. What she felt now would probably be eclipsed
by the sensation when the magic touched her breasts or her pussy.

His mouth touched her shoulder and the magic on her stomach
floated up her rib cage and teased the underside of her right breast. It
rippled over her
. A shiver raced over her body. Tingling heat
raced over her skin and seemed to tug a string connected straight to her clit.
Her breath caught and her back arched. She groaned, frustrated because there
was nothing to offer a firmer pressure or harder touch at her breasts.

The magic hadn’t even touched her nipples yet. Thoughts flew
from her grasp. She could only focus on the burning desire building inside her.
His teeth grazed over her skin. She wriggled her body, straining for more. His
fingers brushed over her midriff. Her skin seemed hypersensitive and even the
soft brush of air over it sent tingles spiraling through her.

“I love watching you move and listening to the sound of your
voice as the heat begins to get to you. I’m going to hear more of that.” His
tongue swirled over the slope of her breast.

Her breath caught in her throat at the growled promise. The
magic flowed up her breast as his mouth moved closer to her other nipple. The
prickling sparks from the magic contrasted with the warmth of his breath and
the soft brush of his lips. Her fingers clenched and her muscles tightened. She
didn’t know how much of this she could take without grabbing him, pushing him
onto his back and riding him until she screamed her pleasure. She didn’t think
she had the same control he did. The man knew what he was doing and every touch
sent hunger spiraling tighter.

As the magic swirled around her nipple, she drew in a
hissing breath. Her body tightened and she couldn’t stay still. His hand
brushed over her thigh. Without thought, her leg turned out, giving him more
access to her pussy. Her inner muscles clenched. She ached for more, but she
didn’t want it to end.

“Don’t hold back. Let me hear what you’re feeling.” Linc
looked up at her briefly before his tongue swirled around her nipple almost
imitating the flow of magic.

She groaned. “The magic, it’s warm and those tingles… Gods,
I’ve never felt anything close to it. But your tongue is wet and firm, touching
me just the way I need. Together, I don’t know how long I can hold back. And I
was already hungry from playing with you.”

“We haven’t even gotten to the serious teasing yet.” His
lips closed around her nipple as the last word left his mouth.

Her eyes widened. A moan tore from her lips when his teeth
grazed her nipple. The building urgency tore at her control. She clenched her
hands on the nubbly fabric beneath her.

“I won’t last through serious teasing.” Her tongue swiped
over her lips. She didn’t know how long she’d last even if he’d gone first. It
felt too good.

“Maybe I don’t want you to last through serious teasing. I
love seeing you screaming and writhing as the heat takes you.” His hand covered
her breast as he looked up at her and grinned.

She grabbed his hand and drew it down her body to her pussy.
His finger dipped between the lips and stroked her clit. She shuddered and drew
in a hissing breath. He wasn’t making this easy.

“I need you inside me when I come. I feel so empty.” The
magic swirled around her nipple and she felt tugging sensations as if fingers
plucked and tweaked the hardened bud. She arched, but the lack of anything
solid to increase the pressure frustrated her even more.

He groaned and a shudder shook his body. “Damn, woman. You
know what to say to get your way. We are going to play later, though. Don’t
think it will be so easy to get your way then. First, though, I’m going to get
in a little more playtime.”

His fingers grazed her clit again and her hips bucked up
against them. He smiled before he drew her nipple back into his mouth. She
couldn’t keep her hands on the bed anymore. Her fingers speared through his
hair, holding his head tight against her. Her feet moved restlessly. She wanted
to feel his weight against her, the warmth of his body pressing into hers.

Tingles spread across her ribs and stomach as part of the
magic separated from the mass at her breast. The pulling sensation continued
there, but sparkling heat rolled down her stomach. Her focus shifted to the
heat creeping closer to her pussy until a finger flicked across her clit. A
shiver tore down her body.

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