Hero: The Life and Legend of Lawrence of Arabia (119 page)

BOOK: Hero: The Life and Legend of Lawrence of Arabia
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Doubleday’s suggestion of, 565
film rights to, 634, 667–69, 691–94
Garnett’s work on, 555, 558, 562, 565, 566–67, 575, 603, 614–15
Lawrence’s fame enhanced by, 623
Lawrence’s vacillation about, 573–75, 602, 614
Lawrence’s work on, 504, 610, 614–15
negotiations with publishers for, 566–67, 573, 575, 610
publication of (1927), 501, 555, 593n, 617, 622–24
quality of writing in, 615
serialization of, 617
Shaw’s ideas about, 565–67, 572
Rhys, Sir John, 173–74
Richards, Vyvyan W., 156–59
at Jesus College, 156
Lawrence as object of aÃection to, 157–58, 159, 161, 189, 210, 494
Lawrence’s correspondence with, 189, 214, 494
and Morris designs, 156–57, 159
and printing press scheme, 157, 178, 186, 189, 195, 197, 202, 214, 232, 494, 501
Seven Pillars
, 556–57
Richard the Lionheart, 32, 206
Richthofen, Manfred Freiherr von “Red Baron,” 356
Riyadh, ibn Saud’s capital at, 88, 279, 452–53, 484
, 635, 636–37,
Robertson, Sir William, 284
Robeson, Paul, 668
Rogers, Bruce, 643
Rolls (driver), 409, 427
Rommel, Erwin “Desert Fox,” 686
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 303n, 484
Ross, John Hume:
Lawrence’s RAF name, 542–43
see also
Royal Air Force
Rothenstein, Sir William, 508
Rothschild, Lord, 39, 463, 468
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 212
Royal Air Force (RAF):
air strips in the desert, 516
army compared with, 579–80, 602
at Bridlington, Yorkshire, 667, 669–70
Cadet College, Cranwell, 553, 606–9, 616, 624
at Cattewater, 635–36, 640–42
dirigibles, 646–48
“dumb insolence” in, 628
escape clause in, 541, 543, 564
esprit de corps in, 579
at Farnborough, 558–61, 568, 572, 575, 617, 629
at Felixstowe, 660–61
friction caused by Lawrence’s presence in, 628–30, 631, 634–35, 639–40
at Habbaniya, Iraq, 514–15
“Iris” III crash, 651–52
in Karachi, 621–22, 623–24
King’s Regulations
on, 628
Lawrence in the ranks of, as John Hume Ross, 535–39, 541–47, 564–65, 569, 572
Lawrence’s desire to re-enter, 602, 603
Lawrence’s discharge from, 574, 575–76
Lawrence’s overseas posting with, 616–17
Lawrence’s recommendations for reform of, 210
Lawrence’s re-entry into, as AC2/AC1 Shaw, 603, 605–9, 621–22, 624, 626, 633, 641, 658
Lawrence’s retirement from, 653, 659–60, 666, 667, 672
limitations of air travel in 1919, 482–83
Marine Aircraft Experimental Establishment, 660–61
’e Mint
about, 537, 541, 544, 547–54, 597–98, 619, 625, 633, 687
Mount Batten, 642, 646, 650, 651, 659–60
on Northwest Frontier, 631–34
photography school of, 553, 558, 559, 569
public attention to Lawrence in, 566–70, 574, 602, 617, 638–40, 660
RAF Benevolent Fund, 622
recruit training in, 547–54
rescue launches of, 641, 649, 650, 651, 652, 671
and Royal Flying Corps, 477, 514
Seaplane Tenders (200 Class), 409, 653
social class distinctions in, 536, 547, 669
and Trenchard, 514, 536
at Uxbridge, 605–6
at Waziristan, 631–34
Royal Engineers, 51
Royal Flying Corps (RFC):
and aerial photography, 286
and Arab Revolt, 52, 56, 311, 396, 409–10, 514
Handley-Page bombers of, 414–15, 477, 482, 606
history of, 597–98
reconnaissance flights of, 56
as Royal Air Force, 477, 514
and Turkish aircraft, 14, 52, 409–10
and Will’s death, 282
Royal Navy, 21, 223
and Alexandretta plan, 262
and attack on Wejh, 64, 65–66
oil needed for, 40
and World War I, 245
and Yenbo defense, 56, 59, 60
Royal Tank Corps (RTC), 576–81, 589, 591, 594, 597, 602
Ruawalla (Rualla) tribesmen, 403, 416, 423, 429
abdication of the czar, 305
and allied shipping, 4
ambitions for Middle East, 12, 38, 39, 40, 81, 253, 270n, 279–80
assault on Erzurum, 283, 289, 291
Bolshevik regime in, 39, 280, 453
and the “great game,” 632
peace with Turkey, 381, 398
revolution (1917) in, 39, 280, 360
rumors about Lawrence in, 634–35
secret treaties published by, 39, 280, 360, 361, 437
and Sykes-Picot agreement, 39, 40, 81, 279–80, 413
Russian army, in World War I, 4, 10, 242, 246, 249–50, 269, 305
Russo-Turkish War (1877), 246
Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von, 584
Sackville-West, Vita, 274n, 583
Sade, Marquis de, 344, 584
St. Aldate’s Church Lads’ Brigade, 156
St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, 511
Salem (slave), 316, 317, 318
Salim Ahmed (Dahoum), 196
Salmond, Sir GeoÃrey:
and Lawrence in RAF, 537, 631, 635, 660–61
Lawrence’s letters to, 628
and RAF in India, 627, 635
as RFC commander, 396, 514
Salt, as military goal, 380, 391–92, 394, 395, 413
Salter Brothers, 223
Samuel, Sir Herbert, 520–22, 528
Sanders, Limon von, 411, 436
Sanders of the River
(film), 668
San Remo, Middle East discussions in, 504
Sassoon, Sir Philip, 650, 660, 670
Sassoon, Siegfried, 265, 321, 452, 589, 591, 641, 656, 679
Saudi Arabia, oil in, 483
Savage, Raymond, 567, 575
Saxe, Maurice de, 28, 366
Sayid Mohammed ibn Ali, 88
Sayyid Talib, 523
Sazonov, Sergey Dmitriyevich, 279–80
Scarlet Pimpernel, The
(film), 691
Schneider Trophy competitions, 642–43, 647, 648–50
Scipio, 373n
Scott, George C., 693–94
Serahin, sheikh of, 334
Serahin tribesmen, 334–35, 336, 337
Seven Pillars of Wisdom
(Lawrence), 212
on Abd el Kader, 328
abridged (“boy scout”) version of,
see Revolt in the Desert
and Allenby, 500, 593, 623
on the Arabs, 316, 499, 500–501
artwork and illustrations for, 504, 511, 513, 529, 562, 599, 615, 621
on Auda, 69, 80–81, 499
on Barrow, 427
on Carson incident, 362–63
on Chetwode, 577
copyright protection for, 495, 501, 592, 617n, 618
costs of producing, 131, 300, 529, 562, 592, 598, 601, 602, 613–14
critical reviews of, 622–23
on Daud and Farraj, 388–90, 393–94
dedication of, 497–99
on demolition activities, 220
on Deraa incident, 343–48, 349, 497, 538, 601–2
and fame, 623
on Feisal, 33, 499, 500
film rights to, 634, 668–69, 691–94
on Hamed’s execution, 72–73
income from, 558, 598, 603, 617, 622
on Lawrence’s army career, 49–50
Lawrence’s contradictory impulses regarding, 500–501, 610
Lawrence’s embellishments of truth in, 593
Lawrence’s maps in, 84
Lawrence’s obsession over, 497, 499–501, 538
Lawrence’s writing of, 471, 483, 485, 492, 494–501, 539–40
limited subscription edition, 495, 558, 562, 589, 591–93, 601, 602–3, 610, 611, 613, 614, 615, 617–18, 687
lost version of, 495–97, 500, 507
as major literary work, 537, 572, 622–24, 687
on military strategy, 74–75, 332–33
negotiations with publishers on, 501, 504, 554–55, 558, 565, 566–67, 571–72, 592–93, 598–602, 614
on Nuri’s appearance, 91
Oxford text (1922), 495, 687
on Paris Peace Conference, 462
places described in, 31
printing of, 539
publication of, 296, 617, 624, 687
and publicity, 555, 614, 617, 621, 634, 668
quality of writing, 139, 319, 322, 369, 409, 500, 557, 661, 662

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