High Stakes Seduction - Book 3 (8 page)

BOOK: High Stakes Seduction - Book 3
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I parted my legs and let my middle finger slip into the slick warmth between, then slowly pulled back, bringing my finger up to circle my nipple, making it taut and hard again with my desire.

It was Antonio's turn to bite his lip. Then he smiled that slit-eye smile he sometimes had. In one swift motion, he was kneeling before me, his hands caressing my calves as his lips dotted my thighs with little kisses and nibbles.

My breath came faster, my breasts rising and falling as I watched his mouth move closer and closer for a second time this night. But his tongue only paused for a moment to taste me—teasing little circles, slipping inside—before moving on to plant more kisses along my belly, trailing up between my breasts. I loved the feel of his hands on me as mine wrapped around his back. His mouth found one hard nipple, catching it between his teeth as his other hand massaged my breast.

"Cara," he murmured as he raised heavy-lidded eyes to meet mine.

Speaking was the last thing on my mind, but I managed to whisper, "Yes," a moment before his lips descended, his tongue entwining with mine. And a moment after that, I was moaning into his mouth as he buried himself once more inside me.

I wrapped my legs around him, pulling his rigid fullness into me as deep as he could go. Every part of me felt his warmth radiating from within as he thrust into me in a slow, tantalizing rhythm. I was suddenly aware of every detail, from the pulse of his breath, to the ridges of his erection as he moved in and out of me, my hips rising to meet each thrust.

Our bodies melded into one, rocking together like the waves that surrounded us. My eyes kept wanting to close, to let go, to give in to the moment, but I wanted to see everything. I wanted to watch the way his muscles tightened as his orgasm came closer and closer. My hands moved down to his buttocks, urging him deeper. He obliged, plunging into me once, twice; as deep as he could go. A groan escaped his lips, and the sound was enough to send me tumbling over the edge in an explosion of pleasure. My muscles tightened around him and he groaned again as his own pleasure erupted and swept over him, forcing him away from my gaze and into his own private release.




Afterwards, he pulled me close, and we lay together, my head on his chest, just holding each other. Sharing gentle kisses and caresses as our breaths slowed and hearts relaxed. There were so many things I wanted to say, but my mind refused to let me speak. Just enjoy this perfect moment, it seemed to be telling me as I stared at Antonio’s gently smiling face.

And so I did. Savoring every second, tracing my fingers along his damp skin, glistening in the silvery moonlight, until my eyes grew too heavy to stay open. The last thing I heard was Antonio whispering my name before I fell asleep.

Chapter Nineteen


The next morning, I awoke with a contented sigh and lay there for a moment, regaining my senses and trying to remember the dream that had left me feeling so happy.

"Good morning," came the low husky voice. I turned, startled to see Antonio stepping out of the bathroom wrapped only in a towel.

That's when I realized I was in the wrong bedroom. I was bare-assed naked in Antonio's bed. Reflexively, I pulled up the sheets, covering my breasts. Then he laughed—a sweet, tender laugh. "So now you're going to hide from me? Too late." He winked at me.

The prior evening came rushing back. I'm sure my cheeks blazed, but now that I remembered what had happened, I breathed a sigh of relief. No wonder I felt so happy.

"Glad to see you awake, sleepy head," he said, sitting on the edge of the bed. He smelled faintly of soap and his skin was still damp from the shower. At that moment I wanted to pull him back into bed and give him an excuse for another shower.

I reached out, laying my hand on his arm. "If I'm a sleepy head, then you're a night owl," I said, grinning back at him,.

"Fair enough," he leaned in to kiss me. "You ready for your shower?" he asked. "We’ve got a busy day ahead of us."

I raised an eyebrow. "Another surprise trip?"

"Fort de France," he said, reaching past me toward the brochure beside the bed.

His body so close to mine brought back all the delicious memories from the previous night and I felt my body responding.

"I’ll read it later," I said coyly, catching his hand before he picked up the brochure. I rose to my knees, pushing him back as I did so. He didn’t resist, resting his hands on my hips when I sat across his lap.

He grinned at me, brushing a lock of hair away from my face. "I suppose we’ve got some time."




I was beginning to believe these tropical islands never had bad weather. The sun always seemed to be bright in the sky, lending just the right amount of warmth to the day. Or maybe today was just extra special. Maybe I was so exhilarated by everything that had happened between us that I was appreciating something as simple as sunshine.

"How’s your French? Parlez vous francais?" Antonio asked, squeezing my hand as we approached La Maison du Bèlè.

"I’m a little rusty," I admitted, "But I suppose I could manage a word or deux. What is this place you're taking me?"

Before Antonio could answer me, the enthusiastic beat of drums and sound of cheerful laughter rolled out to greet us. Inside the cultural center, a lively performance was already under way. We slipped inside and made our way to the front to watch the dancers performing their traditional routines.

Vibrant costumes swayed with the energetic music, and I pulled my camera out to capture the wonderful sights. Antonio stood beside me, entranced by the music and the dancers. He didn’t even notice me taking pictures of him as he clapped along to the beat.

I thought about the burlesque show he’d taken me to onboard the ship, and the requests he’d made of me on the veranda. "You really love dancing, don’t you?" I asked, leaning in close to be heard above the music.

He turned to me with a broad smile. "It's the best of life—the rhythm and the flow. Don't you think it captures the soul of the people?" I had to agree. The dancers were so involved in their performance that nothing else seemed to matter. As I stood in the audience, I became as entranced as the rest of the room, enjoying the demonstration and clapping with the drums. The music rolled through us, the audience responding to the dancers as if we were all connected.

As the music died away and we were released from the hypnotic trance we'd all shared, Antonio and I headed to the local distillery.

"Care to learn a little about the process?" Antonio asked, then drew back slightly. "Unless you’re too tired, of course."

I smiled, admiring the happy glow about him. He was like a kid, as though a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. I was happy, too, knowing I had something to do with that. "Sure, I'd love to," I told him, pulling him down for a quick kiss.

The dancing, the rum, the manufacturing processes with the batik and chocolate. These were insights into the man I wanted to know everything about; I was not going to pass up this opportunity. And besides, the excursions had been fascinating so far. Why not add a little rum to the mix?

Chapter Twenty


"I had no idea sugar was so important to the livelihood of these people," I said as we strolled through the museum, examining the different tools and images of the distilling trade. I had never been one to take much interest in science or physics, but the classroom was so much different from seeing the machines in action.

"Let me choose for you," Antonio said, looking over the menu after the tour as we sampled some of the flavors.

"My turn," I said, after he ordered me a La Vanilla. I closed my eyes and ran my finger down the page, stopping at a random spot. Antonio leaned over to see and we both burst into laughter as I ordered him a Tropical Kamasutra, which came in a tall, wavy glass with a slice of fresh pineapple on the side.

"Cheers," I said, offering him my glass.

He clinked glasses with me. "To an astonishing companion."

I hid my blush behind my glass as I took a sip.

"Astonishing?" I asked.

"Angela, you continue to surprise me."

"I continue to surprise myself," I muttered quietly under my breath.

"Look, I know I've been distant and busy on this trip," he said, resting his glass on the table. His tone had turned suddenly somber and his eyes earnest. "There are things I’ve wanted to tell you—to explain to you, but I can’t just yet."

Your mob connections? Your gambling addiction? My father’s debt? I pushed all those "things" to the back of my mind, not wanting to spoil the mood with negative thoughts about things I had no control over. I took another sip of my rum, its sweet tingle rolling down my throat.

"I know I haven’t been the best companion," he continued. "I intend to make it up to you from now on. And when I can, I’ll tell you everything."

"All right," I said cautiously, "I guess I can … wait."

He leaned forward and kissed me on the brow. "That's my girl."

That reminded me of something you'd say to a love-sick teenager. I downed the rest of my drink. "I am a big girl, you know. And I can manage for myself. You don't have to worry about me. Just go take care of your business, Tony." I tried not to sound angry. Maybe he didn't know he'd hurt my feelings.

He tilted his head, that narrow-eyed look coming over his face. "Are you okay?"

"I guess I still have a lot to learn to keep you entertained," I said, emboldened by the rum.

"Oh?" he said, raising his eyebrows.

I smiled slyly. "Perhaps I should take some dancing lessons from your lady friend at the burlesque show."


I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised that he remembered her name, especially after that sultry kiss they'd shared. A pang of jealousy ran through me, but I tamped it down. After all, it wasn’t Krissy he’d made love to this morning. "Have you known her long?" I asked casually, trying not to sound as hurt as I felt.

Antonio finished his drink and paid the bartender as he spoke. "Yes, she was a college friend, paying for her education by working at a strip club. She got involved with a classmate of mine who proceeded to get her pregnant. But, who also didn’t care too much about the responsibility fatherhood entailed. I almost feel bad for saying it, but I think it was better for Krissy that this guy died in a plane accident a short while after the baby was born."

"Oh," I said, suddenly ashamed of myself for judging the woman.

"Her parents wouldn’t have anything to do with her because of her situation," he said, his eyes had a faraway look in them. "I hadn’t really thought about her much after the funeral, but then I ran into her a few years later. I’d just finished college and was taking over my dad’s business. She and her daughter were about to be evicted from their apartment. Dance and performing arts were always her thing. I didn’t want to see her go back to stripping like she'd been planning, so I put her in touch with some colleagues and got her a job. She’s been headlining on the Twilight PhantaSea ever since. It's worked out well. Her daughter has tutors and friends to play with on board the ship."

This wasn’t the first time I’d learned about Tony stepping up to help someone. Embarrassment flooded through me at my unkind thoughts.

"That was good of you to help her out."

He shrugged, turning away. "It was the right thing to do, and I could afford to do it." He seemed reluctant to talk about it. Not shy so much as reserved.

On some level it annoyed me that he’d been so generous with these other women, while he'd kept me in his debt. At the same time, I didn't want him to retreat into himself again, regardless of any hurt feelings I might have. Besides, after last night, I suspected a lot of things had changed.

I touched his hand. "I’m a little hungry," I said, changing the subject. "Why don’t we go grab a bite to eat?"

Chapter Twenty-One


The fresh bread and cheese helped to counteract the effects of the rum, which was probably a good thing. All that taste testing had definitely gone to my head. I imagined Maria’s playful chiding, which reminded me I needed to contact her later that evening. But we still had some time left on the island and Antonio had already set everything up to keep us occupied all day long. Our next stop was a perfume factory.

"I thought cruises were just about wondering around buying touristy things and lying on beaches," I said, taking pictures of the intricately designed perfume bottles. "This is so much more!"

"I’m glad you’re enjoying it," Antonio said, admiring a little pink bottle topped with a crystalline butterfly. "What do you think of this for Hilary?"

I picked up the sample bottle, taking a tiny sniff. The light citrus scent smelled refreshing and cool, and very tropical. But it wasn’t overwhelming—perfect for his secretary’s bright and efficient personality. "I think she’d definitely like this one. Do you want me to pick something for Priscilla?"

He gave me a surprised look. "You know, Priscilla intimidates a lot of women—but you really seem to work well with her."

I sniffed at another sample. This one had a subtle hint of rosemary. "I like her no-nonsense attitude," I said, handing him the bottle. "And I’ve learned so much from her."

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