Hidden Gem (34 page)

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Authors: India Lee

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #Love & Romance

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She had never felt more equipped to conquer the world.





Pop’s It Girl on Her Wild Summer Plans

The Pop Source

June 7


In less than a year, Queen Bee has captivated America and won the hearts of millions of teenaged fans across the country – including pop sensation Tyler Chase.
While Bee continues to keep mum about her true identity, the sultry songstress opens up to The Pop Source about her year in public high school and her plans for the summer.


We’re so happy to hear that Queen Bee is going to be back in full force this summer, especially after such an incredible American tour.
But let us start by congratulating you for a successful junior year in high school!

Thank you! It was an amazing experience.

Any high school boys in your life?

There was one.
We’re not together anymore, but he’s still a great friend to me and he taught me a lot about myself.

What about Tyler Chase? He has gotten “#CHASETHEONE” to trend worldwide on Twitter and has made it very clear that he’s referring to you.
What can you say about Tyler?

He’s a great guy and he definitely has a special place in my heart.

He has suggested that he may even be in love with you.
Do you have any similar feelings for him?

I’d say we have a special understanding of each other.

Fair enough! One last Tyler question – are you worried about the Tyler Chasers?

[Laughs] Not yet.
If he and I ever become a couple, I’ll start worrying.

So there’s a chance that you and Tyler could become pop’s royal couple in the future?

: I don’t know.
Never say never.

On the topic of your celebrity admirers…Zoe Mercury, who is of course the star of the hit show “
This World,” is notoriously a huge fan of yours.
Have you two had the chance to meet?

Not yet, but Zoe’s team has contacted me about appearing on her show and I’d be honored to.
She’s such a talented
I’ve been a fan for a long time.

So what can we expect from you this summer?

I’ll finally be releasing a music video for “Tell The World” and I promise it will be amazing.
And I’ll be kicking off my summer performances at the Today Show concert series.

How exciting! We look forward to it.

So do I!

Before we wrap up this interview, is there anything you’d like to say to your fans?

My amazing fans – thank you so much for supporting me! And if you think Queen Bee was crazy last summer, I have so, so much more in store for you this year.
I promise.




6/20 11:12AM EST

by Tara C.

Her Royal Secrecy


If you silly bitches think I’m quitting my hunt for Queen Bee because I haven’t gotten any great leads yet, you’re wrong.
As my title suggests, we’ve only just begun.
In fact, I’m going to take this opportunity to round you all up for a pep talk.


Okay listen
We’ve been going at this hard but we haven’t gotten results yet – but don’t be worried.
This was practice.
We were just luring QB onto our home court, and now that she’s here for the long haul, we’ve got tons of opportunities to track her down (cough, TODAY Summer Concert Series, cough).


Word also has it that that hot mess Zoe Mercury is looking to be
with QB this summer, and we all know how much Zoe loves her fans.
Maybe she’ll let us in on the royal secret? Just take the girl out for a few drinks – we all know how good she is with keeping things on the down low.


Just know that I’m not giving up.
I’ve gathered quite a few close sources in the past seven months and I’ll be on Queen Bee’s tail till her secret is out – that’s a promise.



* * * * *




Bonus Excerpt From the Second Novel in India Lee’s

Hidden Gem Series: Diamond in the Rough


Summer maybe here but sixteen-year-old Gemma Hunter won’t have much time to relax.
The world is hungry
for more Queen Bee, her pop star alter ego who has recently become music’s newest sensation
Among those longing for more of her is the world’s biggest teen heartthrob, Tyler Chase.
His desperation to be with her sparks jealousy in not only his loyal “Tyler Chasers,” but Lucas, Gemma’s only friend who knows both of her identities.
Meanwhile, notorious party girl and D Network TV star Zoe Mercury befriends Queen Bee and shows her just what it means to be a celebrity It Girl.
With concerts, video shoots, parties and two gorgeous boys after her, Gemma knows her life is about to take on the wildest year yet.


“Of course I want to meet her!” Gemma exclaimed, practically spilling the almond milk she poured into her coffee.
a friend who’s actually in the industry.”

It was the first time in ages since Armand, Penelope and Gemma had a chance to sit down and relax without the madness of Queen Bee.
Armand had set up a brunch spread on his apartment balcony in hip downtown Brooklyn.
Penelope cut another piece of the chocolate almond cake that he had baked on his own.

“Let’s not detract from the point here – don’t you think Zoe Mercury possibly maybe perhaps wants something out of this?” Penelope stabbed at her cake, looking disturbed.
“It’s a little strange that she’s making such a huge fuss about being your friend.
Maybe she needs good publicity because of all the rumors going on about her.
Or she’s been after Tyler and wants to keep her enemies close.
I mean, what if she just wants to steal your thunder?”

Armand shook his head and clucked.
“Pen, since when were you such a skeptic? Zoe’s successful
on her own
and all this partying is making people like her
Maybe the girl is just a fan.”

“Yeah, maybe she does like my music and isn’t trying to use me,” Gemma pouted.
“Way to boost my ego, Pen,” she said sarcastically.

an ego booster,” Penelope said.
“The biggest stars are so threatened by you that they need to join our side before we squash them with our sheer genius.”

“Okay, maybe,” Armand shrugged.
“Either way, no reason why you can’t meet the girl, yes? Can you imagine all the little girls going crazy when they find out Queen Bee might have a guest role on
this World

“Yes! It’ll be so fun,” Gemma squealed.

“But I guess I do agree with Doomsday Penny to watch your back with all these other stars.
Girls can be evil.”

Gemma’s shoulders slumped.
“I know.
I learned quite a bit with Madison,” she rolled her eyes.

“So this might not be the best time to tell you that I saw her name on the guest list for Queen Bee’s Birthday Bash?” Penelope bit her lip.

“No way! How?” Gemma whined.
“She didn’t even like Queen Bee.”

“Rich girls and their well-connected parents, sweetie,” Penelope shrugged.
“And I’m sure she likes Tyler Chase, and everyone believes he’s coming.
Including me.”

Gemma flopped back onto the bed and covered her face with a chenille pillow.
“I thought I never had to see her again,” she groaned.

“Honey, there are one thousand people on the guest list.
I don’t think you have anything to worry about seeing her regardless,” Penelope said.
She reached over to yank the pillow off Gemma’s face.
“Come on, cheer up! Shall I send Zoe Mercury an invitation?”

“Yes!” Gemma popped back up in bed.
“I want to meet her.
I promise I’ll be careful.
I just need to know more people
me, you know?”

“Well what about Tyler Chase? Have you heard from him?” Armand asked.
“Goodness, all these admirers.
I can hardly keep track.”

“Ugh, if he comes then we’d have to invite his security so he doesn’t cause another disaster like he did in L.A.
Still can’t believe that punk did that,” Penelope laughed.
“Though I guess it was sweet that a guy went through all that just to get your attention.
But seriously, heart attack.
Almost died that night.”

“If we invited all his security, we’d go over the club’s capacity,” Armand joked.
“Fire hazard.”

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