Hide and Seek (8 page)

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Authors: Sara Shepard

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #Girls & Women, #Mysteries & Detective Stories, #Social Issues, #Dating & Sex

BOOK: Hide and Seek
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“What are you doing?”

Emma’s head snapped up. When she saw the figure standing at the end of the aisle, backlit by the sun streaming through the frosted windows, her blood went cold. It was Laurel.

I waved my useless arms, wishing I could yank Emma away to safety. All I could see was the memory that had just been given back to me. That dark, spooky canyon. That text appearing on my phone. I’d dismissed it so carelessly at the time—as sisters, Laurel and I had probably threatened to kill each other hundreds of times. But given my current state, I had to consider that when Laurel
wrote that text, it wasn’t just a passing expression of anger and frustration. Maybe she meant what she said. What if she
dropped Thayer off at the hospital and come back to kill me? It had been so dark on that mountain. So secluded. Anything could have happened, and no one would have heard.

Pushing to her feet, Emma shoved Laurel’s cell phone into the pocket of her shorts, praying that this wasn’t the moment that someone decided to send Sutton’s sister a text—Laurel had a very unique and very recognizable monkey squawk as her text ringtone. She kept Sutton’s phone in her other hand. “What are
doing?” Emma shot back, trying to harness Sutton’s brash, back-off attitude.

Laurel’s eyes flicked over Emma as if she knew she’d caught Emma doing something illicit and was trying to figure out what it was. “I heard you walked off the court because you weren’t feeling well,” she said in an even voice. “Like a
sister I came to check on you.”

Sutton’s phone was beginning to feel slippery in Emma’s palm. “I was a little dizzy,” she said, wary of Laurel’s intense gaze on her. “I came in here to get my extra water bottle and decided to sit for a minute.”

“Really?” Laurel asked, rocking back and forth on her heels. She said it overemphatically, and the weird smile on her face broadened. “Funny that you’re in front of
locker, then. Looking for something?”

Emma’s mind raced, flashing through the times Sutton’s killer had attacked her. The hands strangling her from behind. The light crashing down inches from her head, the writing on that chalkboard telling her to stop digging. If Laurel followed through with what she said in her text, then she was dangerous—
dangerous. And here Emma was, digging again—and finding a piece of evidence that could hurt Laurel. Emma looked around the cavernous locker room. If she screamed, would anyone hear her?

When Laurel stepped forward, Emma flinched, certain Sutton’s sister was making her move. But Laurel slid past her, spun the code to her locker, and opened the door. Emma’s heart pounded in her ears as Laurel rifled through her purse. Her eyes were on Emma the whole time.
She’s looking for her phone,
Emma thought.
She knows it won’t be there, because she knows I have it. She’s just doing this to make me sweat.

“Well?” Laurel finally said, pulling out a hairbrush and raking it through her long blond ponytail. “I mean, I know I’m fascinating and everything—Thayer definitely thinks so.” A small smile flitted along her lips when she said Thayer’s name. “But shouldn’t you get your water and head back to practice?”

“Oh. Of course,” Emma said, but she didn’t move. It felt like Laurel’s phone, nestled in Emma’s back pocket,
was on fire. Then Laurel turned her back to get a drink from the water fountain, and Emma quickly tossed the iPhone in Laurel’s bag. Amazingly, Laurel didn’t seem to notice.

Emma turned on her heel and scuttled around the corner to Sutton’s locker. Her fingers shook as she worked the combination and opened the door. She rummaged around for a moment, pretending to search, and retrieved the bottle of Evian that was thankfully sitting on the upper shelf. She tipped it back and guzzled it down, but the liquid did nothing to quench her thirst.

When she looked up, Laurel was standing at the end of the aisle, staring at her phone with wide eyes. Emma nearly screamed. For an agonizingly long moment Emma couldn’t remember if she’d clicked off Laurel’s text to Sutton and returned to the phone’s main screen.

“Huh,” Laurel said, frowning.

“What?” Emma asked shakily.

“I could have sworn I put this in the side pocket of my purse,” Laurel said slowly.

Alarms blared in Emma’s head.
She knows you were digging! Run away, now!
But her sneakers felt nailed to the floor. “I have no idea where you put your phone,” she mumbled, the words jammed in her throat.

“Of course you don’t,” Laurel simpered, rolling her eyes. She slipped the phone in her pocket, then sauntered
toward Emma, her eyes blazing. Heat seemed to radiate from her body, her limbs coiled to strike.

,” Laurel whispered, touching Emma’s chest. Emma screamed and recoiled, shielding her body with her hands and shutting her eyes tight.

When she opened them again, Laurel was snickering. “
jumpy,” she said as she sauntered past. The door hinges squeaked as she slammed out of the locker room.

Emma left the locker room, too, standing just outside the doorway. Soft
s from the tennis balls on the court filled the air as she watched Laurel trot across the practice fields and rejoin the team at the tennis courts. She was smiling from ear to ear, as though she hadn’t just acted completely diabolical and crazy a moment before. But Emma knew better.

And I did, too. Laurel was onto her. And my sister had better watch her back.


A few hours later, Emma steered into the driveway of Ethan’s bungalow, which was located in a development across the street from Sabino Canyon. It was the smallest house on the block—Nisha’s, which was next door, was more than twice the size—and had definitely seen better days. Black paint flaked from the shutters, and there was a tiny tear in the screen door, which hung crooked on its hinges.

She opened the car door and made her way onto Ethan’s front porch. Crickets sounded from the wooded area behind Ethan’s house, their steady humming ringing in Emma’s ears. She raised her hand to press the doorbell, but drew back when she heard a crash.

“Damn it, Ethan!” a woman’s voice rang out just inside the door. A figure passed by the screen, not noticing Emma on the porch. “Didn’t I ask you to vacuum yesterday?”

Emma drew away from the doorbell. But before she could scamper off the porch, footsteps pounded, and a tall woman appeared in the foyer.

“What do
want?” The woman’s blue-flowered dress hung loose over her skeletal frame and freckles spotted her pale skin. Thin, mouse-colored brown hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail, and tiny fly-aways hung in her eyes.

I had a feeling I knew her. But I had no idea why. Ethan and I hadn’t exactly hung out at each other’s houses.

“Uh, hi,” Emma squeaked, peering at Ethan’s mom through the screen. Mrs. Landry hadn’t opened it for her. “I’m Sutton,” she went on, shifting her weight. “I’m here to pick up Ethan for the soccer game.”

“I know who you are,” the woman said bitingly.

There were more footsteps, and Ethan appeared behind his mother, looking mortified. “Uh, see you, Mom. I’ll be back at nine.”

He pushed around his mother and slipped onto the porch. Mrs. Landry’s top lip formed a thin, unmoving line. “It was nice to see you,” Emma said meekly. Mrs. Landry just sniffed, and walked away. The door slammed loudly behind her.

“Is everything okay?” Emma asked quietly.

Ethan shrugged. “She’s just in one of her moods.”

Emma touched his arm sympathetically. His mom had had cancer, and Mr. Landry went AWOL during the chemo treatments. Even though Mrs. Landry was in remission, she’d never fully recovered emotionally, and she expected Ethan to take care of almost every household chore.

Ethan slid into the passenger seat and buckled his belt, and Emma turned on the engine. “So can I see the text?” Ethan asked quietly.

Emma nodded. Idling in the driveway, she pulled Sutton’s cell phone from her bag, and showed him the picture she’d taken of Laurel’s screen. After she’d found the text, she’d called Ethan immediately to tell him about it. His brow furrowed as he studied the photo. “Wow,” he whispered.

“I know,” Emma said, looking at it, too.
The next time I see you, you’re dead.

Ethan sat back in the bucket seat, the vintage leather crunching beneath him. “So you think Laurel killed Sutton in some kind of a jealous rage, because she was with Thayer?”

If I could have shivered, I would have. I thought about the call Thayer made to Laurel just after he’d been hit. She’d arrived so quickly, almost like she’d been waiting
around the corner. Thayer had said someone was chasing us in the canyon—was it Laurel? Had she followed me and Thayer that night and realized we were dating behind her back? Had she stolen my car and tried to hit me—only to accidentally hit the boy she loved instead? Had she then come back to the canyon to finish me off?

Emma shifted into reverse and turned out of the driveway. “Maybe. Love can make people do crazy things. Thayer’s hot. And obviously a charmer.”

As soon as the words were out of her mouth, Emma regretted them. But Ethan just nodded thoughtfully. “She always used to follow him around—to the point that even I noticed it,” he said with a wry chuckle. “It seemed like puppy love at the time, but if you’re right about what happened, then it was much more sinister than that.”

Emma paused at the stop sign and watched as cars whizzed past on the main road. “How do you think she did it? Killed Sutton, I mean.” The words tasted sour on her tongue. It was one thing to talk about Sutton being gone, but it felt so macabre to talk about the specifics of her death.

I flinched as I considered my final moments. My most recent memories were of my final night on earth, but each time they cut off so abruptly. My death was
so close
, and I kept waiting to see how it all ended. I wanted to see it…
and I also didn’t. Regaining my last moments meant that I’d have to experience them all over again. I’d be forced to watch the life drain out of me. And I’d
it. I had to wonder if there was some reason I
seen it yet. Maybe when whatever cosmic force was keeping me suspended here in the in-between finally let me remember my death, I would die all over again. I’d see my killer, take my last breath, and explode into the ether, gone as swiftly and soundlessly as a bird taking flight.

Then another thought struck me hard, chilling me to my core. All my memories were sparked by things Emma uncovered—Laurel’s text, Lili’s threat about the train prank, Thayer’s return. What if my last memory came to me because my killer was doing to Emma exactly what had been done to me? What if we only discovered the truth when it was too late?

Ethan placed his hand on Emma’s knee. “I don’t know. She did try to strangle Sutton in the snuff video. And if she drove back to find Sutton, she could have used her car or some kind of weapon. It will be hard to know unless we…” Ethan’s voice trailed off. He cleared his throat gruffly. “Unless we…

“True,” Emma murmured, a knot forming in the pit of her stomach at Ethan’s words. She took a deep breath, stopping behind a chugging motorcycle at a traffic light. “I just need to get Thayer alone for a minute so I can ask
him if Laurel stayed at the hospital with him all night. If she was there, she’s in the clear, but if not…”

She let her sentence hang in the air, and they drove the rest of the way in silence. A few minutes later, they pulled into the Wheeler parking lot. Emma had just been here a few weeks ago for a tennis match. The school was Hollier’s main rival, but it was a little more run-down, with chipped columns holding up sagging portico. To the left of the school, floodlights illuminated the soccer field. The players were warming up in tracksuits—maroon and yellow for Wheeler and forest green for Hollier.

They got out of the car and strolled through the busy parking lot toward the field. The air smelled of concession stand hot dogs and soft pretzels, and a bunch of kids were milling around the gates. When they noticed Emma and Ethan, they turned and stared. A couple girls nudged one another and smiled at Ethan.

Emma slipped her hand into Ethan’s. His palms were sweaty. This was his first public appearance as Sutton Mercer’s boyfriend.

“It’ll be okay,” she whispered.

“I know,” Ethan said stiffly, quickly glancing at his reflection in the chrome siding of one of the food carts just past the entrance. That was when Emma noticed how meticulously he’d dressed tonight—his jeans looked new,
his blue polo perfectly matched his eyes, and he’d shaved, using the Kiehl’s aftershave she’d bought for him this past weekend. It was cute that he was so eager to make a good impression.

Even though they were at Wheeler, it felt like all of Hollier had turned out for the match. The stands were full of kids in green, who were stamping their feet and singing the school song. Emma looked for Madeline’s black hair and Charlotte’s shock of red, but she didn’t see them. “That’s weird,” she murmured. “They told me they’d be on the top row.”

“Maybe they’re busy planning another prank on us,” Ethan mumbled under his breath.

“Ha, ha, very funny,” Emma said. The Lying Game had trapped Emma and Ethan in an abandoned house together last week. “Maybe they’ll lock us in a bathroom this time.”

Ethan wrinkled his nose. “Hopefully not the guys’ locker room. That place smells like ass.”

“Maybe the massage room for the sports teams,” Emma teased. “With our own personal masseuse.”

Ethan broke into a smile. “Now
I could get behind.”

There was an empty spot at the top, and Emma pulled Ethan up the metal steps. A few kids moved over to make room for them to sit. One girl with a short bob lifted her phone, pretending to text, but Emma could tell she’d
snapped Ethan’s picture. Two freshman girls a few rows down giggled and pointed Ethan’s way.

Emma nudged his side. “Don’t look now, but I think you have the beginnings of a fan club.”

Ethan flushed. “Yeah, right.”

His bashfulness didn’t fool me, though. As Ethan ran a hand through his inky dark hair, I caught a trace of a smile on his face. Was it possible Loner Boy was enjoying the new attention? I always thought it was telling that the only people who railed against popularity were the unpopular ones. Who
want to be adored?

A ref blew his whistle, and the two teams ran back to their benches to talk to the coaches before the game started. The scent of yellow mustard tickled Emma’s nose, and a soft breeze whispered across the back of her neck.

Ethan slipped an arm around her waist and pulled her close. “Are you cold?”

“Maybe a little,” Emma said.

“Sutton used to say night games were her favorite,” Ethan murmured so no one else could hear. “She said there was something really sexy about playing under the stars.”

Emma twisted around to face him. “Really?”

Ethan tucked a dark curl behind his ear. “I overheard her say that once in the halls. I guess it stuck with me.”

Emma pulled in her bottom lip, feeling unexpectedly
jealous. It seemed like every guy at school had had a crush on Sutton. Had Ethan, too? She knew it was ridiculous to be jealous of her dead twin sister, but she couldn’t help but wonder, sometimes, if Ethan saw something in Sutton that he didn’t see in her. “Is there anything else about her that stuck with you?” she asked quietly.

“I’ve told you everything.” Ethan curled his fingers around Emma’s. “I wish I knew more.”

Emma let out a breath. “So do I.”

“Sutton!” Gabby cried. She and Lili were making their way up the bleachers, wearing matching
T-shirts. Charlotte, Madeline, Thayer, and Laurel followed a few steps behind. Thayer wore his old soccer jersey. Somewhat ironically he was number thirteen.

“Hey!” Emma said, waving them toward her. All she had to do was glance at the kids around them, and a whole slew of girls and guys got up, no questions asked, and moved down several rows. It was insane having that kind of power, especially when in her previous life, she would have been the one scurrying away.

Ethan watched as everyone climbed up the bleachers. “Let the games begin,” he murmured under his breath.

Lili reached the top and twirled around, showing off the back of her hot pink T-shirt, which read
. “Like ’em? We had them custom-made.”

“You can’t find something this authentic in the school
store,” Gabby added. She was wearing an identical shirt, except in neon yellow.

Madeline slid in next to Ethan on the other side from Emma. “Hey, Poet,” she said, nudging him in the ribs.

Emma avoided eye contact with Thayer, willing him not to sit in the empty spot next to her, but to her chagrin, he sank down and said hello. Emma’s fingers tightened around Ethan’s, as if to say,
It’s okay.
Luckily Ethan squeezed back and gave her a small smile.

Laurel looked sourly at Thayer and Emma, then took the seat on the other side of Thayer.

“How’s Hollier soccer’s number-one fan?” Thayer asked, fake-punching Emma in the arm.

“Uh, still kicking,” Emma said, realizing how lame she sounded.

Thayer gave her a stern look. “You aren’t going to cheer for Hollier now that I’m off the team, are you? Personally, I’m hoping Wheeler wins.”

Emma frowned good-naturedly. “Traitor.”

Thayer laughed louder than necessary, and he stared at Emma with twinkling, unblinking hazel eyes. Emma felt Ethan’s fingers slip from hers.

I felt a little hurt, too. Thayer was looking at my twin the same way he looked at me in the memories I had of our time together. I wanted to put my hands on his shoulders, to make him see
, not Emma. If he loved
me so much, how come he couldn’t see that the girl he’d fallen for wasn’t the person sitting next to him?

Charlotte took a huge, floppy red hat out of her purse and pulled it low over her forehead. Madeline looked at her and giggled. “
are you doing?”

Charlotte pulled the brim lower over her forehead. “I’m sick of everyone staring at me because of that stupid Devious Four prank. Tad Phelps actually had the nerve to ask which bras were mine. Seven people unfriended me on Facebook, and no one was afraid of me in debate. Before, they all used to cower when I took the podium, never wanting to argue with me for fear I might retaliate by pranking them. Today one girl questioned my use of the phrase ‘moral character’ given the, quote, ‘recent vandalism to school property.’”

Emma looked out over the bleachers, and sure enough, at least fifteen different people were peering at the Lying Game members and whispering angrily.

“Throwing the dance isn’t enough. We need to prove that we didn’t do this,” Charlotte said.

Laurel sighed dramatically. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I actually wish the school
have security cameras. Then we could show everyone it wasn’t us.”

Ethan looked up, a hesitant expression on his face. “You know, there are traffic cameras on the corner next to school.”

Laurel narrowed her eyes. “So?”

“So,” Ethan continued, “I got a ticket once for running the light there, and they sent me my ticket along with a photo. I could see the front of the school in the background. Maybe those traffic cams caught the vandalism to the school.” Ethan shrugged.

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