Hiding Out (31 page)

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Authors: Nicole Andrews Moore

BOOK: Hiding Out
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“Here, really?”  Adam asked when they pulled up to the restaurant.  “Aw hell.  What are the chances I’d get hit here twice?”  He thought for a moment.  “But just in case, what if we use valet parking tonight?  I would feel safer staying on the sidewalk.”


Sam chuckled and they pulled up at the booth.  Haley was relaxed and happy, despite the news she had just received.  And Adam was his usual self, carefree, playful.  It made for a great meal.  The food was perfect.  The company was ideal.  And it felt as though they were falling back into the natural rhythm they had once shared.  They felt like a family once more.  Reaching out, Sam grabbed Haley’s hand.


“I’m so glad you came back to us.”  He picked up her hand and brought it to his lips for a soft kiss. 


“I never planned to leave you in the first place, but it had to be done.  You understand, right?”  She looked at him hopefully.


He nodded just as the waiter came over to offer dessert.  They declined and asked for the check.


“I’m just going to powder my nose before we leave,” she said delicately.


Adam looked at him.  “Her nose doesn’t need powder.  She must have to pee.”


Haley messed up his hair playfully as she walked by.  And to Sam she gave a kiss on the temple, which was one of the many reasons he was happier than he had been in a week.


“So, good talk?” Adam asked once they were alone.


“Yes.  Great talk,” Sam responded.  He looked at Adam with a smile.  “I even told her I planned to marry her.  She swore there would be no more running.  She wants a future with me, too.”  He felt as though the mere idea was incredulous.  Someone as wonderful as Haley was going to build a life with him.


“That’s great,” Adam said.  Just then something caught his eye outside.  “Ah, but if that’s the case, what is she doing out front?  And who’s that guy?”


Sam glanced out the window and rose immediately, to rush from the restaurant. 


“Okay, I’ll pay,” Adam joked.



Always pay attention to your surroundings.  It was one of the biggest rules in self-defense.  That and never let your guard down.  She was failing miserably at both.  Of course, what were the chances she’d ever need to keep her guard up while out at a restaurant with Sam and Adam.  She was just about to enter the bathroom when a hand grabbed her upper arm and whipped her around.  She didn’t get a look at the face, but who could it be besides Chase?  Before she could act she could feel the tip of the blade poking into her back, right into her scar. 


“Straight out the back door,” he said.  “Don’t get crazy.  You know you can’t overpower me.” 


He was right, of course.  He had always been huge by comparison.  Her only hope was that he wouldn’t kill her in the dark alley.  Maybe if she stayed calm he would walk her right out front.  Then she had a chance.  A more populated area and some public place were her only hope.


“Where are we going?”  She asked calmly. 


“My car is out across the street.  Man, I can’t believe you came to the same restaurant where I mowed his brother over.”  He laughed at their foolishness.


“How did you find us?  Did you follow me?”  She wanted answers while she was walking up the dark alley towards the road.  And Chase was in just the mood to give her the answers.  He was always so quick to gloat over how clever he was.


“I went back to the agency.”  He poked her a little harder as he leaned down.  “It was that easy.  And then I followed you here.” 


“So now what?”  Haley asked.  “You plan to kill me?  Kidnap me?  Or maybe you plan to rape me again?”


They were on the sidewalk in front of the restaurant now.  There were people a few feet away waiting for the valet to bring their vehicle.  Haley took a chance.  She spun away from him.  He tried to slash at her.  All Haley had going for her was speed and endurance.  Between the running and the tae kwon do, she had been in training for this for quite some time. 


Chase grabbed her wrist, but she broke free.  And when he tried to take another swing at her, she used his momentum to flip him over her outstretched leg.  She was holding his wrist.  The knife was inches from her.  And quite honestly she didn’t know how long she could hold him without help. 


That’s when Sam burst out of the restaurant.  He was already on the phone with the police.  Dispatch promised that a car was on the way.  And without pause, he passed Haley the phone, and took over controlling Chase.  That was a much fairer fight.  Moments later Adam was out the door to join them.



It didn’t take long for the officers to arrive.  And once they realized who they had in custody, they invited the group back to the station for formal statements. 


Adam was the first to speak.  “Just once I’d like to go out to dinner with you two and not have the police involved.  Could we try that sometime?  Or…how about a nice family meal in?  As I recall, Haley is an amazing cook.”


“What do you say, Haley?”  Sam asked with a twinkle in his eye.  “Do you want to cook for us at home tomorrow night?”


“Sure,” she responded with a laugh.


“How about every night…for the rest of our lives?”  He was afraid he was pushing it, but the adrenaline coursing through his system had an emboldening effect.  “My house, the kitchen, my heart…all yours.”  He opened his arms to her. 


Haley walked into him and pressed her face against his chest.  Then she looked up at him with the most amazing expression of love on her face.  “And I’m yours.  Forever.  For always.  No more running.  With or without the ring.” 


He looked into sparkling emerald eyes, drew her as close to his chest as their bodies would allow, and Sam finally believed her.














Watch for the sequel, Adam’s story, Finally Found, where Chase is punished, Sam and Haley’s love story continues, and Adam learns that even the biggest playboy can be reformed when love is finally found. 


Coming in May 2013

Finally Found




About the author…


Nicki has lived in Charlotte, North Carolina with her children for the past eleven years and her husband for the past three years.  Her journey has barely begun and she loves every minute of it.  Every day of her life seems to bring new adventures, some bigger, better, shinier and prettier than others.  She's still getting used to that new life smell she's experiencing, a combination of hope, love, and happiness.  (The perfect scents to build a new life on...)


For fun, she spends time with those she cares about, cooks, reads, writes, and especially lives to travel.  The current travel goal: visit every Margaritaville.  Two down!  (Eleven to go?)


In addition to writing on
Suddenly Single Journey
, Nicki is a contributor for Project Underblog.  Her writing can also be found on Shine, where she is a Shine Parenting Guru and an award winning Yahoo! Contributor on YourWisdom as the relationship and dating expert.  And she has been published by McClatchy News in their syndicated papers.


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