Heroes of Falledge Book One: Black Hellebore (28 page)

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"What's this about a plan not working?" Julianna locked the front door behind her.

"I tried to use cadmium powder mixed with my magic to weaken Skull Krusher's bones last night--"

"You went after Skull Krusher last night?"

"Yeah, Black Hellebore and I did." Her smile disappeared as quickly as it appeared. "He's still very much alive though."

Julianna's frown matched Gavina's. She stared at Nicholas. "Gavina, had you two
on attacking Skull Krusher last night?"

"Yes, didn't Nick... Oh!" Gavina clapped her hands to her mouth.

"Thanks," he muttered.

Julianna slapped his shoulder. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Why couldn't you keep your mouth shut?" he asked Gavina.

The witch slapped his other shoulder. "You should've told her." She tsked. "I'm sorry, Julianna.
should have told you."

"It's not your fault, Gavina."

"Oh, I see how this is gonna go. You two are going be friends now and gang up on me. Well, that's just fine and dandy, but I'm going to go to work now." He tried to edge toward the porch steps, but Gavina blocked him, and Julianna grabbed his arm.

"No. You're going to cover the police station for me. Gavina, is there anything else you can come up with that might help?"

She shrugged. "I can try. My book of spells doesn't really focus on bones, but Nick suggested plants. Maybe there is one that can help."

"Okay, you do research." Julianna headed toward her car.

"What are you going to do?" Nicholas asked.

"I'm going to pay Hunter Walter a visit. It's about time one of the scientists takes responsibility for their actions. If not, the press is going to have a field day with this."

"But the story will be nationwide," he protested. "The government will step in."

"Maybe this is too big for us to handle. I hope that's not the case. For now, it'll just be a means to get Hunter to cooperate." She slammed her car door shut and rolled down the window. "And, Gavina, keep me in the loop, okay? That one can't be trusted."

"Aye aye, boss!"

Nicholas groaned. Just when things were somewhat back on track after being nearly derailed, things between him and Julianna were once again rocky. She'd forgive him eventually. Although if the governments with its guns and military came in to save the day, she might not have him for much longer, because the government had scientists, too.




One of the receptionists at Dr. Richards' headquarters informed Julianna that Hunter Walter was away for the day, checking on the new building. Apparently, working in the headquarters was less than ideal, and the other scientists were threatening to strike until the new laboratory was ready.

So she drove to the construction site. The drywall was nearly in place now along the frame of a building, identical to the original.

She nodded to several of the workers. Harry was surrounded by workers, who drifted away in small groups as she approached.

He smiled when he saw her. "Julianna, what a nice surprise. How are ya this fine day?"

"I'm good. I was told--"

"Just a moment. I was glad ya told me to hire that Adams guy. But, yesterday, he took the day off and today he didn't show up. Not sure what's going on with him."

"Oh, Harry, that's my fault. I need to borrow him. I'm so short staffed right now..."

"'Kay, that's no problem. I'm sorry about Higgins and Zeb. They were good guys."

Julianna nodded. Her dry throat burned when she cleared it. "Has a Hunter Walter stopped by?"

"I'm right here."

She glanced over her shoulder to see the thin scientist. "Hunter, I'd like to speak with you, if I may."

"Certainly. After I have a few words with Harry."

The two stepped away and talked in hushed tones. Hunter's attitude prickled Julianna. He didn't strike her as the leader type, though Dr. Richards had groomed him to take over. The scientist lacked the qualities needed to get others to listen to him. Under a stronger manager, the other scientists would never have threatened to strike. Dr. Richards' research may well have died along with him, after all.

Finally, the two men stepped apart, and Harry began to yell orders for his men to carry out. Hunter walked toward the road, and she fell into step beside him, not speaking until they stood beside his car.

"Hunter, I'm going to get straight to the point." Her mind whirled, and she decided to test a theory. "I know there were two incidents with the old lab that Doctor Richards tried to cover up."

"I have no idea--"

"The cat that's now a monster? Lewis Lichman who's now some kind of skeleton with impossibly strong bones?"

A muscle in his jaw tightened. He hung his head. "What do you want?" he whispered.

"How can they be stopped?"

He looked up at her, annoyance arranged within his features. "How should I know that?"

"What about cadmium?

Hunter blinked, and the corners of his lips turned downward slightly in a somewhat shocked but pleased expression. "Won't faze him because he doesn't have any organs yet. Well, not his kidneys, at least." He rubbed his chin. "How is he walking around? And talking, does he talk?"

She nodded.

"Maybe his vocal chords fused into his cervical vertebrae." He stroked his chin. "Would make a fascinating research specimen..."

"If he didn't kill you first," she said pointedly.

"True, although I do hope he considers his revenge complete, considering his source of contention had been Doctor Richards, and not me." He titled his head, and his eyes became glazed again. "He must still have his brain. His skull most likely protected it from the chemicals. I wonder if he still has his heart. He doesn't have any blood to pump, but your coworker had mentioned something about his ribs--"

Nick talked to him?
"They're like one bone now, all fused together."

"Could have protected the organ then. If he still has his heart, that would probably be your best bet to killing him, I would guess."

"Is there any way to reverse what the chemicals did? Could his bones be softened again?"

Hunter tapped his cheek. "Actually, cortisone injections do weaken bones, but that's a result of a decreased amount of calcium in the bones. The nature of his bones has altered so much they might not even need calcium anymore. There's no way to know. If cortisone would work, there's no way to know how much would be necessary either. And cortisone isn't injected into bones, either."

"What about the other monster?"

"The huge cat?" He shrugged again. "I don't know, shoot it. Can't be that hard to take it down."

He reached to open his car door, and she leaned against it to block him. "I did shoot it. Several times."

"Oh, now that's interesting. So it changed more than just its increased size."

"The rows of teeth didn't clue you in?" She smiled slightly to soften the harsh words.

"True, but he's more like his old self than Lewis is. I'm sorry I can't be of more help. If I think of anything further, I will certainly call. Might play around with cortisone to see if it can be tweaked some..."

"Thank you. And thank you for not playing dumb."

He stared at her. There wasn't a hint of fear in his eyes, just cold, calculated resolve. "If Lewis does decide he wants to kill all of his old coworkers, I'm dead. I want you to kill him. The sooner the better."

His words made her shiver. His car tires squealed as he drove away. Skull Krusher and his pet had killed too many people already. How many more would they kill before they were stopped?




Julianna stopped by Gavina's and told her about the cortisone, not knowing if the witch might be able to do some experiments with the steroid herself. Gavina was so excited she'd hugged her. She'd had no luck with plants.

"Most have to be ingested. Others have to be absorbed through the skin. Neither works with Skull Krusher." She made her voice spooky when she said the villain's name.

Julianna had to laugh. "You know, I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but I wasn't sure what to think of you at first."

"Most people don't. That's why I don't go out as myself that often."

Julianna furrowed her brow. "What do you mean?"

"I disguise myself." Gavina snapped her fingers three times. She shrank until she was about three foot tall, wearing a cute pink jumper and frilly socks, her black hair in braids. Then she clapped her hands five times. She grew taller until she was five and a half feet, wrapped in a dress straight out of the 50s, her hair in a beehive. She closed her eyes and returned to normal.

"Wow." Julianna shook her head. "Magic really is real, huh?"

"Yep." Gavina gestured for Julianna to follow her. "I didn't mean to cause any problems between you and Nick. I mean, if you guys should ever break up, I'm gonna swoop on in. He has such a hot--"

"Um, wow. Can we not do this now?" The living room was a rather disturbing sight with various dark paintings on the wall. Although she had been in the room before, it still gave her the creeps.

"Sorry. I mean, I know it's hopeless. Have you seen the way he looks at you? Of course you have. You're the only one for him." Gavina sighed, her hands clasped to her chest dramatically. "There aren't too many warlocks out there."


"You know, male witches. The bloodlines get weaker and weaker with each pairing that isn't fully magical, but there's only so much we can do. We're a dying breed. My grandma taught me a trick to learn about your soul mate, but I never did get it to work. Want me to try it on you?"

"No. I mean, no thanks."

Gavina winked. "That convinced it's Nick, huh?"

They walked into the kitchen, and Gavina whipped up some special kind of tea. It helped to calm Julianna's nerves and cleared her mind. "You know, I think a part of me always loved Nick."

"He told me you, your twin, and he were really close when you were younger."

"Yes. I used to think I loved him as a brother, but I was always a little jealous of him and Justina."

"He's a hell of a guy. You're lucky to have him."

"I know. I'm not like him. Or you. I'm not a superhero. I don't have magic. Will you watch his back for me?"

"Of course. You didn't have to ask."

Julianna smiled. Yes, Gavina was a little odd, but she was also a friend.

Chapter Forty-Three

Nicholas drummed his fingers on Julianna's desk. So far, he had done absolutely nothing. The phone hadn't even rung.

As soon as the thought crossed his mind, the phone rang.

Grinning, he snatched it up. "Falledge Police Station."

"I-I saw something..." Screaming shrilled in the background.

"Can you speak up, sir?"

"Something... teeth..."

"Where are you?"

"Near Oil Drive... Huge..."

The line went dead.

Nicholas debated for half a second. He scribbled a note and zoomed to Oil Drive. A stretch of abandoned houses greeted him. Tire marks marred the street. Maybe from the caller.

He took a deep breath and inhaled a musky, pungent odor. Killa was nearby, just as he suspected.

How he was going to kill the massive cat, he didn't know, but he was more than ready to go at it again.

Scratching sounded behind him. Claws against the pavement. He waited until the cat's shadow devoured his to jump into the air. He landed on its back and grabbed onto its fur.

The cat hissed and shook wildly. He squeezed its neck, but it was much too big for choking.

The beast ran between two buildings and slammed its side against one, pinning Nicholas against the wall. His grip loosened on the fur, and he fell to the ground as the cat ran away.

Shaking his head, he climbed to his feet and gave chase. He barreled down the alley.

The cat's mouth yawned there, open and waiting for him.

He stuttered to a stop. The beast's rank breath covered him, overpowering his super sense of smell. He could smell blood and see bits of flesh in the rows of pointy teeth.

The beast shifted forward and chomped its jaws. Nicholas jumped to the side and tripped over its paw. The claw he had ripped out and shoved into its neck during their first battle had left a dark hole, the wound small and clean, already healed.

Nicholas reached for another claw, but the monster snapped its jaws again. He yanked and pulled and removed a tooth. The cat wailed and gnashed its remaining teeth.

Nicholas sliced and slashed with the long tooth. The beast swatted Nicholas, and he flew through the air and collided with a building. He slumped to the ground, and the tooth fell from his hand. Throwing his hands into the air, he climbed to his feet, dirt and dust scattering onto the ground.

The tooth had landed near a trashcan. Nicholas dove toward it.

The cat lifted him out of the air with its mouth, hundreds of teeth piercing his sides. The more he struggled, the tighter the cat bit down. He was being crushed to death!

He twisted around and yanked its tongue.

The cat wailed, opening his mouth, and Nicholas tumbled to the ground. Before he could get to his feet, the cat loomed over him once more. Its mouth neared again. Nicholas reached below its jaw to try to close its chompers, but its jaws muscles were too strong.

The scent of fire filled the air, and sparks flew above Nicholas' head, colliding between the cat's eyes.

The beast backed up and shook its head.

Nicholas waved, knowing Gavina had to be nearby, and squared his shoulders. He rammed into the cat's front legs.

The cat growled, a deep rumble that knocked over the trashcan.

Gavina cried, "Watch out!"

Its tail whipped around, the spikes connecting with Nicholas' shoulder, the tips burrowing deep into his muscles. The tail flicked back and forth, hitting Nicholas into one building, then the other, next the ground.

"Little help," he croaked out.

Gavina was mumbling, but whatever magic she conjured was taking too long to manifest.

He thundered into the street again, finally free of its tail.

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