Hero's Journey (9 page)

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Authors: Joyce Lavene,J. J. Cook,Jim Lavene

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery, #Women Sleuths

BOOK: Hero's Journey
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Stella hadn't known how it was until this summer of very little rain. Seeing a forest fire up close made her understand why people were nervous. A fire in the mountains could mean the destruction of Sweet Pepper, and all the other little towns around the area.

It had been frightening seeing the red and yellow flames eating up the hundred-year-old trees. She'd been terrified that they wouldn't be able to contain it.

Zane swung back around and landed the helicopter near the new Sweet Pepper firehouse.

He kissed her before he left. “I have to get back to the ranger station and make sure everything is all right. I'll see you tonight at Scooter's for supper, right?”

One last date, maybe?
“Six p.m. Meet you there.”

She got out of the helicopter and ran over to the building to get out of the way. Zane waved again as the chopper lifted into the air. Stella decided to see who was on communication duty that day before she went back to the cabin.

Any excuse not to have to face Eric with her news.

“Excuse me, Chief Griffin.” Sheriff's Deputy Mace Chum stepped out of the shadows created by the overhang of the roof. He wasn't dressed in his usual brown uniform. He looked
—it wasn't only his clothes. There was something about his face and the nervous movements of his hands.

“Deputy Chum.” She nodded. “What can I do for you?”

“Well, ma'am, I'm not a deputy anymore. I retired today. But I might be able to do something for
. I've heard people say you've been investigating the death of the old fire chief, Eric Gamlyn. I might have some information for you. Could we step inside?”

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