Hero: The Life and Legend of Lawrence of Arabia (115 page)

BOOK: Hero: The Life and Legend of Lawrence of Arabia
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claim relinquished to Palestine, 511
and groundwork for Arab Revolt, 9, 10, 85, 259–61
as king of the Hejaz, 299–300, 306, 366, 405, 432, 449, 452, 524, 525
kingship sought by, 40, 41, 42n, 91, 277, 299, 430
McMahon’s correspondence with, 267–70, 272, 281, 399, 452, 453, 525
and military strategy, 284, 298, 299
and outbreak of Arab Revolt, 291–92, 293
and Paris Peace Conference, 452, 457
rivalries of, 34, 40, 55, 88, 267, 269, 272, 299, 404–5, 453, 483–84, 505, 515, 524, 525, 526
Saudi defeat of, 483–84
as sharif of Mecca, 11, 19, 70, 88, 404
sons of, 10, 15, 16, 18, 22, 32, 33, 40, 62, 70, 259, 298, 455, 483, 528
supporters of, 85, 88, 483, 506
and Syria, 40, 414
wives of, 22
Hutchinsons, publisher, 525
Hyde, H. Montgomery, 590n
ibn Saud:
as emir of Rashids, 88
full name of, 34n
kingship of, 277n, 279
and oil, 531
rivalry between Hussein’s family and, 34, 40, 55, 88, 267, 269, 272, 299, 453, 483–84, 505, 515, 524, 525, 526, 625
supporters of, 88, 267, 272, 405n, 453, 483, 484, 506
Imperial Camel Brigade, 381, 395–96, 402, 403, 404, 408, 598
Imperial Ottoman Museum, Constantinople, 185
Imperial War Museum, 449
ambitions in Middle East, 256–57, 261, 286
Arab Revolt opposed in, 272
as British colonial possession, 13, 48, 256, 259, 277n, 278, 630, 686
dirigible test flight to, 647
the “great game” in, 631–32
ibn Saud supported by, 88, 267, 272, 453, 483, 506
involvement in Arab Revolt, 11, 88
Lawrence’s RAF period in, 618, 620–22, 623–24, 630, 634–35
Muslim populations in, 11, 256
Russian threats toward, 13
safe air route to, 510
“Indiana Jones,” 203n
Indian army, Lawrence’s dislike of, 426–27, 428, 455
Indian Army Expeditionary Force, 257
Inman, H. T., 144
borders of, 517
British ambitions in, 267, 507
British troops in, 506, 507, 514
creation of, 697, 698
diverse populations in, 517
Feisal as first king of, 277n, 405, 449, 455, 515, 516–18, 519, 523–24
flag of, 272, 517
Hashemite presence in, 511
Lawrence’s recommendations for, 451, 455, 537, 625–26, 697
local unrest in, 509, 517
modern-day wars in, 30
oil in, 510, 531
RAF base in, 514–15
successors to, 532
Chapman family in, 119–24, 502
Easter Rising in, 654
nationalists in, 654–55
Protestant Ascendancy in, 119
Irish Academy of Letters, 119
Irish Free State, 576
Ismail Pasha, Khedive, 234, 343
creation of, 39, 276, 399–400, 511, 686
and Holocaust, 400
and Jewish national home, 39, 520
see also
Jaafar Pasha:
and Arab army, 68, 70, 299, 306, 357, 366, 404–5
British decoration awarded to, 404
as Feisal’s chief of staÃ, 299, 366
and Maan, 390, 394
at Tafileh, 368
Jackson, Stonewall (Thomas), 60
Jacobsen, J. P., 552
Jane, L. Cecil, 151, 155, 162, 163, 177
Jaussen, Père, 255
Jefer, 92, 95, 403
Jemadar Shah, 331
Jemal Pasha,
Ahmed Jemal Pasha
archaeological sites of, 184, 191, 206, 215
licorice company in, 191
Allenby’s attack on, 375, 376
as military goal, 357, 359, 374
Allenby’s conquest of, 351–53, 356, 361
British control of, 460, 461
and Crusades, 275
holy city of, 10, 40, 270n, 307, 352
as military goal, 83, 89, 105, 112, 297, 307, 351
Thomas in, 354
Jesus College, Oxford University:
Lawrence’s entrance into, 151–52, 153
Lawrence’s work at, 28, 162–65, 176–77, 178, 186, 202, 217
Lawrence’s years at, 155–56, 173–74, 182, 185–86
Jewish Chronicle
, 463
British consulate in, 10
journey to, 8, 9–13, 293
Lawrence and Storrs in, 14–17, 615
Wilson in, 11, 14, 49, 51, 60, 300
John, Augustus, 397, 504, 508, 540, 671, 675, 679
John Bull
, 643
Johns, W. E., 544–47
Jonathan Cape, publishing house:
and Doughty’s book, 557
and Garnett, 555, 565, 567
handsome books produced by, 567
Lawrence’s translation work for, 594
Revolt in the Desert
, 614, 622n, 602–3
Seven Pillars
, 555, 565, 567, 571, 572–73, 574, 575, 602–3, 614
Jones, R. V., 630
Abdulla as first king of, 14, 16, 80, 277n, 405, 444, 511, 515, 518, 519, 520, 523, 524, 528–29
British control of, 477, 529, 697
creation of, 520–21, 537, 697, 698
flag of, 272
Hashemite Kingdom of, 511, 519
impoverishment of, 698
Joyce, James,
, 630
Joyce, Pierce Charles:
at Aqaba, 298, 357–58
and Hejaz Operations StaÃ, 374, 375
Lawrence’s plans supported by, 299, 357–58, 408
and military strategy, 381, 382, 390
and Weizmann-Feisal meeting, 399
Juheina tribe, 58
Junner, Elizabeth, 124, 125–26
Jurf el Derawish, railway line at, 364
Kafr Ammar, archaeological site at, 202–3
Karachi, RAF in, 621–22, 623–24
Karam Shah, 634
Kennington, Eric:
Lawrence’s friendship with, 508, 589, 590, 671
and Lawrence’s funeral, 679
Leicester Gallery display organized by, 621
memorial to Lawrence by, 683–84
Seven Pillars
, 511, 513, 522, 555, 598, 621
Kenyon, Sir Frederic, 234
Kerak, as military goal, 359
Kerensky, Aleksandr Fyodorovich, 305
Keynes, John Maynard, 200
Khalid (at Tafas), 423–24
Khalil Pasha, 5, 287, 288–90
Khartoum, Sudan, 11–12
King, H. C., 484
Kipling, Rudyard, 494
Barrack Room Ballads
, 535
Kirkbride, British officer, 375
Kissinger, Henry A., 515
Kitchener, Herbert Horatio, 1st Earl Kitchener, 2
and Carchemish site, 240
death of, 291
military career of, 7, 12
and Palestine map survey, 63, 83, 232
and plans for Arab Revolt, 10, 40, 256, 260–61
protégés of, 251, 252, 271, 273, 285, 286
strategic plans of, 83, 210, 240, 270
and Turkish army at Kut, 5, 288
and World War I, 244–46,
, 262, 264, 265–66, 274
Knightley, Phillip, 582n
Korda, Sir Alexander, 590n, 668–69, 690n, 691–92
Korda, Vincent, 668n, 669
Korda, Zoltan, 668, 692
Kress von Kressenstein, Friedrich Freiherr, 285, 333
Kurdistan, 517
Kut al-Amara:
siege of, 5, 277, 287–90, 455
Townshend’s surrender at, 288, 289–90, 295
La Coupe d’Aviation Maritime Jacques Schneider
(Schneider Trophy), 642–43, 647, 648–50
Lake, Sir Percy, 289
Langner, Lawrence, 596
Laughton, Charles, 668, 694, 695
Laurie, Janet, 131, 159–61, 227, 490–91, 503–4, 529, 658
Law, Bonar, 447
Lawrence, Arnold W. (brother), 542, 553n, 693
archaeology career of, 666
birth and childhood of, 128, 133, 134
at Clouds Hill, 613
and parents ‘relationship, 117, 666
and religion, 133
Seven Pillars
, 618
and T.E.’s accident and death, 678, 680, 683
T.E.’s letters to, 217
as T.E.’s literary executor, 583, 683, 684
and T.E.’s sexual preferences, 159, 583, 584

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