Hiding Out (25 page)

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Authors: Nicole Andrews Moore

BOOK: Hiding Out
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He shook his head for a second, trying to figure out what she was talking about.



“The dress,” she said, holding up the garment bag.


“Oh,” he said, a wicked smile covering his face.  “I guess we’ll just have to stay in.”




Thursday morning, Haley woke up in Sam’s arms, just like she had every morning since his return from the hospital.  And just like every other morning, she would try to wiggle out of his grasp without waking him, but this morning, his grip on her tightened.  She stopped moving and glanced at him suspiciously.


“Were you going to sneak out without wishing me good morning?”  He asked, a smile playing at the corner of his lips.


“I was just going to get ready,” she explained.


“Well, don’t make breakfast,” he said seriously.


She stood beside the bed, hands on her hips.  “And why not?”


“Because we have a very lucky tradition to uphold.”  He sat up and waited for her to make the connection.


“A tradition?”  She tilted her head in that way that made him want to nibble the side of her throat and he felt the heat rising in his boxer briefs.


“Yup.  I believe I will be picking up bagels and tea for you, coffee for me, right?”  He watched as her furrowed brow relaxed and a smile grew on her sexy lips. 


“I guess so,” she said, blushing slightly.



Minutes before nine, Sam strolled into his office with his bag of bagels and cup holder of beverages.  After glancing around surreptitiously, he nodded his head and glanced at his door.  Haley took a moment to finish straightening some of the papers on her desk, then followed him in.  She had already set the mockups on stands in front of his desk.


Ever so discreetly she shut the door behind her as she walked confidently toward the desk.  She stopped directly before his seated figure and said in a clear strong voice, “My name is Haley Iverson and I represent the Davenport Agency.  Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to speak with you today.”


Sam leaned back and beamed.  She just had to survive the presentation then they would jet off to his surprise destination.  He couldn’t wait to see the look on her face.


Chapter Eleven



Sam had wanted her all to himself.  After calling in a number of favors, he had ensured just that.  An old friend from prep school lent him the jet.  A distant cousin provided the helicopter from the office roof to the private airport.  And a business associate owned a wonderful home on Hutchinson Island on the east coast of Florida that was just begging for off season occupancy.  He secured it for a fraction of the normal rental cost then offered extra if someone would outfit it to his specifications for their stay.  They would only be there for three nights, and Sam didn’t want to have to waste a second of that time grocery shopping or cleaning.  He smiled as he drove the rest of the way to their destination.


It was obvious that Haley was spent.  She had all but crawled back to the office after her presentation.  She had smiled weakly and given an even weaker ’thumbs up’ to him.  He had told her not to bother sitting, to instead make her way up to the roof, and he would meet her there momentarily.  She had simply shrugged and headed out of the office. 


By the time he reached her side in the helicopter, her eyes were sparkling with excitement and she was giggling with the pilot.  Jealousy flared for a moment, until she turned her attention on him, leaning close to whisper her appreciation and speculate about their plans.  He merely smiled and wrapped an affectionate arm around her shoulders.  Her excitement at being welcomed on a private jet had only further heightened her interest.  And ultimately, worn out as she was, she had curled up in his arms on the leather sofa and fallen asleep.


The rest of their flight, Sam held her close and caressed her copper curls.  He studied her intently, noted the way she melted into him, a perfect fit.  He gloried in the warmth that still sparked between them.  This trip was his chance and he was taking it.


Now, as they made their way to the house he had only viewed online, he marveled at how she had rebounded after her nap.  “Feeling better?”  He asked, gently.


“I’m so sorry if I’ve been terrible company,” she began apologetically.  “I didn’t realize how much stress the presentation could create, and I think I have a headache threatening.”


“I did.”  He admitted with a grim nod.  “And I know how terrible the wait can be.”


Haley smiled widely.  “Ah.  So this is what we’re doing here.  You are trying to distract me, clever man.”  She reached over to caress his leg.


“Mostly,” he said honestly.


“And the rest?”


“Will work itself out,” he said seriously.



Minutes later Sam pulled into a concrete driveway.  He stepped from the vehicle and walked around to open her door.  Haley was still sitting there stunned.  “You call this a cottage?  I’d hate to see what your idea of a house or estate is.”  She grabbed his hand and allowed him to extract her from the vehicle.


Like the rest of the homes on the water, this house was elevated.  And while it was dark, she could still make out the gloriously weathered cedar clapboard siding that she loved from her trips to the cape with her family.  She had thought, when they first pulled into the driveway that the lights were on, but realized instead that there were just innumerable candles lighting the rooms. 


Stumbling across the hardwood floors, she walked directly to the great room where she discovered hors d’oeuvres laid out on the coffee table and a bottle of sparkling red wine chilling nearby.  She gasped and tears came to her eyes as she turned to face Sam, hovering quietly off to one side.


“You thought of everything,” she murmured into his chest as he enveloped her.


“I tried.”


They ate then, the silence marred only by the sound of waves crashing along the sand out back.  He could see the excitement building in her as she longed to tour the rest of the house and explore the outdoors.  He smiled as he refilled their glasses.  He handed her one and helped her stand, then picked up his and grabbed the bottle with his free hand. 


“Shall we?”  He asked as he offered her the crook of his elbow.


She nodded and took it, thinking more of not wanting to stumble around a strange house as tired and nearly intoxicated as she was.  Their first stop was the kitchen, clearly designed for entertaining.  It had a large island, tons of granite counter space, double wall ovens, and a side-by-side fridge and freezer.  She beamed as she imagined the meals she could be inspired to cook in such an amazing room.


They headed out the double doors from the dining room onto a partially covered deck.  Sam emptied his glass in one swallow and shifted it to the hand occupied with the wine bottle so that he could offer her extra support as they descended the stairs and crossed the planked walkway to the beach.


As they drew nearer to the water, Haley was attracted to a beach blanket secured to the sand with lit luminaries on the four corners.  In the center of the blanket was a covered glass cake plate.  Sam lowered her to the ground then walked to the opposite side of the blanket.  The crystal cover sparkled by the light of the candles as Sam raised it.  Her eyes passed over the variety of bite sized pastries: Napoleons, cream puffs dusted with confectioner’s sugar, éclairs, and even a smattering of dark chocolate truffles.  What caught her attention was what she discovered elevated above the sweets.  There, in the center of the plate, was the signature baby blue box tied with a wide white satin ribbon.  And her heart shrieked.  Tiffany’s! 


Sam’s shy grin spread across his face.  “For you,” he said, quietly passing her the box.


She stared at it a moment.  Who knew if she would ever receive something from Tiffany’s ever again?  She had to cherish this moment.  Hold onto every aspect of it.  The feel of the box in her hand.  The font of the writing on the top of the cover.  She untied the ribbon and slowly raised the lid.  She inhaled sharply.  The matching suede pouch.  Haley set the box before her, slowly removed the pouch, and undid the snap.  While she was distracted by the gift, Sam had risen from his place and positioned himself directly behind her.


“Here,” he offered, as she poured the necklace into her palm.  Her hands were shaking as the delicate silver links ran through her fingers. 


In an instant, she recognized the eternity symbol lying in her palm.  “Oh,” she gasped.


“Do you know what this means?”  He whispered against her neck as he leaned over her shoulder to grasp the necklace and secure it around her throat.  He saw her nod and felt her shiver as he touched her.  “Tell me,” he prodded.


His hands were resting around her throat in a distractingly seductive manner.  Haley swallowed nervously before answering.  “Forever,” she murmured.


“Absolutely,” Sam said.  He kissed the hollow at the base of her neck and murmured into her ear, “I mean it.”


It was more than Haley could stand.  She whipped around to face him, to stare into his eyes and study what she saw there.  He didn’t flinch.  He didn’t avoid her gaze or drop his eyes.  Instead he welcomed her penetrating stare, waited for her to accept the truth of his gift and even more, his words.  And as he saw understanding dawning, he leaned in slowly so that she felt each millimeter he traveled to close the distance between their lips.


It was a scorching kiss, all passion and intensity.  Sam drew back in surprise.  “Haley?”  He questioned.


Haley’s eyes were still closed and her face was scrunched up in pain.  “It’s that headache rearing its ugly head,” she murmured.  “I hate to ruin our evening, but I think I should go lay down.” 


Sam knew what it took for her to admit a weakness.  The pain had to be intense. So he scooped her up in his arms and started to head back to the house.


“Wait!”  She reached for the box, the pouch, and even the bow.  Clutching her Tiffany’s in one hand, she wrapped an arm around his neck and snuggled against him.


Moving swiftly and silently, Sam carried her to the master bedroom.  She was nearly asleep as he laid her upon the down comforter.  She mumbled something about extra strength pain reliever as she rolled to her side and curled into a ball.  He turned around and found a fleece throw to cover her motionless form.


Sam had no experience in this realm.  He wasn’t meant to be a nurturer.  He was a man of action, a business man.  He had a sharp mind and strong problem solving abilities.  That would have to suffice.  He crossed the room in two steps and flipped on the light switch in the bathroom.  He searched in drawers and in the medicine cabinet.  Apparently he had forgotten to order even the most basic of meds.  Well, who gets sick on vacation?  He scowled and glanced at Haley.  He had been working her too hard.  He had expected so much of her.  And now she was just worn out.


Taking the stairs two at a time, Sam rushed to check out the contents of each and every bathroom, convinced one past resident must have left something that could be of use.  He wasn’t entirely disappointed.


Soon he returned to her side with a cool cloth and several grape chewable baby aspirin that would have to suffice until he could find a grocery store or pharmacy.  And with that the relaxing evening he had imagined which would, no doubt, culminate in some hot and heavy love making was being squashed.  For the first time maybe ever, he put someone else’s needs before his own and didn’t even consider the gravity of that decision. 


Everything was different with Haley.  For once, he didn’t feel put out taking care of someone.  He wanted to do it.  The hard part, it seemed, was going to be leaving her.  Still, he had to do it.  If her head hurt as badly as her posturing indicated, this wasn’t going to be the headache she could sleep off.  Slowly, he eased off the bed, out of the room, and out to the vehicle.  He used his iPhone’s GPS to locate the nearest drug store, and hoped that it would be open this late.  Much to his dismay, it was closed.  He returned to the cottage feeling completely defeated.  At least Haley still slept.  She wouldn’t know of this failure.


Just after one, Sam woke to Haley’s thrashing.  She hadn’t had a nightmare in so long that he had very nearly forgotten how upsetting it could be as the observer.  He sat up abruptly in the wicker chair he had moved to the side of the bed.  Haley was sobbing and shaking. It was an all too familiar scene as once again the only words he could make out of her virtually incoherent ramblings were ‘no’ and ‘chase.’  Without a moment’s hesitation he gathered her into his arms.  She was so exhausted and her head hurt so badly that she didn’t even open her eyes.



Haley woke in the morning to find she was completely alone in the bed.  Her eyeballs still burned from the headache as she tried to scan the room for Sam.  It took longer than normal.  She paused frequently to close her eyes.  How could he leave her in this condition?  She struggled to sit up without moving too quickly.  Any jostling at all hurt so badly that she was nearly nauseous.  As she moved her hand to help prop her heavy body up, her hand crunched down on a piece of paper.

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