Hidden Prey (Lawmen) (34 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

Tags: #romantic suspense

BOOK: Hidden Prey (Lawmen)
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“But first a bath.” Maria gestured for her to follow again.

Tori felt compelled to do what the woman told her to do. “A dress and a bath?”

“Take off those clothes.” Maria gestured to the bloody mess of clothing that Tori wore. She turned on the water in the tub. “You are going to a party.”

Night had settled across the Mexican desert, the earth refusing to let up its stored heat from the brutally hot day. Joe Black and two members of his team, along with Landon and Dylan, eased through the darkness as they closed in on the Jimenez compound. The stealthily silent night-black chopper that had carried them into Mexico had landed far enough away that it wouldn’t have been seen and couldn’t possibly have been heard.

The compound was lit up like a Christmas tree, so night vision goggles would be of no use. Joe had two snipers in place, one stationed at the front entrance and another at the back. The gates were well guarded and security cameras were in place.

Landon gripped his assault rifle as he moved and he felt the weight of his Glock in his thigh holster. His body was warm beneath his black gear and sweat trickled down his spine. His fury over the cartel having kidnapped Tori had his temperature rising even higher. He needed to tamp it down and keep a cool head. If it got any hotter, he felt like the camo paint on his face was going to melt off. Not likely, but it sure as hell felt like it could.

Their belts were equipped with all manner of devices, from grenades to flash bangs, smoke bombs, and tear gas. They carried extra ammo on their belts, and in various pockets, and they wore bulletproof vests. The vests wouldn’t stop a rifle round if the men patrolling the compound’s perimeter managed to shoot one of them, but the vests could come in handy once they entered the compound.

Earlier, Joe had sent a high-tech surveillance drone overhead, mapping out the compound and where the party was being held. The place was so damned big, Tori could be anywhere inside.

If it weren’t for the civilians at tonight’s event, Landon would have wanted to go in hot. But they couldn’t take the chance of injuring any innocents. They’d watched as vehicle after vehicle had approached the compound. After lists and IDs were checked, the vehicles were waved through into the huge area that surrounded the Jimenez mansion.

Landon had seen the satellite images, and the place was a monstrosity, its surrounding grounds expansive. It had been some time since the last guest had arrived. Almost time to go in.

His gut clenched as he thought of Tori being locked away inside, and he narrowed his gaze as anger heated him even more than he already was. He prayed that if there was a God that He would protect her and help Landon and his men get her out of there safely.

With the snipers in place, the other five men spread out, each with his part to play. Landon checked his watch. Almost time.

Landon adjusted his earpiece so he could hear better when Joe spoke over the comm. “Everyone in place?”

Affirmative responses came in from the snipers and the four other men, including Landon and Dylan.

Landon let out his breath. “I’m coming for you, honey,” he murmured beneath his breath. “I’m coming for you.”

The bath water had been red from blood, and Maria had drained it to let Tori quickly rinse herself off from fresh water pouring into the tub from the spout. Pain had lanced Tori’s head as Maria washed her hair, which was matted with blood from a cut on her scalp. She had bruises everywhere, including the area on her side where she was pretty sure her rib was broken. She ached and it still hurt to breathe.

Maria had Tori rush so quickly that the bath lasted just over five minutes. Tori was too exhausted and in too much pain to care about being naked in front of a stranger and wasn’t about to argue as Maria toweled her off. The older woman was gentle, taking care not to rub too hard where a grateful Tori was bruised.

The woman hurried out of the bathroom and then returned with undergarments and a yellow chiffon dress with bared shoulders and puffy sleeves. It wasn’t nearly as conservative as the dress Angelina wore. Tori put on the panties and bra, and Maria hung the dress by its hanger on a hook behind the door. Then Maria sat Tori down in front of the bathroom mirror.

“I will arrange for one of the guests to take you with them when the party is over.” Maria worked quickly and efficiently as she dragged out a box filled with makeup. “This belonged to Angelina’s mother. I am glad I kept it all.”

Maria brought out fat pots of foundation and trays of blush and eye shadow, and dug out eyeliner and mascara. Tori was thankful for her Hispanic heritage, as the makeup was close to her skin tone. She watched as Maria put it on her. The foundation was heavy and it covered the bruises on Tori’s face.

As Maria worked, Tori wondered at how quickly the woman had come up with the scheme to rescue Tori, and wondered if it would work. Prayed it would work. Would someone be willing to risk taking her away from the compound?

Maria was careful around the laceration on Tori’s scalp as well as the bruises on her face. The woman even applied makeup to the bruises on Tori’s arms. When Maria finished applying everything and had transformed Tori’s hair into a style that looked both chic and elegant, Tori looked in amazement at her reflection in the mirror. “I look like a different person.”

“We are running out of time.” Maria took the yellow dress off of the hanger and helped Tori slip it over her head.

The dress fit, although it was a little snug around her breasts, revealing quite a bit of cleavage thanks to her woman’s figure, which was not so slight as a young lady’s.

Maria gave her a once over. “Your feet are larger than Angelina’s.” She frowned. “One of her pairs of ballet slippers would be the best.”

The woman took Tori by the elbow and led her out of the room, and Maria went to a closet. She brought out a pair of white slippers that did look a size too small. With Maria’s help, Tori managed to cram her feet into them. Thank goodness the material was soft and stretchy.

By the time Tori was ready, not much more than fifteen minutes had passed. The woman was a miracle worker, Tori thought, as she glanced at her reflection again, this time with the dress on. She was almost unrecognizable from the bedraggled and bloody woman who had staggered into the suite with Angelina.

Maria crammed Tori’s dirty and bloody clothing and shoes into a duffel bag and put it on a shelf in Angelina’s closet. “I will burn them later.” Maria beckoned for Tori to follow her to the bedroom door.

Tori’s belly flip-flopped as they left the room. “Stand up straight and raise your head.” Maria put her fingers under Tori’s chin. “Act as if you belong here.”

Maria glanced out the door to the suite and nodded for Tori to follow. “Walk ahead of me.” Maria ushered her ahead. “You would not walk beside hired help.”

With Maria following, Tori listened to her directions, taking turns as needed. The place was massive and she was certain she would get lost on her own.

When they rounded a corner, Tori almost came to a complete stop. Three men, carrying weapons, hurried toward them. She didn’t recognize any of them, but she felt blood drain from her face. She kept walking, chin in the air.

One of the men asked Maria if she’d seen a strange woman, but Maria shook her head. “Do you mean some of the guests at the party? Many I do not know.”

The man who had spoken sneered. “If you see someone who does not belong, report to Alejandro at once. You will know what I mean if you see her.”

Maria bobbed her head. “Sí.”

The men barely spared Tori a glance, although one did look at her cleavage before moving on.

Tori let out her breath and winced from the pain in her ribs. She felt an even greater need to get into the crowd where she could hopefully hide from Alejandro and Diego Jimenez. They couldn’t possibly expect to see her among the guests, wearing an evening dress, and her face made up and hair styled.

But would they recognize her?

Maria took Tori the way guests had come through the house on the bottom floor, and to an archway that let out onto the grassy grounds and to the tents. It was growing dark but the lights were bright.

“I can go no further.” Maria nodded in the direction of the tents. “Remember what I told you. Act as if you belong here. Angelina or I will find you later.”

“Thank you.” Tori gripped the woman’s hand in both of hers. “I’d hug you if it wouldn’t hurt so much.”

Maria smiled for the first time, showing her teeth, and motioned toward the archway. “Go now.”

Tori did as she was instructed, keeping her posture ramrod straight, her chin up, and her steps purposeful. Her heart pounded and the fear of being discovered made her scalp prickle.

The dress fit almost perfectly, just a little snug around her chest. The ballet slippers were tight, but manageable. She felt tense and jittery, as if all eyes were on her even though she knew they weren’t. Although, she did notice a couple of young men who were ogling her cleavage.

When she stepped beneath the tent, an usher asked her if she had a seat and she shook her head.

He extended his hand, gesturing forward. “This way, Señorita.”

“Gracias.” She gave a slight nod of her chin and followed the man to one of the round tables that had one seat available. He seated her, put her napkin in her lap, then excused himself.

All went quiet and Tori looked in the direction everyone was staring.

Diego Jimenez stood on a landing at the top of a sweeping staircase above the grounds, next to Angelina. To either side of them was her Court of Honor, seven young men and seven young women.

A sense of queasiness made Tori’s stomach ache and she glanced down at the empty china plate in front of her.

Through the rushing in her ears, Tori could barely hear Diego speak as he presided over the guests. He gave some kind of speech about Angelina and how precious she had been to him as a child.

One of the young women in the court walked to Diego and Angelina, a crown on the pink velvet pillow she was holding. Diego took the crown off the pillow and gave a nod to the young woman, excusing her. She returned to join the others in the court.

Diego placed the sparkling crown on Angelina’s dark curls, and she looked even more like a princess. A short religious ceremony followed, followed by the ceremonial changing of the shoes, from flat shoes to high heels.

When all had concluded, Diego turned to face the crowd, beaming. “And now I present to you Angelina, my pride and joy, who on this day is now a young woman.”

The guests broke out into applause and stood. Tori joined them, trying to edge herself behind a tall man in an attempt to avoid being seen. Diego escorted Angelina down the steps to the tent where everyone would be enjoying dinner.

Her blood ran cold as she saw that Diego and Angelina were being seated at the table closest to the one Tori was at.

She swallowed and avoided looking in their direction as she and the other guests took their seats.

Tori couldn’t remember the last time she ate. It must have been at least a day ago. She struggled to find her appetite with Diego sitting just feet from her. The event was catered and a plate was set in front of her with a traditional Mexican meal of enchiladas, tamales, and tacos. She didn’t want to be noticed in any way, so she forced herself to eat. She needed her strength anyway, so best to eat something now.

It occurred to her that eating alone without talking with other guests might get her noticed, too. She forced a smile and looked at the young man next to her and caught him staring at her breasts.

He gave her a look she was certain was meant to be sexy, as if he was a young Don Juan. Tori managed not to roll her eyes. Instead she engaged him in conversation, praying her Spanish held no American accent. With so many people speaking Spanish around her, she found it easier to fall into the language with the same accent. The man’s gaze frequently dropped to her cleavage but she pretended not to notice.

A chill crept up her spine and hair at her nape prickled. As if she had no control over her actions, she looked away from the young Don Juan—

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